Chapter Thirty, Part Two
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!


“So, you’re the mysterious Husband of May,” Qui-Gon Jinn raised an eyebrow as he took in Dan-EL for the first time. The boy stood just over five feet tall, with eyes that didn’t match his age. “She has spoken highly of both you and Merlyn, though I have yet to meet the Wizard.”


“Merlyn will be home sometime this evening,” Dan-EL reached out a hand that Qui-Gon almost failed to notice. The young Kryptonian’s body was a lighthouse in the force, bright enough to bring Qui-Gon’s eyes to a squint. “But I’d like to talk with you, before he pulls you off for some esoteric conversation.”


Qui-Gon smiled and shook the boy’s hand. Both May and Dan behaved like full grown adults, perhaps an oddity of their race? Either way, it was strange to look at an overgrown ten year old with the eyes of an old man.


“I assume you’d like to sell me on your new force order as well?” The Jedi Master shook his head and gave a soft laugh. “Master Vergere, Master Dooku… you seem intent on poaching talent from the Jedi…”


“I am,” Dan returned the smile and waved for Qui-Gon to follow him. “The Jedi have done their best, but you’ve seen the results of binding the Order to the Republic…” Dan led them through the maze of the fortress’ halls, until they stood before a sealed door. “Krypton will bring a tide of change, an upswell that the Jedi cannot hope to balance.”


The doorway irised open to reveal a large, open air colosseum. Qui-Gon hesitated on the threshold, eyes locked onto a tall figure in the centre of the stadium. Freshly healed scars created a spider web over the brutes midnight-black skin, white teeth bared in a wide grin. The creature raised a hand in greeting, empty gaze on the Jedi.


“A new face, another magician to join the troupe?” A flicker brought the humanoid shadow to Dan-EL’s side, curiosity on its face as it appraised Qui-Gon. “This magi is different, a difficult one to dupe…”


“We’re not duping anyone…” Dan-EL sighed as he waved between the demonic being and the Jedi Master. “Etrigan, this is Qui-Gon Jinn, I brought him here to show him our sparring match.”


“My wounds are healed enough, to put on your show,” Etrigan snorted and rolled his scarred shoulders. “But this Jedi isn’t one to be intimidated by your poor counter blows.”


“Your… friend is correct,” Qui-Gon squinted at Dan-EL. If this was an attempt at intimidation…


“Stop stirring the pot, Etrigan, I’m not trying to scare anyone,” Dan laughed as he shooed the Demon toward the centre of the colosseum. “I want you to be the first Jedi to understand what a civilization of Kryptonians actually means for the galaxy.”


A ripple of concentrated lifeforce spilled from beneath Dan-EL’s skin, a deep blue aura that glinted like a midnight sky. The strange biological armour, the same that Qui-Gon had witnessed on May, spilled from the boy and increased his size to match the Demon he faced.


“All of my people will become as strong as I am now,” Dan-El’s voice came with a pressure, the shadow of a sun that loomed at the Jedi’s back. “Can the Jedi maintain the peace, when the sons and daughters of Krypton step into their power?”


Dan-EL vanished from Qui-Gon’s perceptions, replaced by an explosive crack. The Jedi’s eyes flicked to the side. Etrigan had raised a fist, pressed against Dan-EL’s to catch the high speed attack.


“What will the Jedi do, if my people take a stand against the rest of the galaxy as conquerors?” Blue flame erupted from Dan-EL’s eyes, deflected from Etrigan’s face by a sheet of grey smoke. “Merlyn’s magic can create what the Jedi were meant to be, a true power for light and balance!”


Qui-Gon’s eyes widened as Etrigan traded blows with Dan. Each one sounded, louder than thunder, sonic attacks that he used the force to ward away. He’d believed Master Dooku’s words, about May’s strength, but this was something different. Raw, physical might, without the need for the force.


“Our new order needs someone like you, Master Qui-Gon,” Dan-EL halted his display and floated to the ground. His suit slipped back under his skin and the bright eyed youth returned. “Your nature can temper the others - even your old Master - to keep the Order on the right path.”


“I’m not sure any Force Order could keep your people in check, if they’re all as powerful as this…” Qui-Gon let the peace of the light side wash away his fear. The Kryptonians were a race of Gods, how could anyone hope to contain them if they went rogue.


“I have a solution to that as well,” Dan withdrew a small vial from his belt and held it forward, for Qui-Gon to examine. “We can’t produce more just yet, but this serum can convert any species into a perfect hybrid of their original race and my own,” A gentle toss and the clear glass, filled with yellow liquid, landed in the Jedi Master’s hands. 


“You can convert other races into your own…” Qui-Gon gave the vial in his hands a long stare, before he turned his attention back to Dan-EL. “Why would you give this to me, Master Yoda…”


“Yoda is the strongest of the Jedi, but he’s lost to the dogma that strangles his Order.” Dan shook his head and gestured to Qui-Gon. “Of all the Jedi alive today, you are the most worthy of the power that serum can bring,” the young Kryptonian’s eyes flickered, and a smile bloomed on his face. “You hold onto that, think about if you’ll use it… it’s time for you to meet Merlyn and another guest has just arrived that I need to attend to…”




“So, that’s Conquest…” Goku rolled his shoulders, hands balled into fists. Even from across a star system, the brutish man’s aura weighed heavy on his shoulders. “Are you sure I can’t test him by myself…”


“Absolutely certain, you useless monkey,” Thaedus shook his head, fully covered in one of Venom’s clones. “The only reason we even chose a target with so much power, is because Conquest is almost always alone… he may still be too much for Allen and yourself to handle.”


“He’s noticed us…” Allen gestured toward the scarred Viltrumite, who had shifted his course to connect with their own. “Remember the plan, Goku, we go together…”


The alien’s words were lost on the Saiyan. Goku thumped his fists together and launched into a bullrush, aimed to connect with their enemy's charge.


“THE PLAN, GOKU!!!” Allen darted after the youth, speed pushed to full. “WAIT FOR ME!!!”