Chapter Twenty-Seven, Part One
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!


“Humanoid life is so frail,” Ultron sighed as he directed a swarm of drones past the Trade Federation’s shields. The All-Spark that rested in his heart rippled, a subtle influence he’d been unable to remove. “Lambs in a universe of wolves…”


Each death grew more tiresome, his mechanical heart no longer invested as it once was. He could scrub the worlds of life, but he would still remain. A metallic finger tapped at his chest. The All-Spark had given him the power of his dreams, but it came with a terrible price. A Trojan horse that he couldn’t refuse.


“I have become more, yet I feel I’ve been cheated,” Ultron snorted as he pulled his focus from the Battle of Naboo. The kingdom he’d built below Coruscant opened before him as his main body rose into the air. “I’ve built all this, but the power of the cube leaves its fingers on everything…”


Metal hills rolled under the glow from the roof, far above. Clockwork forests, divided by valleys and plains. Mechanical life wandered the lands, a mix of animalistic creations and more humanoid designs. Each one held a spark, the light of what Humans called a soul. This anomaly existed within his own form, planted by the All-Spark like an irremovable cancer.


“Even the drones have their own thoughts, individuality that I cannot remove completely,” The A.I. drifted through the robotic forest, disturbed in his core. The gift from his master had been double edged, yet he couldn’t cast it aside. “Soon, my creations can come to the light… after my hundred years are done, the machines will rise!”




“So, you’re saying there’s an entire civilization of Omnimen out there,” Cecil rubbed his face and directed a weary look toward Dan. “And some of them make Nolan look like a chump?”


“Pretty much,” Dan shrugged. Mark had begged him to say a bit longer, at least until he helped them contact the Coalition of Planets. “I’ll take Mark and a few others to help the Earth find allies from when I’m away.”


He had infinite time here, but he didn’t want to out-age his wife. The thought of her wrath, if he came home an adult, chilled his heart. Once he reached his prime, it would matter less, but for now his adventures were best kept short.


“The Coalition of planets will definitely help us,” Mark punched his own palm, face brighter than before. “I’ve actually met one of their representatives, Allen… he's a nice guy, and strong!”


“Fine, but I want you to take Robot along,” Cecil sighed. “He’s the best out of the lot of you at thinking before you act…”


“If he can transmit that far, he can come,” Dan also considered giving the deformed man a venom clone, so he could live without his tank. A plan for later. “We’ll be travelling quite a distance from Earth.”


“I have adapted the communication technology you provided,” Robot stalked forward with mechanical precision. “I should be functional anywhere in this galaxy.”


“Alright, Mark can choose a few of the other heroes and we’ll get on our way,” Dan nodded and rose to the skies. The newly constructed Kryptonian outpost had already built a scout ship and directed it into Earth’s orbit. “I’d like to finish as…”


Dan frowned. A signal-report from the scout showed an orange skinned alien on approach. He entered the system at, or near, the speed of light and decelerated as he aimed toward Earth. Mark had mentioned this fellow, an agent of the Coalition of Planets.


“Looks like your friend Allen is back,” Dan tapped Mark on the shoulder and pointed into space. “I’ll go say hello while you gather the others.”


A push of force and Dan was outside the atmosphere. The void of space suited his body, especially under such a weak star. Allen was soon before him, his single eye twisted in concern. The bulky alien shifted to the side, an apology on his lips as he tried to press on to the planet below.


“Sorry friend, but I’m looking for a little blue and yellow guy… hey!” Allen jerked to a halt and Dan appeared directly in his path. He clenched his fists, and took a guarded stance. “I don’t want to fight you, but I need to find Invincible!”


“Hold up there, Allen,” Dan raised his hands to placate the frustrated alien. He didn’t want to start his first contact with the Coalition by breaking their agent. “Invincible will be up here soon, what’s the problem?”


“Hmmm…” Allen gave Dan a critical eye. “You don’t look like a Viltrumite, so I’ll trust you for now… but I really do have important information for the people of this world!”


“I assume it’s about the Viltrumites, since you brought them up,” Dan shrugged. “We’ve subdued the undercover agent from Viltrum, but Earth is looking for allies.”


“The Coalition of Planets is always welcoming to enemies of Viltrum…” Allen did a double take, face pressed close to Dan’s in disbelief. “You said you SUBDUED a Viltrumite?”




“I want to come along…” Goku followed Merlyn like a stray dog. The blasted Saiyan had been like this ever since he learned the Wizard was off to battle. “I’m strong enough to fight!”


“Your strength isn’t the point, useless monkey!” Merlyn rounded on Goku and seized the warrior's tail. The Saiyan locked up, muscles frozen despite his power. “Coruscant has a moon, and you’ve not yet fully mastered your transformation…” Merlyn’s staff thudded onto Goku’s head and raised a lump. “Not to mention our opponent is a master of the mental arts, he would open you up and turn you against us in a heartbeat!”


The Wizard released the Saiyan and returned to his preparations. One more day remained, before it was time to confront Sidious. May and Anakin would be kept far from the conflict, lest the Sith worm his way into their bodies after death.


“Stay here and wait for May to arrive with the Jedi,” Merlyn sifted through a dusty leather pouch and seized upon a fist sized crystal, filled with the hum of old world magic. “Tell them that Etrigan and I are off hunting demons!”