Chapter 70
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Lunch came before long and Legs was incredibly excited to share her news.  She couldn't even wait until everyone had fully started eating.  As soon as she had the meat in her mouth, she rattled the link with the force of her announcement. 

<So we went off together to be alone already, and guess what?  I'm going to be a mother!>

Jelin and all the girls with food in their mouths suddenly spat it out in surprise while those food free choked a little instead.  All the other girls turned to look at him while he turned to look at Legs.  Legs, however, took no notice of everyone's looks and continued with her chest puffed out in pride. 

<And so, after we talked about it a little, he said you could all become mothers too, if you want.  And I can help!  I'm not sure about all of the requirements or if I did everything right, but I'm sure I can give enough advice and even be right there to point things out or just help in general.>

The only reason Jelin had a straight face still was because he wasn't sure if he should laugh or sigh in exasperation.  He took only a second to collect himself before saying something to clear the misunderstanding, but that one second was apparently too long because Scratches spoke first. 

<Wait! Isn't it a little early still?>

<We talked about that, too.  Once I explained my reasons he agreed that it was a good idea to do it now.  In fact, everyone should do it as soon as possible even if you were planning on waiting until later.>

As much as Jelin wanted to actually see how it would play out from there, he decided it was a good time to deescalate the situation before a line was crossed. 

<By the way, I'd like to add that she was talking about the evolution option.>

<Of course I was.  What else would I be talking about?>

The rest of the girls visibly deflated and looked away in embarrassment, with Claw's cheeks even turning red, while Legs looked across each of them with confusion.  Jelin sighed as he looked Legs straight in the face. 

<Rethink everything you just said word for word.  As for the rest of you, pertaining to what she was actually talking about, as opposed to how it sounded, it's actually a good idea for any of you who think you even might be interested someday in the future.  Honestly I would suggest getting it regardless, in case you find a partner in the future.>

Nobody chose to add more to the conversation and the rest of lunch was finished in relative silence. 

<Oh! I said...oh.  Uh...oops?>

Jelin decided to have everyone finish Conk's course that afternoon.  As they worked on it he talked to them about changing who watched and taught the children in cycles.  Claw could teach some biology, Wings could teach gardening and farming with Queenie, Legs and Scar could do music and dancing, and Scratches would obviously do crafting.  They could also let the children mostly decide the order each cycle.

He hoped that the girls would have some input to his idea but they all just agreed that it was a good idea.  In return, he let them decide how long each of them would have and the final vote landed on one week before swapping to the next.  The rest of the conversation while they worked was about how excited they were to get their turns.  Conk had actually had fun and her stories about the things that had happened made everyone else want to have fun, too.

Jelin smiled at how they were acting.  That they seemed so attached to the idea of getting to play with the children already showed good promise for everyone's futures.  He hoped it all worked out like they were thinking but he did keep back some expectation that some things could go wrong.  There was always the chance that one of them wouldn't get along with the kids or vice versa.

Some of his biggest worries were with Scratches' and Queenie's times.  He thought about it and figured that they had the biggest potential to have problems due to their subjects and how it could or would work.  

<So, Scratches, remember this: with children and fools, there is nothing safe or unbreakable.  I would consider finding the things you want to do on whichever day and either put away anything else in the workshop or bring it somewhere else.  Anything that is within their reach could end up broken.  It doesn't mean it will happen or ever be on purpose, but it's best to keep in mind that if you don't want it broken then don't let them get near it.

And Queenie and Wings, I don't intend for you two to always be on farming duties or whatever.  At some point I may even split you two up in the cycles.  Be careful with the swarm, because the children may still not be used to being surrounded by them.  They aren't in the link so it's more difficult for them to recognize your swarm as part of us and they might treat them as wild monsters.>

With that, he was satisfied that he'd given the best general warnings he could.  Once they finished with the work and moved over to their evening music practice, Jelin suggested that Scratches make a few of the instruments in a more sturdy version for the children.  They didn't have to sound as nice, but it would give them something they could practice with that wouldn't break as easily.

She thought about it for a while and seemed to come to some sort of conclusion but didn't say what it was.  Jelin didn't worry about it too much and they all did their evening music and dancing practice before settling in for the night.  There was the continuation of the adventures of Loopy and Bumps that entertained him and that night he had a strange dream about them which he could barely remember any details of the next morning.

After breakfast, the three went to meet the humans like normal while the rest of the girls went off to do their own stuff.  Conk flew forward excitedly again upon spotting the children and they were all soon dashing off to go do whatever wherever for the rest of the day.  Jelin watched them head off excitedly with a smile and then finally turned to a slightly nervous looking Ainselth.

She kept glancing between him and the direction the children had run off in.  Finally, she let out a sigh, glanced over at Legs' chest for some reason, and then started removing her clothes.  Jelin and Legs both tilted their heads in curiosity but didn't say anything.  When she was done, she folded the clothes and held them to her chest.  She finally looked back up at them and noticed their looks.

"Look, I'm not comfortable like this, okay.  I just thought I'd at least try and give it a chance.  Like you said, there's nobody around to care, right?"

"If you say so.  My point was more about not forcing your values on others or doing things without a reason, but if you feel you have to do something to help you understand better then I won't stop you.  Let's get this test started, then.  If you can pass it then we can move on and start a different subject today.  I'll even let you choose which one."

"What are the options?"

"Hmm.  Pretty much anything, really.  Physics is basically the way things interact with each other, like throwing a rock at a tree.  Chemistry is like a non-magical alchemy and is about how things can change in certain ways.  Geometry is a lot like math but with pictures and a way to use the math.  Biology is all about knowing how bodies work.  Magic or psychics would be about the basics on how they work and some possible ways to learn or use them.  Lastly would probably be technology, which in this instance would be about how multiple simple things can combine to make more complicated things."

"Wait.  You're going to teach magic and psychic skills?  Isn't that supposed to be only for nobles and the ones they choose?"

"Hm?  Did you want me to go fetch a noble to ask, first?"

"No...I just...can you really teach magic?"

"That's...a more difficult question.  Our magic may be a little different, after all.  So I can teach you some things but whether it will allow you to learn how to use it..."

"Right.  I guess we'd better start then."