Chapter 1 : Exodus
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Thanks so much to the ones commenting for the feedback and advises for the Pilot/Test Chapter, i will continue to try my best to improve this first story of mine to be more interesting. And also.......sorry but for the time being the covers might take a tad while. At the very least, i hope this story of mine is at least shave off the boredom for everyone. Thanks again.


"Who...." growled the short blonde beauty of a girl to the pink haired hunk bigger than her, yet he is the one overpowered as the young woman pinning him down on the ground easily.

"Who, who was it......" she lifted him up easily and put him into a choke hold, "Uncle! Uncle...!!" he rapidly tapped her milky slender arms helplessly, suddenly he could her breath on his left ear.

"Who did you slept with....!?" this time her tone was ferocious, "....i-....huh....?" he stopped struggling as he was stunned by her question, "'s not about that Keith guy escaping- oooph!" he was thrown away like a ragdoll but luckily he landed on the soft couch.

"...Don't change the subject....!!" she pounced on top of him again to his dismay, sitting on top of his waist and restraining his arms with no problem. "I knew it, i knew it, i knew it......" she said with a shaky voice, "i should've marked you a long time ago...!" her blue orbs directly staring onto his brown eyes, he felt dread and terror from her crazed expression.

"I hate it, i hate it i hate it i hate it.........the fact that whoever that person is gets to enjoy you first......" tears started to form around her eyes, her hold on him loosened and she embraced him as if he was going to disappear.

Bobby was both scared and bewildered by her actions, "uh, i....." he was hesitant to move but he knew he couldn't stay here with her any longer. He positioned himself to sit on the couch with the girl now sitting on his lap still embracing him, "um, miss....i think there's been a misunderstanding......" he said while patting her back and holding on to her so she wouldn't fall just in case. There was no response, "....i hadn't slept with anyone, miss" he told her to set things straight, " haven't..??" she finally responded and started hugging him like a bear trap.

"Yes.......i was talking about how being knocked out by Keith felt like i overslept the wrong way and ended up with a bad back" he explained.

Just then, before he could continue talking he heard her laughing lowly and into a maniacal crazy type of laugh all while holding him tighter, he can feel that chill again crawling up his spine. He would have a good time with her to be completely honest but the crazy aspect is a turn off for him, he may be a virgin in both his previous life and his current one based on the memory of the character he is now residing in. In fact, he figured that maybe he isn't cut out for a romantic kind of love anyway, a casual "good time" is more suited maybe but even then he isn't the type to bed just any girl he meets no matter how attractive they are.

He would rather have it with a simple fun and chill girl than a bunch of drop dead gorgeous but insane women, but that's besides the main point. Which is how in the hell did she took interest in him when he did everything he could to avoid raising a flag, he did his best to limit and kept a good distance away from her as well as the rest. All while helping the Protagonist recover faster and helping him escape, with him following suit after pretending to try to stop him but failing on purpose while handing him the spare keys to the gate, what he didn't expect was one of the yandere girls coming on to the site.

Suddenly, someone removed her from him, "what happened...?" that person that looked like the short haired blonde but appeared more mature than her asked with a cold tone while wearing a stoic face, the older sister.

Bob internally screamed, wondering why is Amelia, the very yandere that was suppose to have kept the Protagonist captive for 2 months, showed up here. He kept his listless expression as best he could and stood up.

" very sorry miss but i will go and chase after hi-..." he bowed and just as he was about to run like he planned with Keith, Amelia grabbed his shirt collar from behind stopping him completely.

"Did you get hurt...?" she asked him with softer tone, oblivious to his internal turmoil, she tossed her younger sister aside then cupped his cheeks.

His heart is pounding like a jackhammer now, '.....what.....what is going.....on....!!?' he thought, why is he being hold up at the most crucial time? the time he was suppose to make a break for it with the Protagonist.

"Amy, handle Keith.....i'll tend to Aikawa!" Amelia told her little sister who protested "why!? isn't Keith is the guy you want? that one's MINE!" she claimed while clenching her fists, the two glared at each other for a while, the whole time Amelia held Bob's right arm firmly so he couldn't go away, the dread he felt has gotten worse and he felt his heart sinking by the second. 

However, just as he felt his hope of escaping faded further onto nothing, there was a concentrated energy blast hitting Amelia's hand that is holding onto Bob, releasing him from the hold while dark tendrils suddenly appeared and restrained them.

"BOBBY!!" a familiar voice yelled at him, Bob snapped his attention to his unexpected savior only to be shocked, that the one saving him is none other than the Protagonist, Keith.

"You came back!?" Bob exclaimed while rolling away from the sisters, "we were suppose to leave together right..? now get your ass here cuz i can't hold them for too long!" Keith said to him in that moment while maintaining his hold on the sisters, Bob's incredulous expression soon turned into a smile before taking out something from his blazer. 

"Let's leave this joint!" Bob rolled away from the restraint of the yandere siblings towards Keith and stood next to him, he then reveals the object he took out earlier, a small bomb. "It's been fun and scary, but mostly scary......see you ladies never!" he threw the bomb down causing a large and dense smoke to cover them completely, "NO!" Amy who managed to break free first lunged straight towards them at break neck speed only to find out they weren't in that spot anymore. ".......Bobby....?" Amy looked around stiffly for the pink head, getting agitated by the second as she felt her heart sinking even further when he isn't within sight anymore, she fell to her knees in despair.

Amelia also after freeing herself looked around the area, she gritted her teeth in anger while balling her hands into fists. "Aikawa..!!" she growled as golden static began to flicker all over her body as did Amy still wearing a distressed face.


A trail of a formal servant uniform and a patient's pajamas with several bandages were scattered just nearby the roads across mansion, the culprits being the two escaped young men from earlier. Both now are wearing casual clothing, Keith is now wearing a pair of jeans, black sneakers, unbuttoned plaid with a gray inner shirt while Bob is wearing an unzip gray hoodie with red tank top underneath, a pair of pale green cargo pants with various size pockets, stylish looking black laced boots. 

"We're out......we actually managed to leave that madhouse...!!" Bob shakily muttered while running alongside Keith.

"Believe it Bob, we made it out of that place because we worked and risked our asses, together!" he told the pink headed man.

"Heheh....we really earned this eh, mate?" the two smiled then fist bumped each other while sprinting away to freedom, noticing the sun is rising.