Time Machine Part II
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The woman looked professional if I had to sum it up in one word. Her neat black hair bunched up in a ponytail, her clean and unblemished face, her immaculate dark suit with a fancy web pattern on the inside, even her shoes were elegant and perfect, all of that combined with the briefcase in her hands just screamed businesswoman. But then I looked at the eyes, and I shivered that same shiver as I gazed into practically a replica of the child’s eyes. I consciously take a step back and move to cover Miah behind me.


The businesswoman simply raises an eyebrow.


“Odd reaction, surely my… employees have warned you of who they were sending you to, no?” She asks with light confusion.


I’m about to go answer when something clicks. The mask from that cultist… it had a web pattern, the same as the one on the inside of her suit. Surely she does not mean those guys were her employees, and why is she acting so nonchalant if they were? I mean they kidnapped us.


“By employees, you do not mean a masked guy with a tall one, called himself Hunter?” I ask still keeping my distance. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Sallis has also taken a step back.


She tilts her head.


“Yes and no. The masked man sounds like one of my employees, but I’ve never contracted the help of any ‘Hunter’, in fact, this was supposed to be a solo job where they were escorting you safely to me, which speaking of, where are they?” She says not breaking eye contact.


Miah speaks up before I have the chance.


“Look, lady, I don’t know what your deal is or how you even know of us, but that employee of yours was working with the guy who kidnapped us, he also tried to kill us when we attempted to escape, so you either give us an explanation or you can fuck off and… I don’t know, scram? Where even are we?” She asks with some confusion.


The businesswoman looks genuinely shocked by this, and I don’t get that sense of wrongness that I felt with Hunter or the kid.


“Oh… Oh for fucks sake.” She says while gripping her temples, as she quickly adds in a placating tone.  


“Then I suppose I must start with an apology for any harm or stress they may have inflicted, I had every intention to help and potentially hurting you and your companion goes exactly against what my goal is.” She even raises her hands as if to indicate no harm.


“And that goal is?” Sallis speaks up.


The businesswoman eyes Sallis up for the first time, just now noticing her.


“And who are you?” She says raising her eyebrow.


“I think you should introduce yourself first before I even think about giving you my name,” Sallis replies curtly


The woman nods at that.


“Yes, you are correct. I simply assumed that you would be well informed of everything by the time you reached me, but clearly not. You may call me Stella, and as to my goal, I want to stop reality from collapsing.” She says in a polite tone.


I look towards Miah who looks utterly confused and then towards Sallis who is still in a defensive position.


“Uh, and how is that related to us? Matter of fact how did you even know of us?” I decide to ask seeing no one else stepping up.


“Well, you hold the key to a great many things just by virtue of who you are Sophia, your presence itself is required if we don’t want the collapse of reality, and your companion proves to have an excellent DR in relation to the problem we currently face. As to how, my Domain allows me to see certain things, important things.”


“As long as important means not being able to tell the guy you contracted was gonna turn on you and almost kill us.” Miah mumbles to the side.


Stella winces clearly having heard it, but elects to ignore the jab.


“I would love to explain the intricacies that come from the Domain of my DR, but we are in a tight schedule, so tight in fact that if you don’t move in the next 3 minutes and 33 seconds, we will have lost a prime opportunity.” 


I’m about to respond when Sallis does it for me.


“What do you mean you? You have barely explained anything, you admitted to being connected to a person who actively harmed Miah and Sophia, and you haven’t given us any concrete assurances other than empty platitudes. How do you expect us to even think about accepting whatever proposition you are offering us?”


Stella takes a moment to look over Sallis.


“You want concrete proof, you need only walk over to the left and take the first exit, ride the elevator up and you will see what I aim to prevent with your own eyes.”


“And that is?” I venture to ask.


She moves her eyes to me and without wavering says.


“A time machine.”


I blink.


“A time machine” I repeat unbelieving.


She nods and I see her look at her watch again.


“2 minutes and 53 seconds now.”


“Ok slow down, 2 minutes till what? Also the hells do you mean a time machine?” Miah asks frustration clear in her voice.


“2 minutes and 44 seconds until stopping a person from utilising the time machine becomes much more complicated unless you leave until then.”


Before anyone can get another word in I step forward, just enough that Stella enters my Range.


“Are you telling the full truth? Do you plan to harm us in any way on the possibility we do follow you?” I ask, careful to now watch her every expression.


She raises a hand.


“I swear I have not told a single lie since you’ve got here, and I have no plans that involve harming either you or your companions.” She says in a clear and practised tone.


I search for those feelings of wrongness or any signs on her face that betray her words, as well as trying to grasp at the emotions she feels as she says it, and surprising enough they all ring out on truth and honesty, not a single ounce of deception that I can detect leaks through her.


I look over at Sallis.


“I can only sense honesty, but I’m unsure how accurate my Domain is at sniffing out lies. Maybe you should do that thing you did before to me, make her unable to lie or something.” I say to her remembering how she could force out the truth.


But she shakes her head.


“I was only able to do so because we were still on Dis. I had power over every single grain of stone there and that enabled me to use my DR in such a way that is not really possible anymore, not unless I take the time to try and recreate the technologies that allowed me to manipulate Dis down to the molecular level.” She says finally dropping the posture. “But if you claim to have a read on her with your Domain then I’m willing to see where this goes. Provided of course we bind and keep a close eye on her.”


“W-Wait hang on I think I missed the part where time machines are even a possibility, much less that one actually exists, I mean- Sallis for fucks sake are you actually telling me that the Empyreans had working time machines!?” Miah asks befuddled.


“I’m saying that we had the capability. The mechanisms behind travelling back and forth in time were indeed discovered, however, the Lords put a very quick stop to research in that department, made it illegal in fact, which considering the extent of… things they allowed to be explored and advanced made our society very adverse to any hint of time travel. I’m willing to see where this goes because I am curious about her claims, not because I actually believe the Empyreans were foolish enough to go back on one of the main taboos of our society” Sallis says never removing her eyes from Stella. “Of course, provided we bind and keep a close watch on her.”


“1 minute and 18 seconds now.” Stella adds. “And just for the record, as long as that brings your group peace of mind I am very much willing to disarm myself and be bound.”


“Disarm yourself?” I say not noticing any weaponry on her person.


She simply raises an eyebrow and very carefully but surprisingly swiftly brings her hand to an inner pocket in her suit and pulls out… something.


It looks like a metal device, vaguely similar to an ‘L’ on its side, except it has an arc connecting the corners. The metal is engraved in various golden web patterns, and all in all, it looks like… a gun, a very elegant and powerful-looking pistol to be exact.


I bring a hand to my temple as I feel a very slight headache at remembering what a gun is, as she just as swiftly as she brought the gun out reverses its grip and offers it to us.


I don’t even have the opportunity to consider taking it as Miah practically manifests in front of me.


Miah looks almost enchanted by the object as she takes it in her hands and examines every nook and cranny therein.


“Bloody hells… this is a work of art. A custom-made Mastercraft of a Wilson .45, that by the looks of it…” Miah without fear and terrible gun safety looks directly into the gun’s barrel. “Is fucking enchanted as well, I mean there’s perfection and then there is… What kind of enchantments did you even put? Fucking hells where did you procure this?”


Stella simply looks at her watch and taps it a few times.


“An associate was kind enough to gift it to me, but I digress, we only have 48 seconds left and I’d rather you get on with the binding.”


“Uh, how? We don’t exactly have any rope with us, and I don’t think Sophia here should waste her mana on creating bindings if she even knows how.” Miah asks still examining the gun, specifically the cartridge as she unloads it.


Stella simply grabs her briefcase and opens it to us, revealing a coil of sturdy rope as well as a broken watch.


“You were prepared for this.” I say in surprise.


Stella simply smiles.


“40 seconds and yes, though not for this exact scenario. I had hoped the rope would be put to use for another reason.” She says refusing to elaborate.


I look at Miah still fiddling with the bullets and then at Sallis who doesn’t even look back keeping a close eye on Stella, I shrug reaching for the rope, and Miah grabs the suitcase.



Turns out I’m weirdly good at doing knots and bindings, because by the end while Stella could still move on her own two feet, I don’t think there is any way for her to break out of her bonds by herself.


I hear a low whistle by Miah.


“You think that’s your Domain on ingrained memories.”She says in curiosity.


I raise an eyebrow in confusion.


“How would my Domain help with that?”


There is a pause and I can see that even Stella is taken aback a bit.


“What? Am I missing something obvious?” Because my whole thing is about lust, and I don’t see how knots and bindings could really intersect there.


Miah facepalms.


“Why in the hells is the person with the fucking LUST Domain the most innocent here?” Miah says in clear desperation, to my ever-growing confusion.


Stella quickly shakes her head.


“Well, best reserve those questions for later, because as remarkably fast as you were we have 10 seconds to leave.” She says and I see her try to look at her watch only to frown at her inability to do so, but we do oblige seeing no other reason to wait, though we always keep her ahead of us.


We follow her directions, going to the left and taking the first exit, though I will note that the station stretched much, much farther than that.


We climb up the stairs to be greeted with more of those elevator doors the Empyreans liked so much, though it differs from the others with it being open and not having a shaft beyond it but instead an actual elevator room, and going inside it–not after making sure there were no traps–it was brightly lit as well.


“How’d you even get this working? I mean no offense but you don’t seem the engineer type.” Miah asks as Stella indicates what button to press to Sallis.


She looks back and shrugs.


“I know a way around such gaps in my skillset.”



The ride is awkward with everyone a bit too close together and with nothing to talk about–at least while Stella is here anyway–but it’s quick enough and as the door opens I’m greeted by the beach, and in the distance the lighthouse.


It’s only then that I remember the look of recognition on Sallis as she gazed at the lighthouse, and looking over I can still see it, though more subtle and subdued.


“What are we even supposed to be seeing here?” I ask Stella still keeping Sallis at the corner of my vision.


She does nothing but stare at the lighthouse and I’m about to repeat the question, when it happens.


The lighthouse begins to shine a bright blue light and then… shift?


It does something weird like it’s superposed upon itself multiple times a strange sight that immediately stops after a second.


I blink.


Miah blinks.


Sallis doesn’t but I can feel the surprise as well.


And Stella looks smug, though she’s covering it well.


“... Well, I suppose your claims weren’t entirely unfounded,” Sallis says after a moment.


“Yes, and if you don’t hurry… well I’m sure you can imagine what an unregulated time machine can do to the fabric of reality.”


“Yeah yeah we get it, dire consequences and all, Null in aether we understood the first 3 times.” Miah pipes in with irritation. ”I mean what's our game plan here, we stride into this clearly unstable piece of reality, guns blazing?”


“Well… yes, though preferably without the guns blazing part–and I know it sounds extremely ill-advised, but unfortunately the main entrance is the only method of entering the tower, and the critical machinery is all located there.”


Something doesn’t feel right but I still sense no emotions that would indicate falsehood, only some hurriedness, slight anxiety and a very hidden sense of smugness and… lust?


It’s very well hidden, don't get me wrong, like it was buried under several heaps of professionalism but it’s there, some pretty solid lust for me, huh, well… I’m going to pretend I never saw that, invasion of privacy and all that… unless… Well, I’m certainly not going to confront her about it, but perhaps I can work it in my favour.


I try raising the lust a bit to the foreground and I start to question her.


“Alright we walk in there, what then? Miah works her Domain and somehow stops the machine, while we apprehend whoever is trying to use it? How does my status play a part in this? How did you even know of me? I don’t know of me! How did you make this plan?”


She smiles and I detect a slight blush in her cheeks, as her eyes quickly dart my form and I see her try to push it back with that cold professionalism but I stop that attempt on its tracks and instead raise a bit further, her blush becoming much more noticeable.


“Before I answer, could you… ah… stop what you’re doing to me? I would prefer to be in full control of my faculties while I explain.”


Even while she was talking I was raising it bit by bit, but I was not expecting the moan–very suppressed and quiet yes–but still a moan, so much so that I startled myself out of controlling her lust… Why did I even do that? I wasn’t even planning on letting her know I could sense that.


She looks expectantly.


“I already stopped, whatever you’re unable to hide is your own fault” I explain while shaking my head.


She follows the jiggle of my breasts as I do so, but quickly returns to looking at my eyes… unlike Miah who unashamedly continues to watch them.


“No matter then, and no sense in playing coy either. The answer is my DR… the Plan Domain, with a range of 264 million and 120 thousand feet.” She explains while also moving towards the tower and seemingly trying to make us follow her.


Miah however stops abruptly, instantly moving her gaze away from my features into Stella.


“That's insane.” Miah responds and then I see her pull out her shard and search for something. “... oke, yeah 264 million that's about the exact length of Aesir, there's absolutely no way you’re telling the truth, I mean that might be one of the most powerful DRs I have ever heard of, even the Emperor doesn’t have a DR that insane, and as we both know that’s a statement in it of itself.”


There's a pause.


“You should be glad to hear that I only have a Hume level of 53 then.” She says and tries to prompt us to follow again, which this time we all do.


“Oh. That… makes more sense–Wait you’re only three Hume levels above consensus reality? What can you even do?” Miah asks as she speeds up to stay side by side.


I’m beginning to see that Miah may not be the most tactful person to be around.


“Much. I got this far haven’t I?” She says cryptically.


“Why do you have a data-slate Miah?” Sallis suddenly speaks up interrupting whatever Miah was about to respond.


“I… data slate? Miah asks confused.


Sallis simply points to the shard still floating near her.


“Oh I bought it, why?” Miah responds as she looks back at Sallis.


How?” Before Miah can respond Sallis continues. “ By the way you explained to me of your level of tech, your civilization didn’t sound nearly advanced enough to replicate, and mass reproduce data-slates, much less bring the serves and network back. I mean I’m pretty sure most of those serves weren’t even on-planet, and that’s not even to say–”


Stella clears her throat to get Sallis attention.


“I’m sure she’ll be happy to answer some of your questions about the current state of archeotech when reality is not at risk of collapsing. So if we answered all our burning questions, may we go save the world?” Sallis looks almost ready to argue, but I see her glance at the tower and reluctantly nod.


And as if to punctuate her point the tower glitches again.


We all follow her on a brisk pace to the entrance.




Thankfully the tower doesn’t seem to glitch in and out of reality when we step in. 


The inside itself looks like a living space, complete with a fireplace, sofa, kitchen, and even some bookcases that all together have a sort of cosiness thats hard to describe. To the side, I see a wooden staircase spiralling upwards.


Stella seemingly ignores the room and goes straight for the stairs and we follow, though I do notice Sallis is paying extra attention to the details of the room.


Nevertheless, as we make it up and up, I see the light of the sunrise peeking through the open door at the top, and when we finally arrive what I see is…


A large room, not at all circular like the living room at the bottom, a large window in the shape of a clock is at the far side where the sunlight is peeking through, in front of it lays a large machine that I couldn’t even begin to imagine how it works, it looks to be made of that same silvery substance the empyreans like so much though with all the tubes, wires, mechanisms and terminals seemingly randomly strewn about, it lacks the subtlety and elegance I saw with most other Empyrean things.


All of that is not what catches my attention, however, because all around us are piles upon piles of bodies. Some of them look to have been cut and stabbed, others look scorched or frozen or some other different gruesome way to have been killed, and they each seem so different, different ages, genders, ethnicities, and clothing, hell lots of them don’t even look fully human with some sporting wings, or scales, or rabbit ears, hell I see a flipping 12-foot giant that is wearing a silk robe strewn about in some far off pile, the only commonality is that they’re all dead.


Except for the one in the middle. 


Their back is turned towards us so I can’t see their face, but they look like a… teen? A young adult at the very least, they have a dirty blond hair and a lithe physique that makes it hard to tell the gender, they’re wearing a heavy winter coat and I can see a holster in their hip, but most importantly I see that they are weaving a lot of magic in and out of the machine, and I know its a lot because I feel it from here, on the other side of the room, almost like a heavy pressure that threatens to send me to my knees.


Stella though seemingly ignores the pressure, steps back and almost in an instant her ropes are gone, like one minute they were there and the next *pop*, gone. 


I activate the hasten senses spell, almost fumbling since I didn’t practice doing it without a circle before and I am surprised by the not-insignificant amount of mana being drained.


But it allows me to truly access the situation.


First, the person in the middle of the room has started to take notice of someone else in the room, as I see they move their head toward us.


Second, Miah has somehow not noticed that Stella has stepped back and removed her bindings, her attention focused on the magic being weaved in and out of the machine– I swear I even see her eyes sparkle.


Third, Sallis has taken notice of the movement by Stella and I can see her moving her hand upwards to point at Stella herself.


And fourth, Stella. She somehow in the timespan that it took me to cast this spell– i.e. a second at best–has retrieved the briefcase on Miah’s left hand, opened it, retrieved the watch from inside it, and fastened it to my wrist– I also notice that the inside of her sleeves is glowing with eldrich light, but thats minor compared to the fact that I still see her moving in normal speed.


She looks me directly in the eyes, and with the world slowed down around her winks.


And then she disappears.


My spell fades and I see the world catch up, Miah finally looks back to find no one there, Sallis finishes raising her hand I see a hole form in her palm from which the bright glow of flame starts to appear.

And the person in the middle finally turns to us, revealing a calm smile on their androgynous and surprisingly pretty face.


“Hm, it seems a challenger approaches…” And their voice rings out with such clarity, it reminds me of cool calm lake, beautiful and still, but frighteningly and surprisingly deep. “It has been too long since the last…” They pick a hand-axe from the hands of a dead dragon-kin armoured warrior that was near their feet. “The power of the tower is almost within arm's reach.” He raises the axe to his eyes examining it, before moving his gaze to us.


“Step forward, honoured contenders… and die.” And before we can respond they slightly incline their body toward us and disappear–before reappearing with a rush of air in front of Sallis who had pointed the raised arm toward them.


Sallis in a split-second reaction fires a bolt of plasma from their palm that is swiftly dodged by them as they in the same side movement that they took to dodge move even closer and quickly bring the axe in a chopping upward motion and before I can even scream out a spell or yell in consternation dismember the arm that Sallis had pointed at them.