Chapter 104
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The humans got close enough to notice the bees in their path.  Apparently there was some discussion, relayed by Zaer and Kai who were hiding in the trees just above them, and the humans finally reached a conclusion better than Jelin had even dared to hope for.  He swore through the link to give Zaer whatever reward he could later.

The humans had seen the bees, noticed that many to most of them were old and dying with no replacements like a normal hive, and come to a conclusion.  In their eyes, there was no danger as the bees would die soon and whatever queen that had spawned them was either dead or much further into the forest. 

Since the bees were also untouched to the point where they still lived in that weakened state, then the forest must be relatively safe up to this far in.  Since they saw no worries or possibilities of any monster being able to leave the forest and attack the town, they decided to head back.  The only reason they could see to push further would be to risk unnecessary injuries to fight bees already near death.

Everyone's breath was held until the humans had gone far enough away that they wouldn't be considered a problem anymore.  As Jelin let out a sigh of relief, he heard everyone around him do the same.  The best thing he got from the humans coming, though, was that it would be unlikely for any more to appear for some time.

After all, there were still monsters and other creatures all the way up to the edge of the forest, like the boars and hyenas, that made the forest dangerous to traverse but not dangerous enough to threaten their town.  If they needed hunting, wood, or any other forest bounty, the forests near their town were closer, safer, and almost as plentiful.  Humans could be pretty stupid, though, so he still intended to prepare just in case.

<Okay, everyone.  Let the humans and foxes know we're good.  Let's keep it a quiet day today, though.  Zaer, let's discuss this new defense of camouflage we've created.  It might not work as well next time since they'll expect the bees to be dead but it's better to prepare how we can.  Ell, I want your main focus for a while to be on whatever you have to do to make sure our underground area will be successful.  We saw some mountains in our travels which means that, although difficult and time consuming, if you think even stone is necessary then we'll get some.

Lei, Clare, and Kai, I'm giving you three a new morning job.  Take today to talk it out between you and the humans.  I want all of them, Ainselth and the children, to get some fighting training.  Don't worry about real experience yet, I'll check in on how it's going at some point and decide about that later.  I don't care how much Ain argues it, though.  They will be trained and learn to fend for themselves.

Everyone else I'm giving a pseudo day off.  Think about situations where we get invaded by a more powerful force or some other kind of disaster comes.  Make plans for it, figure out some good preparations, and whatever you can get done today go ahead and do it.  We've briefly discussed things like emergency food and stuff before, so that might be something to look into again.

Today we're fine, but some day the races or other intelligent monsters will find us.  At that time if we appear weak, aren't prepared, or whoever finds us is just an idiot even, then we could face a constantly escalating force.  Even if we easily defeat whoever shows up first, it could only drive them to send more and stronger forces over and over until we're overwhelmed.  So let's make sure we're ready to keep our family alive.>

Jelin spent the rest of the day walking around the outer edge of his territory with Zaer as they talked about a new type of defense for her to be in charge of.  They pointed out a bunch of potential spots to place nearly empty hives that would all be lightly patrolled just to keep anything from trying to claim them.  If a similar situation ever came, Zaer could send her worst drones out to the appropriate hives to act as a basic deterrent.

Other than the building and placing of the hives, it would barely affect anything.  A small bee patrol sent out every other day or so would be the only change in Zaer's typical schedule after the hives were done.  The times that she would be evolving, the duty could be taken up by the broodlings or she could proactively place drones in all the hives until she woke again.  It felt like a simple and solid enough plan for Jelin to immediately approve it.

As evening approached, and he found Mel and Lady comfortably at his sides yet again, he received the call he had guessed might come.  Ainselth had some angry words for him so he decided to head over and at least be polite enough to listen to her yell at him for a few minutes.  She did exactly that as she tried to make some points about children being too young and other things.

"Alright, I've been polite enough to wait it out and listen to your complaints.  My turn.  I have guaranteed the safety here but that can only go so far.  There's no such thing as absolute safety except in the case of pure destruction.  That which no longer exists can no longer face danger.

If danger comes that I can't properly face or prevent, what happens to them?  They have a chance to learn how to keep themselves safe while still being safe.  Do you really want them to wait until they're already in danger before they learn how to face it and survive?  Just from interacting with us so much they likely already have some ability in that regard as it is.  I'm just formalizing it.

If you feel that worried, then all you have to do is be better and stronger than them to protect them, right?  This will be good for all of you, maybe even help you get some classes you want, and if it ends up never being needed then you've lost nothing.  If it ever is needed, then you'll be ready and have a much higher chance at surviving.  So, regardless of your arguments, you all will learn to fight, defend yourselves, and survive in the worst of cases."

"What if they get hurt, though?"

"...why do you think I' know what, here's an easier answer.  Clare."



"What if they don't want to?"

"Did you ask them?"

"Not yet, but-"

"No more "what if"s.  Those are the reason I've decided this already.  All the rest of the ones you're trying to use as an argument already have a simple and obvious answer or can easily be answered by yourself.  Until the children themselves say they won't do it there's no problem.  I'm guessing most if not all of them have been waiting for some chance like this.  It's going to happen.  Accept it."

He turned around and left her there.  It had been a long time since she had tried to argue with him over something.  It felt nostalgic in a sense but was still annoying and exhausting in every other.  He decided to ease his mind some by checking on the workshop and seeing iif Ell had made anything new and helpful or improved something.

Ell had done the best she could and only managed to figure out minor improvements in creation and application of things she already had.  She admitted that if she had enough stone that there was a possibility she could make something better but there were no guarantees and it would take a while to come up with completely new creations that might only be a little better than what she had.

Jelin accepted that and thanked her for working so hard.  He told her about his other idea that might help a little, as well.  During the excursion they had found a few rather large beasts that they might be able to use the bones of to line walls and create pillars.  Some of her and Clare's mixtures and some of the good webbing could make the bones tougher and the supports sturdier.

They continued discussing until it was time to call it a day and head to the room.  Jelin played the nameless board game with Lei as he worked on his blowsung playing.  He was feeling a little stressed and wanted to just relax for the rest of the night.  The knowledge that the big surprise was coming soon also helped him feel better.  With the humans still too close for comfort and the way he was feeling, he estimated that two more days would be enough to be safe.