Chapter 14 : Humble practice and remembrance
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Haruki Shinomiya was a born genius.

Not only that, he has the looks, the brains, the body, and so much more.

For all his prideful and arrogance however, he knew that his inherent talent won't be enough. And when he poured in effort, he soared farther than the rest of his peers, even to the point of boredom as he had basically grasped nearly anything in such a short time compared to others.

It was then he realized he wanted a challenge, so he tried and mastered other talents. 

During this time, his family met with the Everhearts with the request for Kiana to train him in swordsmanship. And it was the first time he met Keith, he didn't think of him much at first but when they sparred that's when he was faced with something he wasn't sure he could beat as easily as before.

He mastered the basics, the stance, the rhythm all to a tee. Yet, at best it was a draw or at worse he was nearly defeated by Keith, thus his competitiveness was born from this. It all came to a head when his sword instructor, Kiana, bluntly told him he may not be a fit for the sword despite his talents. He was told by her that it is more than just mastering the theories and known techniques, so he asked her what is it that he should master in order to overcome it, she told him that is something he should find out himself as she did not have the answer.

Then one day, he stopped coming to her training, Keith was also curious and slightly worried for his sudden leave as well as no contact since then. 

Until today, they met again that is. 

To the surprise of his old friend, Haruki easily defeated him in a sparring session after so many years apart from each other. He was proud of the fruits of all the blood, sweat, and tears mastering the spear. Only to be slightly disappointed of how almost easy it was to beat his old friend.

He also didn't expect to be insulted, by an attendant no less.... he won't let it slide. He poured his all into it, he took great pride too, and he won't accept any form of mockery to his skills earned from his own efforts. 


Haruki panted quite heavily, his stance slightly unsteady, and he is using his spear as a form of crutch to hold his balance. Fiercely glaring at Bobby in front of him, who is casually staring at him.

"Can you still go fight?" Bob asked in a neutral tone.

Wiping his chin, Haruki stood back up and spun his spear skillfully. "I can do this all day!" he yelled as he charged at the pink head.

"That's the spirit!" Bob smiled and braced himself against the incoming teen.

Haruki did a short forward jump while simultaneously doing a quick jab with his spear aiming at Bob's torso. But Bobby easily dodged it by slightly twisting his body, the spear smoothly passing through with him unharmed.

"You committed too soon!" Bob raised up his spear and pushed back Haruki's weapon, then countered with his own jab.

"Hah!" Haruki also dodged it almost similarly like Bob.

Bob was impressed and amused at how fast Haruki adapted. But even that, the teen was highly predictable as he imitated his moves, so it was easily countered by Bob just grabbing his spear shaft with his free hand, catching Haruki by surprise and aiming his spear tip at his neck.

"You're actually a bit better than i thought....." Bob admitted, "but you're too stiff" he added while letting go and walking back.

".......Too stiff......" the stunned teen repeated his comment in a slightly shaky tone.

"You heard me, while your spear techniques are impressive, you lack the flexibility to adapt properly against your opponent" Bob criticized him.

"The reason you're stiff is because you stick too much to the basics, i'm not telling you forget about it altogether but you need adapt said basics into something that suit you perfectly" he continued while casually and easily spinning his own spear, doing many tricks unknowingly impressing the crowd.

Amy looked composed but she is actually chaotic internally, after seeing how Bob easily bested an ace student, she unconsciously bit her lip. There it is again, her instinct to pounce and mark him, she suppressed it with all her might for now, it looks like she needs to vent again in her personal training room.

Shino was dumbstruck at what she had witnessed, Haruki was suppose to be one of the dangerous fighters from what she read. Yet, Bob easily bested him by pure technique and wit, but she is also worried because Haruki is a very prideful person and at the risk of having an inferiority complex should he suffer more losses and feeling more inadequate as he would experience more hardship throughout the story.

"I didn't know......he's also good with the spear....." Keith muttered under his breath while being stunned at the display by his own attendant. He thought Haruki's spear arts was fluid but Bob's on another level, it was more fluid like water than his old friend's, he unconsciously balled his hands into fists as he is also filled with determination to strive harder in his own growth. He felt motivation.

Haruki wore an unreadable expression, his eyes glued to the ground. 

But his attention snapped to Bob when the latter extended his hand for him.

"You did good though, and im sure you can do even better if you keep it up" the pink head softly smiled.

Suddenly in a flash, Haruki saw dark haired woman flashed in place of Bob's. He immediately shook his head, and took the large male's hand.

"You got lucky, but don't expect the next time to be the same as now, old man" the teen grinned.

"I hope so, and i ain't old yet though" Bob chuckled while patting his shoulder.

They both bow at each other and ended it on a friendlier note. Amy had left with Shino after the session, Keith gushed at Bob's performance and egged him on to become his sparring partner, to which Bob rebuttal with an absolute refusal and calling him crazy.

"Is there any other weapon's you're good at? im really curious now, i saw you being a good with a knife and now with a spear!" Keith asked him with stars in his eyes.

"I can use most type of weapons, but i use mostly knives and staves though...." Bob told the excited teen.

"What's you're name?" a voice suddenly chimed in.

The two looked behind and saw Haruki with a serious face, while his attendant wore a frown.

"Me?" Bobby pointed at himself, to which Haruki nodded slightly.

"It's Bobby, Bobby Aikawa" he introduced himself officially and extended his hand again to shake.

"Shinomiya Haruki, and my attendant, Akira Genkai" he replied and also introduced his attendant as he shook hands with him.

However, the teen's attendant's frowned even more while shaking his hand as oppose to Bob's affable smile.

Afterwards, Keith and Haruki with their attendants following behind chatted until they both separated.

'You might wanna watch out for Haruki.....' Shino's voice suddenly spoke inside his mind via Mental Conversation.

'He's that one character who is arrogant and will be filled with pure envy towards the main character as the more losses he would experience.....' she paused for a moment. While still acting natural, Bob looked around and saw Shino from a distance, about to walk up the stairs with Amy. She looked at him for moment.

'......His past is pretty sad too, im gonna talk to you later' she told him before going out of sight, following Amy.


Meanwhile, Haruki is currently walking the halls of the academy towards the dorms alone. He dismissed his attendant Akira, he wanted to be alone for a while after losing to Bob.

Truth to be told, Haruki hated losing more than anything. However, this one match that he undeniably lost made him feel something else, the feeling of loss is still there yet he felt something..... nostalgic. 

........keep your posture, but also be ready to adjust at a moments notice........

.......haha, not everyone is as talented as you obviously, but that doesn't mean you should slack off too much!........

.......nobody likes losing, but it can teach us so much more than winning.......

......there is nothing more i can teach you, Haru.....the rest is on you........

.......i believe in you, Haru! you're gonna be a splendid person, i know it......

......goodbye Haru......

The young man stopped and looked out the window near him. Basking in the moonlight with a melancholic smile, he leaned in and rested his chin with his right hand.

"Heh..." he softly chuckled.

"Even after all these years......" he remembered Bobby Aikawa.

"He's just like her......i didn't expect to feel that way again" he began to laugh lightly.

"Could it be.....fate?" he looked upon the night sky.