Chapter 1-Prologue
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In a white world devoid of noise there was a big cyan scaled dragon with a large blue colored wingspan metering the sky, With a four powerful legs it's eyes was shut but in a moment it opened its glowing slitted golden eyes, it looked ahead but not really ahead as it was entirely seeing something else, the newly created Cardinal world.

"Wonderful, truly a beautiful world but alas empty, I'm not satisfied there is nobody to converse with me, well there is the seven Angels i brought forth from the mindless great holy spirit of light but they are also egoless" Said the voice full of vitality of the dragon with a bored face.

"Well, time to finish the construction of universes" Said the being as it stood up with a great flap of its enormous wings, it flew across new universes in the speed of light.


 Aside from the central world there is another land hidden beneath it, barren devoid of tiniest life there it was, Great spirit of darkness, a mass of black energy moving without destination in circles doing the work the great being assigned it to which is to be a pillar of existence to maintain the center of all existence along with it's "siblings" the other great spirits.

the great spirits are concepts of great power albeit nothing to the great dragon but Egoless so the great being commanded them with absolute obedience because despite there egoless minds they could by natural instinct feel the power of the great being.

Back to the present, as the spirit of darkness was maintaining the world by its presence alone something incredible happened, seven colorful dots with adult sized dense dark energy split off of it and naturally fell down to the barren dark world, as the first energy fell down it took a red shape and stayed down there motionlessly and the others also took shapes.

The spirit of darkness felt it and looked down on the barren world and glanced at the small beings but there was no curiosity in its ethereal eyes and then it got back to it's job.

The first red being woke up with the mind of child and travelled the world and found the others with different colors while they for some reason followed the first being's directions, they wandered the world in it's entirety.


What the spirit didn't realize is that another additional dot that split off of it, so small that it was fist sized completely unnoticeable to the enormous great spirit, it fell so slowly that it took one month of Human time. When it touched the world it got covered by an egg-like hardned dark energy while the others have taken their maturity quickly because of the energy, this one small one needed nourishment because it didn't have the required energy to exist so it was bound to die in a energy-less barren world if nothing was to be done.


As time moved without waiting for anything, The great dragon Veldanava descended to the place of beginning and spread his energy towards creation, he observed the central world and admist admiring the beauty of the world suddenly he abruptly stopped and opened his eyes wide.

".. What are those in the lower world? seven dark beings? demons?" Said the suprised and excited dragon as he instantly appeared in the lower world concealing all of his presence.

"Amazing, to think giving up my omniscient and omnipotent could surprise me and not knowing these events, Truly amazing, Now what are you demons?, time to investigate" said the dragon as he transformed his body to a humanoid with the the appearance of an androgynous man of modest stature with black hair and blue eyes. His long hair is littered with white specks that make it resemble the night sky.

"I see, the world requires a balance, A balance is a concept i had created when i had my omniscient powers, A counterparts of the Angels i created, but what about this little one?" said the curious voice of the humanoid dragon as he stood in front of dark egg.

"It's not complete, should i complete it? but it breaks the balance... Ah..let's complete it with light attributed energy, That way it will be a being of both light and dark energy, a balanced being" Said the humanoid dragon as he quickly gave the small being light energy equilibrium to the amount of dark energy it already has.

"Get bigger and healthy small one, you have my blessing" Said the dragonoid. The small egg moved as if it could hear the great one.

"Goodbye, i will no longer interfere but i will keep my eye on you as i have never blessed anything before" Said the dragon as the he moved his hand and suddenly the egg is surrounded in a deep cave to hide it from the others demons.

