Chapter 8 : Orientation’s End (3)
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Bob may have the skills and wits, but there is limit how much he can apply them in many situations.

With the exception of this one.....

"Wuuaah......!!!!" he sprinted and dived behind a large tree, nearly getting hit what seemed to invisible blades based on the sharp cuts it made to the tree he used as a shield and the surrounding area near t.

"I can never see and feel the breeze the same way anymore....." Bob lamented and took his helmet off, then picking up a big branch to place said helm at the top end.

He lowered himself slightly further and slowly poke out his make shift head decoy out in the open. Not a second too soon the helmet was by a violent gust of wind, causing it to get knocked back a good distance away while the brance split into piece from the strong force.

Wincing from the impact, Bob frowned at the disastrous result. Then a horrible shriek suddenly assaulted his eardrums, causing him to hastily cover his ears.

It wasn't an ordinary Pale Ghoul after all...

It was an Elder Ghoul.

"Bob!" Keith yelled out as he flew into the scene, he glanced at him to make sure he was safe before taking an Iaido stance. 

The Elder Ghoul, four times taller and larger than a normal one, its claws soaked with black corrosive substance, it's inhumane skull head covered by spiney carapaces, the rest of its body is missing many patches of skin and in place of them were durable black hides.

The monster lunged at Keith with its claws raised high.

"Dancing Wind" Keith calmly said and in a super fluid motion, unsheathed his blade and swung his sword high then bringing down in a S pattern. 

Suddenly, the Elder Ghoul's halted its erratic charge and immediately leaped to the side. Screaming in pain as the monster's thumb along with the index finger were sliced off, in retaliation the Elder Ghoul swiped at him with its other arm, Keith had to step back while parrying it to minimize the force pushing him back and instead use its momentum to gain distance from the monster's strong attack.

Steeling himself, Keith spun and used the momentum to sheath back his sword. "Hundred Waves!!" he took as single step forward and pulled out his sword, sending a furious wave of black energy at the Ghoul.

The monster hunched and shreeked, emitting a soundwave directed at Keith's Aura based projectile and managed to actually block much to the young man's shock. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, Keith fell on one knee and is now short of breath. "Damn it.......that' resort...." he had used up nearly all of his strength, that last attack was something he learned from his step mother, he gritted his teeth in anger when he realized he was still far from mastering Hundred Waves. Had it been from Kiana, it would've sliced through the sound barrier and finished off the monster.

The Elder Ghoul lunged at him, Keith was hastily trying muster up what remaining Aura he had to prepare fighting it again, but suddenly he was pushed to the side as the monster brought down its claws at him.

"Bobby!?" Keith uttered in shock, Bob pushed him aside avoiding the attack and tanking it using his left arm bracer and shoulder guard to parry its claws. The impact pushed him a considerable distance, he barely kept his stance after.

"H-heh.....that didn't go as well as i hoped....." Bob chuckled shakily, casually removing the still melting armor pieces from his left arm to toss away. He tore off the also corroded fastening strap and letting the vest drop from his body, he looked at his now ruined shirt and frowned.

Reaching inside the magic bag now placed behind his hip, taking out a wakizahi "been a while since i took a gamble like that...." he took a lower stance facing it.

Keith on the other hand, was taken aback by Bob's action, his heart dropped when he saw his attendant taking the hit for him. What made him anxious even more is when how non-chalant Bob was despite being heavily bruised his left side is while also slightly burned from the Ghoul's acid.

Screeching, the Ghoul leaped forward towards the pink head, who is still standing in place with a stoic face, his eyes locked at the incoming monster. Keith willed himself to stand up while ignoring his every being screaming in pain, only to fall down again to the ground, he cursed himself for being reckless.

Meanwhile, once the Ghoul was close enough to Bob in mid-air, he immediately rolled forward while swinging down his sword in the same direction, cutting a part its thigh. Once it landed down, the injury caused the monster to lose its balance and made it fumble forward, Bob took the chance and mounted its back attempted to slit it's neck, only for the monster to catch his sword with its mouth in time.

"Ah fuck...." Bob cursed, as the Elder Ghoul shatter his sword by biting down into it, he lets go the now swordless hilt and jumped back barely in time to avoid the spikes it sprouted out from its back. However, it extended its claws further and took a swipe at him, causing Bob to roll back further narrowly getting hit by it.

Landing backwards, Bob hit someone after rolling. "What the!?...." he looked at the figure he bumped into.

"What the hell....! who-..." Shino rubbed her hip while also looking back.

"Ah/uh..." the two then comically pointed at each other.

But before each could get a single word out from their mouths, Shino saw an Elder Ghoul just behind Bob, while the latter saw a rabid Amy behind Shino. 

The brunette's face contorted in fear, the pinkette's eyes dilated while breaking in cold sweat. It is thanks to their body's survival instinct they both rolled to the side and avoided what could be the most fatal collition, Shino went to the left while Bob went the right, both drawing out their weapons. Bob with the steel tipped bo staff, Shino with her compact bow and arrow in hand. 

However, most of their spirit were drained when they got a look at the result of the crash between Amy and the Ghoul. It was not a pretty sight to behold, and just from that brief scene they could already see the good as well bad news.

Good news is, they won't have to worry about the Elder Ghoul anymore. 

Bad they now have to deal with the one responsible for said monster's cause of death.

"Aikawa......?" Amy noticed him, much to the man's horror. She immediately pull out her right arm that was deeply embedded in the Ghoul's chest cavity while also dropping the severed skull head from her left.

"Hehehe...." she began to laugh ominously while also snapping her eerie gaze at Shino too. "I've found you now~~~~" she playfully pointed and twirled her finger at them with both hands.

"Shino.....Aikawa......i need to punish and re-educate you both!" Amy flared up her Aura and lunged at Bob, "....STARTING WITH YOU!!!" she reared back an Aura enhanced punch at him while coldly glaring at him.

However, just as Bob braced himself, a familiar person suddenly appeared and intercepted Amy by blocking her punch with a scabbard. 

"Everheart...!!" Amy's pupils dilated at seeing the teen her elder sister held captive, "" she glared with pure killing intent.

"Valiant...!" Keith reciprocated her animosity. "You have bob cut over there.....! and it's not right to take another's attendant isn't it....?" he mocked with a smirk.

"That's.....because you took him from ME!" she shouted and did a low kick, Keith barely blocking it with his own leg. 

He barely kept his balance as he felt pain coursing through his leg up to his body. Followed up with an uppercut, to which he parried with his elbow, but to his surprise he was headbutted by her.

Steadily losing focus and control over his own body from his previous fight with the Elder Ghoul as well forcing himself to fight Amy, it did not look good. After being knocked down, Amy kicked away his weapon and raised her left fist up.

"Thief....!" she spat out with venom, her fist crackled with red Aura and with pure killing intent, brought it down aiming at his head.

"Shit!" Bob charged ahead while twisting certain parts of his staff, detaching it into three pieces with chains still connecting each shaft to another. Effectively making it into a three-sectioned staff.

"Now!" Amy said under her breath while wearing an eager and anxious expression as she took out one of her needles laced with Memory Breaker as she also lunge into the fray.