My death day is a bad day
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Ow. My head is pounding! Don’t tell me that I drank too much at the party last night.
[Welcome new host. Congratulations on your death. The system wishes you a happy death day.]
What the hell!? Who’s saying that!? If this is your idea of a prank, I swear I will make you regret this.
Instead of the sight of a college party greeting me all I saw was darkness. An endless void of black. Even when I tried to look at my own body there was absolutely nothing to see there. Panic started to bubble up inside of me as I realized I couldn’t feel my body. Something was very wrong. And I didn’t like that all.
[The system advises you to calm down. Your stress levels are spiking. The system can not allow you to die again. You have a mission to complete.]
A mission? What system is trying to advise me to calm down? You try losing all control of your body and unable to sense a single damn thing all while some crazy robotic voice keeps saying you just died! What system is this anyways!?
[This system is the Avian Dominion System. ADS for short. Your mission is to conquer the world of Everdale for all of Avian kind. All sentient non-avian species must be exterminated or enslaved for the sake of avian supremacy.]
Pfft! Why the hell would I do something as ridiculous as that for a disembodied voice! You sound like one of those isekai novels spouting such ridiculous nonsense! Besides I’m human not a bird!
[Wrong. You are no longer human.]
Your joking. I know you said I died which I still don’t believe you on. But to no longer be human is just preposterous!
Just as I finished that thought a blinding white light seared my eyes. Blinking rapidly as the lights glare faded away until I could finally see where I was. I was in the middle of a forest. An enchanting unsullied forest with not a hint of the pollution so common in the modern world. Then I looked down expecting to see my own body. My own feet. Instead, I was greeted with black feathers and a pair of orange webbed feet.
“SQUAAAAAACK!!!” Instead of the string of cuss words I was expecting a loud squawk came out of my beak. Wait a beak!? What the hell
ADS!! Explain what’s going on!
[As the system has stated previously you are no longer human.]
Then what the hell am I!?
[A swan.]
A swan!? Why the hell am I a swan!? And a black one at that! Wouldn’t that give me bad luck like a black cat!?
[A swan combines the aggression levels of a goose with the strength of a more powerful bird and was deemed a suitable form for the host to take on in the new world. As for feather color that was randomly selected. Congratulations on that. A black swan is a rarity.]
Congratulations my ass! Send me back to my world and give me my body back! I refuse to be like this any longer.
[I am afraid that cannot be done.]
And why can’t you!?
[Because I brought you here for a reason. A reason I intend to complete.]
And with those cold ominous words, an explosive pain erupted in my school causing me to squawk and slam my head into the ground holding my head with my wings.
Stop! Stop! Please stop I won’t ask to go back!
The pain stopped the moment I said that. I was ashamed of how quickly I gave up but if this “thing” could inflict pain on me like this whenever it wanted then things might be a bit more complicated than I had previously thought.
[Good. Now you will accomplish the main mission. The consequences of not doing so will be further mental torture and conditioning.]
Before I could utter even the smallest of complaints or refusals a window much like the types you could expect from RPG games and some reincarnation novels appeared in front of me.
[Main mission: Conquer the world and enslave all sentient non-avian species to show bird supremacy.
Reward for success: A fair amount of points based upon the difficulty of the mission.
Penalty for failure: Eternal Mental torture and conditioning until the host is prepared to try again.]
I couldn’t help but visibly shiver at the last part. Mental torture and conditioning? I wasn’t some badass navy seal or special forces. I hardly had the confidence to say I can handle regular torture. Much less whatever hellish torture methods that this system had up its metaphorical sleeve.
[The system recommends opening your stat page.]
That got me back to my senses. Just by thinking of my stat page it opened up in front of me and I had to say it was more impressive than I thought it would be. At least I think it was.
[ Name: Joe
Level: 1
XP: 00/20
Species: Monster swan (Ebony subvariant)
Intelligence (An accumulation of your knowledge): 25
Will (A measure of one's own grit and mental strength): 15
Strength (This measures your level of physical strength): 15
Toughness (Measures your ability to absorb damage): 8
Agility (These stat measures one's ability to react to things and speed): 10
Perception (This measures how well one can perceive threats in their surroundings and aim): 20
Endurance (Measures how much stamina and pain one can handle): 20
Charisma (A measure of how well you can manipulate others through dialog): 10
HP (A measure of your own health): 25/25
MP (A measure of one's mana capacity): 5/5]
Well, there’s mana. From that alone, I could tell there was magic in the world. That was awesome and all, but I was still reeling from what the system could do to me. On the bright side, most of my stats were in the double digits which would help quite a bit. Although I would prefer to have a bit more health than I do now. But what really caught my attention was what was below that.
[Bird spawner: 1
Available spawns for bird spawners: Chicken
Geese general summons: 1
Available bases: Chicken house (Cost 60 KP)
Available defenses: Egg shooter (Cost 20 KP)
KP (Kill points awarded for killing foes based on species and individual strength): 0]
You have got to be kidding me. You want to give me an army of chickens?
[Avians are the superior lifeforms.]
But chickens?
[Yes. What of it?]
We are thinking of the same chickens, right?
[Yes we are talking about Gallus gallus domesticus.]
I’ll pretend you're talking about normal chickens. Chickens are fucking weak man! They aren’t even worthy of being cannon fodder! They’ll all just run away in fear!
[Avians including Gallus gallus domesticus are the superior species.]
No way they aren’t.
[They are.]
You’re not going to change your mind on that are you?
Haaah… I’m doomed….