Chapter Sixty-Three, Part Three
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Check out my new novel ‘Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun,’ set in the Dragon Ball universe!


Now, on to the chapter!


“This universe truly is a wonder,” Anissa followed Goku and Anakin through the deep core of Krypton’s home galaxy, her body warmed by uncountable suns. “There are so many habitable worlds, so many intelligent beings…”


This galaxy was freakishly dense, filled to the brim with star systems that gave birth to life. It was almost unnatural, some all powerful creator’s artificial design. Even their current mission was something she had trouble wrapping her mind around.


“Are there more planets here than back in the other universe?” Goku tilted his head, eyes narrowed as he inspected the heavens. “I hadn’t really noticed…”


Anissa rolled her eyes at Goku’s clueless nature, her focus drawn to the luminous world that was their target. A smooth surface, marred by countless fissures that released a golden light. Merlyn called it the Wellspring of Life, the home of a collective of entities known as the Force Priestesses.


“This must be the place,” Anakin slipped forward with Anissa on his heels, into the golden world’s atmosphere. Goku followed, his gaze still focused on the stars above. “Merlyn said we’re supposed to ask the Priestesses for help monitoring Abeloth.”


“Can these women really help with that creature?” Anissa frowned as they descended into the planet’s core. Ultron had shared recordings of both Dan and May’s battle with the monstrous Abeloth, a being that had the power to move stars. “If they could have done something to stop her, surely they would have done so by now?”


“You’re probably right,” Anakin shrugged as they entered the hollow centre of the luminous world. “But the old Wizard claims these Force entities are technically the strongest magic users, outside of Krypton’s control anyways. Even if they can’t fight her, their connection to the cosmic Force can let us track her activities.”


Anissa nodded, while Goku gawked around the chamber of floating islands. The Saiyan drifted off on his own, drawn to the lush plant life and peaceful creatures that inhabited the Wellspring’s core.


“Alright… get back here Goku!” Anissa raised her eyes to the heavens and asked for patients, one hand extended to grasp the Saiyan by the collar of his gi. “We have to focus, Merlyn and May are counting on us!”


At the mention of Krypton’s Empress, Goku’s face gained a more serious edge. He shook himself and slapped at the sides of his face, before he nodded in Anissa’s direction and set a course after Anakin.


“You’re right…” Goku glanced at the darkest island in the centre of the chamber, their target in this mission. “We need to do our best for May!”


Their group descended to the mossy outcrop, where five masked aliens awaited their arrival. Gathered in a semi-circle, they followed Anakin’s approach with golden eyes, little focus spared for the others.


“Welcome, Chosen One, to the Wellspring of the Living Force,” the central Priestess bowed her expressionless mask and the others followed suit. “We have been awaiting your arrival for some time…”




“You’re getting slower, Kara,” Bucky chuckled through his teeth, arms raised as he defended his skull from the blond Kryptonian’s fists. “Even with all that borrowed power, you're still too weak…”


“SHUT UP!!!” Kara flashed under his guard, knuckles driven home on his chin. A spin of her body and both heels crashed into his chest, a blow that drove him away from the Earth. “I’LL SHOW YOU WHICH ONE OF US IS WEAK!!!”


Silver-black light rippled over her skin, the energy that Dan-EL had granted her as boundless as when it first appeared. Despite this newfound power, Bucky’s grey-toned flesh absorbed her every blow and came back stronger.


The world blurred, turned upside down as Kara landed a kick against the side of his head. Thoughts consumed by the sound of a bell, Bucky found himself within the cold expanse of space. The fire that had blossomed within him when his mutant power awakened surged through his bones.


“Your punches are getting lighter as well,” Bucky laughed as he swatted out his fist, fast enough to backhand Kara toward the moon. He was evolving, a progression that accelerated the more he fought. “Soon enough, I’ll be able to beat that shadowy light right out of you…”


“You’re playing around with him too much,” Dan-EL’s voice echoed through Bucky’s mind, accompanied by a powerful suppressive force. Unable to move, his frozen body was rotated to face the gaze of Superman. “The Doomsday mutation lets him grow and adapt without limit, you need to use overwhelming force right from the start.”


Bucky roared, every ounce of his being rallied against the invisible pressure that held him in place. The flame at his core became a bonfire, ignited by his failure to escape. Space vibrated and Dan-EL raised an eyebrow, before he stilled the motion with a wave of his hand.


“Let’s purge En Sabah Nur’s mental poison from your mind, before you evolve into an actual threat,” a wave of insubstantial energy poured into Buckies thoughts, driven home by Dan-EL’s voice. “Now go to sleep, Bucky…”




“Alright, everything is ready to go,” Dan teleported back to the Ancient One’s side with a step, one small part of his focus devoted to hunting out En Sabah Nur’s servants and cleansing their minds. “Begin the revival, I’ll make sure the people don’t panic once they’ve been returned.”


The Ancient One nodded and resumed her spell, a great wave of emerald light that reached out to encompass the Earth. Vast quantities of energy poured from the phantom zone, into the Sorcerer Supreme like water into a sponge. 


One after the other, countless humans and mutants alike flickered into existence amid the ruins of the cities of Earth. Dan reached out to them all, a comforting mental force that painted an image of his Superman persona into their minds.


A final flick of the Ancient One’s wrists and the spell was complete, millions of lives restored in seconds. Dan strengthened his bond to the revived, enough that his words projected into their thoughts alongside his image.


“People of Earth, do not fear. I have returned and the Meta-human terrorist Apocalypse has been defeated,” Dan let his projetion’s eyes flare, while a sun bloomed from behind like the coming of the dawn. “All who lost their lives in the conflict have been restored, and the Order of Krypton is moving to rebuild your homes.”


The vision Dan projected shifted, its focus changed to include the Earth. It zoomed outwards, until it displayed the galaxy, then beyond. The endless filaments of stars that made up the universe, laid bare for the eyes of humanity.


“This attack against the people of Earth has highlighted the need for a well organised group of guardians,” Dan let the image return to his face, a bright smile on his lips as he continued. “As of today, I plan to establish the Justice League. All meta-humans are wellcome to put forward their name for membership, so long as they are willing to stand between the Earth and the threats this universe holds…”