Chapter 4: Hildbrand’s decision.
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Although six long years have passed since I last saw my father's face, the memory remains vivid in my mind. 

Aside from a few wrinkles, he hasn't aged much. With his long grey hair and piercing blue eyes, he exudes the presence of a great wolf, commanding attention and respect.

"I was just passing by, so I decided to check on you. It seems you've been busy in these past six years." 

My father speaks, his tone casual.

"Is that the only reason you're here?" 

I reply, my voice carefully controlled to conceal my rage.

"Of course not. Your youngest brother, whom you've never met, has earned the title of a sword saint." 

My father calmly reveals, his demeanor unwavering. Though his words lack mockery, they only serve to further infuriate me.

I yearn to lash out, to unleash my anger, but I know it would only reveal my weakness in front of him.

"Then I congratulate you. However, whatever transpires within the Razorhardt family no longer concerns me." 

I respond nonchalantly, purposefully walking past him.

Duke Gladius raises his arm and places it on my shoulder, halting my movement abruptly.

"I have decided to welcome you back into the family. A carriage will arrive tomorrow. If you choose to come, you can once again bear the Razorhardt name.“

“However, if you decline, you will be truly cast out from the family. You know what that means." 

My father leans in close, his voice tinged with a threatening tone. 

"Choose wisely."

With that, he exits the cabin, leaving me to contemplate my predicament.

"Accept his offer," breaks the silence, the voice of none other than Emerys .

I gaze at my great ancestor, leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.

"Sorry, Millie tried to stop them..." 

Millie appears from the rooftop, her hands fidgeting nervously. Soon after, the rest of my teachers enter the cabin.

"Don't listen to him. It's better to stay here." 

Priestess Joanna offers her opinion.

"But this land belongs to the Razorhardts. They can cast him out whenever they please. Besides, there are more advantages to going than staying."

Frelain sighs deeply, shaking his head.

"Then we'll find another place where he can stay and train safely. I know of some suitable locations," Gregorie chimes in, aligning with Priestess Joanna.

"Millie will accept whatever decision you make," Millie states firmly.

Now, two of Hildbrand's teachers want him to stay, two want him to leave, and one remains undecided.

"It seems he's in quite a pickle here?"

 Collins analyzes the situation, realizing that his stance will surely impact Hildbrand. As a mere child in every sense of the word, he relies on them like a duckling follows its mother, unaware of the dangers lurking in the world.

The weight of this decision bears down upon Collins, and he knows he must choose his path wisely. 

The future of his beloved student's own destiny hang in the balance. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the choice that lies ahead.

Morning arrived, and with it came the sound of hooves approaching the empty cabin. The carriage finally arrived. The coachman stepped down from his seat and opened the door. 

As I saw the arrival of the carriage, my steps were hesitant. Collins' words from last night echoed in my mind, reminding me of the weight of my decision. 

“I'll will return…”

With a whispered farewell to the small cabin, my home, I stepped inside the carriage. The coachman didn't utter any words, and a heavy silence enveloped the space.

"Hildbrand, I understand the weight of this decision, but returning to the Razorhardt family... it's dangerous.“

Princess Joanna still voiced her distress once again, her eyes filled with concern. She couldn't fathom the idea of me returning to the Razorhardt family. 

Gregorie, too, wore a troubled expression, but they both knew that they had no other options but to relent. The reality of the situation weighed heavily on them.

Even Emerys who is the most blunt remained shut, his eyes closed as he floats in the air.

The carriage began to move, and the scenery outside blurred as we made our way towards the Razorhardt estate. 

Hours passed, and eventually, the carriage came to a stop in front of the grand mansion that bore the name of Razorhardt. The servants are lined from the gate through the door way.

The doors opened, revealing my father, Duke Gladius, waiting to receive me.

He wore a stern expression, his eyes piercing as they met mine.

 There was an unspoken tension in the air as I stepped out of the carriage and stood before him. The weight of his expectations and the gravity of the decision I had made weighed heavily upon me.

Without a word, my father gestured for me to follow him. 

We walked through the ornate halls of the mansion, the grandeur of the place overwhelming. Memories from my childhood flooded back, both fond and painful.

We arrived in a study adorned with shelves filled with ancient tomes and intricate artifacts. 

Duke Gladius motioned for me to sit, his face still impassive. The room seemed to shrink, the air thick with anticipation.

"Hildbrand, I am giving you a second chance."

The duke finally spoke, his voice carrying a mixture of authority and no hint of expectation. 

"But with this chance comes great responsibility. You must prove yourself worthy of the Razorhardt name..."

Hildbrand met his father's gaze, his voice clear and resolute as he uttered words he had long held within him.

"I am not here to prove my worth for the Razorhardt name.“


“I have already made my decision. I am no longer the boy who sought validation through a name. I am not anymore Hildbrand Razorhardt, I am simply Hildbrand."

His father's expression remained unchanged, but a flicker of surprise glinted in his eyes.

"What, then, is the purpose of your presence here?" 

Hildbrand took a deep breath, his resolve unwavering. 

"I came here to tell you something, Father. Something I should have said long ago."

He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing.

"You are a horrible father. You abandoned me when I needed you the most. You may bear the name of Razorhardt, but you have no right to claim any influence over my life or decisions.“

“I am here to say this to your face, once again. You are a horrible father. And, if I were given a chance I will plunged the that sword in your chest."

Silence hung in the air, the weight of his words sinking in. Hildbrand's heart raced, unsure of how his father would respond.

He could be stroke down any moment, saying those words in front of a duke.

Duke Gladius regarded me with a mix of emotions—surprise, anger, and perhaps a glimmer of disgust.

"You speak with such audacity, Hildbrand." he finally replied, his voice tinged with restrained fury. 

"But remember, audacity alone does not make a man.“

 "I am not seeking to be a man in your eyes. I have grown stronger on my own, with the guidance of those who truly care for me."

The duke's face hardened and confused, and he rose from his seat, towering over Hildbrand. 

The tension in the room thickened, but Hildbrand stood his ground, unyielding.

"You may have found solace in the arms of others? But the blood of the Razorhardt runs deep, the blood of a curse wolf. The Razorhardt name carries weight and history. Do not underestimate its significance when your wolfen eyes is awaken."

"The Razorhardt name may have once held power over me, but I have forged my own path. I will not be swayed by the ghosts of the past, not even you Duke Gladius."

In that fleeting moment, a flicker of something passed over Duke Gladius' face. It was difficult to discern whether it was anger, disappointment, or perhaps even a begrudging respect. But whatever it was, it vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, replaced by a stoic mask of indifference, his true face.

"Very well, Hildbrand." He said, his voice dripping with condescension. "If you are so eager to cast aside your heritage, then be it so. You will no longer bear the name of Razorhardt. And, you alone shall bear the consequences of this action.“

With those words, the Hildbrand turned and walked away, leaving Duke Gladius alone in the room. 

The weight of his decision settled upon him, and a mix of emotions flooded through his veins—relief, sadness, and a newfound sense of freedom.

I am truly free.

But in that moment, Hildbrand felt a surge of determination. He would prove himself not through a name, but through his actions and the impact he would make in the world. 

He would carve his own destiny, free from the constraints of the Razorhardt legacy.

As he stepped out of the room and into the grand halls of the mansion, Hildbrand felt a sense of liberation. The future awaited him, filled with both challenges and opportunities. And with each step he took, he embraced the unknown, ready to leave his mark upon the world as Hildbrand, a name of his own making.

He step outside the estate and into the forest.

"You've got some guts, kiddo," Emerys said, breaking the silence that hung in the air. “You could have cut down any moment if he wanted to…”

His teachers waiting for him.

“Millie, was worried. Millie thought, Millie's acolyte…sob, ugh.”

Millie, tears streaming down her face, clung to me, her sobs shaking her small frame.

"Oh, Millie... I'm sorry. I know you're worried,I am sorry for making everyone worried," I managed to say through a lump in my throat, my voice choked with emotion.

"My dear child, don't fret. Nana will train you even harder. Together, we will overcome any challenges that lie ahead."

Frelain, Gregorie, and Collins stood at a distance, their expressions a blend of concern and support. They understood the gravity of my decision and the weight it carried.

It heightened the stakes and underscored the importance of his choice. The razor's edge upon which he now stood grew sharper.

If anyone were to discover Hildbrand's true identity as a Razorhardt, if word were to reac

h the Duke's ears, the consequences would be severe. 

The punishment for such knowledge would be swift and brutal—Hildbrand's head would be severed from his body without hesitation.