Chapter 12: Titan Gear
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Soon, a booming sound on the communication line surprised Nolan, Rothur, Arlen, Grimor, the man in the armored cloak, and the pilots. A male voice then sounded on the communication line.

“The enemies rammed this battlecarrier, requesting assistance and permission to attack.”

Shortly after that, the sound of laser canons being fired was heard, causing everyone in Nolan’s personel carrier fighter starplane to be surprised. Nolan’s expression turned serious.

“Hold on, we’ll be right there.”

Nolan’s starplane’s two pilots flew their plane towards their destination, battlecarrier number 70. Grimor’s expression turned surprised.

“What is Titan Gear? You know something about it, Nolan?”

Nolan nodded.

“I think you’ve already heard the story of why TITAN can be called Titan.”

Grimor and the others were taken aback. Grimor’s expression turned serious.

“Yes, it’s said that their great power is mainly in their Titan form.”

Nolan nodded.

“Right, the word Titan isn’t just a term for Titans; they are real monsters….”

Nolan immediately got up from his seat and headed for a metal storage cupboard on one side of the plane. Inside this cupboard was something in the shape of a thick medallion and the diameter that a hand could grip like a baseball. Nolan threw these medallion-like objects one by one to his two pilots, Arlen, Grimor, Rothur, and the cloaked man, who caught them deftly. Nolan’s expression turned serious.

“This object is called space coating, a portable device for entire body coating as an anti-relativity and life support device that can detect surfaces so that we can walk on any surface like it has gravity. This coating is very flexible and will not tear, so you can penetrate it anytime and still protect your entire body. This coating can also distribute oxygen for several hours and protect the user’s body from extreme cold and heat. Be prepared if you need it.”

Arlen was amazed while looking at the medallion-like device in his hand.

“You can have very expensive equipment like this in every starplane in your fleet?”

Nolan’s expression turned astonished.

“Of course, you guys don’t always have them?”

The others looked at each other with astonished expressions.

Not long afterward, their starplane arrived at battlecarrier starship number 70, which had a long body and wide and broad wings on the front part of the body so that the shape of this battlecarrier resembled a bowgun. This battlecarrier tilted and shot at a gigantic grayish-black creature that held on to the upper left part of the battlecarrier’s body, using its right hand.


(Hunter Titan Gear, a gigantic body form of the Hunter Titan race).


Titan Gear, a grayish-black moving weapon resembling a giant male humanoid being as tall as a 328-foot-high skyscraper (100 meters), was punching the large laser cannons and energy missile launchers on the surface of this battlecarrier until these weapons were shattered. Compared to the size of this gigantic creature, this battlecarrier was still 500 times larger, with a plane height of 984 feet (300 meters).

This Titan Gear has a body resembling knight armor, with sturdy carvings all over it, consisting of many pieces of armor assembled and linked together. There is additional sturdy carved armor resembling a knee-length overcoat made from the same material as this Titan Gear’s body, as additional armor all over its body. This overcoat armor is also made of many armor parts linked together so that it can move more flexibly following the Titan Gear’s movements. The Titan Gear’s upper arms and shoulders have additional armor that protects and is an extension of the additional armor that forms the overcoat. Its head resembles an armor helmet with additional wings shaped like a horns part on the forehead, extending to the right and left sides of the helmet forehead part. The eyes on this armor helmet glow red. The armor on its hands and feets had additional sharp claws armor, and the Titan Gear used these claws to grip the battlecarrier body. The battlecarrier part that was grabbed became increasingly cracked and began to shatter.

Attached to the upper back of this Titan Gear is something like a grayish-black gigantic starplane that is 2.5 times bigger than Titan Gear’s body, has six gigantic wings that can fold backwards or spread to the right and left, three wings on the right and three wings on the left, where the back of the wings are all red colored jet engines, and on the front of each wing, there are three cannons which also function as the wings’ hinges. This starplane-like part has a part that grips the Titan Gear’s upper back and can be separated from the Titan Gear to become a gigantic fighter starplane.

On the back of the starplane part of this Titan Gear, there is a weapon that resembles a gigantic longsword with a length equal to the length of this Titan Gear’s body, which is gripped in a standing position by this starplane and can be removed and used at any time by the Titan Gear, with the hilt visible extending higher than the Titan Gear’s head.

This gigantic creature is called the Titan Gear, the gigantic body form of the Hunter Titan race. The wings on this Titan Gear are spread to the right by three wings and to the left by three wings and are in a position resembling airplane wings that are longer than the Titan Gear’s body.

The Lantern Space Pirate Alliance battlecarriers around the Titan Gear continued to fire repeatedly, as did the countless fighter starplanes flying around the Titan Gear, but all these attacks almost did not work at all against the Titan Gear, whose body only budged slightly from receiving these barrage of attacks. The Titan Gear grabbed the hilt of the gigantic long sword behind its head, immediately opening the grip holding it. The Titan Gear slashed its longsword forward, instantly destroying dozens of fighter starplanes hit by this slash. The Titan Gear put the longsword back to its original place, which was immediately grabbed by the starplane-like six wings on its back.

What happened shocked Nolan and everyone around him. Nolan’s expression turned serious; he immediately reactivated his starplane communication device on the touchscreen computer before him.

“Our weapons didn’t work on that Titan Gear. Everyone immediately moved away!”

Not long after, The Titan Gear activated the six huge cannons on its wings and was about to fire them toward other battlecarrier starships. Increasingly bright red light emerged from these six cannons but then dimmed again. The Titan Gear appeared to realize something, then turned towards the starplane where Nolan was. Seeing this Titan suddenly turn towards them made Nolan and the others surprised. Rothur’s expression turned astonished.

“It’s just my feeling, or is that Titan looking this way?”

Nolan’s expression turned serious.

“It’s not just your feelings; it's indeed looking this way.”

The Titan Gear released its grip from battlecarrier before it, then flew, using the help of gigantic starplane-like wings on its upper back, towards the starplane where Nolan was, shocking Nolan and the others. Nolan said in a raised voice.

“Damn, brace for impact!”

The pilots noticed two gigantic objects flying towards them on their screens.

In a short time, the Titan Gear had flown very close to Nolan’s starplane and was about to destroy the plane with the grip of its right hand, but something unexpected happened. Just before the Titan Gear was just a little bit away from gripping Nolan’s starplane, from the right, another gigantic creature the size of the Titan Gear flew and crashed this Titan Gear, causing these two gigantic creatures to be thrown and hit one of the other Lantern battlecarriers which was shaped like it was elongated backward with another massive body on the right and left sides of this battlecarrier which form the wings, with a thickness almost equal to the middle body of this battlecarrier, and the number 68 written on one part of the battlecarrier.

Somehow, this other unknown gigantic creature that had just arrived could move quickly in the void of space even without any visible propulsion machine on its body.

Nolan and the others looked relieved as if they had just escaped death and were all short of breath. Arlen’s expression was still shocked.

“I thought this was the end of my adventure through the universe.”

Nolan looked short of breath.

“I admit that almost killed us.”

The cloaked man thought.

“As long as I have the cloak of Grim Reaper plus the anti-relativity and life support devices that Nolan gave me, I might be able to withstand those gigantic creatures’ attack.”

The cloaked man appeared to have noticed something as he thought.

“Subconsciously, I immediately doubted whether I would survive even if I wore the Cloak of Grim Reaper...”

Nolan’s expression turned serious.

“We can’t leave those two gigantic creatures alone; immediately head for battlecarrier number 68.”

One of the pilots of this starplane replied.

“Understood, captain.”

Nolan’s starplane then flew carefully towards the battlecarrier number 68.