Chapter Thirty-Two, Part One
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!


“Gladius is ready to jump,” May leaned her head back, against Dan’s chest, and let out a sigh. “Where should we go?”


“Set a course for the Yoggoy system,” Dan tightened his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll use the Killiks on board to recruit the Hives in this universe, and drop the newborns off to soak up the blue sunlight there.”


May nodded and closed her eyes, focus drawn into Gladius’ systems. Dan smiled as the familiar flicker of phantom travel washed over the ship. Once they got the Kryptonians settled in a safe location, the next stop would be Taris. After the Jedi wiped Revan’s mind, it was the place her adventure started.


“We’re here, and the Killiks on board have already connected to the Hive,” May’s eyes opened and she returned Dan’s smile. “I assume you want them to go down first and spread Venom's clones?”


“Probably for the best,” Dan nodded as he pulled them both to their feet. Freed of the plush cushions of the recliner, they moved toward the airlock. “Leave the Kryptonians on board until Venom has suppressed the Killik’s pheromones, we don’t want them turning into Joiners.”


Once Venom controlled the Killiks, they could begin construction of a temporary city. It would serve as their base until it was time to return home. Since they had an unlimited amount of time to spend in this universe, Dan planned to take advantage, especially since May was here with him.


“As long as the Priestesses in this place don’t try to teleport us away, I want to spend at least ten years here, maybe more,” Dan opened the sealed door and led the way into the vacuum of space. “That way, this first generation will be adults before the next one is born back home.”


“Are you sure that only two weeks will pass, no matter how long we stay?” May’s brow furrowed as they drifted free of the Gladius and prepared to jump. “I don’t want to abandon the others back home…”


“I’m sure,” Dan reached out and took hold of May’s hand. “So far, the system’s information has been reliable, and only two weeks passed for you, even though I spent months in another universe.”


This quirk of time was a burden, when he’d come alone, but now… Dan smiled as the terrible expanse of the phantom zone replaced the universe. With May and five thousand Kryptonians by his side, he was free to spend as much time as he pleased. The galaxy returned and May spasmed at his side.


“What the hell was that!” Hands pressed to her head, she gave Dan a feral look. “How long were we in there?”

“Was that your first time jumping without a ship?” Dan laughed as he reached out to reassure her. “Don’t worry, it just feels like a long time… I use it to practise Merlyn’s mental techniques.”


“A warning would have been nice,” May shuddered in his arms and gave him a false glare. “It felt like a lifetime…”


“Sorry…” Dan kissed her forehead. “If you like we can travel in one of the scouts in Gladius’ landing bay…”


“No,” May shook her head, face determined. “Now that I know it’s supposed to happen, it’s fine. It IS the perfect time to practise runework!”


“Alright!” Dan planted another kiss and set her free. He turned them toward Taris’ city covered surface and began his descent. “Let’s get on the ground… before Revan shows up, I’d like to recruit a few people to our cause…”


[Quest available: Take control of the Starforge and recruit allies for the return trip home. Bonus rewards for the recruitment of Revan, the Exile, and their companions.]


A smile slipped over Dan’s lips as he read the notice. His system knew his mind well. Not all of Revan’s companions were force sensitive, but the Exile’s followers were a different story. If he was going to bum around this universe for ten or more years, he might as well fill out the roster for his new Force Order back home. The Starforge would be a nice gift for Ultron, another Celestial toy for the A.I. to study.


“This place smells…” May wrinkled her nose, a frown on her lips. “It’s even worse than Coruscant, rotten and diseased…”


“That’s probably the Rakghouls,” Dan sniffed at the foul, polluted air. “The plague runs rampant in the undercity, millions of souls converted into mindless sith abominations.”


Darth Malak would bring a cure to the disease, when he occupied the world in search of the Jedi Bastila. He would also bombard the planet into ruin when he failed to find her. Dan flexed his fingers as they descended onto a pedestrian skyway, masked by the cover of night. Revan’s Sith apprentice would be in for a surprise, when Dan ripped his fleet apart.


“It’s too bad Ultron isn’t here,” May snorted, a futile attempt to clear the smell from her nose. “He could probably quarantine the infected areas without much trouble on a planet like this.”


“Don’t worry, a cure exists, we just have to wait for it to be delivered,” Dan led the way to the closest turbolift and entered the lowest level this lift could reach. “While we wait, we’ll go hire the Mandalorian that will train the Kryptonians and make a few new friends.”


“Ok, but I don’t want to live here long term,” May sighed as the smell grew stronger with each metre the lift descended. A wave of moist odour poured in as the door opened to reveal the lower city. “The faster we’re off this planet, the better…”


Dan nodded as he walked from the turbolift. The map Venom had pulled from the local networks showed they needed to journey east and north, before they reached their destination. Javyar’s Cantina, local watering hole and hangout of Canderous Ordo, Mission Vao, and the Wookie Zaalbar.


“Agreed, we’ll leave as soon as possible,” Dan and May walked through the dingy corridors, side by side. They only needed to be here long enough to steal Revan away from the Jedi’s clutches. After that they could collect the rest of the forgetful Sith’s companions from other worlds and move on to the Starforge. “Taris is just a footnote, and with us here it wont even burn to the ground.”