25 – A Clown
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"You thought about how we are going to move all this," Jean stared at Emili with a slightly judgemental stare, "right?"
Emilia awkwardly turned her gaze away, but this only brought the ton of vibranium sitting around in the underground vault into her sight. The answer was clear and despite having had a few hours to think about the problem she couldn't come up with anything better than just Jean flying away with it before they hid it somewhere for later.
Emilia herself could transport a bit of it but she'd tire herself out under a damned ton of vibranium before they reached far enough. Still, it was worth a try at least. Vibranium was supposedly a much lighter metal than steel or iron.
Emilia pulled a smaller ingot of it to her with telekinesis and it flew to her like an overeager puppy, barely a strain on her energy. She weighed the metal in her hand, it was about as long and thick as her forearm but it was about as heavy too.
"We could just levitate it," said Emilia, throwing her ingot to Jean, "it's surprisingly light."
Thankfully it didn't absorb psychic energy by default like the amulet so they didn't have to worry about that, though that was another thing she wanted to figure out before they left this bunker behind.
"How did you get this thing?" asked Emilia, looking at the nervously fidgeting Klaw standing behind them at the door of the vault.
Emilia could have dug it out of his mind, she was confident enough in her abilities by now that she was somewhat certain it wouldn't even leave him as a vegetable but Klaw could be useful in the future, plus he was sort of important to the timeline. He'd be the first punchbag for the next Black Panther and he also played a part in the birth of Ultron.
That's not a good thing.
"I made it my-" "Stop that," he started speaking but Jean interrupted him, "Why are you even trying to lie to telepaths?"
Emilia was just as puzzled as Jean, her empathy easily picked up on his insincere feelings and intention to deceive even before he started to talk. Let's do this then.
"It was the price of five grams of vibranium to the Mandarin," Klaw blurted out before his eyes went wide in shock as Emilia's psychic nudge retreated from his mind. Making someone tell the truth was much easier than digging around for a certain memory.
Emilia caught the mental image that sprung to the forefront of Klaw's mind as he mentioned the Mandarin, a tall Asian man with Ten gleaming rings worn around his fingers and Klaw knew better than to double-cross the man. He knew the Mandarin to be the head of one of the largest criminal organizations, the Ten Rings.
*That's not someone we want to mess with ... yet.* she sent to Jean without moving her gaze from the sweating smuggler.
*Why?* Jena asked back curiously.
*From what I remember he is centuries old and leads an international crime Syndicate, he also has some sort of alien magical rings.*
*I miss it when Magneto was the most dangerous man on Earth.* sent Jean through their bond, along with a sense of fake regret.
*He is plenty dangerous, I'm sure we will have to deal with him too.*
*Yes,* Jean sent, placing her hand on Emilia's shoulder, *he's sent some of his lackeys after me even when I was under Xavier's protection, I don't know how far he'll go now that I'm not.*
*How much do we leave him though?* asked Emilia.
*Hmm, he wasn't behaving too well, how many times did you have to pacify his mercenaries?*
*I stopped counting after the fifth.*
*Alright, let's leave him some face and let him keep around three cubic meters.*
Emilia separated the said amount from the rest, most of the vibranium was in convenient little ingots but there were larger chunks still in their unprocessed meteorite fragment forms.
"You can keep that pile," Jean said offhandedly and when Klaw saw the rather sizable amount he almost broke down in tears, it was more than he had feared but then again, a week before he had more than a ton.
Without much effort, Jean levitated the rest of the Vibranium, letting it follow behind her like a metallic serpent.
"Do you want any of his other stuff?" Jean asked, tilting her head towards another vault that contained copious amounts of weapons, from pistols, rifles and explosives all the way to some stuff that'd turn the Geneva Convention into a checklist.
"Nope," Emilia shook her head, why would she need those when she was a Psychic already, they'd just make traveling incognito that much harder.
They left the shaken Klaw behind and exited the bunker without much problem, Emilia made sure that none of the mercenaries or even Klaw could remember them well. He'd know two women came and robbed him blind but that's about it, if anyone asked how they looked or how they accomplished that feat he'd fail to come up with anything.
A few minutes later the two were already soaring through the air, the looted vibranium following behind them.
"We should hide most of it for now," said Emilia, "It's useful stuff but we shouldn't need much of it and even that's only in the future, I don't exactly know how to turn the stuff into useful tech."
"Why did we have to get it now then?" Jean groaned.
"It was on the way," Emilia shrugged, flipping herself over mid-flight to look back at Jean, "we'll have too much to worry about in the future, I think."
"If you say so."
Emilia sent happy feelings and her love through their bond, noticing Jean was getting rather strained when the humid weather combined with the glaring rays of the sun on top of her acting like a workhorse. She also conjured up a large film of psychic energy to block out the sun above the girl.

They spent the next week flying all around the savannahs and sometimes even in the Kongo to hide away their sizable stash of vibranium in hidden caves. With Jean and Emilia working together, boring out a deep cave and then resealing it wasn't much trouble so by the end of the week they only had a token amount of vibranium on them.
With their task done the two sneaked on a nearby airline taking them back to Europe as Jean was getting increasingly grumpy at the equatorial climate.
After a rather bumpy ride on a low-cost flight, they found themselves in Germany again as the only international flight they could board landed them in Frankfurt.
*Jean,* sent Emilia as they stepped foot into the airport, *I know,* came the answer.
While the last few weeks were annoying due to the climate at least their persistent stalkers couldn't follow them so easily with the fewer cameras and agents they had around there. Coming to such a large airport was a risk, but the two were getting confident in their abilities to slip away without trouble but it seemed whoever these people were just wanted to prove them wrong.
More than a hundred shielded minds were spread around the airport, they didn't seem to know how much they stood out just because of that as they acted like any other tourist or traveler around them. Emilia's senses covered the entire building and more easily, she memorized each of them before she went further and tapped into mind after mind, searching for anyone else.
Some of the assailants that came after them were hard to find as they didn't wear the psychic dampeners but instead thought only about mundane things up until the moment they had to strike.
Emilia added another ten such people to the mentally shielded ones on the mental map she shared with Jean through their bond. The girl added a few other marks onto the map, ones that were outside of Emilia's range and were of higher elevation than the airport, snipers.
*One of them feels weird, Lia,* Jean said and Emilia zeroed in on the person she indicated.
"Fuck," she swore under her breath, could be worse, at least they can't send Avengers at us since they don't exist yet.
In contrast, a person who somehow already existed and was doing rather well by appearances was fucking Wade Wilson.
Emilia grimaced slightly as her psychic perception easily revealed his scarred and burned face underneath his hood. The idiot had his blood-red Deadpool costume on under the jeans and oversized hoodie combo.
*Shouldn't be too much of a problem,* Emilia sent, quickly sending what she knew about the immortal mercenary to Jean in a psychic packet of information.
*They probably promised to help him heal his face if he helped them,* Jean thought.
*Or a fuck load of money,* Emilia amended, having read some of his comics and watched the movies about him she knew the man had some shortcomings when it came to morals but Jean wasn't wrong either. If only I could use biokinesis already.
She obviously went over all schools of psychic powers she knew of, biokinesis among them but she found her control lacking a bit. She'd get there in another month or two but even then she'd only be able to reseal wounds and such, not the extensive skin and tissue regeneration Deadpool would need.
*His cancer could mess it up even if I fixed his face,*
*Yeah, you're right,*
*Can you take care of the snipers first?*
Just like that, without even missing a step as they made their way toward the exit of the airport they started eliminating their enemies one by one. The first ones to go were the far away ones that Jean crushed into a paste, the girl lost her mercy after the tenth kidnapping or assassination attempt.
Any enemy they didn't kill or maim was another attacker that could return and try again.
Emilia's psychic tendrils bore through the mental shields they thought invincible, all the thing did was try to disperse her powers and disseminate the psychic energy she used for attacks but she had better control than that. Combined with her firm hold on the psychic pikes she drilled into the skulls of the people they didn't stand a chance.
All it did was make her focus on three or four people at a time instead of being able to kill most if not all of them at once. The 'undercover' people that didn't have a shield didn't even know their fellow agents were getting massacred as an earpiece would have been a dead giveaway so Emilia ignored them for now.
A few that were acting like they were sleeping got a quick pulse of psychic energy though that made sure they remained asleep. Out of the 105 original shielded attackers only 80 remained by the time they realized something was going on, Emilia always chose her next target to be someone who noticed another of them dropping dead onto the ground but after half a minute the stander-by screaming and running was far too eye-catching.
Seemingly normal people dropping dead one after the other were a cause for alarm for the average person after all.
The agents sprung into action, screaming at the escaping gaggle of people to calm down and leave so they could do their jobs. Some of them joined the panicking crowds and tried to take aim at the two of them but Emilia easily made their weapons jam. The dampener's powers were strongest on their minds with it also giving a weaker protection against telekinesis on their bodies but their weapons were only slightly harder than normal to mess with.
Emilia spared a brief moment of attention or Jean, noticing that the girl was making sure none of the civilians got trampled to death or caught in the crossfire. She felt her heart calming as she realized her girlfriend wasn't even worried about their safety, but then again Jean had a rather annoying tendency to underestimate their enemies.
The film of psychic energy Emilia formed into a dome around the two of them easily stopped bullets in their tracks, siphoning away all of their kinetic energy in a moment and letting them drop to the ground around them, making a circle of lead around the dome.
A pistol impacted the dome which made Emilia turn her attention from the last two people she killed towards the man who threw them. Deadpool stood on top of a table without fear in the world with his fists on his waist.
"Children these days can't appreciate a good gunfight," he looked at them judgementally, "using magic against a gun is extremely rude young ladies, I guess I'll have to use my lovelies to teach you a lesson."
He pulled his twin katanas out of their holsters on his back and launched himself at the dome. Emilia knew about the character, Deadpool but seeing him in real life and just as uncaring for his safety and absolute disregard for danger stunned her for a moment.
Deadpool slammed into the dome that Emilia managed to flood with more energy at the last moment, he plastered across it like a starfish and slid down on its side comically.
Emilia blinked at him dumbly, not quite comprehending what he was thinking when he thought he could get through the dome that blocked out bullets but then again the man's mind was dangerous. She only glanced inside and it was weird as hell, twisting and turning, regrowing and degrading just like his body was.
Emilia felt like pushing deeper into it would be like walking into a lake of corrosive acid.
Wade Wilson sprung back onto his feet, he pulled the katana that went through his shoulder by accident as he fell and readied it again.
"This must be a challenge from fate," he proclaimed, "to reclaim my beauty I must slay the beauties first."

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