Chapter 21
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It took Legs two more days to fully heal, Queenie four more after that, and Claw another three with each taking an extra day just to make sure.  Legs went through and evolution almost as soon as she could and asked him for advice but refused to tell him what she was trying to aim for.  Instead, she mostly just asked if a few of the choices she could see were good or not and why.  He tried to be quick and concise since she was already feeling the sluggishness of evolution but it seemed she had and idea of what she wanted even before starting based off of what she said when she was done with his advice.

<It seems I can get what I want...>

Once she came out from her evolution, Jelin wasn't actually sure whether he was surprised or not.  Legs continued to be one of the great mysteries of his life.

[Lesser Child Dancer Arachne]

Other than that she had even caught him during his psychic practice at one point and asked about what he was doing.  After he explained it, she seemed extremely excited and started trying to practice with him whenever she saw him.  In a way he was happy for the company during his normally boring psychic training, plus having to occasionally try and explain things helped him find some new ways and ideas to try.

Queenie's case was a little weird.  She was, unfortunately, not as smart as everyone else.  Except the rat.  Compared to the rat she was still a genius.  This meant that it was often difficult to explain some of the harder and more advanced concepts to her.  Strangely, she was smart enough to know that she wasn't smart enough.  With her newly restored health, though, Jelin realized there would be a big problem in the future.  Right now she could fly around without making too much noise but once she had drones again then her hive would produce and obnoxious amount of noise.  It took hours to finally explain what he meant to her.

He eventually had to have Scratches come help figure out a good solution.  They managed to get her assurance that eventually she would be able to make a new hive so they moved her current one so that it was embedded into the wall just low enough that most of the girls could reach and then explained that it would be her private room and no drones were allowed to be in that part.  On the other side of the wall they carefully put a new hole in the old hive and used some creative webs to give it a bee capable curtain so that the new hive could be built as an attachment.  They spent the entire time they were working on it talking to Queenie and trying to explain it all and by the time night came that day, they still weren't sure she completely understood.  She did demand that in return for allowing them to mess with her stuff that Jelin decide her next few evolutions.  She wanted to train some first, though, like everyone else got to.

Another discovery was the limits of Conk's regeneration.  The more tired, exhausted, hungry, or otherwise depleted she was the slower she regenerated.  If she was fully fed, healthy, and well-rested she what seemed like inexhaustible stamina in return.  She also needed more food and took longer to recover from complete exhaustion.

Scar also went through another evolution, choosing the 'Climber' option after trying some things out while training.  Afterwards she had a long talk with Jelin and Claw and was now absolutely certain what her next three choices would be even if she got more options.  Both he and Claw tried to tell her that she should still check when evolving just in case there was something better but she was adamant that nothing could be better and that she would be happy with her choices no matter what.  He didn't want to try and force any of the girls in any specific way and Claw didn't want to argue so they just left her to her own devices.

It was now evening and at the moment both he and Claw were sitting near the evolution spot while waiting for Legs to finish her second evolution, which they expected to finish soon.  He had finally announced an actual rule, partly for the selfish reasons, that only one of them could be evolving at a time and after evolving they had to wait at one and half times as long as it took for them to evolve before they can evolve again. 

Normally looking at the evolution options would kind of indicate some of what they had been trying to be.  With Legs, however, her options were just as confusing and entertaining as her normal behavior.

{Lesser Child Jumper Arachne}

{Lesser Child Worker Arachne}

{Lesser Child Speedster Arachne}

{Lesser Child Companion Arachne}

{Lesser Child Burrower Arachne}

{Lesser Child Juggernaut Arachne}

{Lesser Child Arachne Empath}

{Lesser Child Arachne Leader}

{Lesser Child Arachne Acrobat}

{Child Builder Arachne}

{Child Killer Arachne}

{Child Supporter Arachne}

{Child Commander Arachne}

{Child Vampiric Arachne}

{Child Regenerator Arachne}

{Child Arachne Bloodling}

{Child Arachne Broodling}

{Child Arachne Poisoner}

After again asking what he thought some of the options were about she made her own choice without letting him know anything.  Some of what was there actually worried him a little but he decided he wouldn't judge and she seemed to have an idea of what she wanted so he saw no reason to question her further and destroy the mystery.

As expected, Legs soon woke up and started stretching.  Her 'Dancer' evolution had lengthened her legs and narrowed her carapace while making her more flexible and double jointed.  This time seemed to lower her center of gravity just a little more.  Her spider half had become almost pitch black but now had lighter black patterns all over it making it kind of mesmerizing to look at.  Her humanoid half went through a lot more changes.  Her waist was a little slimmer, her breasts just a little more full and perked, her arms and finger were a little more slender, her shoulders were narrowed more, her neck was a little smaller, her facial features seemed to be softened slightly, her lips were a little more full, her hair was longer, fuller, and had some slight natural waves was now black with some of her previous brown color acting as highlights.  One word to describe her new appearance would be exotic.  Although her humanoid half still had the appearance of an underage girl, it also now had the appearance of a high class prostitute.  Regardless, she was definitely what almost anyone would agree to call beautiful.

[Lesser Child Companion Arachne]

<Wow.  You're beautiful.>

<Yay!  Thanks!>

She seemed genuinely happy about the praise and jumped over to hug him.  Claw watched on for a while before finally throwing in her own opinion.

<I agree.  You're way too pretty.>

<Don't worry, I was just doing like we were told and trying to get me base.  After a few more evolutions I'll be able to start working on getting stronger.>

<I see.  So that's how you're doing it.  I take it back, then.  You're very pretty and I approve.>

<Thanks.  I'm going to go show off to everyone else now.  Bye!>

Legs quickly separated from him and then ran outside leaving him and Claw to stare after her.


That was the only thing he could think to say.  Finally deciding that it wasn't worth thinking about too hard, he turned back to Claw.

<Do you already have an idea of what you're looking for?>

<Yes.  I want to try and go for 'Wild' first, if I can.  My next choice would be 'Jumper'.  If I can't get either of those, though, then I'll probably have to ask you for some advice.>

<Well, that's what I'm here for.>

She nodded and then started moving the leftover molt from Legs out of the way.  Jelin helped her with that and then waited as she settled down and closed her eyes.

{Lesser Child Lightweight Mantea}

{Lesser Child Jumper Mantea}

{Lesser Child Climber Mantea}

{Lesser Child Magic Mantea}

{Lesser Child Blood Mantea}

{Lesser Child Cutter Mantea}

{Lesser Child Mantea Charger}

{Lesser Child Mantea Detroyer}

{Lesser Child Mantea Killer}

{Child Wild Mantea}

{Child Ripper Mantea}

{Child Butcher Mantea}

{Child Vampiric Mantea}

{Child Mantea Scyther}

{Child Mantea Hunter}

There was enough time for him to look as far as the 'Child' stage and try to remember it as best he could but not much more since she made her choice without too much delay.  He assumed she had picked 'Jumper' like she intended.  He would probably find out in the morning.  He looked out the entrance and saw that the sky was already fairly dark so he decided to just move over to the sleeping spot and wait for everyone to come in for the night while he practiced some of his magic.  Everyone else seemed to be improving at a rapid pace and he was lagging way behind in even understanding himself and his current limits.