Chapter 1 – A Little Visitation to the Past
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Adam Leicaster. A name known to all motorsport lovers. Champion in several categories, and three-time champion in the prestigious Formula World, the most valuable competition on the planet.

A man with outstanding skills and incredible speed, a hurricane that passed through the sport quickly and left an expressive mark. That man is none other than my father.

My name is Alex, and at the moment, I'm ten years old. Inspired by the various stories about his past, I decided to follow the same path. Although my mother showed some resistance at first, she eventually relented and allowed me to take my first steps into the motorsport scenario.

Regardless of who you are, everyone starts in karting. Small, tight tracks, little safety other than your helmet, and kids racing around chasing a dream. Land of frustrations and achievements. Your last name is worth as much as you can deliver results.

Being trained since I was five years old directly by my father in an old kart that he repaired for me, the beginning was difficult. Even though our financial condition was good, he guided me the same way they had with him during his childhood. "A bird only learns to fly by trying, and a pilot only learns to drive by racing." He always said with a thousand volts smile. Encouraging his kid to make mistakes and learn from them.

The days I spent with him were precious. My days started waking up hours before school opened, and he would take me to an old track near home. Teaching me where to improve, where I could cut a tenth or two off my lap time. Always encouraging me to strive for perfection. Studying with my body aching from fatigue and the shunts were hard, but we agreed that he would allow me to drive as long as I got good grades.

His hard work has paid off. Over the next few years, he was able to see me paving my way. A slow start where I could barely compete with the rest, to a moment where I started to stack regional cups and prepare for the last race, which could take me to the national championship.

The Kart State Championship (KSC) is used to classify young people from all over the country in the national league and show potential sponsors our value. National and international brands looking for future talents and drivers for their academies. Entrepreneurs pour thousands of dollars into the careers of young pilots in search of future returns.

And it was at the last event of that season that my life would change forever. All the pieces of a future jigsaw puzzle were there. Something that would plague me for years to come.

But of course, I didn't know yet.


This is just a small introductory chapter so readers can understand a little more about the story I want to tell. I intend to make chapters between a thousand and two thousand words each, as much as I feel necessary and natural.

Although motorsport is used as a background, it is not necessary to have a deep knowledge on the part of the reader, since the focus will be different.

I hope your guys can enjoy it!