Chapter 5. Skin tanning and the magic of time.
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I woke up hearing the growl of a dead man over my face and opening my eyes instantly rolled to the side, because the zombies were trying to bite off my black and fluffy ears for the second time.

Aika: “Hey, do you have some kind of fetish for eating my ears?!”

I quickly cut the dead man and his five friends with my claws. And she went to get the corpse of a bear cub from the trap. I will try to skin for the first time on a mother bear, because her skin is the most damaged among the three, then a small bear and in the end, a bear whose paws I just cut. If I remember correctly, you must first cut the front of the carcass from the neck to the genitals, so that blood does not flow and the stomach is not damaged, then I cut off the paws and head. Next, you just need to carefully remove the skin from the body. As a result, the fur near the incisions was in the blood, which I washed in the blood. Since I didn’t have salt, I needed to get it, and for this I took water into a clay jag, poured ash into it, and put it to boil on a kindled fire. Since I had to wait 3 hours for the brine to infuse, I went out to kill zombies and skeletons. After 20 kills, I almost tripped because the dead near me slowed down by half. And looking closer, I saw some threads passing through all. When I looked into the system, I saw something new.

Aika: “System call.”

User: Aika Gray

Gender: female

Age: 6 days (20 years)

Titles: [Three bears killer].

Race: cat beastkin.

Affinity: Space, time, darkness.

Magic: very weak darkness control, very weak time control.

Next evolution: superior beastkin cat.

Requirements for evolution: killing 10,000 creatures (left 9,918 creatures).


After that, I started experimenting. 5 threads passed through me, and 10 through other things and living beings. I tried to manipulate these threads with thoughts, and when I removed one of the dead man's threads, he began to move faster. I realized that these threads bind living beings to the river of time and the speed in the river of time varies with the number of threads passing through. I assume that if someone/thing does not have these, then for it, everything that has threads will stand still. I won't check yet because I don't know what will happen to me in stopped time and due to the movement of the threads of time, I quickly get tired.

(Aika's right eye looks like a gold watch, which is a sign that she has an affinity for time. This eye does not affect her time control, just consider it part of her cute and mysterious look and reference.)

When I got home, the solution was already ready, so I dug a hole, threw in a skin in not the best condition and, using earthenware, poured water into the hole and the solution in proportions of 6 to 1. Since this process usually takes 3 days, I decided to try to move in the skin more strands of time. As a result, the skin was ready in an hour. And then I put several branches of oak into a clay pot with water and boiled it for 30 minutes. Further into another dug hole with water, I poured oak mortar, the remains of brine and the soaked bear skin. By repeating the acceleration process, first on a new hole, and then on a skin stretched between the branches of a tree, I had a tanned fur ready.

I cut the finished skin and because I didn’t have threads yet, I used vines to tie it. As a result, I got a woolen skirt and shirt. After that, I returned to the house and trained magic control there. I tried to raise the ball of darkness above my hand, but as soon as it stopped touching my hand, it dissipated. After 10 failed attempts, I reduced my connection to the river of time (fewer threads of time began to pass through me and, accordingly, the time around me slowed down according to my feelings) and when the ball of darkness again left my hand, I had more time to try to control it so that it would not scattered. From the second time I was sweating, but the ball of darkness now did not dissipate.

I started to move it around me in circles and make various geometric and trigonometric shapes, but I could not yet move the darkness further than 30 cm away from me because it would begin to dissipate again. I was glad about this and went to the river to collect more clay. On the way I met several zombies, in order to kill them, I tried to move the darkness around me, creating tentacles from it with which I held them in place, and needles to end their lives (since I control the darkness, I can decide to destroy everything that it touches, or not and whether to be tangible, in the future I will learn more about the number of possibilities).

Returning home, in the evening I put the clay and put a new salt solution to boil, and at that time I already, with great skill, separated the skin from the bodies of the two remaining bears. By the time I brought water, the solution was ready. Leaving the skins in the solution for the night, I climbed to sleep on a platform on a tree. Tomorrow it will be necessary to improve the house and think about iron.