Chapter Twelve, Part Three
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!


“It’s a beautiful world…”


Dan gazed into the sky, where the planet Mandalore hung suspended like a jewel. They had deployed on one of the two moons, Concordia. A rich jungle satellite, it was the secret base of the Deathwatch and a vital location for his future plans. Not only did it hold the Darksaber, a key element in uniting the Mandalorian people, but its core was formed of mandalorian iron. Beskar, the strongest metal in the star wars galaxy.


“If you say so,” Ultron drifted at his side in a relaxed pose. “We’ve been targeted by a group of fighters, should we engage, or land and seek cover?”


Three wedge shaped swords screamed in their direction, clean lined starfighters large enough to transport troops. Dan's new-found spider sense had no reaction, so he watched as they buzzed past, cockpits faced to the two of them. He met the helmeted eyes of a Mandalorian pilot and gave a wave.


“Pretty jumpy, they investigated two people with three fighters,” A tingle formed at the back of his neck. “Looks like they don't like what they see.”


The ships rotated back around, aimed directly at Utron and Dan. A grin spread across his lips as he dove under a line of cannon fire. Ultron veered to the side, targeted on one vessel as Dan chose another. He evaded until the ship flew in line, then extended his wrist.


A line of silken thread connected him to the canopy and drew him onto the fighter's metal hull. Hand open, Dan slammed his palm onto the viewports rim and pulled. Metal protested. One connection, then another failed as he peeled the cover away.


Exposed to the rush of air, the mandalorian didn’t panic. He drew a blaster, held steady as he levelled it at Dan’s face. A flick of Dan’s wrist snared the weapon away. He grabbed the disarmed Mando and tossed him from the fighter, into the forest below.


The ship followed its pilot to the ground, an explosion of orange that cast long shadows through the jungle. More fireworks joined them, Ultron’s targets already destroyed. Another group of fighters rose over the horizon, headed their way.


“Let’s land for now,” Dan pointed to the dense jungle below. “They won’t be able to track us in the concentrated life signs, I want to sneak up on the Deathwatch base.”


“Very well,” Ultron sighed as he followed Dan to the ground. “But I detect a fair number of savage beasts below the canopy, not to mention groups of commandos.”


“They shouldn’t be a problem,” Dan shifted Venom into a suit of armour, very much like that of the Mandalorians. “I can blend in well enough, and you can just be my droid.”


Most Mandos distained the use of droids, but it wasn’t unheard of, especially when at war. Dan settled to the jungle floor and checked his map, displayed by Venom, into his helmet. The capital city lay five hundred miles to the west, but their target was east. A cluster of forgotten mines, leftover from a bygone age of Mandalorian prosperity. Pre Vizsla, leader of the Deathwatch, the secret Mandalore in the shadows, made his home within these relics of the past.


He was a freak of nature, amazing in many respects. The match to a Jedi Master with the Darksaber in hand, he was not to be taken lightly. Unfortunately for him, Dan had need of both his title, and his sword. The relic weapon allowed any Mandalorian to claim his position, if they could pry it from his hands.


“Let’s go, I want to be there before nightfall!”


Dan swung through the trees, Utron at his side. He needed to figure out the situation, but a war was the perfect distraction for a timely assassination. Dan hummed to himself as he moved, mind on the work he needed to do in the future.




“This is the man that Dan-EL wanted me to find…” 


Merlyn squinted across the shadowed saloon. A mandalorian in polished silver armour, trimmed in blue. He sat, helmet on, with a red skinned Toydarian. She reminded the Wizard of Anakin’s descriptions of Watto, a pear shaped being with fleshy wings.


Merlyn came to this space station in search of a man called ‘Jango Fett,’ the last True Mandalore. He wasn’t impressed. The mind of the man across the bar was ground down. It differed from Dan’s description of the greatest warrior alive. He was an animal, a predator with eyes for profit.


“I suppose I should introduce myself,” The Wizard stood and strolled through the haze. “The faster I’m done, the sooner I can get back to the boy…”


Anakin worried Merlyn. His past stained his future, and the lessons he had to learn might take a great suffering. The boy had talent, a skill with magic that Merlyn could only dream of. He learned every spell the Wizard taught him in a matter of days.


“Who are you?” A cold, almost mechanical voice interrupted Merlyn’s thoughts. “This is a private table.”


“My apologies,” Merlyn swept off his hat and took a seat. “My master wanted me to deliver you a message, Mr. Fett.”


“You’re a bold one!” The Toydarian snorted as she squinted at Merlyn’s bald spot. “What business does your master have with the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, I wonder?”


“Right to the point, miss…” Merlyn raised an eyebrow.


“Rozatta, owner of this space station you’re on,” Roza rolled her eyes. “Now get to the point, or Jango here is likely to kill you.” She hooked a thumb toward her silent companion.


“A woman of industry, quite admirable!” The Wizard smiled as he turned to Jango. “My master wonders, does the name ‘Pre Vizsla’ mean anything to you?”


A blur of motion brought Jango’s arm in line with Merlyn’s face, blaster in hand. Silence filled the bar, some customers slid out the door before violence could erupt.


“How do you know that name?” Jango growled, hand gripped tight to his weapon.


“My master thought you would be interested,” Merlyn ignored the threat and snagged the bounty hunters untouched drink. “Why did you order this, if you won’t take off your helmet?”


“Jango isn’t a traditionalist…” Roza patted her friend's arm. “Maybe calm down and listen, this fellow gives me a bad vibe.”


“Fine… but start talking.” Jango settled back, gun still held in a loose grip. “Why would you mention a dead man?”

Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful to all of my supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! The Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Updates for this series will be at five a week, a chapter part monday-friday, with bonus chapters whenever I can get them written and edited.