Chapter 42; Practice Range
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Ahead of Belmare and his guests is a giant door with a magic seal engraved. Belmare stopped for a moment and leaned closer to the door, and whispered some words. 


A flux of light filled the lines of the seal and slowly lit up the whole door.


Belmare just walked inside of it. The giant door is an illusion and is actually a portal. Gevanni and Izuna followed as well. 


“Where’s the practice range, Belmare? This is just an open space.”


Gevanni asked as he looked around, and it reminded him of the outside earlier. They are near to the drawbridge.


“I am the practice range.”


“Wow~ That’s so freaking cool!” 


Izuna commented as she stood in awe. She was captivated due to rumors being true. The practice range that Belmare he himself created is a serious training set of courses that even the most powerful being in the kingdom, Prince Arkzell troubles him the most.


Belmare stopped walking and extended his left arm. He grabbed this with his other arm and slid it until he reached his hand. 


“Noble Expansion… Ashivatra Ragversta!”


Belmare shouted when he moved his hands as if he violently opened an ancient gate. 


“It’s creepy. I could understand it without knowing the language. His noble expansion means Consecration of Vulnerabilities.”


Gevanni thought inside his mind while the colors outside inverted except for those who are inside the field.


“In this field, we can’t be seen from the outside, and the damages here won't be affected in the real world.”


“Then, we don't have to worry about anything.”


Gevanni commented as he started removing his white suit and unbuttoned his vest. He then rolled up his black shirt’s sleeves. By the time he threw his vest away, the ground and surroundings became unsaturated. 


“I could summon anything based on the information I have. From foot soldiers, Somas, and sentient weapons. However, 30 minutes in this field, a half-day would pass in the real world. That's why I’ll only give you 10 minutes to practice.”


Belmare explained, and it forced Gevanni to think thoroughly about this. 


This world uses a 32-hour day system. Half of it is 16 hours. That leaves 10 minutes here is equal to 5 hours and 20 minutes in real time… I don't have time to ask questions about the nature of his noble expansion. Even if I did, there's no way he's going to tell everything...


“Belmare, I need to practice my ranged attacks for the whole session.”


“Understood...  We’ll start with three stone golems. A Grade II Lesser Soma.”


With a whirring noise, the stone golems rotated their upper half and landed from the sky. This dangerous soma's overall structure is similar to the idols praised by the various tribes of beastfolks. It has six sockets that serve as eyes, and their mana core is embedded at their chest and throbs gently. Its head rotated 360 degrees before making eye contact with Gevanni and moving in their respective positions.


One of the stone golems opened its mouth and exhaled. The other two adjusted their form into a defensive guard. With the use of magic, they purposely demagnetized their arms and formed into a hovering wide shield. 


“Izuna, can you materialize your magic gun?”


“Don’t talk about it so casually! It has a name. Remember it well, okay!?... 


“Yes, yes. Whatever you say.”


“It’s Shahamiel Evindra. Only those who are capable of magic and survived through the endless nights of Lumentoria Atrax can wield it!”


Izuna proudly boasted as she materialized the gun in front of Gevanni. He then inspected it.


“As expected of a chuuni naming sense… Hmm… For a handgun, it looks heavier than what it looks.”


“That’s right. It’s originally a musket, but it remains its original weight. Ah! What are you doing!?”


Izuna questioned in distress as Gevanni fired without warning. 


“Interesting. I’ve been the top player in Herscheim regarding firearms, but I couldn’t hit with absolute accuracy with this thing. Is it because of recoil? Maybe it's RNG-based shots...”


Gevanni assumed as he remembered carefully the aim he made earlier. The gun has barely any recoil in it and is quiet during the firing sequence. 


“That’s why it’s called a magic weapon. It runs through magic.”


“Ah. That was my mistake. I understand it now.”


“Huh!? That’s a legendary weapon! An ultra ultra ultra-rare weapon! It’s made ever since the Gods lived. There’s no way you can understand it completely.”


Izuna pointed, and Belmare also saw this chance to cut in.


“Do you know appraisal magic as well, Gevanni?”


“No. I hypothesize and collect facts through trial and error.”


So the bullets are actually homing, and their accuracy is boosted depending on how much magic you focus before you fire. The safety trigger is just for decoration, and it doesn’t work. It looks similar to a revolver, huh? But it only houses 3 bullets. If only I had time to repair my phone earlier, I’d record Izuna and Princess Marielle’s fight and see what I can learn from the things I missed.


Gevanni opened the chamber and picked a bullet to examine. He twisted and unlocked the casing to reveal its contents. 


“I assume this blue air is mana. But how does it work without gunpowder?” 


Gevanni questioned himself and dropped the bullet. He stepped and grinded it.


“Oh? It’s biodegradable. Maybe the head is the gunpowder equivalent; that's why the empty shells I saw earlier do not have any heads and tails. I understand it now.”


Gevanni concluded and glanced towards Belmare, who looked like he wanted to say something.


“I appraised that magic weapon. It exceeds your attributes. All I see is ???.”


Without paying any attention to Belmare’s comment, Gevanni fired the gun quickly. He aimed for the golem at the right and switched it to the left.


“If I hover the gun to the left, the bullets go to the right. It’s like I’m lagging.” 


The distance between the Stone Golems and Gevanni is just 125 meters. Each stone golem has a gap between them for 45 meters. Despite all that calculations, the bullet passed through the shield of the Stone Golem at the center.


“Pinpointing the target’s center is incredibly hard. But what if I just shoot the area around it by a small margin?”


Gevanni finally figured it and pierced the mana core of Stone Golem at the center. It broke into pieces, and it flew upwards before dispersing. However, its shield is left at the scene.


“For not using any magic to guide the bullets, you did well. It’s off-center, but it’s close.”


Belmare explained as he got close to the shield. He then destroyed it by striking his palm.


“H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?”


“You’re hurting my ears, Izuna. It’s a combination of recoil, RNG-based shots, and inverted aim. Yes, just like when playing games, I’m using the inverted controls. The same way how pilots navigate around.”


“What!? Do you also have pilot experience too!?”


“Well, I never piloted the real ones. But I spent some time playing some flight simulation games.” 


Izuna went quiet as she reloaded the bullets for Gevanni. She opened a few flasks, and black dust came out. It slowly formed into a bullet casing and imbued mana inside it. 


“First of all, why are you surprised? You’ve spent a long time using this than me. There’s really nothing special in this weapon. It’s just tough to use. Although, when fired in succession, it becomes stronger and faster.”


 Izuna is still quiet because Gevanni is right. Perhaps, one of the obvious reasons is they both have different thinking capabilities. She then forced a laugh.


“Hahahaha! As expected of you!”


“What’s with that forced laugh?”


Gevanni asked, and it made Izuna turn around and mumble to herself. 


“I can’t tell him it's a keepsake from someone… If he knows who that person is, he’ll hate me…” 


“Then, 2 more rounds, and I’m done.”


As soon as Gevanni prepared his aim, Belmare interrupted.


“Oh? I understand what you, my friend meant. It’s a weapon. Everyone can handle it but not effectively without experience. The power gating is just a myth to misled; these weapons are really of that high caliber. It’s a simple explanation rather than reveal certain conditions instilled in each weapon.”


“No wonder you’re an arms dealer. Nice deduction.”


“That’s why if we get hold of weapons outside our caliber, such as the Sacred Weapons that the Seraphims uses, we can still use it, but it's only good for hanging wall decorations.”


“That's beneficial information, Belmare.”


“I figured you need to know such basics. After all, we, the people of Evanslei, already know this. As much as I’d like to explain to you how our weapons work in this world, I don’t have the time, nor you have the time to sit around and learn.”


“Interesting. You’ve seen right through me, Belmare.”


“You don’t need any weapons to fight. You’re a mid-range fighter. You mostly attack by coordinating utilities and spells or ranged attacks.”


“What’s with this high-level conversation? I can’t follow…” 


Izuna's eyes turned into spirals, and she couldn't make her head straight. She tried to interrupt, but she couldn’t. It’s as if she wasn’t there. Gevanni and Belmare continued talking. 


“One of the reasons why I’m called Merchant of Death… I could see entirely someone’s capabilities base on the tools they purchase from me. See the possible risks and actions they would take whenever they are on the verge of death. And eventually, die along with their weapons!”


“That cleared all my suspicions, Belmare. Now I know you're that person I needed.” 


Both of the Stone Golems fell at the same time. Belmare chuckled a bit and stopped it so that he could ask something.


“What are you two going to do now? Should I call a carriage? Or perhaps escort you to the communication towers and teleport you to Evanslei?”


“I’ll practice my movements at the mountains. What about you, Izuna?”


“All of you are doing so much boring stuff. I’d rather go back to Advent Mogarellia and study how mages fight.”


“You’ve grown fond of them, huh? Well, good luck.”


Gevanni assured as he let go of the gun, and it dispersed. He walked out of the scene as soon as Belmare deactivated the noble expansion.

“Most noble representatives know their way and shortcuts in Evanslei. The same goes for the portals.”


Belmare explained as he took the lead and moved towards the communication tower that lies at the center of the fort.




Izuna doesn't know what to say since she’s not well versed in this kind of subject. She pretended to understand it by nodding every now and then, but in reality, she doesn’t.


“Each area of Evanslei is good for a battlefield and the reason why no Demons manage to get past our borders. We have the advantage.”


“Huh? I’m Izuna not Gevanni. Are you sure about that?”


“You’re fast, but you need open spaces and walls. What I’m saying is, you have a better advantage over those who are going to ambush you. After all, some people here hate those who are overly talented that makes their efforts go to waste.”


“I thought I hid it well.”


“Even if I can’t follow your fight earlier with Princess Marielle, I can see what parts of your body are damaged. However, those cuts from your finger. Those are not ordinary wounds.”


“Yeah… Most of them are cloaked and seem to be brainwashed. Evanslei is not specialized in curses. That’s why I find the daggers used by the ambushers annoying since it stops me from any healing effects.” 


“It seems we’re here…”


“It’s massive up close…”




“What? We’re already at the outskirts of Advent Mogarelia? Then why did we use the carriage?”


Izuna wondered as she looked around. It is definitely the outskirts of Advent Mogarellia. The summoning tower ruins from when Gevanni and Izuna first transported are visible in the distance. 


“I just like it. Besides, when used over time, teleportation becomes dull. Although, Evanslei is built this way to relay information or defend faster. I can’t really complain.”  


Belmare glanced to the top of Advent Mogarellia before giving his compliment.


“Good luck with your studies, Hero Candidate Izuna.”




Izuna happily answered as she hopped towards the Advent Mogarellia. 


Belmare is left at the communication tower and couldn’t decide what he should do for the rest of his day.


“Should I visit the guild first? No, the Guildmaster should return soon and call me for our meeting place. That leaves me with placing the order of the gear master’s research on magic anomalies.”


Belmare decided and inputted the coordinates in the communication tower. He was then transported near to his domain. 


“Sir! The Guild Master is waiting for you at your office.”


One of the guards reported and escorted Belmare.


“Good grief. What’s with old people who don't use call magic?”


Belmare wondered as he proceeded to his office. As soon as he arrived, there’s an old hag waiting for him.




Belmare stared intently at the old hag in front of him. She is wearing a suit decorated with various medals, revealing her cleavage and navel full of scars. Her eyepatch is well designed, and it has a crystal earring as part of it. She has an overly thick cape resting on her shoulders.  


“As ever, you’re too stoic and suck at making jokes. This is a retrieved item on the scene.” 


She’s also using a cane to support her straight posture. As soon as she finished her sentence, she placed a wrapped item on the table. It was 10 feet tall.


Scarface pulled a pocket lighter from her chest pocket and lit a cigarette. She then offered Belmare some, but he refused.


“It’s an artifact from the other world. They name this as Gae Bolg.”


“Why do you look like you're in pain?”


Belmare questioned the strangeness that Scarface displays. As someone who excels well in a profession where everyone dies young, what is left to make her feel scared?


“Normally, we can appraise any equipment or at least know it’s outside our caliber. However, the ??? doesn’t even appear.” 


Scarface explained while Belmare unwrapped the item. 


“This is no different from a spear, huh?... This red color and curved ornaments suggest its attacks are imbued with poison or curse as a last resort.”  


“How is Apocope… Let me rephrase that. How is the hero candidate, Gevanni?”


Scarface relieved herself and discarded unwanted thoughts. 


“Training at the mountains is not enough. Eventually, Gevanni will face someone in your guild. Why do you ask?


“It’s rare for people to gain your trust or even as business partners... I can use him.” 


“That would be a huge help, but Gevanni is not the type who extensively researches somas. He’s the person who will achieve anything through wealth.”


“Then it’s no problem. There must be a reason why he’s not greedy, unlike some Evanslenians... Yet.”


“I analyzed the weapon further. It’s not real. It’s just an imitation.” 


Belmare said and prepared his stance for noble expansion.


“Ashivatra Ragversta!”


Belmare manipulated the skill for him and Scarface to be the ones only affected. 


“I summoned two Grade I Leviathan Somas and lined them up.” 


“That’s not enough. Add two more.” 


“You really love to make people surpass their limits. No, not just you. Why do old people love to do that?”


“I still have a lot of spunk in me. I’m 87 years old, unlike the king who's around 107."


Scarface said as she looked through the window. Belmare summoned 5 Grade I Leviathan Somas instead of 4. 


“Withstood the horrors of war…”


Belmare imbued the spear with mystical energies.


“These hands know no bounds…”


Long after, he’s surrounded by the blue flares and small particles revolving around him. 


“Pierce through the unwanted…”


Various floating flames appeared suddenly and went inside the spear. Belmare took his stance and prepared to throw the spear at the center of the window.


“Gae… Bolg!”


The spear scampered as if it was falling from outer space and entered the earth’s atmosphere. A bright light engulfed everything and pierced through the somas as if their defenses are nothing. Despite not all of their mana cores being hit, they shattered into white fragments. 


The spear stopped at its last target. After a while, it appeared to multiply by itself and destroyed the soma inside-out. It released x-shaped energy and reduced the soma into nothingness.


No blood or any soma left. Even the bridge and waters were consumed. 


“This level of explosion and damage. The people who made this should know raw magic. However, Ptvernakias don’t create weapons like this. They prefer magic weapons such as grimoires and cubes. There’s a chance that the Ptvernakias and the people who made this are related.”


Scarface theorized. Afterward, the spear spun by itself and targeted Belmare.


“Interesting. Even if it’s an imitation, this weapon chose me. Also, our colors match well.”


Belmare caught the Gae Bolg with his hand. 


“Legendary weapons take a while before it returns to its user. Even if the user and the weapon are highly compatible, however, that was quick as if you’re dribbling a ball for that distance.” 


“Well? You already know my answer.”


“I’ll give that to you as a gift. Knowing you, you can improve it further and make it real. I’ll save my questions for later until you make any significant changes.” 


“As a token of thanks, let’s smoke somewhere.”


“No, here will suffice.”


Scarface insisted as she broke the remaining pieces of the windows with her cane. She stood at its ledge and lit another cigarette. 


“Only you would think to smoke and pass the time using my noble expansion.”


“Reality became dull, and it pains me by existing... Humans are truly built to destroy themselves…” 


“I can’t say no to that. As long as I see bodies, I’m relieved they had good deaths, unlike those who became monsters or their corpses were desecrated before being erased from existence.”


“It truly is tiring to be someone in power… Sending kids to their own demise.”