Edited chapters explanation and notification for those who can’t tell the chapters have been updated.
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This is just to give a heads up to those who haven't already been told or figured it out. Mostly that's just people who were reading before the numbered chapters were introduced and didn't read the comments. Any chapter that is numbered is edited. That means I won't be doing any more edits to those sections any more and any mistakes will be ignored, as much as it pains me, because I have to cut it off somewhere. Otherwise I'll keep doing what I'm currently doing and end up taking decades to finish a single book. Especially since this book in particular is only a little way into the first arc of the second volume and there are going to be 3, possibly 4 volumes in this series. Not even mentioning that the edits themselves are a little behind that.

So I know that some people think I've not been writing for a while but that's entirely false. I write every day though the amount of time is what varies. I just haven't had as much time lately because stuff happens and I've basically only been spending half an hour or so on writing every day. I'm planning to ramp that up again but honestly I don't expect this to last very long. I'm not sure if I'll ever have the kind of time I did before to write but I'll certainly try to write a lot more than I've been doing recently.


Anyway I got a few things for the people who actually care about these sorts of author's notes below but if you don't then at this point I've given you the announcement and you can go back to reading my stuff or whatever else you wanna do in your free time/work hours. Don't worry I won't tell ;)

So to start some of you may have noticed that there are little short stories in the comments for some of my chapters. I write them whenever I finish a chapter early for the day. Sometimes it's just because I don't have the energy to start another one but sometimes it's because I feel like that day isn't great for writing and ruining the carefully edited main story like that just seems very antithetical to the kind of semi-perfection I'm aiming for.

You'll find those short stories on most of the earlier chapters and even some of the newer ones, including little tidbits like poems, diary entries or other documents from times in the story relevant to the chapter. Some of them will be from different perspectives as well if you're interested in that. I don't plan to do too many of these, it's just something interesting you can search for if you have the time.

Moving on, I was wondering about Discord, Patreon or whatnot. I don't plan to set up the latter, yet, just because I don't think my writing is good enough right now to make a living from even if I could really do with actually getting paid for this stuff. The former however is something I'd consider if anyone was interested. I mean there are 200 or so readers now, which is a lot more than I had on Webnovel back when I started and a little less than the Youtube stuff I used to do with friends(Not the audiobooks but another channel that you will NEVER find.) I should say however that I won't be on discord much for the same reasons that I don't write that much. This stuff is literally all the time off I get in a day and when that's been limited to 30 minutes a day for the past few months you understand how bad stuff is right now. Like I literally write, eat and sleep along with normal life commitments not even including socializing so... ya'know.

Anyway, most of you know if you've read some of the comments that I appreciate every single one of you even as little as I say it, because the more times I do say it the less it actually means to me or you. So instead of just saying 'Oh yeah I appreciate you lot a bunch because I'm totally a nice author and stuff' I'm just gonna show you a document that I have marking a certain few things that I'm not sure anyone will figure out but proves that I am taking this stuff seriously.

Ujanyt - August 2023

CrazedPanda1987 - August 2023

GigaDotti - September 2023

jof22 - September 2023

PrismHeart - September 2023


PrismHeart - //////////////

jof22 - ///

CrazedPanda1987 - //

Somnum_lectorem - /

Voidiris - //

Maybe I'm a little obsessive but hey, this is the age of yanderes right? Plus despite all the ways I say that I don't have time for writing I do genuinely enjoy it and the people who can enjoy it with me. It's like peering into the depths of my psyche and... wow I hope that's not scary actually because I sure wouldn't want to be in my head as another person. Eh, given the gore scary is probably what you're here for anyway. That or the kind of protagonist who actually has sense but that's actually harder to write than you'd think. It's really hard to get across 'willing to do anything and self obsessed' but not 'cartoonishly evil for the sake of it' or even the dreaded 'edgelord' title. *Shudders*.

Anyway I know I'm rambling and this is probably longer than some of my chapters by this point so I'll stop and just say that I plan to be a tad more active with edits now, though I'm still going to be editing rather than adding, as well as the fact that it probably won't last long. I will also try to answer a long list of comments that I have left unanswered in my absence because I've got a document for that too but it's like:

5) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/811470/?cid=2387525

6) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/818876/?cid=2387532

7) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/866258/?cid=2387540

8) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/826501/?cid=2387549

9) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/867589/?cid=2387558

10) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/814024/?cid=2387583

11) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/817178/?cid=2387602

12) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/817927/?cid=2387607

13) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/818876/?cid=2387611

14) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/820399/?cid=2387616

15) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/822219/?cid=2387622

16) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/824008/?cid=2387623

17) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/824868/?cid=2387627

Gen 2:

1) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/814715/?cid=2394168

2) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/819651/?cid=2394534

3) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/823151/?cid=2394543

4) https://www.scribblehub.com/read/805664-the-vampire-progenitor-is-a-bookworm/chapter/821346/?cid=2394698

That long soo..... Anyway enjoy your day and sorry if you thought this was an actual chapter but I did release the Claire in the cave re-edit like 5 minutes ago so everything should be fine.