Chapter Two: Advancement on Knighthood
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Leylin's eyes shot open as the AI chip roused him from his slumber. It optimized the breathing technique, enhancing its effects while completely eliminating any side effects. Now, the technique could rival the hidden techniques of even small kingdoms.

Leylin was well aware of this newfound power, but he had another idea in mind. What if he could gather techniques from others in this group? Many noble children carried their family's knight techniques, and Leylin saw an opportunity to bolster the AI chip's database. By analyzing and optimizing these techniques, he could create an even stronger technique to accelerate his cultivation in Knight training before reaching the Great Plains of Death.

'What can I offer them in exchange for these techniques?' Leylin pondered, contemplating different strategies. 'Perhaps I could threaten them with their lives, or maybe I can befriend them and coax the techniques out of them later.' He quickly dismissed the latter idea, realizing it would take too much time.

'Ah, what if I offer them my own technique and assist them in improving theirs in private?' A sly smile crept across Leylin's face as a plan formed in his mind. 'The thirst for more power might push them to divulge their techniques willingly. But they must be hungry for it,' he mused, his eyes flashing with cunning. Leylin had observed the weaker among the noble children, recognizing their vulnerability in the upcoming battle. A slow smile emerged as he contemplated their potential.


Fifteen days later,

Leylin had endured two hectic weeks, filled with intense training in the breathing technique, mock battles with Gorge, and interactions with the targeted noble children. Thanks to Besstia's kept promise, Leylin could engage with them freely. In a public display, she forgave him, returned his possessions, and even rewarded him with a cross sword to compensate for the inconveniences caused by her pursuers.

Leylin's impression of Besstia was that of a cunning noble lady. Her morning performance was nothing short of spectacular, portraying her as magnanimous and kind in the eyes of others. It was possible that she was also recruiting individuals who were moved by her act. However, Leylin felt a sense of joy within, knowing that he could finally rest in his cozy tent.

Motivated by the power he had experienced while practising the Knight Breathing Technique, Leylin redoubled his efforts. He managed to acquire ten more techniques from the weaker noble children, making slight adjustments to their techniques with the help of the AI. This way, they could comprehend the improvements and experience the enhanced effects. Of course, he made sure they swore in private to never speak of it with others. He had carefully chosen his targets, engaging with them for three days and using the AI's analytical abilities to filter and select the most beneficial techniques and people.

With all the hard work he had put in, Leylin now examined his improved stats:

[Leylin Farlier

Strength: 1.9

Agility: 1.9

Vitality: 1.9

Status: Healthy]

In just two weeks, Leylin had reached the peak stage among the Preparatory Knights. This remarkable progress was made possible by the AI's ability to create a vastly superior breathing technique based on the techniques he had gathered. He might just be the strongest Preparatory Knight in the realm. Now, all he needed to do was become a Knight, which would grant him a 95% chance of survival in the upcoming life-and-death battle, as predicted by the AI chip. However, the only way to achieve that was to enter the battlefield and endure fierce and bloody battles to trigger his inner life energy and ascend to the Knight realm. Luckily, he had the perfect opportunity to accomplish that.

Although Besstia had forgiven Leylin two weeks earlier, her Flower Guardians and their leader, Ourin, had not ceased their harassment. Their actions were beginning to grate on Leylin's nerves. Sacrificing them for the greater good seemed more appealing than ever, especially considering they were about to enter the last Kingdom, Arstin, before venturing into the wilderness.


After arriving in the capital of the Kingdom and spending a day gathering all the candidates, the three Magi who had been travelling with them decided to leave the Caravan to its own devices.

Seizing this opportunity, Ourin and his group of five harboured malicious intent toward the boy they despised, Leylin, for daring to taint their goddess with his presence. They began with taunts, escalating to slandering Leylin's family in front of others. Their goal was to provoke him into a fight, providing them with an excuse to cripple him should anyone object.

Intrigue and calculation gleamed in the eyes of the noble children as they observed the unfolding scene. The remaining black-robed Knights watched with stoic expressions, indifferent to the spoiled brats' actions as long as no one was killed.

Worry furrowed Gorge's brow as he witnessed Ourin and his group slander Leylin's family name. Having sparred with Leylin for the past two weeks, Gorge was aware of the young man's newfound strength. He feared that Leylin might lose control and engage in a head-on confrontation. Although Leylin now matched Gorge in physical prowess and surpassed him in swordplay, he still wasn't powerful enough to take on five Preparatory Knights at once. Seeing Leylin rise from his seat with a furious expression and stride toward the provocateurs, Gorge cursed under his breath and followed, accompanied by his friends Gus and Larry.

Besstia maintained a poker face as she observed the unfolding situation. She sincerely hoped they wouldn't fight and injure themselves right before entering the wilderness. If they were so eager to display their prowess, it would have been wiser to do so in front of the beasts of the Great Death Plain. With a worried expression, she also joined the crowd, who quickly made way for her.

The commotion in the palace courtyard drew a crowd, encircling Leylin, Ourin, and his group. Gorge stood at the forefront, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His eyes fixated on Ourin's group with a sharp gaze, and he wasn't the only one. Ten more individuals shared his intense focus.

Ourin smirked, pleased with the turnout. It seemed his plan was working, and now, with the crowd as witnesses, he would have a justifiable reason to cripple Leylin if the latter attacked first. It became a game of nerves, and the question lingered: Who would break first? However, Ourin was taken aback when Leylin finally spoke.

"Let's have an honour duel," Leylin declared, wearing a calm expression on his face. Gasps echoed through the crowd. An honour duel was a means for those of higher status, such as nobles, to settle irreconcilable feuds without starting a full-blown war that could claim the lives of hundreds of thousands.

"I challenge all five of you to an honour duel. However, we'll modify the rules a bit: in exchange for our lives, the losing party must surrender all their precious possessions and their left hand," Leylin proposed.

Upon hearing Leylin's words, Ourin snorted in disdain. Initially surprised that Leylin had suggested an honourable duel—a mortal combat—he quickly dismissed it as Leylin being a wuss. Ourin remembered their previous encounter when Leylin had begged for his life. However, now that Leylin had altered the rules, Ourin's contempt deepened.

Leylin patiently waited for their response. He understood the foolishness of challenging five Preparatory Knights simultaneously, but according to the calculations of the A.I., he had an 87% chance of surviving this encounter without the A.I.'s assistance and a staggering 99.99% chance with it. These odds were far better than entering the Great Plains of Death as a Preparatory Knight with an 80% survivability rate. Becoming a Knight could increase that rate by 15%.

Ourin exchanged glances with his group, mirth flickering in his eyes. Ultimately, he indulged Leylin's request since he was getting his wish.

The atmosphere in the palace courtyard was charged with tension as Leylin and Ourin faced off, surrounded by a sea of onlookers. Leylin's eyes burned with determination, while Ourin's smirk exuded overconfidence. It was a clash of wills, and the outcome would determine the fate of both parties.

Without wasting a second, Ourin and his group of Preparatory Knights launched their assault. Each of them unleashed their unique techniques, showcasing their prowess and pushing Leylin on the defensive. Their movements were swift and precise, their strikes aimed to overpower their opponent.

Leylin, however, stood firm. He evaded, parried, and blocked with a combination of agility and skill which the AI helped him with his physical conditioning as if he had honed it through rigorous training. His opponents' attacks grew more relentless, their coordination is impeccable. It was clear that they had trained together, their techniques complementing each other seamlessly.

As Leylin defended himself, he searched for an opening. He needed a moment to unleash his family's secret technique, a technique passed down through generations and refined to perfection. It was time to reveal its power.

With a burst of speed, Leylin dodged a series of strikes, creating an opening. In an instant, he executed a seamless sequence of movements, his body moving in perfect harmony with his blade. His sword glimmered with a silvery light as he unleashed the full force of his family's technique.

Secret Killing Move - Cross Slash: The Killing Move was something that had the essence of several killing techniques inside, using a profound skill level to raise one's killing ability.

He performs a Vertical Slash followed immediately by Horizontal Slash, the two slashes then fused together forming a radiant cross.

A wave of energy surged forward, cutting through the air with an otherworldly force. The sheer power behind Leylin's attack caught his opponents off guard. Ourin and his group staggered back, their expressions a mix of shock and pain. Blood seeped through the gashes that were left behind by the attack.

But they were not defeated yet. Rallying their strength, the five Preparatory Knights regrouped, their determination fueling their resolve. They unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks, each strike aiming to overwhelm Leylin.

Leylin fought with all his might, his blade a blur as he parried and countered: Horizontal Slash, Vertical Slash, Piercing Attack, and Slanted Slash. The battle reached a crescendo, with sparks flying and the clash of steel echoing through the courtyard. The onlookers watched in awe and suspense, unable to tear their eyes away from the spectacle unfolding before them.

Just as Leylin thought he might be overwhelmed, a surge of energy coursed through his body. The danger he faced triggered a breakthrough. Leylin's aura intensified, and he tapped into his inner life energy, crossing the threshold into the realm of Knights.

He feel every artery in his body expanding quickly, and the blood continuously surged, circulating huge amounts of energy into the various parts of his body. A warm current gradually rose in an inverted triangle area 5cm below his lower abdomen

Now infused with newfound power, Leylin pushed back against his adversaries. His strikes became more precise and devastating, his movements faster and more fluid. He sliced through the air, cutting through his opponents' defences with precision.

In a daring move, Leylin targeted their left hands, aiming to cripple them as he had promised. One by one, he struck with surgical precision, severing their limbs and leaving his opponents writhing in pain. The courtyard erupted in gasps and shocked murmurs.

As Leylin stood amidst the fallen, his breathing heavy and his body drenched in sweat, bloodied clothes sticking to his body, and a large gash in his back which was the trigger that helped him to break through, he surveyed the scene. The once-arrogant Ourin and his group now lay defeated and humiliated. Leylin had triumphed against all odds, relying on his skill, determination, and the strength he discovered within himself.

The crowd watched in awe and admiration, witnessing Leylin's rise from underdog to the victor. He had proven himself against formidable opponents, demonstrating his growth and resilience.

Amidst the cheers and applause, Leylin's gaze shifted to Gorge, who stood nearby, his expression a mix of surprise and respect. Leylin's victory had earned him the admiration and acknowledgement of his peers.

With the battle won, Leylin flicked his blade then sheathed it and took a moment to catch his breath. The path to becoming a Knight had been paved with challenges, but he had emerged stronger than ever. His journey was far from over, but with each step, Leylin grew closer to his ultimate goal of survival in the life-and-death battle that awaited him in the Great Plains of Death.


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