Ch. 68 – Do the Harlem shake!
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'What?' Matilda confusedly asked.

'Just come to the company, I'll tell you in full details.' Doflamingo said before cutting off their connection.

Doflamingo sat behind his desk and waited for a few minutes before the door to his office was opened and Matilda came walking in.

"What is it this time?" Matilda tiredly said. Doflamingo noticed the eye bags under her eyes and how tired she was walking.

"What's with you?," Doflamingo confusedly asked.

"Guess what, I just fought a big green monster in my University. However, that's not the point, this General guy even demanded me to capture the green monster alive and also come with him. The audacity!" Matilda scratched her scalp in annoyance.

"What happened then? Did you defeat this green guy?" Doflamingo's eyes widened before going back to normal and asked Matilda for more information. He didn't expect that Bruce Banner has already transformed into the Hulk.

"Nope." Matilda said, popping the 'P' before continuing.

"At first, I was handling myself fine but as time goes on this monster kept on getting stronger and strong and if it wasn't for this woman suddenly stepping in out of the blue, I think I might've called you for help." Matilda said while sitting on the sofa and sighed in relief.

'So Hulk versus Abomination is coming soon, huh? I should keep an eye on them and if possible, I would like to get Bruce under my family, he's both brains and brawns.' Doflamingo said to himself.

"If he appeared again next time, don't forget to tell me, okay?" Doflamingo instructed her.

"What? You want to recruit another member of our family? Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I already know that you will make everyone who interests you as part of our family." Matilda said with her nose raised high, showing that Matilda could read him like an open book.

"No, it's because I like big strong guys." Doflamingo said with a straight face, making Matilda look at him in shock.

"Wait what?"

"Nah, I'm just kidding. Anyway, let's proceed in why you are here." Doflamingo said before explaining to her about the situation outside the building.

Although it looked like Matilda focused on listening to him, however her thoughts were the opposite.

'Maybe he's into guys, which is why he doesn't have a girlfriend until now?' Matilda wondered inside her mind, making a note to herself to find a man that is rightful to Doflamingo.

Unknown to Doflamingo, his joke earlier will cause him trouble in the future.


"That's it? Though, I'm shock that you gave such an ability. I mean, control people's movements? If the Government were to know this, they'd be up for your ass." Matilda said.

"Says the one who could control people's minds and manipulate their memories." Doflamingo sarcastically rebutted.

"Hey! I rarely even used it." Matilda snapped back.

"I also do the same to my Parasite technique, so we're quite the same." Doflamingo chimed in.

"...Fine, you win." Matilda leaned back on the sofa and crossed her arms under her breast or atleast what she thought of as there is literally nothing in her chest.

"Achoo! I feel like someone just insulted me." Matilda unknowingly sneezed and scratched her nose.

"Weird. Someone like you can get a cold? Talk about Momentum's weakness." Doflamingo chuckled.

"Anyways, how about it? Let's proceed with the plan?" Doflamingo changed the subject and continued.

"Count me in." Matilda grinned and said.

Looking at her grinning face, her past innocent smiling face when she was a child overlaps over it and Doflamingo can't help but think.

'What have I done? Such innocent smile was tainted by me.'


"Bring us back our jobs!"

"How will I be able to feed my baby!"

"The compensation you gave us isn't enough!"

Atleast 20 to 30 people outside the building were holding placards and yelling some curses and a bunch of stuff.

"Good morning." Doflamingo stepped outside the building, followed by Matilda.

"It's you! Give us our jobs back, you asshole!" 

"We will never leave here until you give us our job back!"


"Alright everyone, let us all calm down and settle this peacefully." Doflamingo tried to approach them and said, however unknown to everyone, Doflamingo's fingertips were twitching slowly as the protesters was about to continue protesting when they realized that they couldn't move their body.

And just as they were about to yell their worries about this, Matilda smiled and did her work as all the protesters suddenly stopped speaking.

Combined with Doflamingo's parasite technique and Matilda's mind control, a rumble between the protesters has slowly formed. It all started when a protester yelled that he has a high position and that he should be the one to be given the job back, while another man strongly stood against him.

This caused a chain reaction between all the protester and before everyone knew it, they started punching and slapping each other.

"Fuck you! I've always heard rumors that you fucked my mother!"

"You bitch! If it wasn't for you, me and my husband would've lived a happy life!" 

Due to this, the rumble affected the nearby citizens, a good example of this is when a high heel shoe suddenly flew towards a baby's head when Doflamingo came forward and catched the heels before they hit the poor baby.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Doflamingo asked worriedly as he patted the baby's head gently.

"Thank you!" The woman bowed her head and expressed her thanks.


"Alright, stop this!" 

After saving a few more citizens from being injured due to the fight, Doflamingo finally decided to put a stop into this.

"Guards, take them out of here. They're causing a ruckus which disturbs the citizen's safety." Doflamingo said in a kind tone and pointed at the protesters who stopped fighting each other.

"Yes, sir!" A man with a huge stature nodded his head and said before calling out a few more men to seperate each protesters away from each other while at the same time the police arrived and took them all back to the station.

"I am very sorry for this disturbance. All those are my company's previous employees however not only they're not doing their job but at the same time, they all also have caused troubles like this in the past. And I am saddened to hear that this has affected some of you, so as a compensation please allow me to give those who were affected $10,000 as a compensation." Doflamingo said with a very kind and calm face, which made the previously scared audience loosen up.

"Did I hear it right? A man will give me $10,000 dollars! I could finally give my family a better dinner later!"

"Oh my god! $10,000?! I could finally pay for my mom's medical expenses! Thank you so much, kind mister!"

As soon as they heard the compensation, the people started thanking him, there are even some beggars who thanked him profusely, stating that Doflamingo gave them the light that they needed in the darkness that they're experiencing.

"I am very pleased to hear that I would be able to help some of you." Doflamingo even teared up at the story of an old woman who's husband and son died in the war, making her both a widow and childless.


[A kind rich man helping those in need!]

"You're famous." Matilda said while reading the newspaper about a rich CEO of a gaming company, helping those in need.

"I told you, this is a great idea. Anyways, you did as I asked right? You removed their memories about me controlling them and replaced it with a brand new memories." Doflamingo said.

"Of course I did. That's the first thing I did when they were taken away by the police." Matilda said while munching on some cookies. On her lap was Goose who was sleeping peacefully.

"This is one of my first step in my MAGA plan. Capture the citizen's hearts." Doflamingo smirked and said as be sipped on his wine while looking outside the huge window on his office, the stars in the sky illuminating the the dark night sky.

"You look like a Mafia Boss in an action movie." Matilda commented.


A few days has passed and like Doflamingo expected, his stunt has brought fame to not only him but also his company.

His announcement of Minecraft became famous and the most awaited game in the year as the description of the game and the sample screenshots has caught the interest and attention of the masses, especially the teens.

"A box world where we are God and could create anything we want?!"

"Damn! Finally, some good shit. I'm tired of Captain America games, those games makes me sick!"

"I heard that the CEO is very kind! Sigh, it's very rare to find a kind and handsome man, not to mention a wealthy kind."

"I heard that it would be released next month, I can't wait!"

"Risus company, I have a feeling that this company would sweep the world."

Various reactions from the citizens were spreading around and it is mostly positive.

It only took a few days for Doflamingo's plan to take effect as in the citizen's hearts, he is a very kind wealthy man.

Meanwhile, the said person is watching a footage inside his computer, about a green collosal beast, wrecking havoc around the university while the army was going around blazing with Momentum flying around and distracting Hulk.

"Seeing the Hulk in my eyes makes me excited. He was said to be capable of becoming stronger the more angrier he gets. I wonder what will happen if he reached the limit of his anger? Would he be able to destroy the entire universe in a single punch? So many questions but better left unanswered." Doflamingo sighed and said to himself before turning off the computer.

Just when Doflamingo was about to get to sleep as it was already nighttime, he received a distress call from Matilda through their telepathic link.

'Doffy! Quick, Hulk is back again but there's a new monster here, they're both fighting and I can't stop them, I need help! Hurry, I'm in Harlem.'

'Alright, I'll be there in a flash.' Doflamingo then took out his sunglasses and wore it before changing the structure of his suit.

A pink coat and a dark pink suit and tie, while the inside is black.

This is the Joker suit, as he likes to call it since it is what he would always wear when going out as the Joker.

"Time to do the Harlem Shake."


[Send some Harlem Shake GIF here, just for fun, lol.]

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