Prologue – Death is but the Beginning
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[A/N- I'm a big horror movie fan, and I thought it'd be neat seeing something like that in a fantasy setting. So, I decided to start writing a story of my own instead of another chapter of my other series, I'm the kind of person that restarts video games all the time. Guess I'm the same with writing. Anyway, enjoy!]

In a forest near a lake, far from any town, a couple are hiking through the woods.

"I don't know, Brad... are you sure we're supposed to be out here?" A cute blonde wearing a green shirt, jeans, and hiking boots, says to the somewhat tall brown haired man wearing a red sleeveless shirt that exposes his well toned arms.

"It's fine, Jenny. If we weren't allowed to come here surely there would be fences or at least a sign out here saying 'no hikers' on it. We're fine."

As the couple continue through the forest they come across a car parked near a shack.

"See? Someone else is out here. We could ask them if it's okay to camp out here and it'll be fine." The brunette says.

The male walks up to the building and knocks on the door, waiting briefly for an answer.

Jenny decides to check out the car when she hears someone screaming for help. She looks up to see a woman with brown hair, wearing torn and blood soaked clothes.

"HELP ME! PLEASE! HE'S COMING!" The woman runs to the blonde.

Brad turns to see the woman and his girlfriend, concern showing on his face.

"Hey! Are you okay?" He asks.

The woman looks to him and then to something behind him before letting out a scream.


The man turns to briefly see a large silhouette in the door window, before the glass shatters and a fire ax splits the man's skull.

Brad drops to the ground, the ax still in his head, lifeless.

The two girls scream in horror as the hulking figure steps out of the doorframe, dressed in dark clothing, wearing a tactical looking helmet that completely hid his facial features under a white, painted on skull.

The man grips the handle of the ax, placing a boot onto Brad's face, and retrieves his ax. Then turns toward the women.

They run to the car in front of the shack, hoping to escape. To their delight it's unlocked and they climb inside. They lock the doors. And as they search around for the keys, "Fuck! Tommy had the keys!" The brunette exclaimed.

A tap on hood of the car cause the girls look up to see the man in a skull mask staring at them in front of the car. He is dangling the keys from his hand.

He clicks the button causing the doors to unlock.

The girls try to scramble out of the car but the man reaches the blonde and thrusts the ax through her chest. She drops to the ground as the man pulls his ax from her chest.

The brunette runs into the shack, hoping to find a phone to call for help.

The man gives chase but the woman was able to lock and barricade the door with a shelf.

She looks around, searching for some way out of this nightmare. "Come on, come on, come on! Think, Sara!" She then sees a machete hanging on the wall.

She grabs the machete and hides as the killer continues to break through her improvised barrier.

He bursts into the shack, slowly scanning the room for his victim. He treads slowly through the small building.

Sara tenses as her attacker gets closer to her hiding spot, ready to fight for her life. The killer is about to find her when she leaps out from hiding and swings the machete towards the killer's throat.

The sound of metal clashing rings through the air as the killer blocks the attack with his ax and swipes the machete towards the ground. The man grips Sara's throat, cutting off her oxygen. The woman manages to raise the machete and pierces the killer's chest.

The killer's grip lessened for a moment as he dropped his ax in pain and shock. He then moves his now free hand up to strangle the woman.

In one last attempt Sara twists the machete deeper into the killer's chest. The man lurches and screams in pain, sounding more like an angry growl of a dying beast than a human. Sara's vision fades as she feels herself drop to the ground as she fades into unconsciousness.


'I feel my strength slowly fading as I writhe in a pool of my own blood, my favorite blade stabed through my chest... is this what death feels like? I've never came this close before.'

'I look at the woman who managed to put an end to me. I feel no hate towards her. She was strong enough to survive this long... it is commendable. Out of sixteen, eighteen counting the surprises, only she survived from this group.'

'I... think I'm going to rest here for a bit. It's getting harder to move and I'm getting pretty tired.'




'After a time, I wake when I hear her start to move. She's waking up. I listen as she gets up and kicks my motionless body, checking if I'm alive. I feel my adrenaline spike and my pain fades as my strength returns to me. I stand up and lurch towards her, in one last effort to kill my prey.'

"NO! That's not possible! This isn't happening!" She screams.

She stands, horrified at what she's witnessing.

'I pull the machete from my chest and stab it through her heart. She drops to the ground, dead.'

'I drop my weapon and hurry towards where I keep the medical equipment. Every now and again one of my victims manages to hurt me. I've never suffered a wound this severe before though.'

'I feel myself growing weaker as I search for something to patch myself up with. By now I've had years of practice patching up my own wounds.'

'I realize I won't be able to fix it this time, and head towards my last victim. I collapse next to her as my vision fades once again.'

'You may be wondering how I survived until now with my chest injury. Well, to be honest, I don't really know. I've always had these urges to hunt people, and when I acted on them I always got this rush that dulled my pain and gave me strength.'


'I suppose this is it. Not a bad life to be honest... At least I died this way instead of an execution or old age.'

'As my consciousness fades I slip into a deep, dark, sleep...'

[A/N- So that's the start. I hope you enjoyed the slasher movie inspired opening to this story. I don't think I handled the superpower part that well though so I'll explain what I was going for. I was thinking this version of Earth would be similar to the one from the movies: 'Unbreakable', 'Split', and 'Mr. Glass'. It's a world where people have superpowers but nobody really knows for sure they're superpowers. If you've seen the movies you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't and want to, then go check it out. 'Mr. Glass kind of has everything you'll need to know about it but the first two are good too.]