CH. 2 – The Obscurus
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'Ugh. Where am I?' He swore he was going home from the supermarket and then, and then what? He didn't remember. 'Why can't I see anything?' His vision was as black as the ink in a pen. He felt he could still move around, but was suppressed by something. Did someone tie him up? He tried to shout but nothing come out. Gag? No. He didn't feel anything blocking his mouth. Did he get kidnapped? Why would they — Oh, maybe they found out. He had covered his tracks well. Not well enough, apparently. Was it MI6 or the CIA? They have let go of the method of torture for gaining intelligence, right? Right?

Wait. No. He wasn't blind. When he focused on seeing, he saw wisps of color. He saw five near him. The nearest was the grandest of the wisps, a toxic green color. Another wisp was near it, a red one. The red wisp had its root mangled with the green wisp. By the looks of it, the red wisp was feeding on the green wisp, and it doesn't seem the green wisp would retaliate. Was he a wisp too? He would need a mirror to confirm. The other three wisps were puny and a dull shade of gray compared to the red and green wisps.

He felt hungry. He looked at how the red wisp feed on the green wisp. The feeding was excruciatingly slow. The red wisp would never finish the green wisp at this pace. Can he reach the red wisp and feed on it? He could try at least. Moving, he was moving. Moving was like swimming in a goop with erratic density. Sometimes it held him back, other times he flowed unimpeded. He was now near the red wisp. He extended his… arm? So, he was a wisp too. That confirms it. He felt a sting as his arm reached the red wisp. The red wisp tried to swat his attempt but due to its smaller size, he was able to overwhelm the red wisp.

Does he just… suck it? That came out weird. Siphon, yes, siphon; Let's use that instead. He siphoned the red wisp and consume it into his own. The siphoning process was slow. Could it be faster than this? What if he just swallows the red wisp? Will that hasten the process? He opened his mouth – which was represented by a gap to his hollow inside – to stretch it out to eat the red wisp in one go and swallow it. The red wisp was in a frenzy to get out, and the green wisp grew thorns from the sudden breakage of the link between it and the red wisp. The thorns eventually subside back into the green wisp.

He munches the red wisp. It felt like chewing a bauble gum. Probably because wisps don't have any teeth. He could feel the red wisp get tinier with each chomp. When he finished consuming the red wisp, he was still feeling hungry. Not as much as before, but hunger nonetheless. It seems he would never get satiated. He looked at the green wisp. He was bigger than before he ate the red wisp. Not only that, but he was now half the green wisp size. He was a fourth of the green wisp's size, and the red wisp was half of his size before he ate the red wisp. He can't stretch his mouth that far to engulf the green wisp. Perhaps if he ate the other three gray wisps, he would be able to eat it.

The three wisps were above him. Two were together while another was not far from them. He shifted to the two, but he found that he couldn't go to them. Something was preventing him from going to those wisps. He looked back and found the hindrance. The green wisp was preventing him. Tentacles had latched onto him, which had stopped him from going any further. He tried to gnaw on the tentacles, however it grew spikes along the bitten tentacles. It stung. If it could just let him go, he could eat the three wisps and then the green wisp. He attempted to shake it off to no avail. He gave up and let it drag him back. Hopefully, it doesn't gnaw on him.

Oh. It just put him near it. Huh. Was that why the red wisp had siphoned off it? It is enormous and doesn't even try to retaliate. If it doesn't let him feed on the three wisps, then he supposes he should start to siphon the green wisp. He extended a hand – tentacles to the green wisp and spread the tentacles all over the green wisp. As he connected to the green wisp, he saw what it saw, feel what it feels, hear what it hears, taste what it tastes; like he had gained his human sense again. It wasn't the same reaction as when he had connected to the red wisp to siphon it.

He could see a small room, he – it was on a stiff floor? Bed? It was blurry. It was in pain. Its back, chest, and right hand were in pain. He heard sobbing, was it sobbing? Was it blurry because of the tears? He could taste a metallic flavor in his – its mouth. As the roots consolidate, he could hear its thoughts. Its thoughts were miserable. He shouldn't call it an it anymore, he could hear from the thoughts, a boy. Wanting someone to save the boy. Oh, poor poor boy. He supposes he could slow down his feeding and observe the boy for a little while.