Chapter Forty-One, Part Two
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Now, on to the chapter!


“You are a most interesting species, far beyond any humanoids I have ever encountered,” Goto floated behind Dan as they strolled through Atris’ ‘Jedi Academy,’ Focused on Kara and Cal’s high speed movements as they cleared the path forward. “These two appear to be juveniles, yet they are faster and stronger than the droids that follow us.”


The HK unit closest to them snorted, but didn’t deny Goto’s statement. Even at ten years old, Kara and Cal were unmatched against even the most skilled of the Echani Handmaidens, one victory after another that left the women unconscious on the ground.


“They’re doing well, especially for their first real world mission,” Dan shrugged, his eyes focused beyond the walls. Atris and the ‘last of the Handmaidens’ were sealed within the Jedi’s audience chamber, faces concerned as the sounds of combat grew closer. “The real test will be how they deal with the fallen Jedi Master ahead.”


The two Kryptonians were not lightsaber proof, not yet. They would need to use skill, not brute force, if they wished to overcome even a low levelled master of the Force. Cal’s magical ability was the most valuable, followed by their joint ability to use ki at range. Dan was interested to see if two young Kryptonians were a match for Atris. If so, then most Force users wouldn’t be a problem for the other Kryptonians that were engaged throughout the outer rim.


“Indeed,” Goto’s many small lights flickered as Kara tossed an adult woman across the room with a single hand. The Handmaiden slid down the metal wall and joined her sisters in the land of dreams. “I am curious as well. Most of the data I have on the Jedi and their abilities is theoretical… but it indicates a potential loss from your two servants.”


“We’ll see,” Dan laughed at the droid's cool, logical assessment. He also had his doubts about Kara and Cal’s success, but he was fast enough to prevent any accidents, as was May. “It’s time for the show to begin!”




The last Handmaiden within the outer sections of the base fell to the floor, ready to be collected by the HK units that followed their wake. Kara shook her head and sized up the door ahead, the final unexplored section of this modest fortress. Cal stepped up on her left, hand already surrounded with strings of runes.


“There are two force-sensitives beyond this gateway, but one of them is much stronger than the other,” Cal extended his fingers and cast a supportive barrier over Kara’s shoulders, then over himself. “We should knock out the weaker one immediately, then work together to subdue the Jedi Master.”


“You two can focus on Atris, I’ll take care of her support,” May’s hands fell onto the young Kryptonian’s shoulders, a smile on her face. “That other force-sensitive is the real target of this mission, so it’s important that she survives our first meeting relatively unharmed.”


“Understood, Mistress May!” Cal bobbed his head, while Kara gave a single nod. She sensed a pressure, a sharper version of Master Bindo’s powerful aura.


“Be careful, Cal,” Kara took a breath and channelled her ki to its limit, blood on a rush through her heart. This Jedi would be the first step, the beginning of her journey to stand against her limits and go beyond. “You should kite her from afar, while I keep her occupied up close… we need to play to our strengths if we want to win.”


Cal nodded and positioned himself to the side of the door, another spell ready in his hands. Kara trusted her friend, his magical skill matched close to Mistress May… as long as she limited herself to spells below the seventh level. There wasn’t a Jedi alive that could match him with Force powers alone, but their symbiotes could only deflect a lightsaber’s attack at best.


“Let me open the door,” Dan-EL strolled toward the sealed antechamber. He placed a hand onto the smooth, metal trimmed stone, and tapped a finger. The doorway fragmented into countless pebbles, held in place by Dan-El’s biofield. He glanced at the group around him and smiled. “Get ready to move as soon as the stones fall.”


Kara nodded and set her feet, prepared to sprint after Cal’s opening spell. Master Dan-EL removed his hand and shifted to the side, a trigger for the door’s collapse. Cal launched two separate runic waves. A circle that summoned a stream of arcane bolts, formed above his head, targeted into the room. His second spell sent a wave of frost over the ground, an entrapment spell that also impeded mobility. 


Muscled released, coiled springs that drove Kara forward. Her symbiote already reformed the underside of her boots, jagged cleats that ignored the icy terrain. A shadow flickered past her, into the door before she’d taken more than a step. Mistress May slipped through the air and took hold of the last Handmaiden in the base, then retreated with the woman in hand.


Kara focused on her target, a woman of white hair and robes. The Jedi Master held two lightsabers, blue in one hand, and silver in the other. Her feet were untouched by Cal’s icy snare, eyes locked on Kara as she batted magical missiles from the air.


A flick of her wrists sent a ki blast in Atris’ direction, while Kara withdrew a weapon of her own. Every Kryptonian had received a modified lightsaber, though they were rarely needed. Dan-EL had reverse engineered a weapon he called the Darksaber and created a number of models that the Starforge could replicate.


Kara’s midnight blade snapped into existence, flat edged rather than rounded like a traditional sabre. Its hilt was based on a design Mistress May called a ‘Bastard Sword,’ with a long hilt and heavy beskar guard. It reached out to strike against both of the Jedi’s blades, a quick test to judge her opponent’s strength.


Atris’ response was fluid and controlled, a gentle spin that blurred her form and dispersed the force of Kara’s blows. She angled her lightsabers and stepped forward to meet Kara’s charge, one sabre high and the other low.


Kara smiled and danced to the side. A deep roar sounded from her back, a draconic serpent of flame that rushed from between Cal’s outstretched arms toward the wide eyed Jedi. Without hesitation, Atris dropped one of her sabres and extended her hand. She gave a gentle push, a wave of force that diverted the molten snake into the floor.


“Got you!” Kara danced forward, sword angled toward her opponent's unarmed side. Face set in a self-satisfied grin, she nearly lost her head as Atris spun with superhuman speed. The silver lightsaber brushed against the very top of her scalp, much to her symbiotes dismay. It hissed in Kara’s ears, even as it restored its damaged flesh.


“You have nothing,” Atris snorted, eyes in a loop between Kara, Cal, and Master Dan-EL in the doorway. “Who are you people, why have you attacked this Jedi Academy?”