Chapter Seven, Part Three
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Random Bonus Chapter! Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our first two supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Any support there makes this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be moved up in priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!


“I’m fine, may,” Dan patted her back. “Just a run in with some kind of wraith, but I’m feeling fine now…”


“You almost died,” May butted her head into his. “You need to be more careful!”


‘I was being careful,” Dan wrinkled his nose as he rubbed his forehead. “Those… creatures… came from nowhere.”


“Starweirds,” Jedi Master Kast stepped into sight. “They really wanted you dead…”


“It’s because he’s shifty!” Etain poked at his feet. “That Wizard is scary, he must be a Sith!”


“Merlyn’s not a Sith,” Kast bonked his padawan’s head. “He’s just a different kind of force user, the Jedi aren't the only ones in the galaxy.”


“Still… that demon is like a ball of darkness,” Etain shuddered. “An acrid stench in the force.”


“Etrigan is an acquired taste, that’s for sure,” Dan rolled his legs, free of the bed and onto the floor. “But I owe you and those surveyors a ride home, sorry to make you guys wait!”


“It’s no problem, your home is beautiful,” Master Kast smiled. “I’ve never seen anything like it before, it matches well with Garnib’s aesthetic.”


“It’s a pretty city,” Etain mumbled a compliment. “I like the gardens…”


“Thanks, it was all May and Ultron,” Dan patted his wife’s shoulder. “They were the ones who planned everything out, including the gardens.”


“I just told Ultron what I wanted…” May hugged Dan to her side. “But it turned out really well!”


“It certainly has,” Kast nodded. “Do you mind if I ask… where are all your people?”


“Well…” May faltered.


“They won’t arrive for a number of years,” Dan interjected. “For now, it’s just our family here.”


“Suspicious!” Etain grumbled. “Mysterious technology, mysterious ghost town…”


“It will just take some time for them to get here, our species reproduces in an… unusual way.” Dan rolled his eyes at the girl. “We’ll have a thriving population, soon enough.”


“You’re not going to populate this whole city all on your own?” Etain blushed, hands pressed to her eyes. “How many children do you plan on having?”


“Of course not!” A hint of crimson flared in Dan’s cheeks, while May covered her face. “And we’re way too young to think about children!”


“Well, how am I supposed to know…” Etain scampered behind her Master. “You’re the one who brought up reproduction!”


“Bwahahaha!” Master Kast leaned against the bed, hands pressed to his chest. “I think we should leave you two alone, we’ll wait in the visitors centre until you’re fully recovered.”


The Jedi dragged his reddened padawan behind, a grin on his face. If you like, you can come to Coruscant and visit the temple. I'm sure Merlyn would love to talk with a few of the more… academically minded Masters.”


“Sure…” Dan hesitated. Coruscant held more than Jedi.


“It’s fine, either way,” Kast laughed. “But, know that you’re a friend of the Jedi, the invitation stands!”


The Jedi master shut the door to the medical wing with a final word.


“Don’t forget, the archives might hold some answers to why you were attacked.”


Dan stared after the pair, eyes unfocused. He could go along with the Jedi, but he had to steer clear of the rest of the planet. Ultron needed to set down roots in Coruscant’s undercity anyways. The A.I. would flourish in the technology rich environment, and Dan would have a listening post in his enemies back yard.


“Now that they’re gone,” May poked him between the eyes. “Are you sure you’re alright?”


“I’m fine,” Dan sighed. “But it felt a little close…”


“Merlyn said we have to start magic class,” May’s eyes gained a determined glint. “We need to protect ourselves from anything like this happening, ever again.”


“Ok,” Dan nodded. “Now let’s see the reward for our quest!”


It had been at the back of his mind, his inner loot goblin, hungry for its dinner. The system blinked at him.


“Would you like to receive the quest reward? Ten planets have been completed, bonus rewards are available!”


Let me have it!


“Standard reward draw, plus bonus reward draw, have been activated!” The system chimed. “Received, user has gained: Three Superman Serum doses, two rings of protection, and one new summon!”


“What do the rings do?” Excitement bubbled at the idea of a new summon, and the serum was self-explanatory.


“They provide protection from a single, lethal attack, as well as constant concealment from magical prying.”


Dan smiled at his system’s response. Just what he needed for his visit to the capital planet of the Republic. He summoned both rings and gave one to May.


“Keep this on at all times, they can protect us from pretty much anything, even if it’s just once.”


“Is that it?” May frowned. “That’s great and all, but a disposable item…”


“Greedy!” Dan leaned in, fingers buried under her armpits. “Such a greedy woman must be punished!”


“Tickling is forbidden!” May scrambled back, fist buried in Dan’s face. “All ticklers must DIE!”


“Ouch…” Dan rubbed his nose. “And no, there’s more. A serum to turn someone into a kryptonian, and a new summon.”


“You asked for it…” May rubbed her skin free of remnant tickles. “A summon is great!”


“It’s definitely the best of the rewards,” Dan nodded. “So far, they’ve been the most useful aspect of the system.”


“Then summon it!” May swatted at his hand as it attempted to sneak back, under her arm. “Let’s see who it is!”


“Alright, alight,” Dan grinned, hands raised like claws. “But this isn’t over!”


System, let’s do it!


“Summon draw activated, new summon received. Venom Symbiote (Marvel comics) has been added to your summon list, would you like to summon now?”




“Who is it?” May squinted as the beam of light descended.


“It’s someone great,” Dan faced the glare. “A symbiote that can amplify power!”


The radiance faded, replaced by a black pool of tar. It rolled and twisted, until a snake-like head surfaced from the ooze.



Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our first three supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Any support there makes this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be moved up in priority, it will be! Updates for this series will be at around three a week, eventually, with bonus chapters whenever I can get them written and edited. For the next bit enjoy three chapter parts a day! It will slow down around 24ish chapter parts into the normal schedule.