Chapter 6 : Orientation’s End (1)
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Thank the Gods i managed to recover this chapter from my friend's busted laptop!! this is the next chapter i was making n seperately (stupidly) saved on another device, but i got it back again now thankfully, and once again thanks for reading everyone. I hope my story can help inspire or at least entertain y'all. 

"The orientation is not over yet.......??" Bob muttered nervously before looking around them, all of the students as well as their attendants began to prep themselves.

For Aura users, they took out their weapon of choice, giving it several test swings for melee user, while the ones using range inspects and were adjusting theirs and some were putting on armor.

Mana users meditated, equipping charms and casting several enchantments on themselves as well as their attendants.

For attendants, at least for those that brought them along, they take were the support roles their masters, for range users they are carrying extra supplies in the form of munitions or bolts depending on the type of range weapons they use, and backup melee weapons for their close range fighting masters. But overall, the majority of attendants were mostly Mana users, as their are very versatile in support than most.

The academy fortunately also provides equipment for those that did not have the necessary resources for the preparation of the practical part of the orientation.

Bob did not waste any time dashing towards the equipment station nor did he pay any mind to the bewildered gazes he was receiving as he was putting on as much as armor he could, so long as he could maintain his agility at least.

"Whew......thank God this body's pretty fit and strong...." he muttered under his breath after doing several stretches and other movements to test if there is any need for adjustments in case if anything is to fastened or loosened slightly.

"Bob.....i think you're over doing it, man....." Keith sweat dropped at his attendant's actions.

"You mean having a healthy common sense! i ain't got anything to protect let alone deflect any crazy attacks on my ass!" Bob retorted while putting on a grey compact helmet and pulling down the black visor mask, completely covering his entire face.

"Better....." Bob uttered happily, feeling secured after encasing himself in full armor.  

"Better safe than sorry huh?" some girl with brunette hair suddenly showed up and placed her hand on Bob's armored shoulder, Keith was surprised.

"Damn right! i......" Bob suddenly stopped talking when he caught on to the girl suddenly appearing out of nowhere, he turned his head in her direction stiffly.

It was Shino, the transmigrator with a System. She looked at him casually with a smile while wiggling her brows at him.

She held a compact bow in her left hand, a quiver just behind her hip, a dagger on the left side of he belt, a pale blue light vest on her torso over her attendant uniform and she had replaced her skirt with a pair of black spat shorts. On her legs were black stockings and along her thighs all the way to her shoes were armor platings for extra protection.

"Guh....!" Bob comically step back from her, reached into the sling bag artifact he was given and took out the first weapon he felt the moment he puts his hand in the pocket dimensional item.

A melon flavoured yogurt juice box.

There was an awkward silence, Keith face palmed himself while Shino had a deadpan expression. Bob kept looking back and forth at the between the juice box and his sling bag.

"I won't hesitate....! if you're lactose intolerant, you better back up!!" Bob warned her while trying to be intimidating with said juice box.

Keith smacked him in the head while Shino also kicked him on his armored shin to throw off his balance, causing him to humourously fall on his knees. Shino took the juice box before disappearing.

"All Student with their attendants, please make your way to the Examination Grounds immediately!" the intercom suddenly boomed, catching everyone's attention. Shino had slipped away, Keith made sure to remember her before she was finally out of sight as a precaution, especially when she is the same girl that stood next to one of the Valiant twins earlier.


-Examination Grounds-

"Oh boy....this is gonna be intense....ugh..." Bob nervously rummaged through his magic bag, this time he took out a proper weapon. A dark long bo staff with steel covers on each end. 

Once everyone gathered at the designated area, a holographic cube suddenly appeared at the podium. After several seconds of flickering it took form, the form of a mature beautiful women with long dark locks, more than modest curves and proportions under her robe, her soft purple eyes complimented her warm smile when she looked at the crowd of new students of the current year.

Bob raised up his visor to get a better look at her, revealing a stunned expression as all of his worries rapidly melted away when he saw the beautiful women. He planted his staff on the ground and leaned on it casually while admiring her, Keith wore a tired expression before chuckling and shaking his head at seeing him like that, Bobby had the exact type of reaction the first time he saw Phoenix. Then again, the woman is very attractive indeed he admit, but unlike his pink headed attendant he doesn't get entranced like so.

"Welcome to Emerald Academy fledging Aura Knights and Mana Meisters! I am Cecilia Van Rayst, your lovely Principal!" she jovially greeted everyone, her enthusiasm lifting the mood. 

There were many murmurs amongst the students, some about her beauty but mostly about her legendary exploits and being the former member as well as co-founder of the Guild.

Bob had only heard snippets about the Guild but no mention of the founders, he felt that anxiety rising up again as he mentioned before. He has no clue of what's ahead nor even an inkling of what to do, the pink head considered himself lucky so far to be completely honest yet at the same time he felt very unlucky to be in a mob close to one of the yanderes.....

But after meeting Shino, he felt a bit more at ease and hopeful. As much as he wants to swep her away and escape from everything, the Everhearts family included since he felt something big is about to go down sooner or later on because it is THE protagonist's family obviously. But he knew better, so he calmed down and kept reminding himself not too rush in to the point of having tunnel vision.

Meanwhile, during Bob's pondering the Principal's speech was almost done it seems.

".......And with that, i wish you all younglings good luck and do mind the monsters since they are 100% real, try not to die now ciao!" Cecilia cheerily waved before her hologram disappeared along with the whole podium that is actually been a hologram too apparently. 

"......What did she just say at the end there......" Bob didn't feel good at all hearing her last words, his hand instinctively grip his combat staff much harder in response.

Keith removed his blazer and took an Iaido style stance, "get ready Bob, we're about to be teleported into the center of a monster infested forest" he informed Bob, completely oblivious to the pink haired man's trembling state.

"To where!?!?" Bob exclaimed, but by then magic circles began to form around them, rune symbols started writing itself filling up the circle surrounding them all before engulfing them with its blue light,

"Noooo.....!!" Bobby yelled dramatically before finally being teleported away.



'Yep.....he's wary of me......i should've been more careful talking to him....' Shino sighed since she felt bad for Bob, because to her it looked like he went through a lot and had it rough if not much worse than her, she thought while sipping the yogurt drink she snatched from Bobby. Currently, she is following behind Amy as they were navigating the forest right after being teleported.

In her opinion, its thanks to the System she was bestowed with when she was transmigrated the first time into a yandere reverse harem novel that she was able to adapt and improve herself to evade as well as fight with better odds against whatever conflict come her way.

Unlike Bob..... who was suddenly thrown in into a world he barely knew, he isn't the one to blame for dropping the novel either since how would he know if he was gonna end up in a fucked up world like this. She can't or is actually afraid to even imagine how it really feels for him to navigate in this world without an aid like she had. But then, it got her thinking, who was he besides just a fellow novel reader?

What is his origin before his transmigration??

Who was he before becoming Bobby Aikawa...?

Maybe she could used Insight once she gathered enough points later on.

"Shino....." Amy suddenly called out to her, breaking out of her pondering.

"That's from Aikawa isn't it.....?" She menacingly turned her gaze towards Shino, they both stopped walking at that point.

[System : Hostility Detected] a transluscent small aqua marine colored screen suddenly popped up right in front of her eyes, she suddenly stopped sipping the drink and nervously, attempted to meet Amy's gaze.

".....I wanna ask you something...." the young blonde girl said without a hint of emotion in her tone.