Chapter 106
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When Jelin finally left the clearing, Emerald still snuggling in his arms, Saph had only said "kitsune will be the right choice, remember that" and let him go.  He headed back to the sleeping spot and sat down to pull Emerald into his lap easier.  He decided that it would be best to wait until morning to have her evolve.  She would likely feel a little more normal after some sleep.

He wasn't sure what she would have in her options but he thought he should at least think about how to help her set up a slightly stronger base than she had been building.  The way he saw it at the moment was that she already had been told to get 'Mother' and likely had a few others that she would want as the more general ones.  Then there was building into her true strength of perception.

He tried to think of the things he had seen or likely existed based on those things that would help with perception.  He vaguely recalled a 'Detector' evolution and knew that 'Hunter', 'Blood', 'Reaper', and even 'Sprinter' had perception abilities attached.  He wasn't sure about how to get all of those but knew the girls had gotten them at some point.  Gaining more wind magic, from his own experience, was also a great boon for enhancing perception.  That wasn't counting things that gave negative perception.

There was so much to think about but he kind of enjoyed going through it all and he felt he owed to her for making her wait as long as they all had.  He didn't expect her to try and get all of the evolutions he could think about as a base, even if it were possible.  He did want to try and figure out what the best options for her would likely be out of all of them before she decided, though.  Either way, he would be there to help her.

As the afternoon grew later, the girls started showing up one by one.  The first to arrive was obviously Mel, who saw Jelin with a snuggly Emerald being stroked in his lap upon entering the room and decided to happily join in.  That only seemed to make Emerald more snuggly and happy as she started rubbing all over both of them.

<Mm.  How did I live without this?>

<The same way everyone else does, I assume.  By not ever knowing it was there or what it was really like.>

<Mm.  So many things make so much more sense now.  I almost feel kind of silly about what I know I used to think.  I was actually just a little worried what it would be like with how everyone talked about it.  When you said I would care about my sisters less, I was worried that if it were true that I would start to hate them or something.  It was the biggest thing that almost made me reject the offer...>

<And now?> Mel chimed in.

<Like I said.  Now it makes sense.  I don't care about them less, it's's...more...>

Jelin and Mel both smiled as they all continued to snuggle with each other.  As the other girls came in, they all did their own version of squealing in delight as they joined.  Before evening even came, they were all in an awkward snuggle pile similar to how they normally slept but with everyone in different positions than they were used to.  Nobody really cared, though.  They just enjoyed the time together with their newest member added.

Jelin eventually woke up, not even realizing that he had fallen asleep, and started moving with everyone else in an attempt to untangle.  Once free from each other, they all headed out to greet the new morning and get breakfast.  Emerald finally understood that they really didn't care if she went to get some river meat while they gathered bugs but she also had a bit of that same feeling like Jelin had about wanting to be with everyone in a way, so she continued with her worm habit.

While they ate their breakfast, Jelin told her a brief summary of his thought from when he was contemplating her evolutions.  She made a few corrections to some of his choices that he thought might be best and listed a few other possibilities that she thought fit her a bit better or were more in the direction she wanted to go.

Once breakfast was over and they were finished talking about the evolution possibilities, they headed over to the evolution spot and let her get comfortable.  Jelin was actually a little excited to see what would be there since she was a different species from the rest of them and had had different training and experiences before meeting them.

<Calm yourself, please.>

{Young Mother Gem Fox}

{Young Detector Gem Fox}

{Young Magic Gem Fox}

{Young Psychic Gem Fox}

{Young Assault Gem Fox}

{Young Supporter Gem Fox}

{Young Hunter Gem Fox}

{Young Gem Fox Companion}

{Young Gem Fox Shifter}

{Young Gem Fox Sneak}

<Wow.  I have so many choices...>

<Not that many.  It's about the normal amount I think.  In the 'Young' category, at least.  I don't tend to look much further.>

<Uh huh.  Fine.  I already know what I'm getting, though.>

<That's fine.  I do think you should work on picking up a 'Blood' evolution later, though.>

<If you say so.>

Her connection dimmed and Jelin smiled at how cute she looked in her current sleeping posture before turning away and heading outside to start the day.  For the morning, he decided to work on his class for a while.  He wanted to try and get it to the point where he could hide it or disguise it.  Otherwise, anyone who had the ability to see it would likely not trust or believe anything he said and more problems would ensue.

He tried a variety of things, even bringing up his status and trying to adjust it manually, but couldn't come up with a good way to hide his class.  Deciding he needed a break before he got too frustrated, he had Mel help him do some limbering exercises again and then started to work on trying to steal her psi for himself.

Part of what he tried to do as he trained with Mel was see if he could feel it when he used his class somehow.  In the end, he realized that he couldn't, which started to aggravate him again.  He decided to pause his training to try and figure out why he was getting frustrated so easily and eventually came to a simple reason.  He just didn't know enough about classes and it was actually the lack of knowledge that bothered him.

He briefly considered going back to the town or trying to send one of the humans but dismissed the idea shortly after.  The chances that he or the humans would be captured and locked away in a jail or something were higher than getting the chance to learn anything useful.  The other big problem with the idea was that as far as he could tell from when he was there, the humans mostly remained ignorant as well.

He tried to look at the problem from a different angle.  Early people of the races should have also not known how to do things or how things worked, but they figure it out without even knowing what was vaguely possible.  He at least knew more than they did, so he should be able to figure at least some of it out as well.  Humans seemed to rely on their status more, so the rest of the races likely did as well, and thus he should start there.

He brought up his status once more and stared at it...hard.  His vision started to feel a little blurry and his mind felt almost empty.  He tried to see anything and everything about his status screen that he could.  Then he moved from the screen to the status itself.  It wasn't much and even [Inspect] only made it shake a bit.  He paused with that thought.  Some of his status had shaken a little so he tried the skill again and as he saw the shaking did one of those little mental 'clicks' on one of the shaking entries.

He almost jumped up and cheered.  What stopped him was that the slight lack in concentration caused the status to go back to normal.  For a moment, though, he had seen a list of skills.  It was much smaller than he expected but it had been there.  He finally had new hope and a direction.