Chapter 14 (Adventure 1)
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The following day, there was much excitement in the castle and the capital city of beast kingdom. After the arrival of the massive ships that saved them from the demon's, today was a day of celebration of the victory. To add to that, the king and queen of the Starlight kingdom belonging to humans were arriving today. The otherworldly ships were still there parked high above the kingdom like guardian angels waiting to rain hell over anyone who would dare attack. It was sight no one would have ever dreamt off. Though some of the people  were wary about the other worldly ships that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, since they defended the city, they were grateful.

Starlight King Celestius POV

The moment they heard about the demon attack on his friends capital city, King Celestius started preparing his army to assist as soon as possible. Adding to that the fact that his daughter was there in the middle of the invasion made him even more anxious. The sole reason he did not just teleport there on his own was because of his wife Queen Luminara. Luminaria was a descendent of a Saint, said to be the loyal followers of god and having divine powers. She used her powers though limited to sense that the capital city was safe and hence prevented the anxious king from going there alone. They then received a letter from Regulus stating the end of the invasion and their victory. This shocked them. Not even a day had passed and with fewer soldiers, somehow they had managed to defeat a very powerful demon. King Regulus had also mentioned outside help but was vey vague about it stating it was better to talk face to face. And hence they made their way to the Beast kingdom with an army just to be safe. The king and the queen were in a luxurious carriage in the middle of the convoy.

King Celestius: Tch. I wish we could just teleport there and save all this travelling.

Queen Luminara: Dear. Please be quite. You have said that every five minutes since we boarded the carriage. Besides teleporting such a huge army would drain the power of all the mages for a long time. 

King Celestius: Sorry my queen. I am just worried about Seraphina. My daughter was there in the middle of an invasion and though the letter said everyone was fine, I still want to see with my own eyes.

Queen Luminara: Your daughter???? She's my daughter. You don't even spend much time with us anymore ever since the war started.

King Celestius: 'sigh' I know. Forgive me my queen. I just want to make sure everyone's safe. We can spend all the time together when our son is of age and can take over the kingdom. 

Queen Luminara: I understand but please make sure to spend at least some time with our daughter. She has already grown up and has reached marriageable age.

King Celestius: I know. But I don't want her to go.

Queen Luminara: Stop whining like a kid dear. You cannot keep her with you forever. She needs to go out to the world and spread her wings. But enough of that, I can see that something else has been bothering you besides our cute daughter.

King Celestius: 'sigh' I cannot hide anything from you can I??

Queen Luminara: No. Now out with it.

King Celestius: I am wondering who this outside help is. You don't just go and stop a demon army with one of the most powerful demons leading it in matter of hours.

Queen Luminara: About that I tried sensing who it is but all I felt nothing. Its like they are not of this world. We can just wait till we meet them in person and hope that whoever it is can be our ally.

The convoy were nearing the capital city of the Beast kingdom when suddenly they came to an halt with the soldiers making a huge ruckus. The king and queen both confused with the sudden stop asked the nearby soldier for the cause. But, the poor man was just staring at the sky with his mouth opening and closing unable to form words. The royals confused by this got down from the carriage and followed the soldiers gaze and what they saw made they drop their jaws.

Floating above the capital city of beast kingdom were mighty ships that seemingly went against any common logic of the world. Each ship looked like it could take out a country if not an entire world on its own. Add to the fact that they did not receive any word regarding it,  they did not know what to do. Just then a trumpet sounded and the army made way for another carriage to slowly make way. From the other carriage King Regulus himself got down and greeted his old friend.

Regulus:  Celestius its nice to see you after so long. You too Lady Luminara.

Queen Luminara: Than you Your Majesty. Please excuse us but we are still shocked with those giant things floating above your city.

Regulus: Hahaha!!!!! I knew that. That's why I personally came here to meet you. You need not worry they are our allies. A bit of odd bunch but allies none the less.

King Celestius: Odd bunch!!!!!! Regulus what in the world has gone on????

Regulus: Oh? Looks like you have regained your senses. I will explain later. First shall we head to the palace. Princess Seraphina has been excited to meet you.

On the mention of his daughter King Celestius quickly agreed and all of them made their way back to the palace. The entire city was in a celebrative atmosphere. The Starlight royals also saw a lot of people in a some sort of uniforms mingling with the locals and taking in the sights. The most confusing part was that they looked exactly like humans and beast kin. Once they arrived, they were greeted by Queen Isadora, Princess Leona and their daughter Seraphina. The beast kin royals gave a royal greeting where as Seraphina went to hug her parents.

Seraphina: Mother, Father I have missed you both.

Luminara: Us too my sweet daughter. Tell me how have you been??

Seraphina: I am fine mother. I have a lot to tell you both.

Celestius: Then shall we head inside. You can tell us all about your adventure.

Leona: Just your adventure Seraphina???

Seraphina: Wh..what e..else should I...I talk a..about??

Leona: Hmmm?? How about a certain go.....hmmmmmpppp!!!!

Seraphina: 'holding her hands over Leona's mouth' Be quite!!!!!!!

Luminara: Dear don't be rude let Princess Leona speak.

Seraphina: Mother!!!! Its nothing!!

Celestius: You acting like this even more suspicious. Its like you have found a lover or something.





Luminara: Why are everyone so silent?? Oh my!!! It's true. Our daughter has already found a lover.

Celestius: No.

Luminara: Dear.

Celestius: No.

Seraphina: Father I can explain.

Celestius: No. I will not allow it. My daughter is not going anywhere.

Luminara: Dear. I would watch my mouth if I were you. Let us hear more about this person. If he is suitable then it is fine isn't it?

Seraphina: Ummmm......

Luminara: What is it dear?

Seraphina: It's not a he.

Luminara: Oh my!!!!! Who is this lucky woman dear?

Leona: Heh. She is not lucky we are the lucky ones.

Luminara: Hmmm?? What do you mean Leona?

Leona: Well you see myself and Seraphina love the same person and we have agreed to be with her together.

Celestius: Dear god!! This is becoming more ridiculous by the second. 

Regulus: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! The irony.

Celestius: Something funny Regulus? I just heard your and my daughters loving the same person. A woman at that. And you find that funny??

Regulus: Oh no. I find that your prayer to god as funny.

Celestius: Why??

Regulus: Well you see. Their lover who just so happens to be the person who helped fight the demons is also the empress of a faraway galactic empire much more powerful than us. And it just so happens that she is the Goddess of Creation.

Celestius then blacked out.