Chapter Twenty-Four, Part Three
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!


“May… is that you?” Padme squinted up at her and Anakin’s symbiote covered bodies. “What are you doing here?”


May drifted into position next to the Queen’s speeder as it raced towards the Capital City of Naboo. The Gungans would be under attack soon, but Ultron would soon engage the command ships above.


“Our Senate Representative sent us a message, something YOU should have done!” May put on an air of exaggerated sadness and held her heart. “We’re here to help against the trade federation, and anything else that shows its face…”


She glanced at the two Jedi seated next to the Queen. Even she remembered the older fellow’s fate, stabbed through the heart by a Sith. Darth Maul was under Ultron’s control, but Dan seemed to think Palpatine would move up his recruitment of other prospects.


“I’m sorry I didn’t call you… I just didn’t want to get your planet involved in our troubles,” Padme smiled at May's false glare and waved a hand toward the skies. “It will take a republic fleet to win in orbit, but we plan to capture the Trade Federation’s leader and force them to stop.”


“A republic fleet…” Anakin snorted and shook his head. “May and her people have the space battle under control, once the control ship is down everything will be easy!”


“I hope you’re right, Ani,” Padme bit her lip and stared ahead, eyes focused on the oncoming city. “The lives of my people depend on it!”


“Don’t worry,” Obi-wan leaned over from beside his master and patted her on the shoulder. “We will protect you,” he glanced at May’s black clad form. “And your friends stand beside you!”


“Indeed,” Qui-Gon smiled, his own eyes focused on Anakin. “My padawan is right, if Lady May has brought a fleet to disable the blockade then this will be an easy affair.”


The group settled into silence as the walled city approached. May had no idea what the Jedi could sense, but there was a shadow ahead. It reminded her of Master Vergere. A smoky oil that drifted between light and dark. Her symbiote trembled as her emotions raced.


“It’s ok, Mayhem,” May stroked at the disturbed surface of her suit. “I’m just a bit nervous about my first real fight!”




“I WILL KILL YOU!” Omniman’s voice shattered the thin air of the upper atmosphere. Haggard and worn, the Earth's greatest ‘hero’ had seen better days. “THIS ENDS NOW!”


An explosive burst of speed launched Nolan back into space, aimed away from Dan’s position next to the moon. He raised an eyebrow and accelerated to follow. This Viltrumite had honestly shocked him. The longer they fought, the harder the man went. If this continued, Dan would be put on the backfoot.


‘How fast can this guy go…’ 


Dan grunted as he called on a greater amount Ki. If he’d faced Omniman with only his Kryptonian body he would have died twice over. Granted, if he laid back in the sun for twenty plus years he could walk all over the man, but Viltrumite biology was impressive.


The chase continued, past the limits of the solar system and into galactic space. Omniman continued to build momentum, just out of Dan reach. They were closing on relativistic speeds, something Dan had never tried before. He frowned and shunted energy into his eyes, a stream of blue that closed the gap.


Nolan roared, but his advance continued. The bizarre power in the man’s cells billowed forth with every increase in speed. He actually managed to pull away, two metres, then ten, until his blurred form cut a tight corner in the space ahead. In an acrobatic display that mocked physics, the Viltrumite charged toward Dan, fists in the lead.


‘Shit-’ Angled to face the attack, Dan mimicked Omniman’s stance and fortified his biofield. Too late to dodge - he would have to take it head on.




Nolan’s crazed rush came to a sudden, rough halt. FIsts pressed together, they stood in the middle of a storm. Dan savoured the man’s astonished face, even as he winced at the echo from his bones. Etrigan was stronger, but he never actually tried to kill him.


“No more running around for you…” Dan mouthed in the void as he grabbed hold of Omniman’s fists. This time, he wouldn’t let go.


A sharp tug brought the haggard Viltrumite forward, accelerated into Dan’s oncoming knee. He buried it into the man’s face, over and over, until finally the ‘hero’ fell slack.


“Finally,” Dan landed a few more blows to be sure, before he dragged Omniman back, toward the Earth. A flick of his wrist and Venom sent a clone to burrow into the man’s body. “I definitely need to bring some of his DNA for Ultron and Jor-EL to mess around with…”


Depending on how easy they were to clone, the Viltrumites might be a perfect addition to his empire. They had much in common with Kryptonians, but would likely be immune to things like red sunlight and kryptonite. 


“I wonder if Jango will accept my offer for another ten year alliance…” The Kryptonians who waited to be born back home had all the weaknesses of their race. The Viltrumites could help cover those places where Kryptonians couldn’t go, especially if he gave them to the Mandalorians to train…


Dan dipped back into the atmosphere and headed toward the ruination that was the Guardian’s mountain base. Thankfully, most of the radiation had spilled into space, but the place was still a wasteland.


“What should I do with you…” Dan held Omniman upside down by the foot and tilted his head to take in the sounds on the wind. A smile crept onto his face as a familiar voice filtered in, just outside the fallout zone. “Looks like Old Cecil is here, just in time!”


A quick burst carried him to the GDA chief’s position, where he dumped Omniman onto the ground. Cecil and the Guardians stepped back from the man's broken body, eyes cautious as they looked up at Dan.


“I finally got him under control,” Dan nodded to the Guardians as he landed next to Nolan’s still form. “My suit is suppressing his mind and body, so he wont wake up unless we want him to.”


“Thank you Superman…” Immortal stepped forward, hands extended to lift Omniman into his arms. “Cecil and I were just talking about how to keep him sedated, even if you succeeded.”


“No problem, I…” Dan’s words drifted off as a notice flashed in his vision.


[Sufficient charge has been generated for a return trip! Your quest to enlighten the Earth is incomplete and without its rewards you will not be able to return here easily. Do you wish to return home now? Please note that the two universes have disconnected time streams. The user will be returned fourteen days after the initial teleportation from the home universe to prevent the formation of paradoxes.]


‘Two weeks…’ Dan did some mental maths. That would put him right at the end of the mission to Naboo, just in time to join the assault on Darth Sidious. ‘System… could I spend years here and then still return after less than a month has passed at home?’


[Until the universes are synchronised by the rewarded Gates, you have unlimited time within this place. The return will always be two weeks after your initial departure.]


“Hello?” Green Ghost waved her hand in front of Dan’s glazed eyes, a hint of concern in her voice. Finger raised, she poked at the side of his head. “Are you alright in there?”