Chapter 7.5 : A Transmigrator’s Dilemma
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"Shino know i hate the game of hide and seek, right...?" Amy sung while she walked leisurely, looking around for the brunette, her cold blue eyes scanning every inch of the area around her.

Leaving a trail of carnage and destruction, several mutilated Pale Ghouls and possibly even other wild life unfortunate enough getting caught in the middle of it.


"Are you gonna leave me too.....?" Amy asked Shino while tilting her head, the lively color of her eyes fading rapidly as her tone getting colder.

Instinctively, Shino took a step back "uhm.......i.....about Bob...." her mind went into overdrive as she try to think of a plausible lie.

" should know better, i hate......." she took a step forward, her bloody left hand suddenly clenched into a trembling fist, "HATE Being reminded of something unpleasant!!" she growled, then she suddenly remembered the happier times she had with Bobby before his sudden betrayal.

"Am i a menace? yes, i would sometimes pour milk first before the cereal....why? because i can!" Bob once joke around with her.

Unexpectedly, Bob's visage was replaced by Shino's, catching her off guard.

"Miss, please....! im not a psychopath! i don't pour in the milk before the cereal!" Shino joked one time when they were taking a break after several sparring sessions.

"Ah" she calmed down, then looked at Shino longingly. "Shino......please, i don't want to feel that way saved me from completely losing my mind when after all....." she told her in a shaken tone.

[Madness detected]

[Hostility level decreasing]

[Warning : High Yandere level detected]

More message and notifications were popping up in Shino's System, 'yandere level!? when did i raise that flag..!?!?' Shino panicked in her mind. 

[Madness effect : +60% Aura power]

'What the hell.......that's a buff....?!' Shino's eyes went wide at seeing the buff.  

She was snapped out of her thoughts when Amy spoke again.

"....What were you doing with Aikawa....?" Amy asked her with an eerily gentle voice, "did he asked for you to approach him.....? or, are you in league with him....?" her tone and face turned cold at the last sentence.

"Are you a spy...? like all the others then...?" both of her hands began to glow with Aura.

Seeing that, Shino brought up both of her hands, "wait wait wait! im not a spy....!!" she frantically said, before her instincts kick in and she unconsciously used her ability.

As soon Amy sensed Mana from Shino, she narrowed her eyes in anger and immediately used an Aura imbued leap, making her look like a blur. But she barely missed her only a hair, as Shino used Blink to warp away.

Amy smiled then laughed sorrowfully, "i need to punish you now, Dear...." she began walking further into the forest, set on finding the now suspected brunette. 

"Naughty naughty....." she sung hauntingly, but halted her steps and glanced behind her. "Tch....pests..." she said while looking disgusted at the pack of Pale Ghouls emerging from the shades behind her.



Somewhere near a stream, just behind a huge rock formation, is a spooked and exhausted Shino. She was downing her whole tumbler hastily, several rounded empty glass vials were carelessly scattered just beside her.

" did it end up like this......." she gasped out after drinking from her blue tumbler, wiping the excess that spilled down to her chin. 

[ Mana Reserve : 42%]

[Penalty Warning]

[Debuff : Mana Regen -40%, Magic Resist -30%, Physical Defense -10%, Cannot use Tier 2 Magic for 24 Hours]

"Uwaaah the backlash is no joke......" Shino commented before having a coughing fit and took another swig of her tumbler to settle down her cough. 

She was forced to use Blink, a high level ability that she shouldn't be using with her current level. While the system is helpful and convenient, since it gave her free reign over the wide range of powers and abilities to use, it has dire and fatal consequences if used with insufficient stats.

She had to learn the hard way during her beginner phase from early previous adventures, the first time she noticed how all of the skills weren't locked, she was excited of course but she was also suspicious. Then in one situation where she was desperate, she used one ability that is 40 levels above her current one at the time, and the backlash was devastating, even with the Unique Potions and Items from the Special System Shop she used in the aftermath did little to mitigate the penalties.

And another downside for her, is that her level gets reset back to square 1 every time she transmigrated to another world. Since the abilites and certain stats need to be adjusted according to the current world she is in, meaning she cannot carry over her previous powers to the next world.

Luckily for her, she can decide to transmigrate once she had fulfilled certain key events and collecting the special World Points from accomplishing them. Though unluckily, she cannot choose the destinations to her dismay.... 

She materialized another round vial filled with purple liquid.

[High Grade Elixir : Heals up to 400 HP & 300 MP]

She uncapped it and drank it all down in one gulp. Tossing it into the same spot as the other empty vials, and curled up into a ball then sulking.

"Guh.......this fucking sucks......i somehow raised Amy's flag, used a high level ability with crippling penalties, and now im aching all over...!!" she whined in tears. 

How could this happen she wondered, her professional acting skill that she worked so hard on should've been perfect. Since all of her powers, stats, and abilities get reset for every new world she knew better than to heavily rely on the System for everything, so to better prepare herself she would learn other more natural skills and improve them to help herself get out of a sticky situation.

It helped her buy time and trick all those crazy yandere men and women just enough for her to escape smoothly at best, barely at worst. 

She was then startled when a ping from her System alerted her, she got up carefully and summoned the Menu Screen at will.

[New Mission]

"A new mission......?" she shakily pressed the panel bar.

[In This Together : Team up with fellow transmigrator named Bobby Aikawa]

Shino knew sooner or later Bob would get involved with her, she looked at her currently available skill points to that is yet to be spend located at the lower left of the menu panel.

[Unused Points : 3]

Pursing her lips as she decides what skill she should unlock next or to upgrade, her eyes landed on Insight.

[Insight : Allows caster to see the target's complete information]

Next to it was also something useful in her opinion.

[Mental Conversation : Allows caster to communicate telepathically with target]

Shino closed her eyes and pondered, her mouth slowly formed a melancholic smile before opening her eyes, "it gets worse before it gets better...." she muttered then tapped the two skills.

[Unlocked Skill Insight]

[Unlocked Skill Mental Conversation]

[Unused Points : 1]

"Now for Amy...." her tone shifted into a more serious one, her eyes immediately turned towards the Inventory panel. She materialized vial tube the size of her thumb.

[Memory Breaker]

A Special Shop item she bought first the moment she accumulated enough Special Points after coming in to this world. Like the name suggests, it can wipe up from 24 to how long worth of memories of the recipient depending on how many drops of it is applied, one drop is 24 hours.

Shino took out three small long needles from her hip pouch, uncapping the vial and carefully applied it to the tip of the needles. Although it is a very rare and scarce item, she cannot afford to be stingy in the case of either missing or getting blocked by Amy, to be safe she plans on using only 1 needle so as not to arise any more feelings of suspicion from her any more than she already made despite her professional efforts to avoid. Should she still have the reserve she can always keep them as backups.

This isn't her first canon divergence after all, she's been through many.

But meeting another Transmigrator is a first......

She can only hope for the best and prepare for the worse from here on out.

Like she always does.