Chapter 15: The Power to Reshape The Universe
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"Words can Inspire and Words can destroy... Choose yours wisely" - Robin Sharma


(Third pov)

The Mansion was eerily quiet, as Masamune slowly roamed the hallways, no sound could be heard except these rhythmic steps, exposing the silence that covered this Mansion.

As He walked, He displayed an unusual Sense of calmness, in stark contrast to what he usually displayed around others, soon he came across a seemingly ordinary hallway yet he instinctively knew that's where he should be right now.

Thus he slowly started walking through that hallway, the more he walked the more the atmosphere got eerie, and soon it felt as if the hallway was intentionally stretching longer and longer without stopping.

Still, it didn't cause him to stop walking, and soon he saw resembles of misplaced objects all over the floor in the distance yet he couldn't properly make out what there was.

But He got his answer pretty quickly as he accidentally stepped on a small piece of flesh, he merely took a glance and continued walking, the closer he walked to the door, the more gory the scene got.

Mutilated flesh lay everywhere as the blood of varied colors of red was beautifully  painted all along the walls as if it was decorated by someone, chunks of exposed flesh were seen on bodies of what was previously human, they all had some similarities however considering that they wore clothes resembling house servants which worked in this mansion.

Yet... The unusual thing wasn't that but simply the fact, of how unfazed and unbothered Masanune seemed as he walked past them toward the door.

Quickly enough he stood in front of the door as he opts to open it, it took time and made creaking sounds despite no apparent issue with the door, it acted as if to add more to the ominous atmosphere.

The room was barely visible yet A gruesome scene that caused the previously calm Masamune to finally feel a Varied range of negative emotions, His hands clenched enough to vaguely show his veins, and his face turned into a deep frown  as if he was tempted to give into those emotions.

Alas He quickly calmed down though as His eyes focused on a being who sat upon a throne of disfigured bodies, bodies that belonged to people he knew personally, even that wouldn't have caused such an effect on him.

But the mere actions of that being, who oddly resembled himself from his pastlife playing with the inside intesticals of his mom and sister, uncaring of his actions yet with a creepy smile on his face.

The 'Damien' lookalike entity looked straight into Masamune as its smile creepily widened as he muttered "Ah... You are finally here... And I was just about to die from bore~dom" yet it sounded loud enough that Masamune could hear it clearly even though there was a considerable distance between.

The entity stood up as he stretched his hands as if to get rid of his tiredness from a hard work and let out a yawn as it said "Oh... Don't just be shyly standing there~ Come inside~ Come inside~ after all this is your place rig~ht~?" he finished with an insidious laughter.

Masamune didn't say anything as he quietly entered the room completely and started walking towards This entity as the door that was behind him slowly closed up and vanished as if it was never there...

"Hmm~? Bo~ring~ and here I thought my gift for your 9th birthday would make you very happy~ after all it was a FAMILY SPECIAL~" The entity said with laughter when he noticed Masamune didn't have the appropriate expression he was hoping for.

" Well~ Considering how special you are, being a reincarnated individual and whatnot, I guess that gift wasn't that much of a surprise~ But You did have Style in your Past life, that much I could say~" When the entity saw Masamune still not saying anything as he got closer, he decided to taunt Masamune by exposing what could be considered his greatest secret.

Yet The entity only saw Masamune's Uncanny reaction with those uncaring indifferent eyes as if everything This entity did so far didn't hold any meaning to Masamune...

That irked This Entity even more, making him after a long time period feel a sense of uneasiness, which caused him to rethink his plan...

Yet when he saw Masamune about to speak as he finally came close enough, he felt Reassured as he secretly snickered and scolded himself for foolishly thinking how a human could even remain unaffected by those.

"... Interesting... So this is a nightmare... Fueled by Emotions..." Yet when The entity heard what Masamune said in an amused tone.

He almost immediately knew something very wrong was going on as he hurriedly tried to leave by saying "Fufu~ indeed... You have figured it out quite quickly But alas... I would have to go now~ As I just remembered I needed to take care of a business matter, so cya- hm?" yet he couldn't leave this Dreamscape when he tried.

He at first felt confused as he tried again and again But the more he tried the more it dawned on him, he couldn't escape... that is when he realized the scenario around him had changed...

"You done?" Masamune asked unsympathetically as he sipped his iced tea while he stared deeply into the eyes of that entity, which was now struggling to even move as it was in a kneeling position before Masamune who was sitting on a sofa.

The entity tried to speak only to realize it was futile as his lips were sealed tight by an invisible force, no matter what he tried to say, it didn't work.

"You know, It has been a long time since I last experienced a Nightmare, I honestly thought I would never be able... But thank you~ You helped a lot, Yes~ Yes~ Indeed how is this possible? Truly how could a mere Human be able to trick the mighty trickster known as Satan" Masamune spoke more in amusement as he twirled his finger on the teacup.

"Pride... It's a foreign emotion to me, Not because I haven't felt proud, oh no but simply because I never truly understood the need to excessively indulge in it, But you However Should be pretty familiar with it" Masamune spoke without care but it was enough to grab the entity known as Satan's Attention Considering His struggles slowed down.

"That was the core reason along with many others which made you conspire and 'betray' The Almighty" Masamune spoke yet Satan didn't seem to care Afterall to him, it's a story well known since the beginning of Everything

"But... I started to question that... When I was researching an oddly similar Holy Chapter in this universe..., True there were significant differences, Like there is no mention of a character named Samuel and so on..." Masamune Continued Seemingly Unaware of Satan who moved around in an uneasy manner.

"Yet... Even in this timeline, for some odd reason, you chose to GUIDE... Humanity Astray, Differently Yet Similar in Manner, Truly... Fascinating, Don't you think? " Masamune asked no one in particular yet Satan seemed unnerved in a manner.

" But alas... It seems we truly don't have much time to talk... Soon I will wake up... Who cares though, since I have already captured you... We can take our time to get to know each other... Don't worry about Your followers... They are after all similar to you, Eager to Serve a Worthy Master" Masamune simply Stated with a Smile as he finally looked toward Satan.

Who seemed to be stunned yet deeply contemplating... And finally stopped completely struggling as he stated back at Masamune deeply

"Good... You Understand... S.S Start Extracting... EVERYTHING until Sufficient Data has been collected for our questions..." Masamune stood up and clapped his hands once as he nodded to himself.

<<<Affirmative~>>> S.S Stated Sweetly as the Dreamscape Slowly started compressing using Satan as the center while Masamune quietly Walked out of a door that appeared as he hummed a song with a smile on his face.

Fate is fascinating... It stretches its claws beyond The entire Omniverse, The irony of Satan Being Captured by Masamune Of all... considering their vast history unknown To this Satan..., But Alas that's a Story for another time... For now, The Timeline of Overlord has shifted yet again...


In A dirty Alleyway Filled with an unhygienic amount of Trash that was spread everywhere, Although that wasn't saying too much considering This city along with every Dome city was littered with such trash with nobody except Rustic cleaner bots to take care of it...

The usually not-so-peaceful alleyway was peculiarly Quiet Today But the residents in it didn't seem to care, As rough sounds and heavy breathing resounded from there.

A group of Three Delinquents that looked to be middle-aged men Were trying to corner a Kid who seemed to be at the tender age of Twelve, Yet they all including the kid had something in common, they wore dirty Clothes with visible signs of decay and tatteredness.

Luckily they had a poor but at least useable pair of Breathing Masks otherwise they might suffocate to death from the pollution in the air, How they obtained those masks is another matter but nobody would care in this desolate world.

"Why.. huff... are you Resisting us... Huff.. so much... It's not like we are trying to Harm you or anything..." One of the delinquents Said to the kid between his heavy breaths.

"...Huff... Yeah... Just stop... We are just bringing you to your new 'Home'... huff... With even a 'Family' to add on... Ugh-" another one tried to say while trying to grab onto the kid but only to receive a kick to his balls as the kid escaped using the gap between that guy's legs...

The reality was far from What was stated by The delinquents, Which could be perceived by Their behavior and sugar-coated words, In the 'Shopping Centre' there is never an end to Supply and Products, A Customer could get anything from simple everyday Slave collar to a full-blown child to live TheirTwistedd Fantasy.

The kid knew that very well considering she has seen enough times how people leave but never seemed to return... Also because she has encountered similar situations in the past.

So she Coldly Evaded The three Delinquents who wanted to make some money by offering her those vile things that shouldn't be considered Human.

After all, Even When the world was more normal such practices were still common... It is to be expected it will be worse in a dark timeline as this, although it is still considered 'illegal' But that's generally to deceive the mindless masses who would rather believe in working hours on end every day without rest

"Ugh... Enough! Huff... You better give up or else we would have to turn more... Malicious" One of the delinquent stated as he pulled out a small piece of object that had a certain edge to it, Truly a testament to how expensive everything have gotten

That however didn't seem to faze the kid, as she remained unwavering after all... She intentionally lured this group of Delinquents here so she could kill them...

She let out a defeated sigh as she quickly put her hands behind her as the delinquents felt delighted thinking the kid has given up... They didn't realize it until they heard a loud enough beep along with a robotic voice stating

 " Warning Warning... Tempering detected. Please stand by notifying the authorities... Warning!, Warning, excessive heat detected! It may explode, it may explo-" from the ground at their feets which caused them to panic, and before they could run, a small explosion but enough to gravely injure them occurred

Who would have known, Tampering with a mostly charged battery that caused it to heat up from the insides rapidly could cause an explosion...

The kid however wasn't unaffected as she was flung across the wall due to the force released from it as her Breather mask fell from her face

She desperately struggled as she tried to get her Breather mask,only to discover... The mask had a visible wide crack on it... Rendering it completely useless after some time, yet she still put it on, waiting to slowly die.

But even in her last moments... She didn't feel despair... No... she actually felt relieved... Finally... She would be free... Free from this burden called life...

At least she managed to take somescums from this world with her, along with her but She deserved it... For not being powerful enough to survive... her eyes slowly lost their color as she could sense the oxygen escaping her... Yet she simply smiled contently as she closed her eyes.

She narrowly heard a dreadful annoying voice ask her "Do... you know what... Power is?" But It did make her ponder...

She finally thought it was probably having a strong enough will to change this world... A will to live... Which she lacked thus making her powerless... She smiled bitterly at that...

"No, you pretend you know, but truly you don't..." That voice answered which truly made her feel infuriated but yet also curious...  Her thoughts asking this figure for the answer.

 "Power is not just having enough will to make a change but rather the phenomenon to physically make it happen by all means necessary... Even if you have to Break the universe apart by doing so..." The voice answered for her.

She felt she finally understood... Even if she could barely process this odd conversation with the last of her willpower... But she understood... Which instinctively caused her to yearn for such power...  A power to truly change this world...

"You are an interesting one... I guess, I could give you a chance... Oh... I forgot to asked your name... Mind telling me?" The voice chuckled as he asked her amusedly.

She barely could process it at this point yet she managed to mumble "I don't... Name...".

"Oh, interesting... I guess I will give you one then... Hmmm... You remind of someone but they don't exist... In this world... but I guess she won't mind it, so you will be from now on be known as Sakaguchi... Hinata... Do live up to her name..." the voice named with a Fondful tone.

The kid finally receiving a name in this world... Finally felt a sense of belonging in this world and especially to this unknown voice right then she felt a new burst of fresh oxygen enter her artificial lungs...

She slowly lost consciousness due to the sudden splash of oxygen but she managed to asked "Whooo... Are... You...?"

"Oh? I have a few names... more like titles But I am mostly known as... Madara Uchiha..., Rest well now~, you have a lot of work to do" Madara chuckled as he looked at Hinata with His scarlet red eyes that had odd tomoe that twirled around

Hinata with a smile on her face finally slept peacefully in this forsaken world... Unaware of the future that she holds with his man...

<Well... I guess, that's another pawn... S.S... Let's introduce this world to the Ghost of Uchiha, Shall We?> Madara... No Masamune grimly smiled and stated

<<< Affirmative...>>> S.S also grimly smiled and stated


Word count: 2559 words

Ah finally I have mostly recovered, well more like my fever switch places with a runny nose ussop and his brother coughing baby... Anyways at least I can write now... Will try to Post double chapters the next couple of days to make up for not posting chapters,

 Sorry if I didn't post the usual "chapter note" thingy Authors usually post to state their reasoning and shits but I prefer commenting on the last chapter's comments section to update on my issues, else imagine thinking I uploaded a chapter only to be disappointed it's an announcement "chapter"

That would probably only happen if this fanfic is ending, so if you ever wanted to know why I haven't been uploading, I would probably state it like this author section or if it was unexpected then in the chapter comment section anyways cya

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As will release the bot game when snow finally finishes making it, lets just say it has roles that give server powers and stuff in my server at least