Chapter 0: Pilot
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Keith was shocked by what the pink haired staff said to him, as said person was ordered by Amelia to keep a watch on him and make sure he doesn't leave, and to.....extend his stay by "giving him a little boo-boo" should he choose to escape.

"Look, i know im one of that crazy.....uh, of Miss Amelia's servants, but even i have my limits with the crazy part man...." the hunk said nervously while biting his nails, a sight that baffles Keith because size wise. The staff is bigger and taller than himself...

Keith narrowed his eyes, and was on guard, "how do i know this isn't some kind of ruse...?" he asked suspiciously.

The staff gave him a dead panned expression "what....?" he asked incredoulusly with his left eye twitching.

Keith gritted his teeth. "you heard me, how do i know if this isn't you tricking me into getting more injured or even getting crippled so that i would stay longer huh...?" he said aggresively.

The staff sighed deeply and sat down on the edge of the bed, and looked at the protagonist with a gloomy expression. "I can assure you.....that im not one of....." he hesitated, but steeled himself to continue. "That crazy bitch's simps..!!" he said to him.

That was more than enough to genuinely to convince him, as he knows her most devoted ones would kill anyone who badmouths Amelia, even themselves. 

He was broken out of the shock when the staff puts his hand on his left shoulder, "...look, you wanna leave, right? so do i, and the only way to do it is that we have to work together and come up with a plan..." he told Keith. He then stretch his hand towards Keith, "so what do you say?" he asked the MC. 

Keith never thought there was someone that would help him, that he would always be alone given his experiences with those crazy girls. He balled his fists weakly, before shakily grabbed the staff's hand firmly. He smiled despite the pain.

"Let's do it Keith Everheart..." he introduced himself.

Nervously smiling while feeling relieved, the pinkheaded man nodded " Bobu Aikawa, but you can just call me Bob" he replied.

"Let's get out of this hell, together.... Booby!!" Keith excitedly said with stars in his eyes.

"It's BOB!!" Bob reminded.

And so begins their plot to leave.


"Now sleep, you unlucky romantic!" Bob told him and threw smaller pillow at Keith's face, "you didn't have to add that last part y'know...." he held the pillow with gloom. Bob picked up the now empty food tray for Keith and left the room, as he was about to walk away further he stopped, skillfully placed the tray full of empty bowl, plate and utensils on top of his head as he took out a key and locked the door.

'Hot damn, nearly slipped up.....gotta act like im the same guy....lest i arose any suspicion from Amelia' he thought to himself. Good thing he at least inherited the guy's memories, as just someone lucky enough to get a job as he was desperate enough to willingly work for one of the crazy yanderes.

Somehow that felt very relatable in strangely.....

"That's an interesting way to lock a door" he heard someone said while chuckling, he stood straight and caught the tray without spilling any of it as he faced the person. "Uh, you see.....i....." his eyes went wide, the young woman in front of him was drop dead beautiful, she was mature looking, with those luscious curves, smooth pale skin, breasts and hips that are to die for, she was wearing a black dress that helps accentuate them too, long blonde hair, and ruby eyes. 

'.......wait, ruby eyes.......!?'

His trance was broken when he noticed her red ruby orbs, to which in his opinion really do look like the actual gem color. But that's besides the point however, ....ruby eyes........

.....She dismembered Fox Hide after finding they had a hand in helping Keith's escape......with her bare hands.....

The entrancing feeling is rapidly getting replaced with fear and dread, but Bob kept his composure by using all of his might not to let his legs be jelly. She is the same height as him, which is pretty tall considering the mob he is in is larger than an average person, this is no joke at all. Amelia is an enhancer type, she is already strong enough to one hit a normal person with ease, and that's not counting her power yet....

She can break or even tear a person apart like paper, to which she did to one of her servants that attacked Keith out of envy...

"Ehem....forgive me if i did something unsightly miss, you see.....i had my hands were full an-...." he told her with a slight bow, and somehow in that split moment. She waved her hand gentley and spoke softly, "it's all good haha, at least it's not boring to see! Just make sure he's well!" she assured him before patting him on the shoulder and walked away happily.

Bob went on his own merry too, before putting his back on the wall the moment he turn the left corner and held his chest with one hand. 

"Holy cow....what a woman, what an absolute beauty indeed...!! yet...." he felt the dread again, and remembered the rampage she did when Keith finally escaped. He fixed up his posture and continued his way to the kitchen.

Then he suddenly heard an explosion and felt the tremor, the tray nearly fell but he managed to catch it back and balanced himself. "What the hell was....wait..." he suddenly remembered something. Something disturbing, the very thing that shooked him and showed this novel isn't holding back on the yandere thing.

......."let!!!" an androgynous young teen boy yelled weakly after being beaten easily by Amelia, who wore a cold and indifferent face. He was easily one shotted to near death. She picked him up by the neck while and looked at them straight in the eyes, before wearing a crazed expression. The poor soul suddenly lost their spark when met with such a horrifying face, the rest....went to black for them afterwards.

Bob didn't know what happened to the Keith's younger brother, it was left ambigious but he pretty much can predict the poor lad didn't make it. Unless they held him captive, then again he might've been tortured which is actually worse than getting killed. Nevertheless, it has nothing to do with him, so he won't interfere at all. He just wants to find a way to leave without trouble, and whatever happens is none of his concern at all. It's their own affairs, not his after all.


"Fuck....!!" he cursed before going to full sprint and smoothly slid down the staircase while putting the tray away neatly to a nearby table, surprising the maids near it. 'I know its none of my business...' a flashback appeared in his mind, of a crying woman, 'i know im mostly gonna regret it....' the face of a young man with brown short hair embracing said woman.

"...Thank you, for bringing him back, bringing my son back....!!"

He needs to work on his meddlesome habits of helping people...

He looked around the windows, until he could get a clear look of the center of the courtyard.

"A-Aikawa-san....what seems to be the...." one of the maids looked concern for him and was about to ask him, but she was suddenly cut off.

"There you are...!!" Bob exclaimed as he opened the window, and took a few steps back to the others bewilderment. And ran full speed ahead towards the window with no hesitation. 

"CLOSE THE WINDOW PLEEEEAASE.......!!!!" he said mid-jump.


" finished yet...!!" the feminine lad choked out, struggling to stand up to no avail.

"Just give it up already, sister can and will kill you if you keep at it...." sighed a girl with a shorter blonde hair leaning on the doorway of their mansion. 

Just as Amelia raised her hand, she felt something fast coming towards them, as did her sister and intruder.

Said younger sister's eyes widened in shock when turned towards the direction of the presence.

"AIKAWA-KUN!!??" she yelled.

Bob flew at high speed then grabbed the nearby lamp post and spun several times while sliding down before letting go, sliding towards them with a straightened, polite posture. It was a comical sight to behold for everyone nearby to say the least. 

He went pass them a little too far though...

Hastily walking back awkwardly, he stood between the intruder and Amelia. 

"I see we have an unexpected guest here!" he spoke casually in a manner as if nothing unusual had happened at all.


: This is just something i came up with one sleepless night after talking about genres with some Discord friends..........i am not an experienced writer.