Chapter Fifty-Nine, Part Two
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Check out my new novel ‘Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun,’ set in the Dragon Ball universe!


Now, on to the chapter!


“The pyramid has been secured for transport, but we are unable to breach its walls,” Prime One floated up from the gilded structure and gave Dan a bow of his head. “We may require the power of either the All-Spark or the tesseract to force our way inside.”


A rumble echoed over the desert as the pyramid rose on a cloud of sand. The other Primes hauled the Celestial construction skyward, on course for the distant Fortress. Dan glanced at the horizon, before he nodded to the silver toned ‘Superman.’


“The tesseract needs to stay in S.H.I.E.L.D. 's hands for now. If you require more than the Spark, we’ll use the power stone,” Dan let his biofield carry him toward the northwest, focused on a group of figures that made a swift approach. “You carry on, I’ll entertain our guests.”


“Halt! That pyramid and all it contains are the property of the Celestials,” A blond haired man dressed in blue and red accelerated ahead of his companions, eyes backlit by a flare of cosmic power. “Return what you have taken, or we will be forced to reclaim it ourselves.”


“Really?” Dan sized the man up, eyebrow raised. This fellow and his group all contained considerable reserves of cosmic energy, much like En Sabah Nur but far weaker. “And who might you be, exactly?”


“I am the Sovereign of Olympia, chosen leader of the Eternals and servant of the Celestials,” Yellow energy flared within the man’s gaze as his comrades raced to hover at his back. One, a larger fellow with a bushy red beard, drifted to float level with the self-titled Sovereign. “The contents of that pyramid were never meant for mortal hands, they will only bring you and yours to ruin.”


Dan frowned at the man’s claims. The Eternals he knew looked different from these four, but he could still guess at a few of their identities. The leader was probably Ikaris, while one of the three at his back was likely Sersi.


“I’m not your average mortal, Ikaris, servant of Arishem,” Dan extended his biofield and blocked the path to the airborne pyramid. Like Apocalypse, these Eternals would revive after death, but beyond a freakish ability to survive they were no threat to him. “You and yours may be able to bully the locals of Earth, but you’ll find me a bit less receptive to your influence.”


“Stand aside, fool,” the red-headed man at Ikaris’ side scoffed as a flare of energy rippled over his body. “Your actions may have won you the praise of the humans, but I know a conqueror when I see one.”


“If I was a conqueror, you would already be dust on the wind,” Dan gave the man a dead eyed stare, before he ignored his existence and turned back to Ikaris. “I won’t return the Celestial technology that I’ve earned with my own power, but you’re welcome to try and take it from me.”


“You dare…”


“Keep quiet,” Dan appeared before the red-head. Hand extended, he flicked the man’s forehead and robbed the bearded fellow of his consciousness. “The adults are talking… now, are we going to fight, or can I go about my day?”


“Father Zuras!” Sersi gave Dan a horrified glance as she grabbed ahold of her unconscious friend. “Ikaris, I told you that this Superman was different from the other mortals… we need to unite if we want to have a chance against him!”


“That’s enough, Sersi,” Ikaris waved her to silence, brow furrowed as he met Dan’s gaze. “We have no desire to fight with you, Superman. Your influence on Earth has been a positive one, but that pyramid must not fall into the hands of any but the Eternals… Arishem commands it!”


“Then Arishem can come and take it from me,” Dan gave the Eternal leader a mild smile, one that failed to reach his eyes. It would take more than the theft of En Sabah Nur’s pyramid to summon the Celestial back to Earth. “Apocalypse attacked me and I’ve claimed his possessions as compensation. Bring me his head and help me disable his resurrection, maybe then I’ll give you what you want.”


“Apocalypse…” Ikaris frowned as he glanced between Dan and the Pyramid, already far in the distance thanks to the Primes’ efforts. “En Sabah Nur is no brother of ours, but I must still insist…”


“I feel like you’re missing the point here,” Dan sighed as he constricted his biofield around the group of Eternals. Cosmic energy flared from their skin, useless against his grasp. “I don’t work for the Celestials, or you.”


The flames of his ki billowed from his skin, midnight-blue fire that cast a sapphire tint over the land. Ikaris released a blast of cosmic energy from his eyes, a flare of power that Dan forced back under the Eternal’s skin.


“You’ve spent too long among the weak, Sovereign of the Eternals,” Dan shook his head as he floated face to face with the captured Ikaris. “Your demands have no weight against me and mine. I stand above you in the hierarchy of power, and I know the real reason your kind exists.”


Ikaris’ eyes widened at Dan’s claim, his struggles redoubled. Most of the Eternals thought they were on Earth to shepard humanity, but both Dan and Ikaris knew the truth. They were there to ensure the rise of a new Celestial, nothing more and nothing less.


“Now, I’ll ask you again,” Dan waved his hand and tossed the Eternals from his grasp, back in the direction they came from. “Do you wish to fight, or can we end this charade without further violence?”




“Master Qui-Gon! Please wait!” A brown haired Jedi, his face covered in tribal tattoos, hurried to catch up to Bastila and Qui-Gon. He led a small group of older Jedi Knights, as well as a collection of younger men and women of the Order. “Is it true that you’ve left the Jedi to serve under the banner of Krypton?”


“Indeed it is, Master Hett,” Qui-Gon smiled as he turned to face the gathering of Jedi, Bastila at his side. “I was unable to convince the council of masters, but I hope that other, like minded members will join me in time.”


“That’s why we’ve come, Master Qui-Gon,” Hett waved to the group at his back, face set in determined lines. “Many of the younger generation are tired of the chains of tradition… we would follow you and join the Order of Krypton, if you’ll have us?”


Qui-Gon smiled at the younger Master, before he turned to face the crowd. His gaze travelled over each of the Jedi present, eyes that saw more than just their faces. He nodded, satisfied with whatever he found in their hearts.


“Krypton welcomes all who have pure intentions,” Qui-Gon waved the group forward, but stopped Master Hett with a hand on the shoulder. “I will take these few to the Order’s Academy, but I would like you to remain.”


Qui-Gon turned the younger man back toward the Jedi temple and motioned to the monolithic structure. Backlit by the sun, the greater structure was wreathed in shadows.


“You can continue your efforts to recruit the dissatisfied members of the Jedi and keep Krypton informed on the actions of the council…”