An Opportunity
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Mirio's foray into different police precincts, old dusty closets to find records of his previous schools, identification on his Father, birth certificates of certain individuals, and even using his very basic 'hacking' knowledge to check certain databases; he got the answer he hoped for, but also a few more he dreaded.

Mirio Togata was dead.

No, not him, the Mirio of this world.

He died in a Villain attack at the age of ten, by a man who could make coins he touched turn into vaporization bombs he could detonate on command. A terrorist from South Korea who was on the run trying to hide away in Japan with the moniker Erase-Man, along with a frightening habit for wiping out unsuspecting crowds for the hell of it.

Because of the previous, it had taken a few hours of conversation with Nana, a good dose of insanity, and just a tad bit of hope to accept his circumstances.

He was in an alternate world, one were he and his Father died in a Villain attack, and everyone that should be in his second year UA heroics class were born ten years earlier then they should have. 

Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki were already pro heroes, their debuts happening just a few months ago.

That was simply problem number one, the second was the fact their Hero names were different along with a few more concerning things.

Nejire was still bubbly as usual, but it was a product of when the cameras were rolling, when they weren't, she was quiet and always surveying the area for any sign of trouble.

Nejire fucking Hado was being mature and serious, another mark on the impossible tally system Mirio had been keeping for the past four days.

Funnily enough, Tamaki Amajiki was the same shy person, perhaps even worse off then what Mirio remembered as he looked like a deer caught in the headlights anytime he was interviewed. Opting to sprout wings and fly away, not caring for the fact he left a befuddled camera crew behind.

Mirio's other classmates were a mix of regular civilians or currently active sidekicks, some of them not even graduating from UA like they we're supposed to.

Nejire was a Shiketsu High Alumini after all.

All this new information was all a lot to take in, and to see faces he had so many memories with but only for them to hold something different underneath was tantalizing. Osuru, a classmate that Mirio ate lunch with frequently, was a teacher, a person in his old world that couldn't stand kids at all and always yelled at them when out patrolling.

'I know it's hard Mirio, but this is also an opportunity.' Nana's motherly words tickled Mirio's mind, eliciting him to stop drowning in his own thoughts for a moment.

He looked up from where he sat on a park bench, gaze locking onto two people he had fought life and death battles with, and noting the fact they were currently at odds.

Katsuki Bakugo blasted Izuku Midoriya to the dirt with a basketball sized explosion, his two cronies laughing hysterically at his side while Bakugo exchanged words with a Midoriya who was currently sprawled out on the dirt with tears in his eyes

Mirio watched closely, still a little taken aback by seeing his closest friend now only five years old, currently just a Quirkless kid who was being bullied for something out of his control. He was nowhere close to the seventeen year old hero willing to forgo his limbs to use 200% precent of One for All to put Shigaraki down for good when Uraraka was threatened.

'An opportunity?' Mirio mostly asked himself more so rather than Nana. 'From what I gather everything is the same except for the fact my class was born earlier. The same heroes are active, the same movies are coming out, the same villains are being apprehended from the scant few memories I have. I think we really went into the past of a world completely identical except for all things revolving around me.'

He felt Nana nod, 'Then what we possibly have is future knowledge Mirio, knowledge of what 'he' will do. Not a single one of the previous users of One for All nor any hero has ever been a step ahead. We can stop it—all of it— from happening. You can save millions Mirio, its what you always wanted.'

Mirio smiled, genuinely and as goofy as every smile he made, hands interlocking as he looked down at himself. He called on the power of One for All to feel its warmth, baptizing himself in its power.

Then, he suddenly realized something, a not so small detail that should have been obvious the second he used the power.

'Nana, One for All doesn't hurt me anymore...'

Nana gasped, 'What? Oh my god you are right. I didn't notice before, but holy you're right, all three of the Quirks inside you are no longer grinding on one another and chipping away at your life force Mirio. There um-' she seemed to rummage around in Mirio's soul like it was a drawer. 'They are in harmony, able to fit inside you with even a little more room to spare.'

Mirio raised both his eyebrows, knowing now for sure something definitely happened when he transferred over. One for All should have cut his life span in half and he should have dozens of scars all over his body.

He had neither, almost like a blank slate.

However, he dropped the previous on a mental shelf to look at later, standing up and heading over to a green haired boy who was curled into a ball while sobbing.

Mirio had ten years, ten years before All for One would make his moves. He could sit back and wait, bide his time, strike precisely and deadly enough to end it when needed.

But then, he would be forced to watch, just like he always had, just like he did when his friends died one by one.

There were three simple yet impossibly complex options before him. He could play the waiting game, ensure the events he recalled from memories and stories told by his fellow past hero friends happened to keep things going steady. Then, when All for One and Shigaraki would be at there weakest right before the small scale war with the meta liberation army in Deika City, he would act.

He would sneak into Tartarus, kill All for One, then finish of Shigaraki when he had no support and before his Quirk awakening.

The second route was a stark contrast. Mirio could be completely active, find hints of All for One gathering his legions, signs of him coaching up his predecessor Shigaraki, and strike while the iron was hot. He would be a vigilante, perhaps even a terrorist, but he could possibly save Japan from certain doom.

Key word possibly.

The last route was a mixture of both, a tight rope walk between push and pull, slowly nudging things here and there before flipping the table and going all in.

Mirio was good at predictions, it was his bread and butter, and he could clearly see the greatest path to take.

The route that would leave All for One facing an army of heroes that were trained to take him on, to understand how he thinks, to send him to an early grave with enough finesse to leave him angry well into the after life.

A route where Mirio didn't have to sacrifice his future, nor hold back his morals, all while still not causing too much chaos.

To do this, it started here, right now as he crouched down and spoke softly.

"Hey you alright champ?"

Midoriya's body stiffened for a moment, the young version of Mirio's best friend carefully pulling away the hands that hid his face and looking up with red puffy eyes.

Green emeralds stared at him, confusion from lack of recognition and a slight hint of fear from the unknown were visible.

"That blonde explosion kid did a number on ya'. Need me to tell his mom?" Mirio asked with a small smirk.

That got Midoriya emoting, hands and head shaking so fast he practically created after images.

"No, please no, Kacchan didn't mean to! We were playing heroes and villains!"

Mirio lost his smirk, lips thin as he sighed, "He was bullying you, wasn't he? He talked down to you and made you feel small, worthless right?"

The green haired boy grew silent, nervously picking at the slight burn mark on his forearm.

Mirio experienced his own set of bullies himself, or attempted bullies to be exact. Yeah, he couldn't make specific parts of his body go intangible at a moments notice back then, but making everything do it besides his feet was easy. It also made bullies give up when everything they threw at him simply passed through him.

"It's because I'm Quirkless..." Midoriya looked slightly angry, but it was quickly washed away by more tears.

'Jeez,' Nana started with a smile clearly heard in her words. 'Who knew the Ninth was this much of a crybaby. Although he is utterly adorable, I just wanna adopt him.'

Mirio rolled his 'mental eyes' at the woman before focusing back on Midoriya.


The boy squeaked, "So, it means I can't be a hero..."

Mirio chuckled before ruffling the mess of green hair, "Who decided that?"

Midoriya cocked his head, "What?"

"Who decided you can't be a hero? I don't remember needing permission from other people to choose what you want to be when you grow up, did I perhaps miss it?" Mirio made binocular hands and started looking around before looking at Midoriya through them. "Hello there traveler, have you seen the island where we listen to other people and their horrible opinions. Hmm, no? I guess we are lost at sea then."

The sound of the boy's laughter all but solidified Mirio's plans for the future. Although, Midoriya's laughing and smile slowly faded as he practically whispered his next words.

"But, I'm Quirkless."

Mirio scoffed, "Quirkless doesn't mean worthless, it means more hard work. You have a brain, you have muscles, you have a will; better than any Quirk I have seen at times. I know people just as powerful as All Might that cower in the face of danger, all the good it did when things got tough."

Midoriya's eyes sparkled, "H-how would you know, Are- are you a hero?"

Mirio smiled, "I hope so. But you can be a hero, anyone can, just when your back is against a wall and the only way forward is pain and suffering, don't go having regrets."

He left it at that, walking away and hoping the nudge he gave his old best friend would push him to try harder, to try and be more prepared, to remember why he was doing it all in the first place.

The world needed Izuku Midoriya, of course not the crybaby or barley had ahold of One for All Midoriya, but the one who didn't hesitate to kill Shigaraki at the cost of both his arms. Not afraid to lose his right leg to literal stop UA when it was a floating island and about to crash into the ground, sending it miles upwards where Shigaraki couldn't touch it.

The world needed Deku, and maybe—just maybe— it also needed Mirio.

Not Lemillion, just plain old Mirio Togata.

The same Mirio with a plan that had him walking into a police station, now wearing a torn shirt and the same khakis shorts along with a face that made him looked lost.

The police officers quickly came to him, scanning him up and down, some ready to draw weapons while others started asking questions.

One stood out above the rest.

"What happened son?"

Mirio inhaled, readying his mind and body for step one of his grand plan to create a better future.

"I don't know, all I know is my name is Mirio Togata, and I have been lost for the last few days and can't remember anything."

He was looking forward to seeing how much he could change for the better.







Hello readers and welcome to Mirio Reborn: Teacher of Class 1-A. 

I am going to be very transparent and be honest about the fact that I am writing this for fun and not much else.

Don't expect super complicated plots, huge battles spanning entire chapters, and actual hours spent on planning the direction of the story. I have some set pieces but thats it. This is purely because Mirio is my favorite MHA character and I would like to give him some spot light.

For the most part this is going to be a slice of life romance with action sprinkled in between. It will be somewhat slow, as I am not in a rush, and chapters will be relatively short from 1,500 words to 2,500. I plan on three chapters a week but college is starting back up soon and as a CS major I am sure some will understand why it might be hard to stick to a strict schedule.

Again, this is for shits and giggles, I'm not taking this super seriously.

Also, this is a harem, you have been warned, welcome to the land of degenerates(cultured men).

That is all for now, PenguinMage out.