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I always thought about the things that existed in the world and those that didn't. A world of mystical creatures, gods, and demons

I must confess that one day I imagined myself to be a hero or a tyrannical evil demon.

I must admit, waking up in a hospital bed after being executed with a rifle shot to the head, with a beautiful, middle-aged woman holding my hand and crying, was not one of my dreams.

next to the woman, there was a blood bag pouring blood into my veins, possibly I lost a lot of blood from the wound, I don't know how!

The woman was indeed beautiful, very beautiful! but, I didn't feel anything sexual for her, it was the opposite, what I felt for the woman was a loving warmth

It was something I'd never felt before in my life. It was overwhelming, a feeling of wanting to protect her.

"Son!" The woman cried getting up and putting her hand on my head "You woke up thank god! Why did you do that to me? Why?"

Seeing the woman cry, I could only swallow hard, with a feeling of guilt and high hatred! How could I do this? How could I make her cry?

I did not know what I had done, but I could not forgive myself.

"I'm very sorry!" I replied with a low tone and sadness

"Don't ever do that again!" The woman replied with a sad tone and handed me a ring "Wear it, you'll need it"

The ring was made of a silver frame and a blue stone designed with the initials N in the middle of the ring.

"What is that ring?" I asked curiously, it looked like a normal ring, but it felt strange.

"It's called Lapis lazuli" The woman replied with a sigh "Unfortunately, you didn't even have the choice of your destiny"

She looked at the bag of blood and I did the same, it took me a while to understand what was going on.

"The jewelry?" I asked looking at the ring and I remembered the Indian stone

"Yes, but it is also the spell that will allow you to walk in your sister's domain, my son" The woman replied with a slight tone of sadness "My time with you comes to an end! Don't worry Joana anymore, I love you !"

A dark golden glow appeared on the woman and soon disappeared causing her eyes to become more stern.

"You fool!" A slap I didn't expect hit my face "You don't think about me, you didn't think about anyone before you tried to kill yourself"

Awash, I understand what happened!

"I'm very sorry!" I could only apologize again, and the woman hugged me while crying

"Never, never do that again!" She cried hugging me


Not much time has passed since that day in the hospital!

things continued to be strange, I found out that the woman was my mother and I was reincarnated into a version of myself in a universe where I was not an orphan or involved in crime.

My mother's name was Joana Nyx, she was a single mother

This version of me was privileged to have a loving mother and still killed himself, stupid bastard!

I also found out from everything that happened to me, that I'm in the Originals universe and I'm in New Orleans and my mom had two personalities.

"Son!" My mom ran into my room "you packed your bags"

"Yes, Mom!" I responded quickly by zipping up my suitcase.

we were leaving New Orleans! probably due to Marcel and his annoying army of vampires

My mom didn't say anything about my vampirism or why we were leaving! She just decided she didn't want to stay in New Orleans anymore

"We're here!" My mother Joana touched me in my head "Wake up, lazybones"

I woke up with a paper from my mother wiping the drool from my mouth, from the car window I saw a very large blue house

"Joana!" A scream came from outside the car and I watched as I prepared to charge.

"Charlie" My mom responded with a joyful squeal and hugged a man I recognized "How are you doing? you idiot"

"That's him?" Charlie the man asked and I looked up at my mother

"Yes, he is!" My mom pointed at me "Son, come meet your uncle"

I widened my eyes and sighed. I got out of the car and went up to him, shaking his hand, "Victor Nyxson"

"Charlie Snow, it's good to finally see you" Charlie was very warm with his introduction "My daughter is home, do you want to go see her? She arrived today too, is in the living room! I need to talk to your mother"

"Of course!" I answered by shrugging and was stopped at the door "Vampire curse!" I grumbled

"You can enter!" My mother screamed, and the barrier disappeared making my eyes widen

"She knows!" I mumbled again "And, still feign ignorance!"


"Hey!" Entering the room and seeing a girl who literally was Bela Snow sitting on the couch playing video games, PS2 to be more specific "Twilight, wonderful"

"Hey?" The girl got up putting herself on alert "Who are you?"

"Apparently your cousin" I replied raising my hands "My mother is your father's sister!"

"My father never spoke of a sister" Bella replied still on alert

"nor my mother!" I replied and pointed to the video game "Kings of Fighting, no better than 2"

"For sure!" Bella lowered her guard a bit and pointed to the other controller "I was playing with my dad before but, he's horrible"

"I must be a little better!" I replied sitting down and patting the sofa next to me "Come on, I won't bite and you can see them through the glass"

Bella looked up at the window pane and saw my mom and Charlie chatting happily and shrugged.

"I hope you're really good" Bella declared and sat down next to me.

After we started playing, I won 5, lost 6, then won 8 more, lost 9 more

we continued to play and squabble until finally my mom and Charlie called us in for dinner.

in the meantime, Bella and I became friends and started gossiping about our lives and I found out that really, she was also literally 5 hours ahead of me

the morning school starts...