Chapter 6: Hildbrand First Quest
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Glancing at the quest board, I saw a wide range of F-rank quests. Some caught my attention, such as "Delivering Medicinal Herbs" and "Clearing Out Rat Infestation." These seemed like good starting points to showcase my skills as a novice adventurer.

Turning to Sylvia, who patiently waited for my decision, I said, "I'll take the quest to deliver medicinal herbs," pointing to the parchment on the board. "It seems like a straightforward task, and I'm familiar with herbs."

Sylvia nodded approvingly. "Excellent choice, Hildbrand. This quest will take you to the nearby village of Greenfield. They're in dire need of these medicinal herbs for their healer. It's not a dangerous mission, but it's essential for the well-being of the villagers. The reward for completing this quest is five copper."

"Sounds good to me," I replied with a determined smile. "I'll make sure to deliver the herbs safely."

Accepting the quest, Sylvia handed me a small bag containing the medicinal herbs and a detailed map to Greenfield. She also reminded me to obtain proof of completion from the village's healer upon delivery.

"Remember, Hildbrand, it's not just about completing the quest. Building a good reputation is vital for an adventurer's growth. Be polite, reliable, and show respect to the villagers. That will help you on your journey to becoming a skilled adventurer."

"I understand," I affirmed, appreciating her guidance. "I'll do my best to represent the guild well."

With a final encouraging smile, Sylvia wished me luck on my first adventure. Stepping away from the quest board, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the beginning of my journey, and I was determined to make the most of it.

Outside the guild, Frelain and I walked through the streets of Heliudor towards the outskirts of the town. The vibrant energy of the adventurers' district slowly faded as we ventured into the quieter residential area.

"Remember, Hildbrand, you may be starting as an F-rank adventurer, but that doesn't define your potential," Frelain said, his voice filled with wisdom. "Every journey begins with small steps. Embrace each experience, learn from it, and you will grow stronger."

His words resonated deeply within me. I knew that becoming a skilled adventurer wouldn't happen overnight, but I was ready to face the challenges ahead.

As we reached the town's gate, I took a moment to admire the scenic beauty of the surrounding countryside. Lush green fields stretched as far as the eye could see, and the distant mountains added a majestic touch to the landscape.

"Greenfield lies beyond those hills," Frelain pointed out, his finger gesturing towards the horizon. "It's a peaceful village known for its bountiful harvests and warm-hearted people. Your task may be simple, but remember the impact even small deeds can have on others."

I nodded, appreciating Frelain's wisdom. It was easy to get caught up in the grandeur of epic quests, but sometimes, it was the seemingly ordinary tasks that held the most significance.

We began our journey towards Greenfield, the path winding through verdant meadows and the occasional flat fields. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow upon the land.

During the four-hour journey, Frelain and I engaged in light-hearted conversations. He shared anecdotes from his past adventures and imparted valuable lessons he had learned throughout his long life. I listened eagerly, absorbing his wisdom like a sponge.

As we neared Greenfield, the village came into view, nestled peacefully amidst the fields. Smoke billowed from chimneys, and the distant sound of laughter reached our ears.

We entered the village, and I noticed the villagers going about their daily lives. Children played in the streets, and farmers tended to their crops. It was a tranquil atmosphere, a stark contrast to the bustling town of Heliudor.

Following the map's guidance, I located the village's apothecary, an elderly woman named Agnes. 

She greeted me with a warm smile as I handed her the bag of medicinal herbs.

"Thank you, young adventurer," Agnes said appreciatively. "These herbs are crucial for our healing remedies. Your timely delivery will greatly aid those in need. Please accept this token of our gratitude."

She handed me a small pouch containing the promised reward of five copper. It may not have been much, but it symbolized the value of my effort.

"Thank you, Agnes," I replied sincerely, feeling a sense of fulfillment. "It was an honor to be of assistance."

As Frelain and I departed from Greenfield, I couldn't help but reflect on the simple yet profound impact of completing that quest. It wasn't about the monetary reward; it was about the connection forged between adventurers and the people they helped.

Back at the guild in Heliudor, I reported to Sylvia, who listened attentively to my account of the quest. It was already dark outside, and she was the only available receptionist at the moment, as the adventurer guild had no other adventurers inside.

"Well done, Hildbrand," she commended, her smile radiating pride. "You've completed your first quest as an adventurer, and I'm sure the villagers of Greenfield are grateful for your help. Keep up the good work, and don't hesitate to approach the quest board for more opportunities."

"Thank you, Sylvia."

Sylvia paused for a moment, studying me with a thoughtful expression.

"Hildbrand, since you're new in town, where will you be staying for the night?"

"I was planning to camp outside the town."

Sylvia's face softened, and she looked at me with a hint of concern.

"I understand your resourcefulness, but the nights can be unpredictable, especially for a newcomer. How about this? I can recommend an inn where you can stay for a month. You can pay later with an adventurer's recommendation. It will provide you with a safe and comfortable place to rest."

I was taken aback by Sylvia's kindness. Staying at an inn would certainly offer more comfort than camping outside, and it would give me a chance to immerse myself in the local community.

"Thank you, Sylvia," I said gratefully. "I appreciate your offer. I'll take you up on that."

Sylvia handed me a letter of recommendation, sealed with the adventurer guild's official emblem.

"Here you go, Hildbrand. Show this to the innkeeper, and they'll take care of you. Just remember, with this arrangement, you're not allowed to take on any quests that involve fighting or endangering yourself."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for looking out for me. By the way, Sylvia, aren't you going home?"

Sylvia answered with a giggle, "How sweet of you. Actually, there needs to be a guild receptionist on standby 24/7 in case an emergency happens."

How hardworking of her.

With the guild's recommendation in hand, I bid a temporary farewell to Frelain as he set off to search for the rest of my teachers. He assured me that he would find them and relay where to find me.

Finding the inn recommended by Sylvia was relatively easy, thanks to the clear directions she provided. It was a quaint establishment with a welcoming atmosphere.

 The old landlady, Mrs. Winston, greeted me with a warm smile as I entered.

"Ah, you must be the adventurer recommended by the guild," she said kindly. "Welcome to our inn. My husband and I will make sure you have a comfortable stay."

I thanked her and settled into my room, appreciating the cozy ambiance. The bed was soft, and the warmth of the hearth in the corner filled the room.

It was a stark contrast to the nights I had spent camping under the stars.

Later that night, as I enjoyed a warm meal prepared by Mrs. Winston, Frelain returned with the rest of my teachers.

Emerys had suggested the best weaponsmith in town, Gregorie had discovered the presence of criminal gangs within the town, Mellie had gotten lost on her first day when she encountered a street magician and got distracted like a child, Colin had gone to the library, and Priestess Joanna, as expected, had also gone to the church.

The following day, I embarked on my exploration of Heliudor, guided by the information provided by my teachers. I visited the weaponsmith recommended by Emerys, where I had the opportunity to upgrade my gear and acquire some essential supplies for future quests.

As I roamed the streets, I couldn't help but notice the occasional shady characters lurking in the shadows, reminding me of Gregorie's warning about criminal gangs.

While navigating through the bustling market square, I stumbled upon Mellie, who had indeed gotten lost, once again.

The library proved to be a treasure trove of knowledge, as Collins had suggested. I spent hours perusing the shelves, immersing myself in books on history, lore, and the arcane. The vast amount of information was overwhelming, but I relished the opportunity to expand my understanding of the world.

Lastly, I made my way to the church, where I found Priestess Joanna.

I also went to the adventurer guild and greeted Sylvia.