Chapter 9: Everything you wanted to know about Dragons and were afraid to ask (part 1)
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The early morning sunlight relentlessly pulls me out of my dreamworld and into the waking world. I open my eyes and find that Kasumi has already opened the curtains, but I don't see her with me in the bedroom.

The bedroom door quietly opens and Kasumi notices that I'm awake.
"Morning, sis. Finally awake?"

"<yawn> morning Kasu-mi." Ah, that's right, we're sisters now.

"Mmmm....I guess not. I'm so get to sleep late!"
Seems like she just finished bathing and is trying to dry her tail with a fluffy white towel.

"No...I'm definitely awake. I think. Anyway....I'll join you on your way to the City. I'm going to visit the Temple and there's some other stuff I need to do as well."

"The Temple? Why would you go there?" She said while briefly looking out of the window, probably checking today's weather.

I carefully sit upright, this time remembering there's another bed above me.
"Duh....Kasumi.....I'm gonna pray, okay?"

"Ohh...." She looks at me, then continues drying off her tail. It's really fluffy when she hasn't combed it yet, like someone put a high voltage through it. In other looks soft, fluffy and definitely funny.

"Why are you grinning?"


"Goddess, Mio. If you're planning on joining me, now is the time. I'm already late, so no breakfast for me. You can take your bath when you're back home."

"Alright....but how do you know you're running late?"

"Never mind that for's difficult to explain. I mean, we have a timekeeper, but I can't show it to you now." She motions towards the window, so I guess it's somewhere in the back gardens.

I switch into turbo-mode and get dressed in a hurry, not really taking the time to brush my hair properly.

"Are you ready?" She asks me.

"Yep! All done!" I follow her downstairs and see the rest of the family eating breakfast. I really need to get an alarm clock or whatever they use around here.

"Morning everyone. I'll accompany Kasumi to the City. Coin pouch....check....good mood...check. I'll be back before the evening meal, okay?"

Kasumi quickly puts a bun in her mouth, motioning me to hurry up.

"Sure, honey. Any plans?" My brand new mother asked.

"Yeah, the Lizard-potion-lady..where can I find her?"

"Goddess..Mio! Move it!" Kasumi is about to take off without me.

"Kasumi, I'll give you a ride, don't worry." I gesture to her to calm down.

"Mmm....oway...." She's still eating.

Mom looks at me and replies "Her name is Omako and you can find her stall on the marketplace or visit her shop which is near the stall. Just ask around, she's not difficult to find."

"Okay, thanks. See ya."

"Eh....have a nice day."  The others reply, just before I rush after Kasumi who just left without me into the front garden, about to walk down the street.

Mom runs after me. "Mio! You can ask me anything, you know...?"

Of course, she thinks I've some lizard-specific body issues to ask Omako about.
"Yes, mom! It's nothing important! See you later!"

"Bye! Have fun!"


I quickly changed into my dragon form and caught up with Kasumi in no time. She hopped aboard and I flew with great speed towards the city, landing right in front of the Guild. A few people had to jump aside, but I apologized to them, right after I changed back into my normal form.


"Emm....thanks, Mio. But this is as far as you can go now."

"Really? Yeah, I understand. Then...perhaps I'll see you later?" 

"No promises....might be't be disappointed if they don't let you in yet, okay? It's not personal."

"Awww.......okay. See ya."

"Don't say that....say....whatever."

"Whatever!" I said, grinning.

"Goddess, Mio!! See you made me say that too!" 

"Goodbye honored, sister. Train well." I replied solemnly.

"'s not too late for you yet!" She put her tongue out at me, then rushed inside.

A tongue was about to return the gesture....but it would probably have stuck on the window by now....yuck. Soooo many things to get used to. What a weird world this is.


Anyway...I'm all alone now.....with nothing else to do. Sure, I want to go to the Temple, but that can wait. "Brrrrrr..." My stomach is once more trying to get my attention. That's right, I need to refuel first....but where?

Mmm....the Guild perhaps? Don't they have a restaurant, hotel, inn or tavern or whatever they call it around here? Let's find out how close to reality those anime shows were!

I open the sturdy wooden door which has a small window in the top part. Kasumi is already inside, but she'll probably be long gone by now. And yes...the first thing I see...are dirty floors. Something I never expected to find in a "Guild" building. Isn't this supposed to be a very important location? Whatever, not my problem.


Now I'm inside, I'm standing in a rather large empty space, probably just the entryway. My god...this isn't like those anime series.....this is exactly like those series! Wooow....this is going to be so much fun!

First of all.....everything is made from wood. The floors, the walls, the ceiling, the desk.....this must be craftsman's heaven. Okay, time to explore the place.

To my left I see a large board with many tiny notes on it. Some are larger, with hand drawn pictures on them. I read a few, just to see what they are about.

"Need help plowing my field...2 copper for an afternoon. BeeBee support included."
"Need a bit of help from above? Let madam Nawi predict your future! Experienced and truthful."'s like most places....just an ordinary public message board.

There's a compact table with a few simple wooden chairs near it, so people can read the messages while sitting. Considering the wear and tear of the furniture, it's being heavily used. A glass lamp with a green crystal in it is hanging near the board, to illuminate the place when needed.

Otherwise, this place doesn't lead anywhere else. Okay, back to the other side. 
To the right I find what looks like a waiting area, bookshelves and a reception desk. 
Should I.....check? Yep!

I walk into the room and hear the murmuring of a few dozen people. Most are wearing a Mage-Knight outfit like Kasumi's, another one is wearing much simpler robes. He looks like a wizard the way I have always imagined them to look. Believe me....he even has a staff, but the thing is leaning against the wall.....not sure if that's appropriate. But whatever.

Oops....I spotted Kasumi.....and she noticed me as well.
I wave at her but she just facepalms and tries to ignore me. Great, and you're supposed to be my sister? Could at least have waved, but....whatever.


I'm trying to ignore her as well, since I'm here for official fill my stomach. I walk over to the reception area and wait for someone to appear....but nobody does. It doesn't take much time for me to spot a little sign on the desk "touch the orb once to call staff."

And sure enough, an orb, which I mistook for a rather boring lamp, is sitting near the edge of the desk.....placed there for people to touch, I guess. Of course I gently touch it once, and immediately I hear a soft bell sound further in the back.

A young man walks through the storage room door, just beyond the desk and approaches me. At least, I assume it's a storage room....but you never know.

Wow....he's a Wolf-kin! Meeting one for the very first time ever! Focus, Mio, not now!

"Good morning, miss, welcome to the Mages Guild. How may I help you?" He's wearing blue pants, a white shirt and a dark green vest. All of this seems to be his uniform, since it looks rather business-like. Just a pity the dirty floors draw your attention away from that.

"Em....good morning, sir. Please forgive me for disturbing your duties, but is there a place nearby where I can order breakfast?"

"Of course. There's an inn right inside our Guild, but I could also point you to a more classy restaurant?"

", the Guild is perfect for me. Do I or something?"

He smiles. "May I inquire if you are not from around here?" His gray, furry ears twitched a few times.

" obvious, huh? Yeah.....I'm from very far away, actually. Just been around here for a few weeks or so." Can't really remember how long....time really flies.

He doesn't directly answer my question, instead goes for a polite reply.
"I see. But to answer your question, the inn and specifically the dining area are open to the public. However, considering you are new to this Region, and showing interest in our Guild, I might make your time more worthwhile."

Wow...this guy is smooth....careful!

"Em.....I don't know.....anything difficult? Because I'm starving."
My stomach immediately protested again, to emphasize the starving part. "Brrrrrrrr."

"Hahaha.....I see. No, it's simple. I might be able to give you a first-time-visit-discount for your breakfast. Feel free to refuse, it's just something we're required to know...customer satisfaction and stuff."

"Sounds interesting...please elaborate."

"My pleasure! I'll ask you a few questions, and then I'll make sure you get your discount. Sounds fair?"

"Yes, very!"

"Haha...good. First you have any magical skills?"

"Em....yes? I can fly, but that's not really a skill, I think. Em.....I can shoot water with my..."

He raises his hand, so I stop.
"Stop, please, I'll take that as a yes. No need to sum up your skills. Next question....would you at least consider testing your magic skills with the Guild?"

"Testing? Sure.....but how? Last time I experimented.....everyone in this City woke up at dawn."

"Ohh....that was you?"

" bad." I scratched my head, feeling a bit embarrassed. Even my tail decided to sway, which it usually absolutely never does.

"Not necessarily. We can perform the test immediately if you wish. It takes only a few minutes and only involves touching an orb. No pain and it's free of charge."

"Em.....sure?"   "Brrrrrrrrrrrr" My stomach again. I swear, there's a restless dragon inside!

"Almost ready for breakfast, I promise."

"Yeah, sorry about that." 

"No need." He walks over to a nearby closet and carefully takes an orb out of a storage box, then placing it on the desk near me.

"There we go......this is an orb we use to determine if people have an aptitude for magic. Considering you already have used magic before, the orb should glow. The brighter, the more mana-capacity you have."

"Em......okay. I think I understand. But....won't it blow up if I do something wrong?"

" no no.....don't worry, nobody has that kind of mana capacity."

I swallowed....perhaps I'm an exception? The Guildmaster already knows about my skills....surely he has informed his staff about me? And why is testing necessary, if they can just read my stats?
"Em.....first......why don't you just read my stats?"

"Simple....people can hide parts they don't want to show others. This orb shows everything to me. Do you wish to cancel?"

"Huh? No no, not at all. But...I feel I should tell you that I'm a...."  I whispered...

"A what?"

"A dra....gon" I whispered again.

"YOU'RE THE DRAGON?"  Suddenly EVERYONE turns around and looks at us.
"I'm sorry.....please forgive me."

But it was already too late. The Guildmaster himself just walked through the door. So it's not a store room...okay, sure, why the heck not...

"Mio....I already wondered when you would show up. It's nice to see you again." The Guildmaster said, grinning in a bit of a creepy way.

"Likewise, Guildmaster. An honor." Yeah...just being polite.

"Ahaha.....let's stop being so formal."

"God, yeah, by all means."

"Akio, were you going to assess her mana-capacity?" The Guildmaster asked.

"Yes, Guildmaster. To offer her the first-time breakfast discount."

" that. Stand back, son."

Son? Things must be really informal around here.

Akio steps aside and the Guildmaster grins once more, then says "if you break this thing....."

I swallow again. "Ehmmm.....perhaps I should just stop?"

"Nah....just kidding. EVERYONE wants to know now, right?" He addressed the room, and people who pretended not to listen now vigorously nodded. Except for Kasumi, whose head is now parked on the table for some reason.

"Yeeaaaah!"  The crowd is unanimous. 
Except for the guy resembling a wizard. "I want to duel her first!"

The Guildmaster sighs. "No comments from the peanut gallery. Or do you want to continue in my office?"

"Awww....." again a unanimous reply.

"I heard that, Razor. Trust me, tonight you won't have any mana left."

Razor? Probably a professional nickname. It almost sounds like a bunch of school kids, funny in a weird way. Nah, these are supposed to be real, experienced, tough Mage-Knights...

"Mio, just ignore them. Gently touch the orb. It will slowly determine your capacity and check all skills you AND dormant. So it might be interesting for you as well. Don't worry about breaking it....that won't happen." The Guildmaster sounded confident that I wouldn't break it.

I nod and let my right hand gently rest on the orb. It's a plain round white glass orb, nothing too fancy, except for the expensive looking wooden pedestal it's resting on. That alone seems to cost a fortune. The orb itself looks worn, cheap even, but I won't admit that.

"Now close your eyes and focus on the feeling in your hand."

"Your other hand, hahahaha!" One of the spectators shouts my way, probably growing impatient.

"That's an extra shift for you, Mr. Splash." 

Yep, definitely silly, childish nicknames. But whatever.


My hand...I focus on my's there.....warm.......FLASH. A bright white light suddenly startles everyone in the room. But the light intensity is still increasing...growing stronger and stronger...with no signs of stopping.

"Goddess....."  someone further away comments.

"Ignore them....keep going, you're doing just fine. Everything's fine." The Guildmaster said to reassure me.

The strange thing is that I actually feel relaxed suddenly, and the light immediately changes color. Without any warning it changes color slowly moving through the entire light spectrum and repeating the cycle, but every time more intense than before.

Then the light becomes so incredibly bright that I have to cover my closed eyelids with my left arm.

"Keep going. You are perfectly safe. Almost done." The reassuring voice of the Guildmaster said, just when I felt a bit unsafe.

"...aaaaand we're done. Release your hand please."


When I open my eyes and look back into the room, I see some are still covering their eyes.

"Mio....?" The Guildmaster kindly asked.

"Em...yes, Guildmaster? How did I do?"

"How did you do? By the goddess, Mio.....your mana capacity has increased even further! Akio is writing down the results right now, give him a few minutes."

"Anyone still interested in dueling with Mio?" Is he really serious?

Not even a peep. Nobody even dares look my way. God, I feel like an abomination.

"Ah, there we have it, thank you Akio."

The receptionist bows before us, gives a letter to the Guildmaster and then leaves us be.

"Mio, into my office, please."

"Ehmmm.......but I'm hungry!"

"Breakfast will be on me if you follow me. Won't take more than a few minutes. Deal?"

"<sigh> yes, deal."

"People, get ready for training. See you outside in 15 minutes. I said GO!" 

Literally seconds later, everyone rushed out to the back, probably the training area.
Kasumi glanced my way for a moment, but she probably couldn't say a word.


When I follow the guildmaster towards the room in the back, I see a wide open office space. Five desks are placed strategically throughout the room, and of course his desk has the best view of them all. Through windows in the back I can see the training area where everyone is warming up for practice. Some are stretching, others are jogging.

"Please, have a seat."

"Thank you. Oh, by the way....could I visit my sister later? See her practice?"

"Your sister?" He asked, following my gaze to the training area, with obvious surprise noticeable in his voice.

"Yes, Kasumi. It's a long story, but she's now family. Or I should say, I am now included in her family."

"Amazing. Eh, oh right....I'm afraid today is an exception. You of all people can relate to the Flesian threat, so we'll have a safety briefing today." Then he motions me to move closer, and when I have, he whispers "don't tell anyone, but we're having an Imperial Archmage visiting later today. Everything must be in tip-top shape today."

"Oohhh.....of course. I promise I won't bother anyone today."
"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" my stomach again.

"You're very quick to understand. Now let me read your skills to you. I also suggest experimenting with the menu system. After touching the orb, all your skills should be listed for you as well, even if some should still be dormant. Told you it would be worthwhile..."

"Yep, so far this day has proven to be pretty interesting."

"Good to listen carefully..." 


Family name: Ozawa 
First name: Mio
Age: 18 

Race: Sea Dragon (primordial)
Level: 4719

Class: not yet available

Racial skills:
-night vision
-water jet
-water mana absorption
-flight skills
-metachrosis (when in primordial form)
-acoustic communication

Learned skills:
-language translation
-Wrath of Burning Embers
-speed boost (while in flight)
-combat tactics
-tongue attack

Received blessings:
-Goddess Utsunomiya, Kiyo (Blessing of Discovery)



"And that's your full skill list. A few stray skills might still be added, but I assume this will be pretty much the final list. Your mana capacity, which is directly linked to your level, might still be developing, so try to practice."

"Uh-huh. But what is chromo....chro....."

"Metachrosis?" He looked at my stats again. It's creepy when he does that, it feels like staring. He should have used the paper version on his desk instead.

"Yes, that one."

"No idea, to be honest. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough, considering it's a racial skill. Those have a higher chance of self-activating than the learned skills, because those  often are tied to survival."

"Oh.....okay." Still no idea what that's about, but I guess it can wait for now.

"Your skills and mana capacity are unlike anything in our recorded history. You, Mio, might change our understanding of mana completely! Are you willing to share your experiences?"


"Splendid! You may train here freely if you wish. Emm.....may I make a proposal?"

"Brrrrrrrrrrrrr." My stomach, again! "Eh.....sure?"

He grins. "The Guild is willing to offer you silver for each discovery we make. Speak about your skills. How they the mana moves inside your hands...those kinds of things. Each time we find something useful to share with others, we'll offer compensation."

"So.....only when you learn something useful?"

"You are a smart one. Then what about a fixed fee per training session?"

"Guildmaster, don't get me wrong. I'd love to help, but I'm new here. I don't know what my parents will advise, so I'll ask them first. If you need a volunteer for a specific task, let me know. Perhaps we can help each other?"

"Mmm.......very smart indeed. Very good. As for your's on the house."

"Thanks. Oh, and could you please tell Kasumi I'm fine? Oh, and also that I'm proud of her..." I replied while looking out the window and saw her partake in a mock battle...a classic sword fight...but enhanced with magic. Looks like she's having a tough time...better not ask.

"Of course. Hope to see you soon."

"Something tells me we will, Guildmaster."

"Hahaha....looking forward to our cooperation."

"If my parents will agree.....likewise."

He grins again, then shouts "Akio!" Man, his shout startled me!

"Guide her to Minori, and tell her that Mio's breakfast is on me."

"Yes, sir!"

"This way, please." Akio motions for me to follow him, but I'm not ready to follow him yet.

I give the Guildmaster a quick bow, having learned that this is the most respectful way to greet in this world. "Until next time, Guildmaster."

He returns the same greeting, saying only my name..."Mio." But without the grin this time.


Just before I left this room, following Akio, I heard a heavy sigh behind me. Definitely the Guildmaster.......he mistook me for an easy target. But I still need to be careful..this society works...differently from the one back home.

Akio walks through the Guild's front door and keeps the door open for me. 

"The inn is next door. It's also part of the Guild, but still a separate building."

"Ah, okay. I thought it was all in one building?"

"You're not the first to wrongfully assume that, Miss Mio."  
Wow, so polite suddenly.

"Just Mio is fine. I'm just a hungry dragon, nothing more."

"Ha ha ha, I'll remember that. Call me Akio. Everyone else does..."

"Yup, will do. Nice to meet you, Akio."

"Likewise. And here it is, wait, let me open the door for you." Again he keeps the door open for me, the gentleman he is. I smile and nod, to show my appreciation.


So this....this is an inn? Looks comfy! I hear the loud sound of people chatting and laughing. The mood is cheerful and somehow I already feel much better, considering the Guildmaster just tried to lure me into a contract. Yeah.....who would have guessed that those anime shows were based on reality in another world? But yes, very useful information. I wonder what other information might be useful.

The smell is also to die for, but that's probably because I'm starving. Soup, roasted meat...something like that. Everything a medieval stomach could crave for, except for coffee....god, I really could have a cup right now!

To my left I see a large wooden staircase, leading to the upper floors. I see many doors to my left and right, and the many windows give the place a warm, cozy feeling. I wonder what those guest rooms will look like.


"Oh, sorry. First time seeing an, in this Region, I meant."

"Really? It's all pretty standard, trust me."

"I do." I smiled, and in return his serious expression relaxed a bit.


We walk into the restaurant-part of the inn and approach a counter. Again nobody to be found.

"Lady Minori?" He shouts towards a room behind the counter which is obviously the kitchen area.

"One minuuuute!" A kind voice shouts back to us. Guess she's busy?

"Lady Minori? Is she a noble?" I made sure to whisper my question.

"Ehm.....let's just say that people who know her, will address her as such."

"Ohhh.....thanks for the heads up."

"Wha?.....Oh.....I understand. But she's really nice, though. Dangerous....but nice."



A few moments later, a cat-kin lady walks towards us. She's in her late fifties, or early sixties, I think. A few gray hairs, but a wonderful, kind smile. She's wiping her hands on her mostly clean apron and says "Akio.... I see you brought a guest?"

"Yes, Lady Minori. She's the Guildmaster's guest and he will pay for her breakfast."

"Ohhh, is that so? In that case.....I'll give you the royal treatment, Miss...."

"Just plain Mio. Eh, Lady Minori."

She glanced at Akio who didn't make eye contact with her, then gave me a smile.
"Wonderful, I'll have a table ready for you in a minute. And welcome to my Inn, the Safe Harbor. Anything you prefer? You can literally order anything, you know?"

"Em......nothing too fancy please. You wouldn't have something called coffee, would you?"

"Koh hee? I'm afraid not. What is it?" Her expression turned serious.

Let's first thank Akio before I answer her question. 
"Emm.....excuse me. Akio? I'm okay now, thank you for your help."

"My pleasure to help." He bows to me and Lady Minori, then rushes out the front door.

"Wow, guess he's in a hurry. is like tea...but dark and strong. It gives you energy."

"Mmmmm........nope, we don't have anything like that. How about some wine? We have a particularly strong one that should give you a serious kick in the butt if you drink it all in one go."

"Ah, no, never mind please. Nothing with alcohol. I'll settle for a tea then, besides you're busy and I shouldn't keep you from your work."

"So polite. Don't worry about my time, the Guilmaster will be happy to pay. Trust me, he will pay. Hahaha.." 

Oof.....scary....I see why I shouldn't antagonize this one. I gave her a polite smile, but I don't really like her to speak like that. Don't they see eye-to-eye? Better not ask.

"But what is alco whole?" Again she gives me a serious look.

"Alcohol. If you drink enough of that, you start singing, doing crazy stuff. Some people just fall asleep, while others can't have enough and just feel fine."

"Ahhh......I see. We call that wine spirit, for if you have'll join them. The spirits I mean."

"Ah ha ha....yep, I got it."

"Girl, you aren't from around here, are you? Not just your tail....never seen that."

"Yeah....I'm from very far away, now living with the Count and his family. And I'm a dragon, so....yeah.....I've always wanted a fluffy tail like yours...but alas....nothing I can do about that. I'm not even sure I'll understand your menu."

"Really? Mmm, I guess every Region has its own specialties, so okay. Then let me bring you something nice. Big hunger or small hunger?"

Let's say "small," I don't want to take advantage of the Guildmaster.

"A small one please."

"So polite...  One word of need to temper that politeness around here. Most people aren't used to this kind of speech. They'll assume you are nobility, and that will create a barrier between you."

"Oh.....that actually explains a lot! Thanks!"

"No problem. Now I really need to get back to work, does this sound? An extra large tea, goldhorn soup, two still warm Kapini buns, and for dessert a snow fruit bonbon and a Dragon Cookie."

"My god! That's what you call small? But yes! That sounds amazing!"

"Thank you very much, everyone just heard that. Free publicity...always welcome."

"Huh?" I look around and see a few people smile at me, so I nod at them while smiling.

"Don't worry." She then whispers "want some pebbles for the soup?"

For a few seconds, my mouth is agape from amazement. 
" know about that?"

"Yep, it's my duty to know. So that's a yes. Follow me, please."

She guides me to a table in the corner, near the window. Wow...if I'm not mistaken, this is the best spot! Except for the fact that it's taken.

"Masa....are you and your buddies done?" Minori said with her hands on her waist.

"Of course, Lady Minori. We were just waiting to pay, but you always work so hard. You are a difficult lady to find."

"Uh-huh....keep practicing...your manners are improving, hahaha."


The gentlemen pay for their breakfast and Minori...ahem....Lady Minori takes the change from a leather purse which is hanging on the belt around her waist.

She then quickly cleans the table with a cloth, but can't clean and take away the plates at the same time, so I just gather the plates as I'm used to from home.

"Leave them, Mio!"

"Nope, where do you want these?" 

"<sigh> okay, right over there, just put them on the counter."

I take the plates and carefully walk towards the counter, placing them together.  
When I want to return to my seat, I see Minori almost swatting away a customer who wanted to sit down there.

Just when I wanted to return to my table, someone addressed me.
"Can you finally help me? Talking all the time! I don't have all day, you know!"

This guy, a Lizard-kin like myself, is mistaking me for an employee here. I see Minori rushing over here, but I hold up my hand to her, indicating she shouldn't interfere.

"I'm very sorry sir, but Lady Minori will help you soon, she's quite busy." I said, trying to sound extra polite.

"I'm not talking about Minori, I'm talking about you!" He even pointed at me.

"First of all, dear SIR, it's LADY Minori. And secondly, you can either raise your hand or raise your voice, should you urgently require attention, whichever is more convenient for you. Now would you please, in a respectful tone of voice tell me how I may help you?"

He blinks a few times, not sure what to say. Yep....conflict management....a required course I had to follow. Meant for politicians, but equally convenient today. Bottom nice...stay calm.

"I want...."

"You WANT?" I interrupted him, glaring at him. "Brrrrrrrrr." My stomach reminds me that I'm out of fuel now. And he definitely noticed it.


"Yes, sir?"

"May I...please...have a few pebbles?"

"For your stomach? Most certainly, sir. Life sure is difficult, when your tummy hurts, isn't it? You're not the only one." I massaged my own tummy for a moment. "Please, do sit down, or wait at the counter over there. LADY Minori will gladly provide them for you."  I emphasized lady so other guests would remember how to properly address her. Don't know what happens if they don't, but I don't want to be here when it happens.

"T...thank you, Miss."

"You are most welcome, Sir. Have a great day!"

Blech! But lucky for of the few courses I passed with flying colors. The secret is to not let anyone notice you almost need to vomit from faking this level of insane politeness.


When I return to my table, I see Lady Minori sitting there with a big smile on her face....she has watched the whole thing. It's also very quiet here....everyone is looking at me while they remain seated. They're probably waiting for Minori to address them first.

Minori just winks at me, because she can't say anything at the moment, and I nod to show I understand.

She quickly walks to the counter and takes a handful of pebbles, so the customer can get some relief from his hurting stomach.

I hope nobody else mistakes me for an employee. On that note....I don't see any other staff?



Breakfast arrived at lightspeed, and it tasted amazing. The buns are almost the same I get at home, and so is the Dragon Cookie. That sweet thingy was too sweet for my taste, but hey, it's free and it's food, so no complaints there. The tea was nothing like Nana's tea, so I have to give her a compliment later. All in all it wasn't a bad breakfast, but nothing beats eating at home...especially if your parents have a bit of luxury to add to the meals.

The pebbles were rough and a bit big, but they were squeaky clean..perfect for my stomach.

Minori walks over to me with a big smile and asks "well, how was breakfast?"

"It was divine! Thank you very much, Lady Minori!"

"My pleasure, Mio. Em.....could you please follow me for a moment? Into my office?"

"Sure." I think I know what this is about.


I smiled at the customers and Minori noticed that when she checked if I was still following her. Wow....she's good...she knows exactly what's going on in here.

Her office......let's call it a kitchen, because that's what it the only place that offers her some privacy.

"Mio....thank you soooooo much for your help. That guy looked absolutely pissed. How did you know?"

"You mean, that he wanted pebbles? I didn't know, but I had some training in these matters, and I wanted to test it in a real world scenario. Guess it worked."

"Who are you, Mio? Really?"

"Just a dragon." I shrugged.

"Haha.....I'll remember that. Will you be eating here again?"

"Sure, at lunchtime today. Usually I just eat at home with my parents, but today I need to be in the City."

"Then I'll make it up to you during lunch."

"Don't have to. I'll pay for my meals, Mi......Lady Minori."
She gave me a warm smile. Yep, I almost made a life threatening mistake. Almost. I continued. "But.....if I may recommend one thing, and then I'll leave, because you don't have the time for this."

"Huh? Sure! Always!"

"Your pebbles. While perfectly suited and clean, they are not the best for our stomachs. I'll visit someone today and I'll try to find out where she gets hers from. They are smaller and therefore easier to swallow."

"Huh? Ooohh!!!! Of course. If you know....procure some....for me?"

"Absolutely. See ya."

"Yep, until next time, Mio."


I waved at her and left the kitchen with a smile. Three people are waving my way....are you kidding me? Well, at least they're learning proper manners now.

"I'm sorry, but I'm only a guest like you. Lady Minori will help you in a moment. Have a nice day." I bow to the guests who seem flabbergasted at my remark.


When I finally make it outside, with my stomach at full capacity, I take a few deep breaths. My feels so goooood to help people! And that lizard-kin guy's face...hahaha..priceless! This beats sitting inside the mansion any day!

Next stop....the Temple. 


The Temple is only around the corner, making me wonder if they deliberately planned the City layout like this. Most important buildings close to each other, residential areas surrounding it. But then again....the marketplace is a bit further down the road. Whatever, probably just a coincidence.

The early morning sun is warming up the area nicely, only now and then shining between the thick layer of clouds. Mmm.....don't think we'll have rain today...then doesn't seem to rain much around here.

Quite a few people are walking down the streets, most men are wearing working clothes, while women seem to prefer wearing long dresses over skirts. Again that medieval vibe hits me.

Am I really here? Is this reality? Really strange.....but this really is my new life now. It's not bad or anything....just...weird....different in many ways. But people are generally nice and understanding, making me feel accepted by them. Most people don't even know that I crossed worlds...would they even care? Perhaps people think I'm one of them, because I simply look like most other Lizardkin, except for the two small horns on my head?

Whatever the reason....I shouldn't think too deeply about these matters. I'm here, and there's nothing I can do about it, so might as well just accept it.


I'm walking towards the Temple, still deep in thought, when an unfamiliar looking Miko calls for me.

"Good mooooorning!" She says cheerfully while still sweeping a few leaves away from the entrance. They seem to be doing that a lot, don't they?

"Oh, hi there! Emmmm......Miss, Miko."

She stops sweeping and gives me a kind smile, then laughs while covering her mouth with her left hand. "Ha ha really aren't from around here, are you?"

"That obvious?"

"Yes, quite, but in a good way."

"May I ask if you are the only Miko here now?"

And gone was her cheerful mood.
"Yes, the Priestess is hoping for new candidates to inquire...but so far nobody has shown any interest."

I walk closer to her so we don't have to speak loudly anymore. 
"Why wouldn't anyone have interest? You all seem nice to me? Is the work too demanding perhaps?"

"Huh? No no no, not at all. It's an honor to be a Miko, truly. But it's a don't hire Mikos....they are drawn to the work....just like I was."

" volunteer work?"

" volunteers. Only the Priestess is officially on duty and being paid. We only support her and do light chores, nothing too demanding. We Mikos work for the goddess, helping where we can. It's only a few hours a week usually, so I can combine it with paid work. Eh hehe....sorry for's a bad habit, I know."

I couldn't suppress a giggle "Don't worry. It's my first time hearing about these things. First time hearing most things, actually. So all information is welcome."

"You really find it interesting? Since we lost Imaya and Kayo, I'm working more you perhaps be becoming a Miko?"

"<cough> <cough> Sorry about that. Me?! A Miko? I'm really not suited for that kind of work, besides the Guild has offered me a job already. Not sure if I'm interested in that either."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry for suggesting that." She looks disappointed, her tail lifeless, and her ears flat on her head. It's actually a good indicator of someone's mood.

"What? No! I didn't mean it like that! My god,'s just....I'm way too restless. Just look at you! Dressed in a beautiful kimono, calm and kind.....I'm brimming with energy and need to get it out of my system somehow."   I wonder how my tail behaves. When I look at my's just motionless, hovering a few inches above the street. Guess I'm not so easy to read.

" that." Her smile returns, and her appendages are appearing alive again, moving and twitching continuously. "But what is a kimo noo?"

"Em....the dress you're wearing. I've heard people describe that as a kimono. Beautiful, elegant, and perfect for receiving guests or other official business."

Again that innocent smile of hers. "I see....that's a very appropriate description. These are ceremonial clothes, called Miko robes, and like you said, only for special occasions. I wouldn't be allowed to wear these back home, or at would be disrespectful." 

"Yes, I understand completely."

I really have to get inside, or she's going to enlist me.
"Do you mind if I pray for a moment?"

"Emm...sure, but one more thing."

"Yeah?" I frowned.

"You seem to say oh god instead of oh goddess. It's one of the little differences in speech between you and me. If you truly respect our goddess, you should say goddess instead. It will also sound more polite when you're talking with people around here."

Now it's my turn to smile. "I stand corrected. Thank you very much. Oh, sorry for asking....but I don't remember hearing your name?" Time to switch topics....not in the mood for discussing religion. But still, she's very right about that. I'll have to remember that.

"I'm Kimi, Mio." She bows to me. do I reply to someone who already knows my name? 
I bow as well...."thank you for your kind help, Kimi. I'll be going inside now."

"Until next time, Mio."

"Yep, see ya." Oops....said it again. Just before the door closed, I heard a faint giggle. 

She's really nice, uncomplicated and bordering naive, but nice. On the other hand, I'm probably just too restless and too direct for my fellow townspeople.