Chapter 6 : Culinary Catastrophe
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As the final round began, the tension in the arena was palpable. The crowd's anticipation reached its peak as the five remaining contestants prepared to showcase their culinary skills.

The host took center stage, introducing the remaining contestants:

-- Contestant no. 1 - Butcher || Class B || Rank 49 --

-- Contestant no.2 - Turtle man  || Class C || Rank 90 --

-- Contestant no.3 - Sea Gal || Class C || Rank 348 --

-- Contestant no.4 - Hiro || Food Cart Chef --

-- Contestant no.5 - Black Leg wanji || Former Pirate --

Then he introduced each judge with utmost respect:

-- Mr.Agoni || CEO and Founder of the hero association. --

-- Mr. Squadron || Chief of City Z's hero association --

-- Amai mask || Class A || Rank 1 

The crowd is cheering for Amai Mask...

-- and lastly Pig God || Class S || Rank 10 --

-- Contestants, you may now go to your positions and prepare your dish. You only have a time limit of 45 minutes to finish your dish. --

Hiro, with a sense of calm and determination, arranged his colorful ingredients with care and precision. He knew that this was not just a cooking competition; it was a chance to convey a message of unity and understanding through his dish. As he began cooking, the aromas of his ingredients filled the air, captivating the onlookers and the judges alike.

Sea Gal, known for her seafood expertise, demonstrated her skill in cutting a large tuna with impressive precision. The way she handled the fish displayed her years of experience, and the crowd watched in awe as she worked swiftly and gracefully.

Turtle Man, true to his name, showcased his expertise in capturing various seafood using his net. His collection of seafood showcased the diversity and abundance of the ocean's offerings. The judges admired his resourcefulness and knowledge of aquatic ingredients.

Butcher, with his imposing figure, commanded attention as he skillfully butchered a large piece of meat. His movements were powerful and efficient, and the way he handled the meat demonstrated his mastery in the culinary arts. The crowd could sense the intensity in his cooking, reflecting the same intensity he displayed in his hero work.

Meanwhile, Black Leg Wanji remained still, observing each contestant carefully. His reputation as a former pirate piqued the interest of both the audience and the judges. It was clear that he was sizing up his competition, waiting for the right moment to make his move.

The judges, Mr. Agoni, Mr. Squadron, Amai Mask, and Pig God, watched the contestants with keen eyes, evaluating not just their cooking skills but also the passion and creativity they infused into their dishes. Each judge brought their unique perspective to the competition, adding to the excitement and suspense.

As the time limit of 45 minutes drew near, the contestants rushed to put the final touches on their creations. Black Leg Wanji started to move; he walked towards other participants' positions, picking up used-up ingredients.

-- What a waste... --

The crowd and judges were surprised by his action. He ground the leftover fish from Sea Gal and Turtle Man, chopped up the excess vegetables from Hiro, and used the excess meat from Butcher. 

The unexpected actions of Black Leg Wanji surprised the crowd, judges and specially Hiro. Some were puzzled by his unorthodox approach, while others were intrigued by his resourcefulness. Wanji's moves were bold, as he integrated the leftover ingredients into his own creation, demonstrating his ability to improvise and adapt on the spot.

Hiro watched closely as Wanji started to cook with a swift and confident manner. Wanji worked his magic, skillfully combining the various components he had collected. The crowd watched in awe as he transformed the seemingly discarded ingredients into a beautifully presented dish. His culinary prowess was evident, and it left everyone wondering what kind of flavors he had managed to create.

As the time limit approached its end, each contender placed the final touches on their dishes.

As each judge tasted the dishes, they were transported into different worlds, experiencing vivid memories and emotions triggered by the power of the contestants' culinary creations.

Sea Gal's dish evoked a sense of luxury and indulgence, transporting the judges to a world of exquisite flavors and opulence. The tuna melted in each judge's mouth, showcasing her skill and mastery over seafood, leaving a lasting impression on the judges.

Next is Butcher's grilled meat with a special sauce. The taste and aroma brought the judges back to simpler times, where the warmth of home-cooked meals filled their hearts with comfort and nostalgia. Although Amai Mask showed an irritable face while Butcher was walking to present his gourmet and then refused to taste it.

Next dish is Turtle Man's seafood dish, which immersed the judges in an oceanic experience. The combination of various seafood delicacies made Mr. Agoni start to daydream, and his scenery turned into a wide open ocean. He could even smell the salt in the air and hear the waves from the sea.

Next dish is Hiro's special curry. As the judges tasted it, their scenery suddenly changed for the second time, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The aroma and taste transported the judges to a vast grass field, where they felt a sense of peace and freedom, reminiscent of carefree days from their childhood. Mr. Agoni's body suddenly changed, he becoming muscular which cause the destruction of his suit. 

Finally, Black Leg Wanji's dish made from leftovers demonstrated his ingenuity and resourcefulness. The aroma of his creation was so enticing that even Amai Mask, who initially refused to eat it, couldn't resist taking a taste. The dish invoked a surge of positive memories in Mr. Agoni, reminding him when he was a child, free from stress and responsibilities his scenery suddenly change blurry but he can see the shadow of his mother cooking his favorite meal. Then the crowd and contestants were surprised when Mr. Agoni's skin suddenly glowed and emitted golden light.

The judges' reactions to each dish were nothing short of extraordinary. The power of the contestants' cooking had transported them to different worlds, evoking memories and emotions they had long forgotten. Each dish had a unique essence that left a lasting impact on the judges, making the task of choosing a winner even more challenging.

The culinary clash had become more than just a competition; it had become an emotional journey for both the judges and the audience. The contestants had managed to create dishes that not only satisfied the taste buds but also touched the hearts and souls of those who tasted them.

The unexpected actions of Black Leg Wanji had added an element of surprise and intrigue to the competition. His resourcefulness in using leftover ingredients showcased his ability to think outside the box and turn what others might see as waste into something extraordinary. His dish had not only impressed the judges but had also triggered powerful memories in Mr. Agoni. 

Hiro's curry dish, with its ability to evoke a sense of peace and freedom, had won the hearts of the judges. The connection between food and memories had become apparent, as the judges were transported to a vast grass field, reminiscent of their carefree childhood days. Mr. Agoni's transformation during the tasting highlighted the profound impact of food on one's emotions and well-being.

Sea Gal's dish showcased her mastery over seafood, evoking feelings of luxury and indulgence. The judges were taken on a journey of opulence, where the taste of the tuna melted in their mouths, leaving a luxurious aftertaste.

Butcher's grilled meat dish had brought the judges back to the warmth of home-cooked meals and family gatherings. Despite Amai Mask's initial reluctance to taste it, the dish managed to stir up nostalgic emotions, reflecting the power of food to create a sense of belonging and comfort.

Turtle Man's seafood creation immersed the judges in an oceanic experience, with the sights and sounds of the sea surrounding them. The ocean's bounty came alive on their palates, showcasing the diversity and richness of aquatic ingredients.

Finally, Mr. Agoni stepped forward, his body still emitting a golden glow from the emotions stirred by the dishes.

-- Ladies and gentlemen, heroes and food enthusiasts alike, the judges have reached a decision. The winner of this year's Culinary Clash is... --

The tension in the air was palpable, and the contestants held their breaths, awaiting the final verdict.

-- Black Leg Wanji! --

The arena erupted into cheers and applause. Black Leg Wanji's unorthodox approach and ability to create something extraordinary from seemingly discarded ingredients had won the hearts of the judges and the audience.

Hiro smiled warmly, Although a little bit disappointed, a strong sense of pride and fulfillment despite not winning the competition. He knew that the culinary clash had achieved its true purpose to showcase the power of food to connect people and evoke emotions. The bonds formed between the contestants and the judges through their dishes were a testament to the unifying force of food. 

He realize through wanji action that there was always room for growth and learning in the culinary world. Wanji's actions served as a valuable lesson, showing Hiro that the path of a chef was a never-ending journey of exploration and improvement.

With a renewed determination, Hiro saw the culinary clash not just as a competition but also as a stepping stone towards honing his craft. He knew that he still had much to learn, and he welcomed the challenges that lay ahead. Every experience, whether a triumph or a setback, would only serve to sharpen his skills and deepen his understanding of the culinary arts.

As Black Leg Wanji accepted the title of the Culinary Clash champion with a humble smile, a sudden disturbance startled everyone. A chopper descended from the sky, and a woman urgently approached Mr. Agoni, causing his golden light to disappear, returning him to his normal state. They quickly guided Mr. Agoni to the chopper, and a loud siren blared through the arena.


The crowd erupted into panic, rushing to find safety as chaos ensued. Hiro's heart raced as he looked up at the sky, only to witness a shiny object descending ominously towards them.

A Giant Meteor had appeared, posing an imminent threat of mass annihilation and the destruction of the entire city....