Chapter 5: Caught up in the Dragon
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Morning arrived much sooner than I had hoped, making me jealous to see how energized Kasumi appears to be. She has finished bathing, telling me it's now my turn while whistling non-stop.

Bathing in their tub was a very interesting experience to say the least. First of all, as expected, my tail wouldn't fit in their bathtub. Or probably any bathtub for that matter, so I needed to wash that thing separately after finishing bathing. The only way to properly clean my tail was by forcing it into cuddle-mode again. Imagine standing there with a third leg that has a mind of its own and you get the general idea.

After finishing bathing and getting dressed, Nana entered the bathroom to start her cleaning duties all over again. I apologized for the extra work I was causing her, but she said she didn't mind.....until she saw the white fluffy towels that I had promoted into the waste bin.

I must have apologized a thousand times before she realized I really didn't intend to throw them's just what I had always done back home. But they are not being recycled by a machine in this world....just hand.

Nana quickly composed herself and apologized as well.....she should have remained polite, but after discussing the matter for a while...I think we're good now.

When she finally dropped the matter and looked at the bathtub, she asked me "Miooooo....where did the water go?" We're definitely speaking informally now, just the way I like it.

"What do you mean? I just bathed....I thought it automatically drained itself to tell me it's time to get out?" I point at the tub where currently only some water at the bottom remains.

"Huh? Automatically? Ah, you mean by itself?" She frowned for a second. If you ask me, she's looking a bit too serious so early in the morning.

"Yeeeeaaaah?" I carefully asked, taking one step back.

"No, that's my job. The bathtub won't do that on its own. See here? I pull this plug and the water flows down the drain." She pulled the plug and the last bit of water went down the drain with a gurgling sound.

" that's how it works." Well, at least they have plumbing here....

She looks at me as if I were a total and complete idiot, blinking a few times.
"Don't tell have never seen a bath before?"

"Of course I have, Nana! Just....just one with buttons and an automatic drain. It even kept the temperature nice and warm all the time."

"You don't say. Mmm...I'm a bit jealous, I'd love to have such a bath. Where did you say you were from again?"

"Cennara. It's actually pretty far away. But I guess nobody lives there anymore since the attack. Sorry, I don't feel comfortable talking about that."

"Oh....I see. Then please don't. How about you join the others for breakfast? I'll be there in a few moments, serving tea."

" are you able to do all of these chores? It's really amazing. Don't tell me you do everything in"

"Ha ha ha...thank you, but no. We have more staff here, you'll see. Now move along please."
She gestures to me to leave the bathroom so she can continue her work, but with a kind smile on her face. She's really kind and thank god she stopped using that ultra-polite language with me. I believe she understands we're pretty similar, just commoners. That's how they call people who are not of nobility here. I find it a bit snobbish to call them that, but it is what it is.

When I enter the dining room, the first thing that happens is Azumi launching towards me with her arms wide open, and I'm barely able to intercept her.


"He he he..Hiya Mioooo." The little one tries to embrace me, but her arms are too short for that, so I just pick her up. "Heeeeee." Yep, she likes the attention. And her early morning antics removed any remaining sluggishness from sleeping that I still had.

I put her in her chair, next to her mother, since I won't be feeding her this time. That's her parents' job, even though I enjoyed helping her eat last night.

After greeting each other we enjoyed breakfast while discussing today's plans.


Kasumi replies to my request about showing me around this mansion.
"Yes, this mansion is quite big, but definitely not the size of a Palace. I can show you the outside gardens if you want, but I have to return to the Mages Guild in the afternoon."

" really have to leave us?" I asked, really feeling disappointed. Do I really have to stay here without anything to do?

"He he choice. But I received word that you are requested to attend a meeting this afternoon. Would you be willing to join me?" She sipped from her tea while waiting for my reply.

"Whaa? Sure! I'd love to see where you train and such. But why a meeting with me? I'm not even from this world?"

The others are smiling, watching me getting all excited about going sightseeing.

"Exactly that. It seems they found evidence that might explain what has happened to you. I'm curious to see if their findings corroborate my theory." 

Kasumi gives me a smug smile, while Shiro replies. "Ooohhh.....impressive vocabulary, sis."

"Yup! You're not the only one, dear brother." Kasumi is back to being plain Kasumi again, teasing Shiro.

The Count uses a napkin to clean his mouth and says "Kasumi, the gardens can wait for another time. I believe you two should first visit the temple this morning. Ask the Priestess for a Blessing?"

"Oh, of course father, sorry, I forgot you already mentioned that yesterday. Do you believe we'll be able to see her stats then?" Kasumi seems excited about something, but I'm not sure what she's talking about. Must be really interesting, because she already stands up from her chair, probably ready to leave.

"Yes, I think so. Her body has changed, so I assume the goddess will also bless her."

"Eh...excuse me..? What's a Blessing?" Man, I really feel dumb for having to ask about everything.

"Oh....mmmm, how can I explain?" The Count looks pensive. "All children receive a Blessing from our goddess on their 8th birthday. It's the day when they are considered old enough to learn about their futures as prepared by the goddess."

" I have to do something special then?"

The Countess shakes her head, "No, dear. It only takes a few minutes and it's a wonderful ceremony. Our goddess is kind and her Blessing will show you your way in life as only she can. Perhaps you are destined to become an artist, or a politician."

Kasumi giggled when her mother said that.

"Oh god, please no. Please have politics for me, please."
That remark resulted in quite a few laughs, but all meant well. I may have studied Alliance tax law but that doesn't mean I want to become a politician myself!


Just half an hour later Kasumi and I leave the mansion. It's the first time I'm leaving this home so there's lots to see for me. All around us are farmlands, and Kasumi confirms that their mansion is located a twenty minute's walk away from the city, confirming the fact that they basically live in the middle of nowhere.

Even though there are farmlands all around us, this place is still well within the city limits. Apparently stone markers show those city limits, but they're hard to find if you don't know what to look for.

Kasumi is dressed in her Mage-Knight outfit, like when we first met. Considering the fact that she soon has to return to her duties, not a strange choice. This time however she's wearing a rather large sword on her back. It's not perfectly vertical, but more diagonal, so the sword's golden tip is easily visible when someone addresses her. I don't want to ask her about that sword, it might remind her of having to return to work, but it definitely looks expensive.

After walking along a dusty path between grassy fields to our left and right, we finally reached the city. A bit of sand has made it into my sandals, the ones Kasumi has kindly lent me. They fit....barely, but it beats walking barefoot anytime.

It's going to be a warm summer day, not hot, just a nice warm day. I can smell it in the air. Birds are singing and many people seem to be in a good mood, some are even whistling.

From here on the roads are paved again and I notice that wooden two-storey buildings are the most common type of housing around here.

There are many laundry lines between neighboring buildings where people are drying their laundry, but none of those are hanging above the road. The only lines above the road are filled with little flags and ribbons in all different colors and shapes.



I guess I'm not the only newcomer here, as I find a group of people standing close to each other pointing at something in the middle of the road. Of course I'm drawn to that place as well....I just have to know what that's about.

Kasumi just smiles and waits for the people to move along, which took only a minute.

"Kasumi, what is that supposed to be? Why was everyone awestruck about a hole in the road?"

"Ha ha's not a hole! It's a footprint!"

"Huh?" I look at her, then at the footprint. "A footprint of what?"

"You don't see it? Here....these are the toes and......yes, exactly, all of that is a single footprint. It's a dragon's footprint."

"Waaaa? You have dragons here?" I asked, but a bit too loud. Some people were staring at me, but with a smile. I guess I'm not the first to react like that.

"No, Mio, they went extinct centuries ago. But these days, this footprint simply marks the outer Temple limit. Everything within the limit is considered Holy property. It's one reason why our mansion is built further away, to avoid a potential conflict of interest. The Temple should never be involved in politics."

"Oh......sounds complicated." I follow her further into the city.

"It is. That hole as you called it reminds us that life is fragile and not everlasting. But no matter how unimportant you may feel, a single footprint can still have a significant impact... even generations later."


She smiles and points at the marketplace in the distance, but it's not our destination at the moment. We take a right turn and the smell of freshly baked bread is trying to lure me inside a shop. For a technologically deprived planet this place seems simply awesome. I guess I just discovered the appeal of living in a farming world. Well, let's not dwell.

Kasumi suddenly pulls my sleeve. "This is the place, Mio. This is the Temple. Its official name is Eternal Sanctuary of Goddess Utsunomiya, Kiyo."

"That's....difficult to remember. So her name is"

"No, that's her last name. It's considered impolite to mention people's first names, especially so for a goddess. So we call her last name first, then her given name...Utsunomiya, Kiyo."

"Okay, I'll try to remember. that" I said, grimacing.

Kasumi gave me a kind smile and replied "don't worry, you'll learn eventually. Take your time. Are you ready to meet her?"

"W...whaaaa? Meet the goddess??" My mouth is agape....nobody said anything about meeting a goddess! In some cultures it means that you get drunk or have to ingest a strange, hallucinogenic drug. No way! I take a few steps back...just to be safe. Luckily there aren't too many people here right now.

"Ha ha ha. What are you thinking, Mio? Nobody is going to harm you! Follow me.....I said follow me!" She quickly grabbed my left hand and pulled me towards the temple, almost making me stumble. My tail tried to keep me balanced, but that resulted in hitting a poor guy with it. Suffice to say that I needed to apologize, after which I complained to Kasumi, but she only shrugged it off.


In front of me I see the Temple...a rather wide and tall building to be honest. It's a beautiful work of art, calling it a mere building would be an insult. The result of many years of craftsmanship....beautiful wooden panels with ornate carvings. Even the pointy roof is a work of art. I guess this temple was built many hundreds of years ago.....with the intention to last for an eternity.

A large sign says exactly what Kasumi taught me earlier:  "Eternal Sanctuary of Goddess Utsunomiya, Kiyo."

One lady dressed in what I believe to be a Japanese kimono is sweeping the Temple grounds, where a low wooden fence marks the location where the actual Temple area begins. Her shoes are wooden as well, making a clickety clack sound. While the shoes are wooden, they still resemble sandals and her white socks are clearly visible in them.

Her long, flowing dark hair is moving with every sweep, unhindered by the light summer breeze, and is only adorned with a small blue hair pin. Another lady, similarly dressed, is speaking to people a bit further away. One thing both ladies have in common is their genuine smile. These people are not forcing anyone to enter, just their act of sweeping the leaves away from the entrance brings about a feeling of peace that is hard to describe.

Kasumi whispers to me "they're called Mikos. They are servants of our goddess."

"Good morning, Kasumi. Brought a friend?" One of the Mikos replied.

Wow, do all people know each other by name in this City?

"Morning, Imaya. Yes, Mio's a friend. May we enter the Temple for a Blessing of Discovery?"

"Of course, it's still quite early, so our Priestess will be happy to receive you two."
She looks at me for a moment, probably trying to figure out why I haven't had the ceremony yet.

I simply bow to her, not knowing what to say. Bowing is safe....just bow...and done.



Then, without any warning, we hear people shouting and screaming far behind us, the sounds getting louder and louder. Whatever it is, Kasumi looks focused, immediately touching the blue stone on her left wrist. All around us people are all trying to see what's going on.

"Stay here!" Kasumi commands, sounding like a completely different person. She takes her sword in her right hand and the blue stone on her left wrist starts to glow...first faintly, then very brightly.

I don't exactly know what's going on...but I do know this means trouble.

Just as she's about to run towards the commotion, a group of about twenty soldiers rush over to us, stopping right in front of the Temple, while continuously pointing swords at us. They startled everyone near us...including myself.

"Ahhh!!!" I hear people shouting and screaming, and many try to flee into homes and nearby buildings, but we can't...we're surrounded.

The soldiers are wearing dark green pants and shirts. Some appear to be archers, carrying arrows in containers on their backs. Their faces have markings on them, like children playing with fingerpaint. But these people are anything but child-like, they are soldiers...their faces expressing anger and hatred.

"Mage-Knight! Step aside or die!" One of the soldiers demanded. These people are not cat-kin but fox-people, or fox-kin or whatever they are called. Their golden-brown colored tails are big bundles of fluff, just like the ears on top of their heads.

"Flesians! What's your business here?" Kasumi shouts at the one who appears to be their leader. Her voice is loaded with disgust....she seems to really, really, really hate them.

He smiles in that particular way that tells you he's not in the mood to talk, let alone negotiate. "Have it your way. Attack!!!!"

Two soldiers head to Kasumi while I run towards the Temple, seeking shelter behind a small stone animal statue. What else can I do? I'm no knight, and this is most certainly not the time to pretend that I am one!

Kasumi's sword is glowing brightly and she's fighting so bravely. When I dare to peek, I see that the first two attackers have already been defeated, lying motionlessly on the street....bleeding. Defeated as if they were mere dolls. Did she really just defeat...kill... them?


I feel my adrenaline pumping, my temperature rising. I'm so angry at them. Why did they attack us? We didn't do anything! I MUST help her....but what can I do? They'll kill her!
Please someone...give me courage.....somehow...

Whoooosh. "Ahhh!!"  One of the Miko ladies in Kimono just got hit by an arrow. The other runs over to her, but is also hit only a few seconds later. "Aaaaaahhh!" 

Whaaaaat? They even shoot at civilians? This is the whole Insurgent misery thing all over again! Why? Why do people have to fight again and again and again? Even here? Both ladies are bleeding......lying on the ground motionlessly. Are they...dead? Noooo!


Suddenly something happens to me....inside of me...I can't explain it. My mind suddenly goes blank.....the sound of the wind in my ears that was so relaxing before...gone. My good mood....gone. My need to hide myself.....ebbing away.

Out of nowhere my head turns up into the sky, releasing a primordial scream consisting of pent up anger and deep, raw emotions. All feelings of losing my family and home....and now being attacked again....released into a single, deafening roar that was so loud, it must have been heard far and wide.


I roared for at least ten seconds before standing up, looking angrily at the soldiers who were startled by my roar.

Kasumi used the distraction to seek shelter behind a wall, not knowing what was going on. Important part is that she's safe.


Then I feel the energy surging in my
When I open my eyes, everything below me is very small....tiny even. Something happened that made my body grow to an enormous size. I'm standing like a giant in the town's mostly deserted streets, on my 2 legs and a long, heavy tail that seems to act as a stabilizer. I have to move carefully, the street doesn't allow me to maneuver much. One wrong move and I'll destroy a few buildings with each step I take.

The soldiers below me...I could easily step on them. And then....without thinking, I just do.

"Ahhh!!" I hear the soldiers screaming for their lives. "A dragon! RUUUUUN!!!"

But they can't run...not anymore. I bend forward and use my bare fists to squat them like the bloodsucking insects they are. I can't stand it anymore, I won't accept it anymore, no matter the consequences. There's no sense of right or wrong in myself anymore, just a deep instinct to protect the innocent. There is no Mio at the moment....only an angry monster with the deep desire to retaliate against everything remotely evil.

My wings suddenly start flapping and the strong gusts of wind they create are blowing soldiers away against buildings, knocking them out.

Again I release a roar "ROAAAAAAAR!" More frustration released into the air.

Suddenly my eyes spot a group of five attackers and my mouth instantly releases a waterjet so powerful that it incapacitates them, shredding one of them thoroughly.

Their leader then orders his archers to fire on me, and they do. However, the arrows don't penetrate my scales, not even a single one of them. But one of those brainless attackers shoved a sword into my foot....causing me to bleed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" 
Having a sword lodged in your foot hurts!

Immediately more water rushes out from my mouth, this time more focused, causing bodily harm to everyone near it.

Where is he? Where's he hiding? I MUST have his life. How DARE he put a sword in me! Finally I find him, hiding in an alley like the coward he is.

I try to shout "DIE!" but all that leaves my mouth is another roar. But this time a vicious, mean sounding short roar and a hissing sound. "HAAA HISSSS!"

My mouth is fully opened, showing my sharp teeth and fangs. I see him run between my legs, trying to hurt my tail with another sword.....but my tail is faster...... He got what he deserved, my tail moved up and then with a tremendous force hit the road where he just happened to run. SPLASH. A little quake could be felt throughout the city when this happened.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR" Again I shout while viciously shaking my head out of frustration. I carefully look left and right....between buildings, but don't see anyone dressed like them anymore. At least none that are moving.

Suddenly I see Kasumi running to the street, she's shouting something at me, but I can't hear her. It takes a few moments before I can understand her words again.

"AAAAAAAAH"  I feel someone pulling the sword from my foot. It's not one of those attackers and something deep inside me tells me not to hurt them.

When I focus on Kasumi again, I see her waving, trying to get my attention. She uses her hands to amplify her voice so I can hear her.

" you hear me?'s over!" 
Her words are slowly starting to make sense. Is it really over?


But then I see 3 more people running over to us. My instinct is to protect Kasumi and everyone else. Reinforcements?

I roar again to keep them at bay "ROAAAAAAAAAR."

Kasumi shouts something at them, motioning them to stop. Then she alternates, crossing her arms, then waves at me while standing right in front of them.

"MIO....friends....stop....they are friends. MIO....stop....MIOOO."

I get it now, they are not reinforcements. They are not my enemy. Their outfit is completely different, blue and white....I'd say they are important looking.

My huge, powerful legs slowly and very carefully kneel on the street and my long neck bends forward and down to street level until my head is right in front of them.

Kasumi seems frightened, but still prepared to fight, her wrist stone still shining brightly. Each of my exhales causes a gust of wind, making their hairs wave in the wind.

"Mio! You are my friend! Remember? It is over. It is okay. You can relax now." She gently put her hand on the area near my nose, my chin touching the ground while exhaling audibly.

I release a soft wine, not able to speak for some reason, no matter what I try, words don't form in my mouth. I take a deep breath and exhale up into the sky.

Then I feel the energy in me slowing down, getting cooler. A few moments later....a FLASH...and I find myself lying on the street, my head on Kasumi's lap.

"'s over now Mio. Relax, I'm here for you. Just relax, you've earned it."

Tears are leaving my eyes when I realize that I still can't speak. She gently moves her fingers through my hair until her hands touch something on my head. I felt her hands touch something! Now what's going on?

When I look at my feet, I see that my shoes and socks are removed. No blood....someone must have healed me. How did that even work? I don't remember wearing any clothes when I....oh my god. Was I naked a few moments ago? I feel a blush forming, and finally I'm able to make words. "Kasumi...."

"Shh....I'm here, Mio."

"What ....wh happen?"

"What happened? You turned into a dragon, that's what happened! You saved our city from an unprovoked enemy attack....but that can wait. Tell me, are you in any pain?"

"No.....just tired."



At this point I must have lost consciousness, because when I opened my eyes again.....I found myself in an unfamiliar place once more.

"Priestess...she's awake." A kind female voice whispers to my left. She's wearing that Kimono-outfit like the others. But I haven't seen her before.

I'm lying on the floor, but on something soft. Like a thin mattress with blankets.

"Where....where am I?" I said in a normal voice, startling her.

"Aaah! Oh, sorry." She then whispered "Please keep your voice down. You are safe inside our Temple."

"Are you feeling well enough to speak, dear?" Another voice to my left said. I hadn't noticed her before. She appears to be older than the others, somewhere in her sixties.

"Yes, ma'am." 

"Ohh, so polite. Let me help you stand. "Yuki, can you take care of the futon?"

"Yes, Priestess."

Oh, so that's what it's called. Wait....didn't those anime show characters call it futon as well? It doesn't matter. When I'm finally standing again, I thank her and ask "Eh...Priestess? Where is Kasumi?"

"The Mage-Knight? Yes, she has left us to report to her Guild. The Count must also be informed about what has transpired here."

"Am I in trouble?"

"Ha ha ha, no, my child. The exact opposite is true. You helped protect our city from an invading army. While we do not approve of violence, your actions have protected us from harm. Having said that....we lost two innocent Mikos in the attack....we can only pray for the many deaths that those invaders have left in their trail before arriving here."


"Yes, like her. This was supposed to be Yuki's last, peaceful day serving the goddess before getting married." She points to the lady wearing the kimono. Okay, I now remember Kasumi telling me this earlier. This Miko is actually about my age, now that I see her face up close.

I swallowed and then focused on the Priestess again.
"I'm sorry about your loss, really, I am. But I don't really know what happened. For some reason I was suddenly big, and everything just....happened, like I was not in control."

"Don't think about that now, dear."

"But....I killed them! Nooo!.....<sniff> I've never killed anyone in my entire life!"
I let myself fall to my knees. "Please god, please forgive me."

My tears intensify until I'm only focused on crying.
"'s okay dear." The Priestess pulls me into a hug, but the tears keep flowing.

I can't think anymore. How can I live on like this?

After a few minutes I feel someone's hand on my back.....and I feel tired and relaxed. A warm, loving feeling fills my body...making me fall asleep.



"Wake up's too early to sleep." Kasumi's whispering voice wakes me up.

"Mmmm......nooo...." I really don't want to listen to her....this is sooo comfy.

"Wakeup, c'mon." She slapped my face! Well, not too hard, but still.

"Hey!" Suffice to say that woke me up completely, making me sit up straight.

When the rest of my brain finally wakes up, I find Kasumi sitting next to me. It seems I'm still in the temple, and once more lying in that futon-thing. The floor is completely devoid of furniture. Just a wooden floor that is so well-polished that you can almost see your reflection in it. Small windows near the ceiling flood the room with light, but also guarantee privacy.

"Welcome back, Mio." Kasumi said with a warm voice. It seems she has been crying too.

"Hi, Kasumi. Have you been crying?"

"Yes, silly. I thought I was about to die back then.....until you took over. Thank you."
She gave me a hug.

I still feel I should cry, but somehow that feeling is blocked. Like someone switched my emotions to "off." A truly alien feeling.

"Kasumi....what happened to me?"

"It seems you weren't a Lizard-kin after all. We're not completely sure yet, but you appear to be a dragon."

"Really? Me? What does that even mean?"

"Ha ha ha, yes Mio, really." She smiles, but a tear still left her left eye. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm perfectly fine. I feel at peace for some reason.....I want to cry....but I can't. A strange feeling."

"That.....that would be my doing." The Priestess replied. "I helped her sleep, it's called the Goddess's Embrace."

"Wha...what is that?" I asked. Kasumi on the other hand seems to understand, giving her a knowing smile, or is it one of pity for me?

The Priestess gives me a sad look, then smiles and says "it's like a divine Blessing, so it can only be given by a Priestess. But her Embrace only lasts for a few hours...allowing you to find peace when you need it most. It gives your soul some time to heal after a disturbing event. Please don't worry, it won't change anything in your only provides a feeling of calmness. Our goddess has deemed your actions as necessary, and therefore allowed your soul to find peace in her loving Embrace."

"Wow.....thank you, I guess. I don't think I could live with myself anymore. I guess it really is a Blessing."

"You are not from around here, are you, girl?" The Priestess asked, still with a warm smile, and kind, glistening eyes. Those eyes tell me she's someone who knows things we mere mortals are not privy to.

"No, I'm not. I'm actually from very far away. Somehow I ended up leaving my world, and arriving here, in this one."

"You crossed worlds? Ahaa! Then perhaps the goddess herself has brought you here. Her reasons cannot be understood by us mortals, don't you agree?"

"Well.....maybe?" Is all I could reply. I'm not really a fan of religion, so I'll try to be polite.

"Dear, you haven't had your Blessing of Discovery yet, have you?"

" that what your father meant, Kasumi?"

"Yes, exactly." Kasumi nods with a serious expression.

"Then no, Priestess."

"May I give it to you now?" She asked politely.

"Eh....yes, please, but do I need to do something?"

"No dear, just receive it with kindness in your heart, for it is a gift of love for her children from our goddess."

"Am of you then?"

"One Of course you are! All children are hers. Now stand up and close your eyes, dear."

I stand up and close my eyes, just as she asked me to do. 

"May our goddess bless you with wisdom. May she guide your future. May you always find kindness in your heart to help others as she will help you now. Be Blessed!"

Suddenly I felt a warmth unlike anything I've felt before. It wasn't physical warmth, but....I don't a warm shiver that warms my soul. I feel so relaxed...loved...peaceful...

"Oooooohhhh!!" Kasumi's reaction to my blessing awoke me from my relaxing daydream.

"Thank you, Priestess." I said, while frowning at Kasumi. What's wrong that she sounds so surprised?

"You're most welcome, Mio." 

I guess she heard my name from Kasumi.
" really are a dragon..." Kasumi said.

"Huh? How do you know that? I don't even know what I am supposed to be?"

"Girls, I'm sorry to disrupt your talk, but as this is a Temple.....I must ask you to leave now. Our next service will start in a few minutes."

"Huh? Oh! Of course! People will be here shortly to pray. Mio, it's time to go home."

Home....I guess her home is now mine as well.


We both say our goodbyes and again I thank the Priestess for her Blessings, even though I don't really understand much of it.

We find our shoes waiting for us near the entrance, put them on and then leave the Temple. And then, just before we leave the Temple grounds, I see a huge depression in the road...the kind you see after quakes. Like a sinkhole forming underneath the road with surface cracks. "Kasumi....what happened there?"

"Ha ha ha...that was your tail."


" wouldn't surprise me if it became a new tourist attraction. You know, like the footprint I showed you earlier?"

When she noticed me staring at it, she pulled me into a hug. "I was just kidding. Don't worry so much, you did well. Let's go home."

"But....shouldn't you be returning to your eh...barracks or something?"

"Why, you want to get rid of me already?" She's pouting.

"Whaaa? No! I meant...."

"Ha ha easy to tease. No, Mio...they gave me a few days to discuss events with my father, considering he will need to report to our Emperor."

"Oh....I see."

"Anyway, it will be fine. The Emperor will surely send additional soldiers to guard our border. I still don't understand how they got here, they must have endured quite a few hardships before reaching us. Usually people are smart enough to go around the treacherous mountainous regions and rivers."

"Kasumi....what happened to the other soldiers? I mean, I think they were only unconscious?"

" remember that? I didn't want to bring your thoughts back to that. Yes, our guards took them prisoner, so don't worry. Let's talk about something else. The Guildmaster will pay you a visit this afternoon."

"The Guildmaster? Like in your Guildmaster?"  

"Exactly. He's important, almost the man at the top, so be respectful. Eh...please. It's extremely rare for him to make house calls, so consider it an honor."


"Really? First, you have no idea how to read your stats. I already saw me....he meet you. He already told me that he will discuss his theory about what must have happened to you, you know, how you ended up being a dragon and all? Omako, the lady who made that potion you drank....she too will be there to answer any other questions we may have."

"Okay, I understand. But why don't we go to the Guild? Isn't that easier?"

"Because my father asked him to visit us at home. It's a privilege not used often, trust me. My father also has questions for you.....what? Don't worry so much! He's just curious, wanting to understand like we all do. Nobody is going to harm you in any way. Not that we even could...." She put her hand on my shoulder for a moment.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"'ll find out soon enough. Just know that we're friends okay? Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, I do, Kasumi. From the moment we met."

She gave me a warm smile. "Same here. Let's talk about this back home. Can you walk?"

"Sure, thank you for healing my foot."

"Huh? I didn't?" She looked at me in total bewilderment.

"You...didn't? Then...who?" While I'm scratching my head, trying to make sense of this, I feel something awkward on my head.

"Eh...Kasumi....what's that? Is an arrow stuck in my head or what?"

"An arrow? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! No, silly, those are horns! See?" She knocked on them a few times, and it sounded somewhat hollow. The horns I meant, not my head. Yep, I felt those horns.

"Let's go home.....I really don't know what's going on anymore."

"Of course, my dragon friend." Now she's teasing me again, giggling too.

"So...I'm really really reaaaaally a dragon?"

"Sure looks like it. Dragons are respected everywhere. Don't you like dragons?"

"Em.....the only dragons I remember are from bedtime stories, and they are always evil ones. They keep princesses locked up high above in palace towers until a hero rescues them....killing the dragon in the process."

" cruel. And they are bedtime stories? Goddess, I feel sorry for all children in your world."

"They're just stories....we don't have any dragons or even lizard-kin for that matter. Just humans and animals."

"I see, but it still sounds cruel. So.......when the hero rescues her....then what happens?"

"Huh?" I look at her in total bewilderment. "They get married of course!"

"Mmmm.......then perhaps you just need a hero?"

"Hahaha......but I'm no princess."

"Ah, right...good point."

"So...if I'm the only dragon around here......does that mean nobody would....want me?"

"Date? What's time got to do with that?"

"What? No no in dating.....asking someone out....trying to see if you love each other."

" that... we like to call that walking with someone. So remember that when you hear it. It's different from going for a walk or just walking. It's the with someone part that conveys the deeper meaning."

"Yup, will do. So...."

"So...what?" It takes a few seconds for her to understand that I had asked her a question. "Ah....sorry, Mio...your question. Right. Don't worry. Everyone is free to walk with the one they like. Stranger things have happened, you know? Wolf-kin and Cat-kin getting into a relationship are quite common, just not so much in our Region. Same applies to Lizard-kin, like yourself. Trust is not limited to people who have similar tails."

I'm blushing a bit, but I just had to know. If I have to spend my life here, in this world.....all alone.....I have a right to know about it. "So....have you walked with someone yet?"

"What? D.d..d.d.........NO!....No I haven't!" She replied while blushing furiously. She didn't make eye her reply might not be very honest.



We didn't speak for a while, until we approached the mansion.

When we arrive back at the mansion, we're being hugged by the Countess and of course Azumi, because she always hugs me....or rather my tail mostly.

I then follow them into the tearoom. The Count and Shiro put their hands on my shoulder, then bow to me. I guess that's their way to say thanks. Very polite indeed, but it's not what I want or need. that's why they are so ultra-polite... I spot one unfamiliar person standing behind the Count, and I believe I've already met the lizard-lady. I can already guess who they are. And sure enough, they are the Guildmaster himself and the lady who excels at making potions that somehow turn unsuspecting people into dragons.


After introducing ourselves, I bow to them as well and explain what happened, Kasumi filling in the blanks where I seemed to have missed things like accidentally squashing another attacker below my foot. That was too much information, making me grimace for a few moments.

The others however seemed to enjoy me having difficulties with the situation.

The Count then continues, "Mio, those 3 people you were about to attack at the end.....they are Imperial Paladins. They remain in the shadows until they are needed. It seems they had followed the invading forces, but were unable to fight them off. If you hadn' know....what you did.....our beautiful city would be no more. Every home would be burning before nightfall....that's the truth about what their intentions were."

"I get it, but everyone here should know that I acted on instinct, and instinct alone. I had no desire to just happened....I didn't want Kasumi to get hurt....or the others. And then know...just happened. Oh, and Kasumi fought impressively well too! She protected me and the others before all of this started."

I can see Kasumi's gratitude in her eyes, happy to get some credit which was more than due. It's easy to overlook someone when this kind of stuff happens, right?

He continues. "Mio, I completely understand. Just know that those 3 are heading to the Emperor as we speak, reporting to him before I can send my own report. It may have repercussions for you, but I promise to protect you. It is the least I can do in return for saving us today."

"Repercussions?" I asked. I don't like the sound of that.

"Yes, but don't worry about that. The Mages Guild is on your side as well." The Guildmaster said, finally contributing to the conversation. "Whatever happens, the Emperor can only send his praise. Worst case scenario is that he wishes to meet you, savior of Longhaven."

This made me cough a few times. I quickly drank some tea to ease my throat. 
"Is that the name of this City?" I once more asked something stupid, didn't I?

Everyone looked at me in total astonishment, until Kasumi came to my rescue. "Yes, it is, Mio. Just keep asking questions, we know you are new to this Region." She looked intently at the others, not glaring considering her place in the hierarchy, but still clearly making her point known.


It was difficult to accept their many words of gratitude and praises, especially when Kasumi also fought bravely. It took them a while to understand, but we now finally seem to be having a "normal" conversation again. I don't want any praise...just skip to the good part already!

" let me discuss what we have learned about Mio's transformation." The Guildmaster said. Since no one else continued the previous topic, he switched to the most interesting one....what recently happened to me.

"As promised I something wrong, Mio?" The Guildmaster noticed me holding my stomach.

I can't believe it, just as we're about to hear about my changes....this has to happen. Why does this keep happening to me? My stomach hurts, was it something I ate? And's not that
" stomach hurts. It's been making these gurgling sounds all afternoon."

"Guildmaster Aru, may I?" Lady Omako said, glancing at the Guildmaster. She's the one who made that potion and also the one who forced it down my throat. He simply motions for her to continue.

"Mio, does it feel like stinging, then burning, then nothing for a while?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

"Mmm.....thought as much, let me explain from the beginning. As you already know, I'm a Lizard-kin. You and I share many physical similarities. Our tails, our scales, and our internal biology as well. The reason for that is simple....dragons are our ancestors. Ha ha ha, surprised? Well, it's the truth. Here, swallow these. I will explain what they are in a minute."

She takes a small pouch out of her bag and empties a bit of its contents in my palm.
"There, now listen carefully. Do NOT chew on them, just swallow them whole, okay?"

"Eh, yes, Lady Omako." I've learned to be polite already. Kasumi would have told me otherwise if I didn't need to be so formal.

"Awww.....just Omako is fine, girl. No need to be so polite, right Kasumi?"

"Eh....right." Kasumi said. I guess she hadn't expected that.

I do as I'm told and swallow the tiny pebble-like things without chewing.

"And now drink your tea, dear." Omako added.

The Countess is as surprised as I am, but she's trying to keep out of the discussion, focusing on keeping Azumi happy and quiet. So far she's been happy just sitting on her mother's lap, distracted whenever the conversation was a bit....too detailed for her.

"Good. Let me know when you feel better, alright?"


"There, that's better isn't it? Good. Now let me potion contains only the best ingredients, being a mix of Ettigrass, Puggefron, Swampseed, Miwelica root and Red Fenna. As some of you already know, it also contains a few drops of my own blood to bind the ingredients together. It may sound disgusting, but I can assure that the quality of the potion is one of the best available. If a single person would have complained about it, I would have been out of business a decade ago. And until recently...nothing unexpected happened."

"Lady Omako, your potion's quality is not the topic of this discussion. Many people owe their lives to your concoctions." The Guildmaster remarked.

"Just Omako, Aru. And they are potions, not concoctions."

"I stand corrected." The Guildmaster just rolled his eyes. 

I don't think they get along that great. On the bright stomach feels fine now!

"Yes, dear? Feeling better already?"

"Yes! It's perfectly fine now, my stomach is fine! What was that secret stuff?"

"Secret stuff? Fuh fuh fuh fuh." She covered her mouth with her left hand while laughing in a seemingly haughty manner. The Countess seems to have the same opinion, also frowning at Omako, but quickly looking at her child to hide her expression.
"Dear......that secret stuff is just washed river pebbles."

"Whaaa? You mean....I ate...ROCKS?" Did I really just eat rocks? I look at Kasumi, but she just shrugs, astonishment written all over her face.

"Ha ha ha...yes dear. Should I explain?"

"Eh.....sorry, yes please."

She's a scary one, I need her on my side or she won't tell me more. I NEED to know seems she knows what my body needs.

"Good. Our stomachs need a bit of help when grinding food since our stomach acid is not meant to dissolve meat. Tell me, did you eat meat?"

"Eh.....yeah?" Is that a crime?

"Well, there you have it. It's fine, don't worry. But remember, when you eat meat, also eat a few tiny pebbles right after it. It will mix in your stomach and ensure proper digestion."

"I see....thank you, I really appreciate your help."

"Of course, any time. There's more, but you will find out eventually. Find me if you need help, okay?" She waits until she sees me nod. "Alright, Aru, can you take over?"

The Guildmaster seems to have been abruptly awoken from a daydream.
"Huh? Oh, right. The potion. Right. As you already know, I ordered a full investigation of the events that have led Mio to our world. Please keep this a secret as our surrounding nations might be able to use it against us."

Seeing everyone nod, he continues. "Right. Let's start at the beginning, and I'll end with the potion. A month ago a serious battle was fought near our capital city, Nadena. Invading Flesians forces were stopped by our own Mages..." 

"Yes, I remember that....Flesians again." The Count said out loud. "Sorry, please continue."

"Yes, again. Right. The battle was particularly intense since both sides used high-level Mages, all above level 35. Their confrontation ended when a Rift formed between the two opposing forces. It is our belief that the fabric, or veil between worlds was damaged by this immense use of magic on a single, focused location. The Rift was observed moving away from the Capital, but we then lost track of it.

When Kasumi here practiced her magic during an exercise, the Rift's need for energy must have been drawn to her magic use. Eyewitness reports indicate that she got sucked into the Rift, which vanished immediately after."

"Yes, that's what happened to me. I got sucked in." Kasumi added.

"Right. Apparently the other side of the veil was located where Mio was. And only when Kasumi used her Restrictor to focus her magic in order to augment the lotion's natural healing properties....used to heal Mio's ankle...the Rift was drawn to them again. This time however, pulling both of them in.

When they arrived in our world, the still active Restrictor must have pushed the Rift away, seemingly mended." He takes a sip from his tea. I swear, he's doing that to increase the suspense, it's killing me.

"Right. Where was I? Ah, yes. The marketplace. When a blacksmith accidentally dropped a newly sharpened sword, it hit Mio's leg, making her bleed.

Kasumi immediately procured a Omako here, and healed her injuries. Mmm? What? Yes, the blacksmith paid for it, of course."

Omako must have whispered something to him about who paid for the potion.

He continues, "due to an extremely unlikely series of events, Mio drank the potion, then got hit by an energy discharge from the Rift twice. We speculate that it contained highly energized magic, unloading it into Mio. Only moments later more mages arrived on the scene, closing the Rift for good by using concentrated healing magic, then focusing the same healing on Mio here. This is pure speculation, but we believe the Lizard-kin blood contained in the potion mixed with Mio's own blood. Then, fueled by the extremely high magic use on Mio's body, the Lizard-kin blood became her own.....until it changed into the ancestral form of....dragonblood."

I made eye contact with Kasumi and she immediately knew what I tried to say nonverbally: "you were right about this theory!" She nodded, after which I focused on the Count.

"Mmm....interesting story....but I hear the word speculation too many times." The Count remarked.

"Eh...true, very true. But it is the only theory that fits the events, except for Divine Intervention?" The Guildmaster replied.

"Mmm.....alright, let's stick with this theory for now. Is there anything you need from Kasumi or Mio?"

"Yes, Count Ozawa. We would like to see her stats and teach her how to see those as well."

The Count nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"Mio...can you please say the word status loud and clearly? It will show you something unexpected, so please don't be startled. When you wave your hands through it, it will vanish again. It's the gift our goddess has granted us." 

"Okay. STATUS. WAAAAAH!!! What the heck!??? Make it go away!! Please!!"
I can't see anything anymore, just a bunch of green letters on a black background, like an old-fashioned computer screen.

Kasumi quickly jumps up and embraces me. "Mio, you are safe, I'm here. Just wave your the text now gone?"

I take a deep breath as we sit down again. "Yeah...that stuff is gone again. My god....that was frightening!"

The Guildmaster nods. "It can be, yes. Can you please try again and read? Or would you like me to read it for you? I can see all your stats right now, as you haven't learned how to hide them yet."

"My god....when does the crazy stuff end? Sure, Guildmaster, please read it for me." I'm a bit frustrated. I didn't ask for any of this!

"Alright. Let me read it out loud for everyone to hear. Please do not interrupt me. I'll answer any questions you may have right after." 


After I nodded, he read aloud my stats:

Family name: Kalani 
First name: Mio
Age: 18 

Race: Sea Dragon (primordial)
Level: 3935

Class: not yet available

Racial skills:
-night vision
-water jet
-water mana absorption
-flight skills
-metachrosis (when in primordial form)
-acoustic communication

Learned skills:
-language translation
-Wrath of Burning Embers

Received blessings:
-Goddess Utsunomiya, Kiyo (Blessing of Discovery)


"Well, that's one interesting list, if I do say so myself." The Guildmaster said after which he motioned Nana for a refill. Poor Nana, at least he should properly ask her for a refill!

"So THAT's why we can understand each other, Mio. You have the translation skill!" Kasumi said, giving me a thumbs up.

But before I could reply, the Guildmaster did. "Yes, and it seems that it's also a learned skill. I assume one of the healing mages must have had the skill, and she somehow absorbed it. How else could she have learned new skills so quickly?

Anyway, Mio. Don't be surprised if the number of skills increases, something tells me the magic energy in your body hasn't fully settled yet. For now I assume that the healing skill and the language skill are absorbed skills. The Ember one is a total mystery to me, I can't see a description, so you'll have to test it out someday....preferably outside." He waits until he sees me nod. "Those learned skills are usually developed by studying and practicing them for many years. Questions, anyone?"

"Yes, I can't believe Mio's level is in the thousands. How is that even possible?" The Count asked.

The Guildmaster nods a few times, looking at me as if I'm the result of a freak accident, which may not be very far from the truth.
"Yes, remarkable, isn't it? An adult usually reaches level twenty without any training or much effort. However, with very intense training, even the most experienced Mage ultimately might only reach level 100. 127 is the highest ever recorded level. Her level changes the nature of magic completely. Perhaps she could consider joining our Guild? There's much we could learn from her abilities..."

"Aha! So that's your intention, Guildmaster!" The Count doesn't look very pleased.

"Eh...I assure you, we only meant research. We are not asking her to fight. We are even willing to pay her, just for learning from her, studying her."

"I see. Mio, how do you feel about that?" The Count asks me.

"Eh...sir..." Let's be polite when others are here. "..if it helps you and your family, I will without any complaint. Otherwise I don't really feel comfortable with this."

"I see. Then we wait." The Count has spoken, and his word seems final.

"What?! But think of what we'll learn from her! It will completely change everything we know about magic!"

"Guildmaster, know your place. No. And that is final. First she will recover here, and once she has sufficiently recovered, and I'll be the judge of that, we'll see what she can do. Not before." His expression is stern, but when he looks at me with a smile, I nod to thank him. His smile tells me I'm in good hands here. The Count will protect me from people like the Guildmaster, and that's all I want for now.

The Guildmaster takes a deep breath and surrenders. "Yes, Count you wish."

"Great. Now that we've learned quite a lot, let's end the meeting now. Kasumi will not be returning to her Mage duties for a few more days to help Mio get used to our way of life. 

Are there no more questions? Good, then thank you very much for seeing us here in our home, it is greatly appreciated. You may take your leave. And lady Omako...I would appreciate your help with...dragon biology if you could."

"Of course, Lord Ozawa, always. You know where to find me." Her kind smile contrasts with the wisdom and sharp-wittedness I see in her eyes.



And so our meeting ended, leaving me totally drained of all energy.
When the others had left, the Count put his hand on my shoulder. "Mio, again thank you for your assistance today. Now try to must be exhausted."

"Yes, sir. Please excuse me." I replied on autopilot. My head's still spinning with strange words and concepts, and yet I managed to find my way to the bedroom.

When I finally reached Kasumi's room, I let myself fall on my bed with my face buried in the pillow.

Kasumi enters the room only a few moments later and closes the curtains a little to keep the sunlight out. It's about mid-day and I'm totally spent.

"Are you hungry, Mio?"

"Blech......nuh-uh, just sleepy."

"Mmmmmmm, maybe later, then?"

"Uh-huh." I nodded, but my eyelids were already closed.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

"Nuh- uh. Stay."

Kasumi giggles. "You sound like Azumi. Want a plushie?"

"Already have one." I point to the bed above me.

"Huh? I don't get it?"

"Your fell out of bed last night. I was tempted to pull on it...but I didn't. Looked very...fluffy."

I don't know if she's blushing....she's awfully quiet though.


"Mmmmmmm." I'm sure it sounds as tired as I feel.

Another giggle. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"Yeah. Those idiots...who attacked us.......who?"

"They are Flesians, from a Kingdom to our East. They are very aggressive and are trying to capture our territory. So far our defenses have been able to keep them at bay. Their King's name is Monotuk."

"Hate them. Him too."

Again a giggle. "Yeah, me too. Mio?"


"Your horns are destroying the pillow."

"Whaaaat?" I sit up right and hit my head on the bed above me. "Ouch!!" 

"Ha ha are so unlucky, I'm sorry." She walked over to me and yes, the pillow got stuck on my horns. She pulled it off and then noticed me crying.

"Awww.." She sits down next to me and embraces me. "You're just tired...let it all out, okay?"

"No....not needed. Just cut my horns off so I can sleep, will you?"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"No.....OUCH." I forgot that my pillow is gone....yep...don't underestimate the denseness of wood.

Kasumi giggles again and says "I'll ask Omako for advice. Can't you like....try to suck them in?"

" They aren't antennae, Kasumi."

"What are anta...anta...."

"Antennae..and nevermind."

"Wait.....I think I understand. You're a Sea Dragon, right?"

"Yeah, I think so?"

"How about you drink water? Or take a bath?"

" that's a good idea!" I manage to stand up, but I'm having trouble sleepy.

"Wait here." Kasumi leaves the room while giggling non-stop. Now what is she up to?

A few minutes later she returns with a glass of water. "Drink."

I drink it in one go...delicious! " are really smart, you know that?"

"Hehehe....praise me more!"

"Step aside...this Dragon is thirsty." I walk over to the bathroom and knock on the door. Kasumi says there's nobody in right now, so I open the door and sure enough I'm all alone.

She walks closer and enters the bathroom as well. "Watcha doin?" She asked.

"Testing your theory. A Sea Dragon and water? Let's see what happens."

I know how the bath works by now. They have some rudimentary form of plumbing available, but the water is heated by a crystal....but I don't need that...just the water and lots of it.

The bath is slowly filling up with cold water when I let my hand submerge. 

" far nothing happens?"

" must want it?" She suggests.

"My god...okay....I WANT the water...I WANT the power.....god...this is so silly." 
Then hand starts to glow, more and more, until it's very bright. The water in the tub is absorbed immediately, leaving not a single drop.

"Kasumi! Did you see that?"

"Yeah! And....are you feeling better?"

"I am! You helped me discover something new!" I ran over to her, no longer feeling exhausted and simply hugged the life out of her. How can I not-hug her now?

Again I thanked her, and for the next five minutes I let my hand absorb the water's life juice into my body. I don't know where all the water is going....but it's not in the tub anymore, that's for sure.

"Kasumi, I think this is enough. I feel energized again and my hand won't absorb more than it already has."

" must have been out of mana."

" Like energy?" 

"Yes, mana is life energy. You use it when using your magic skills. I think you used too much today, resulting in mana fatigue. You should be happy, most of us need to sleep, you can drink a glass of water."

"Or a tub."

"Ha ha ha ha....or a tub. Let's have lunch."

"Yep....with pebbles....yummy...blech!"

"Ewww.......but long as you're a happy Dragon." She giggles again.

"Roar..." I said, pretending to be a dangerous Dragon.

"Be careful, I can always use Azumi against you."

"Awww.......I'm defeated!" Little Azumi's special power is to melt my heart. And she's relentless in using her power against me.


About twenty minutes later I joined the family for a late lunch. Considering the many rumbling noises around me, I'm not the only one who's starving.

Little Azumi is sitting on her mom's lap and has already finished her meal so we adults can dig in as well.

"Father, you told us a guest would be arriving soon. May we know who it is?" Kasumi asked.

Right, I woke up in the guest room when I first arrived here, and they needed it for someone else.

"Will you two keep this a secret?" He waits until he sees the both of us nod. "The King of..."  but Kasumi interrupted him.

"A KING?! From which country?" Judging by Kasumi's expression, this isn't a common occurrence. Considering what I've been through so far, this news is hardly surprising.

"Yes, dear, now let your father continue." Her mother replied while bouncing Azumi's plushie in front of the little one, in an attempt to make it seem alive. Judging by Azumi's laughter, she's enjoying the show.

"Right, again, keep this a secret. I can't say who or when yet, as he specifically requested that we take all possible kinds of security measures. That's why he won't see the Emperor himself, but us...or rather me instead. Anyway, he should be here in a few more days, since traveling from his remote country takes about one to two weeks by BeeBee, depending on what security precautions they're taking. Like traveling incognito and stopping at inns frequently, to confuse potential followers."

"Emmm....BeeBees......those were animals, right? Can they fly?" I think I understand.

"Yes, exactly, they can. Some information is just too confidential to entrust to a courier, so that's why he will be arriving in person."


He then switched to talking about Shiro's duties, meaning we really shouldn't ask more about the King who's about to visit us.

After finishing lunch, we make ourselves comfortable in the tearoom while Nana cleans the dining room. I somehow feel sorry for her, perhaps I should offer to help her? that.....? Ah! The Count has somehow found my temporary refugee badge from the station. I already wondered where that thing ended up. I assumed I had just lost it, guess not.

"Mio...what is this....thing?" He asked me.

"Well, that's my temporary identification badge. Push the button on top to see it."

He looks at the badge from all angles until he finds and presses the tiny button.

"Woooow! What is that?!" Everyone is as surprised as the Count. A hologram is being projected into the air right above it, showing my name and my picture in 3D.

"Oh, that's just a hologram. See? It says "Mio - Female (minor) - Cennara refugee - Temporary ID1957. Unable to connect to Security - try again.  So, yeah...that's the help-button. It signals station Security staff to help people. But it's of course not able to connect to the station's AI from here."

After ten more seconds the hologram stops and a deceivingly simple looking badge lies there motionlessly on the table, being stared at by people who are not used to seeing this level of technology. I barely managed to keep a giggle inside.

"Wow, let's put that thing away for now." He waited for me to nod in approval.

His wife then takes over the conversation. 
"Mio, dear, about you become one of our staff? Having someone with your knowledge and skills might become very useful someday. wish to become a maid?"

Images of me being dressed in a maid's uniform are flashing through my mind.

"Eh...I'm not sure if I'm suitable for that kind of requires...finesse." I look at Nana who stealthily joined us a few minutes ago. I guess she's like family, letting her join them when her duties permit. "I'm ashamed to admit.....but I don't think I can match a real maid's level." I see Nana nod and smile in appreciation.

Shiro, who seems to be the quiet type, remarks "well, I'm sure we'll find something for you. For now we're just glad to have you here."

His mother replies "Yes, exactly, but perhaps we should let her practice her magic? It would be a shame to not make use of it?"

The Count nods. "Let's end this discussion. We already promised to let her recover first, so let's sleep on it for now."


The rest of the day was spent relaxing at home with the family. Kasumi and I went for a  walk in the nearby fields which really helped me relax. Otherwise nothing eventful happened, thank heavens.