Chapter Twenty-Three, Part Three
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Also, please join our discord! I'll be active once a day, except for on weekends!


Now, on to the chapter!

“You’re certainly generous…” Seated with Dan in his office, Cecil skimmed through the data that he’d been transmitted, a list of technologies and their functions. His cool eyes turned to meet Dan’s. “What would we need to give up, if we wanted these advancements?”


Dan sighed. He understood the suspicions, but he had no interest in supplanting the governments of this world. His home waited for him. His gift would serve the people of Earth and test how much he needed to change the timeline.


“I don’t want anything but a guarantee that you’ll use the technology to change the world,” Dan drummed his fingers on Cecil’s desktop, weary of the man’s paranoia. He withdrew Venom from his face and revealed his child-like visage. “My only goal is to establish a diplomatic connection between my people and the Human civilizations of Earth.”


“Why?” Cecil leaned forward, unmoved by Dan’s youthful appearance. The GDA Director pointed a finger under Dan’s nose. “What is it about Earth that attracts you aliens?” A flash of exhaustion flickered behind the man’s icy mask. “First Omniman, then the cyclops from outer space, and now you…”


“I have no idea about the others' motivations,” Dan raised his hands and gave an easy smile. “My only goal is to form positive relations with the civilizations in this galaxy, Earth was just the first I happened across.”


“Right…” Cecil sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Eyes closed, the man lost his hardened edge, just a tired old man with too much on his plate. “And if we decide to ignore this ‘gift,’ what then?”


“Do what you like,” Dan shrugged. He rose to his feet, finished with this conversation. “I’ll spread the data through the heroes as well, so you’re redundant in the end.”


Once humanity got a taste of what he offered, the government's position would become irrelevant. If enough people called for freedom, Dan would help them himself. If the leadership became the oppressors, they could be removed without a crisis of morality. He opened Cecil’s office door to let himself out.


“Now, are you going to open up the rest of the doors, or should I just fly up?” Dan raised an eyebrow and pointed to the ceiling. He needed the director’s key card to activate the elevator that brought him here, but it wasn’t his only way out. “You’ve got my number, if you decide you want to work together.”


“I never said I wouldn’t work with you,” Cecil snorted and pushed himself to his feet. He walked around his desk and raised his hand to Dan. “I just wanted to know what kind of being I’m dealing with.”


“So I passed your test?” Dan rolled his eyes as he shook the man’s hand. He squeezed just a bit tighter than should be comfortable, a small revenge for wasting his time.


“Your grade is pending,” Cecil laughed and ignored the vice around his fist like a professional. He flashed Dan a toothy grin and did his best to return the pressure. “But your offer is too good to simply ignore.”


“Fair enough,” Dan released his grip and waved a hand. Venom transmitted a huge amount of data into the GDA mainframe, technologies that would save the world in the right hands. “Do what you can to reverse engineer or replicate these, then I can send the more advanced stuff your way.”


Dan wasn’t about to hand over anything that could be used to destroy the planet, not until the people of Earth had taken a shift away from their current insanity. The infighting needed to stop, before they could be trusted with things like FTL and higher level power generation.


“And what will you do?” Cecil waved him out the door. The two walked, side by side as Dan ignored the invisible soldiers that had returned to trail behind. “Off to find another civilization, or will we be graced with your presence for a while more?”


“I’ll head off world soon enough,” Dan rolled his eyes at the director and waited for the man to summon the elevator. He let Venom cover his face as the metal doors opened. “Earth is a nice planet, so I plan on taking a few days here to plot out my next stop.”


Earth wasn’t a good option for a Kryptonian outpost, a yellow sun was great but blue would serve his people better. He could find a nearby system that filled his needs and plant the last Fortress crystal. Once he finished his quest, this universe would be connected to his own. The crystal would prebuild much of the needed infrastructure, and Ultron and the future colonists could complete the rest.


“Happy to have you,” Cecil stayed outside the elevator, while Dan stepped in without concern. “Just make sure you follow the rules, try not to make too many waves until we can prepare the people for what’s to come.”


“I’m afraid I’m here to make waves, Cecil,” Dan laughed as the door began to close. “I’ll give you some time, but eventually I’ll move if you don’t!”


The doors sealed and the lift started its journey upward. Dan shook his head. This GDA seemed to be a mix of alight and vaguely sinister. Director Cecil held an edge that came from making choices that cost lives.


“He was worried about Omniman, not just me…” Dan tapped his hand on his thigh. “Venom, what was Omniman’s real name again?”




“This should be everything you need!” May placed the massive crate before the shocked Jedi Master. Qui-gon raised his eyebrows and squinted at May.


“You’re very strong for a child… I sense that you can touch the force,” The Jedi sighed and turned his gaze to Anakin. “Both of you shine brightly, filled with potential.”


“You can consider us both force users,” May smiled and dusted her hands on her jacket. It was true, though Merlyn would find the comparison an insult. “Our Master has met with the Grandmaster of your Order, they found much common ground I believe.”


“Hmmm…” Qui-Gon furrowed his brow. “Well I thank you for your assistance, these parts will let us return to Coruscant and bring the people of Naboo closer to salvation.”


“Yes, thank you!” Padme, still disguised as a handmaiden, stepped forward and gave May a hug. “The faster we return, the more of our people we can save!”


May returned the hug with a smile. The fourteen year old queen was a delight. She held a great weight on her shoulders, but she remained open to new ideas and unburdened by the traditional dogma May expected from a Royal.


“Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will work out!” May squeezed Padme’s shoulders. “If you run into trouble, just use that com-link I gave you.”


“I will,” The young queen nodded as she raised the communication device to her chest. “I hope that we can meet again!”


May nodded in affirmation and let the woman move back to her ship. Soon it would be time for the battle of Naboo, but changed according to their plans. She flicked her fingers and sucked Anakin to her side with a burst of magic.


“It’s time to go, Gladius is already in position,” May cast a teleportation spell and dragged Anakin along for the ride. They had to make sure everything was in place, before Padme set off on her return home.