A New Power System (2)
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Year 8, Month 3

I've been racking my brain, seriously trying to come up with a better power system that actually makes sense. But let me tell you, no good ideas seem to want to pop into my head. Back in my high school days in my previous life, I was totally hooked on anime. 

But you know what's funny? All those ideas that I remember from those shows either have weird powers, or they're just plain useless. Like seriously, who wants a downgrade from what they already have, right?

I was even thinking about naming some fruits and making them all devil fruit-like. Sounds cool, right? But honestly, I don't think it's any better than what I've got going on with the whole soul and Schrift thing. 

I mean, I'm out here looking for something that goes beyond Schrift, but without turning me into a total wreck or making me share my soul with someone else. 

As I'm getting all ready to kick my brain into overdrive, wouldn't you know it, someone knocks on the door. Like, really? Just when I'm about to dive into some serious brainstorming?

"Your Eminence, I brought you a snack."

Oh hey, I know that voice. It's been like two months since I took in Lilie at the chapel. 

"Door's open. Come on in."

So Lilie, now living in the basement of the chapel, comes in with a tray of wheat stuff and what looks like some natural fruit juice. Back in the day, we couldn't even dream of having snacks like this in the village. But you know what's up? Thanks to those monk folks who've been doing some top-notch healing around here, the money's been flowing in.

While he's putting the snacks on the table, I spy this bulge in his pocket. And seriously, my curiosity's piqued. Like, what's he got there?

"What's that?" I point to the bulge, you know, just being all casual about it.

Lilie kind of jumps, and I'm left wondering why. I mean, it's a simple question, right? Unless, of course, it's something...

"Lord Zeidritz brought it from the merchant yesterday. He said I could have it 'cause he's clueless about what it does."

So I do the hand thing. "Let me check it out."

I've got my own little hunch about what it might be, but I trust Zeidritz enough to know he wouldn't pull any shady stuff. Like, I'm not about to get his head on a platter or anything.

Lilie pulls it out, and thankfully, it's not what I was half-expecting. Why did he flinch though? Anyway, it's a bunch of these rigid paper things, kind of like playing cards, you know?

"Here you go."

So I'm looking at these cards, and I can't believe I almost forgot about them. Like, really? How did that happen?

"Do you know what these are called?" I ask him.

He's thinking hard, like his brain's doing overtime, but he eventually gives up. Figures.

"Lord Zeidritz didn't tell me what they're called. He just mentioned that some foreign merchant sold them to him on his way here."

No doubt about it, these are Tarot cards.

You know, the whole history of tarot cards has been this big ol' question mark, even in my previous life. The first records of these things show up in the 18th century, but folks think they were cooking way back in the medieval 1500s. 

But honestly, that's not what's bothering me right now. The whole origin story isn't what's keeping me awake.

What's really bugging me is how in the world did I forget about this? I mean, seriously. 'Lord of the Mysteries'—that novel was an absolute rollercoaster. 

It was so darn good that I sometimes wished I could just erase my memory and read it all over again. The reason I'm throwing this novel into the mix is because it might just hold the key to my current problem.

So, here's the deal: my issue is with the power system. And let me tell you, if I had to pick a power system to get some ideas from, 'Lord of the Mysteries' would be sitting right at the top of the list. 

It's kind of crazy how I managed to let that slip my mind. Spending eight years in this world must've messed with my memory of stuff from my past life.

I've made up my mind—I'm not going to borrow any power system from the stories I read in my previous life.

But when it comes to that power system in that novel, well, that's a different story. You're probably wondering why. Here's the deal: it's simple to wrap your head around, it's got a vibe that's not too far off from the Schrift thing I've got going on, and the best part is, it evolves into this mega power that can totally mess with reality itself.

Bam, there you have it. I've been digging around my brain for a while, and I think I finally found the answer I've been looking for!

The Pathway System!

"Hey... uh, Lille. Would it be cool if I hang on to these cards?" I kind of asked, hoping I wasn't coming off as too weird.

He gave me this look, like I was stating the obvious. "Oh, yeah, sure! I mean, if it's mine, it's yours, Your Eminence."

I wasn't really digging that phrasing, but whatever. "Okay? Anyway, thank you for the food. You can head out now."

He nodded and picked up the tray. But before he could shut the door, I stopped him. "Wait up, Lille. One more thing. Could you do me a solid? Keep the door locked for anyone but you. And tell Zeidritz to put the brakes on that Communion thing for a bit. I've got something I need to sort out."

"Of course," he said.

Finally, I think I've cracked the code I've been hunting for. It's time to go all in and cook up my very own power system. Now, I know I might stumble a bunch along the way, but fingers crossed, the end result won't be a total disaster.

Year 8, Month 4

No progress. 

Year 8, Month 5


Year 8, Month 6

Man, I really thought I had this. Turns out, I might've been a bit too optimistic. I'm sitting here, staring at a blank page, and I've got no clue where to even begin. Every time I try to start something, it just ends up crashing and burning completely. This is frustrating as heck.

Year 8, Month 7

I needed a breather, so I stepped back for a bit. Resumed my communion ritual after a while. While going through the "mass," I couldn't help but observe the pilgrims and villagers deep in their prayers.




Year 8, Month 8

I think I might have cracked it. I mean, seriously. I'm talking about becoming... well, a god, maybe?