Chapter 78
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Jelin sat down, cross legged, at the entranceway in front of the guest room where the foxes were staying.  He had some serious respect for the eldest sister of the three and he could completely understand the middle sister's anxiousness.  It was the youngest of the three that he was currently confused by.  He couldn't think of any good reason for her to be nearly as aggressive to him as she had been.

<Now then.  I'm finally awake and as much as I'd like to welcome you and your sisters...>

He was making sure his conversation included everyone to try and prevent any further misunderstandings or whatever was going on.

<Yes.  I apologize for my little sister's transgressions.  It seems that she took to something I once taught long ago and forgot the rest.>

<I see.  Personally, I'd like to not pry any further, but to fulfill our previous agreement then I feel her current...attitude...would pose too many problems.  As much as I wish I could say that merely your word is good enough, even her current->

<How dare you!>

The little fox suddenly burst into the conversation.

<Yes, that.  Her current that.>

<You dare say that you cannot trust Big Sister's word and insult us after treating us so badly and hitting me like that!>

<I...have to ask, just to be sure.  Is she okay?  Mentally?>

<I'll rip you to shreds!!>

<STOP!  Sorry.  I can somewhat understand your question.  Let me just say that she did spend some time with the dungeon master.>

<Ah.  That makes a little more sense, now.>

<Yes, unfortunately.  Both of my sisters are dungeon born and had never seen outside of it until you destroyed it.  I managed to keep my other sister out of his reach for the most part and teach her better.  The youngest, however, was only about three months old when the dungeon collapsed and spent almost a whole month under his tutelage before I was able to get her away from him.>

<I see.  Well, this is a problem, isn't it?  Honestly, I have no clue how to solve this right now.  This should be a place of safety, but I have humans here, as well, that are under my protection.>

<Mm.  That does make this more complicated.  Those human children would certainly be in danger if they accidentally offended her.  She's still young and I've been spending more time trying to remove the poison in her mind and haven't gotten to teaching her properly.  I had hoped that you might be able to help with that.

My other sister, although a little confused perhaps, is more stable and listens to my teachings more seriously.  Although she does not follow a path of great physical strength, her mind is sharp and I feel that this place and your own teachings and ways could benefit her greatly.  I too would like to learn from some of your knowledge and wisdom, if I may.>

<Hm.  That sho->

<Why are you even being so polite and submissive to this weakling here?  If we're supposed to be here from now on then let's just kill him and take it!>


<I apologize for my sister once more.  You!  That 'weakling' just threw you away with a single attack while holding back!>

<So, he's stronger than me...but not you!  He's only a little stronger than me, anyways.  You could beat him with one attack!  Then we wouldn't have to be here following whatever stupid rules he has or a->

<Quiet!  He has already beaten me, once.  I have no desire to fight him further or ever again!  You have already dared speak up against him for not placing his full trust in me and my ability to curb your aggression.  Now, not only do you continue to shame me by proving him right, but you would also have me break my previous agreement to submit to him?  Are you seeing me as some kind of toy for you to play with or power that you own?>

<'s no way he could beat you!  He must have cheated!>

<There is no such thing as 'cheating' in a fight of life and death.  If there were then it would have been I that cheated...>

<What?  There's no->

<I attacked him unfairly, with surprise at my aid, and in a betrayal of his trust.  Even with such advantages, he defeated me soundly and even showed me mercy with offers of safety and more afterwards.  Even the mindless and wild creatures know better than to provoke further after such.  Or would you put me below even the lowliest of them?>


<Then either curb your aggression or stay silent for now.>

The little fox's ears turned back further and she shrank under her older sister's intense stare.  Jelin remained quiet throughout since he felt that it was more of a family matter and had no intentions of intervening in something like that.  When the eldest fox finally felt satisfied that her youngest sister was properly cowed for the moment, she turned to Jelin to continue the conversation.

<I admit that I said little more to them about coming here other than it being a place owned by someone I respect.  I had hoped that the meaning of that would have been more to both of their understandings.  At least I was at least able to raise my other sister slightly better.

As we were discussing earlier, I would like to offer my own knowledge and wisdom for guest status of me and my sisters.  I will personally bear responsibility for their actions as well, if that helps.  I believe the time you prefer is thirty days?>

<That sounds reasonable.  If I may offer a suggestion, perhaps we can set aside an area for a time for you and your sisters with easy access to some of our less used hunting grounds.  I'd be willing to extend the time to sixty days, with the first thirty having restrictions of location and action but no payment required.  Then we could reconvene on the matter and see if progress is fine or if we need to reevaluate.>

<Hm.  Restricted safety for thirty days with the intention to curb my sister's aggression enough to be respectful.  We would have to work on the details, but it does make sense and I doubt I could offer a better compromise.  I would ask...if I may...that you allow my other sister freedom of full guest status and begin teaching her sooner, though.>

<Hmm.  That's...something I would have to consider very carefully.  I respect you and we have something of an understanding at this point.  I don't have such a relationship with either of your sisters, though.  Were it before your return, I would have even said that I had a better relationship with your youngest sister compared to the other.  Hmm...

This might be a somewhat unfair way to do this, but I think it's the only way I could make that concession.  After all, I have to make sure of my own family as well.  If your sisters can prove themselves in some way as worthy of guest status themselves rather than through you then I would be willing to lift any restrictions for the remainder of the sixty days.>

<That seems difficult, but fair.  As for the details...>

<Tomorrow, we'll have your area set up and we can discuss the details, then.  Tonight, you may remain here if you wish, or just outside and in that direction is a field if you prefer.  We tend to make some noise around this time for a few hours or so.  I do have to ask you restrain yourselves to those two areas for now, though.  I'll make sure we have some prey for your breakfast tomorrow.>

<Very well.  My thanks for your understanding.>

<And mine for yours.>

Jelin stood back up and gave a polite nod.  He heard another quiet growl as he turned to leave but tried to ignore it.  He thought about his conversation as he went to the main room with the girls, who were all being mostly quiet.  It could work out eventually, but he wasn't sure if things could be resolved safely within the time frame.  The smaller fox was definitely unexpected in multiple ways but if she was really that young then it helped explain even more.

When they had first met in the dungeon she had also been a little aggressive while seeming less mature.  Her speaking skills had improved a lot but now that he could take a moment to try and count, he realized that it had been almost a year.  Unfortunately, she was apparently raised for the first month of her life being raised by someone crazy and brazen enough to hack the world and steal from the gods.  

In a way, that she was only at the level of aggressiveness and haughtiness that she was stood as a testament to the eldest fox's teaching ability.  Based on how the other sister was a lot calmer and more polite but was still inclined towards treating them as enemies, he doubted that correcting the youngest's attitude and thoughts could be easily accomplished within even a year.

On the other hand, being treated as an equal, and possible friend, of the eldest was worth it.  He loved the girls, but none of them were quite at the point where he could just sit and have equal discussions.  Most of what they knew came from what he taught.  In some ways he was like a father to them all and he could only provide one perspective.  The fox would make a wonderful mother when looked at in that way.  He didn't really see them like that, of course, but it was in that way that they all saw from his perspective or took to his way of teaching and learning.

He assumed that the fox saw something similar between her and her sisters.  Although the fox was stronger than him in technicality, he also had more to offer in many ways and so they could be considered equals in a way.  And he really wanted an equal that he could treat as and call a friend.  Only time and effort would determine how things worked out.  He went to sleep with both trepidation and hope for the future.