Chapter : 14.5 : The Sacred Warrior
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As time passed and civilization advanced, the once mighty clan of warriors residing in the outskirts of City-P slowly dwindled in numbers. Many members chose to embrace a more conventional way of life, leaving behind the ancient traditions and legendary abilities of their clan.

Among the few who remained true to the ancient ways was Washuwamido, the last surviving member of the once-thriving clan. He continued to carry the legacy of his ancestors, upholding the secrets and practices of their unique vitality-enhancing abilities.

The clan's vitality was said to be unparalleled, some even believed them to be immortal. They possessed the ability to grow stronger with each wound, and their strength knew no bounds as long as they remained conscious. One of their most remarkable skills was the power to control any monster that received damage from them. By channeling their inner vitality, they could heal the wounded creatures, turning them into loyal servants, bound by a sacred bond.

However, with the progression of time and the changing world, the ancient traditions gradually faded. The allure of a simpler and more conventional life proved stronger for most clan members, and they moved away from the secluded lifestyle, seeking to integrate into the ever-evolving society.

As the last of his kind, Washuwamido found himself grappling with the weight of the clan's legacy. The burden of preserving their traditions weighed heavily on him, but he embraced his duty with pride. Despite being the sole guardian of the clan's secrets, he never felt alone, for he knew that the spirits of his ancestors guided and watched over him.

Living on the outskirts of City-P, Washuwamido guarded the sacred knowledge and kept the ancient traditions alive. He trained diligently, mastering the unique skills and abilities of his ancestors, always mindful of the rich history he carried within him.

Though the world around him continued to change, the essence of the clan's vitality remained untouched. Washuwamido cherished the memories of his fellow warriors, who had left their mark on history through acts of bravery and compassion.

As he looked out into the horizon, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would there comes a time when the ancient ways of his clan would be needed once more? Washuwamido stood resolute, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead, knowing that the legacy of his clan would endure through him.