#2: Shopping
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To all those that made it through to here, thank you. To all those that will read this chapter and will quit. Give me your reasons in your comments. I double dare you, nay. I triple dare you.

A hill of blue tinted grass scarred as tens of cars left marks on its surface. Parts of it had caught fire and a big part had been destroyed by a now detained lizard woman, with scales on her forehead, arms, and legs, and around her waist, with bat like wings spread out from her back, and a head of black feathers instead of hair that ran long, down to her back. She was tired, and crying, and the cars around her had been turned to metal slugs, the humans once inside them just charred pieces of bone and disintegrated fat.

We moved down the hill at a hurried pace, it spoke that we did not want to be disturbed, though I already was. Whether it be the blood, the groans of my fellow humans, or utter disinterest of those around us, it rubbed me the wrong way.

"Stick close now, Andras." I was like gum to Felric’s shoe. I walked amongst his many lascivious Guai, and those of his other party members, some stared at me, others didn’t. I bumped into a tall woman, three meters tall, with hefty assets both up top and below, and I smiled meekly at her piercing glare. She had talons instead of legs, and teeth that could turn my flesh into jelly at a moments notice.

Down the hill, on a bare plot of land, Airships and balloons came and went in an airfield of sorts. There were no engines about, and nary a propeller, yet they still moved. I could pinpoint the two magic users, Guai with wings or with clouds where their legs should be, who put wing to the sails.

A large blimp had just landed, a team of men dressed in tight black garb, hoods over their heads, a mask over their mouths and nose, their hair done in a single braid rolled over their shoulder. They march in organized file, they held swords at their waists and their eyes spoke of business.

"Yikes. Hope nothing goes down with the Trainers.” Gory said with a wince, as the black garbed men walked past us.

“That's our ride, get on." Felric paid for my tickets as well, on the spot. Ten coins with many crowns etched into them, fell in the ship hand’s waiting palms and he hid them as if afraid we’d steal them. We strode up the plank of wood without any rails, tens of meters to the top deck and after waiting for a bit, to see if any others changed their minds about this trip, which some did, and we took off.

On the deck, the rampaging Lizard had been brought, and it took to flight when we reached a high altitude, the inner side of her wings shone like rubies and the outside like gold. Her Feathers hair ruffled in the wind, and her melancholy brought my own mood down.

“Her owner died. He was a well known Trainer in the Confederation. He had just Overcome the Challenger Tier, he’d become an S Rank Trainer. She was part of his Main team of Guai. The one who was meant to help him Create his City.” Gyro noticed my curiosity, and failing mood and struck up conversation.

“Create his City?” He had my undivided attention now.

“In Lands with Mana too chaotic, where Aether diffusion into the environment is little as there are few humans. It is too difficult for humans to live. But it is also very beneficial for humans if they can tame that chaos. S Ranked Trainers, are those at the peak of Strength, with their Guai they go to Chaotic lands, badlands, and turn them around, they create Cities, Frontiers we often call them, and become lords. On Vinish, and Syrac, the Two ancient continents, most land is occupied. But there are New frontiers everywhere.”

It felt like fireworks were going off in my stomach. Pop! Crackle~ Pop! Pop! Crackle~, it went.

‘Not only do I get to become a Trainer for free, but there is a clear set path that will allow someone to create a city from scratch. Gone are the days of button pushing, boot licking, presentation making, just to hope to find a person that shares my vision. I don’t need that. All I need is to be a good trainer.‘

‘That’s… He must have been very strong then. Felric seems strong, his Guai do as well, yet he was trying to promote to B Rank. That’s two ranks away.”

“And what a Gap it is. Felric is special, his rise has been meteoric. He’s known as the [Wind Harness] Felric. His ability to breed and grow, to produce evolutions, Guai of the Wind Aspect is so great his pockets now run deep. I’ve helped him out in a few of his quests now. I am a Support focused Trainer, Mental and Life Type Guai are my specialties. But I’ve barely done anything.” Real admiration could be seen in Gory’s eyes, The young man, younger than me, was being honest. Maybe to Felric’s displeasure, for he came up and shot him a glare that would frighten even battle hardened veterans.

“Back at it again, Gory?”

“I’ve done nothing but speak the truth Felric, you’re a great trainer.” Gory defended himself.

“After this failure, I don’t know if that’s the case anymore. You made the [Title] I’ve earned possible, and now you might see it disappear.”
“She’s just a single failure Felric, don’t mind, don’t mind~.” Gory pointed to the Tan Three meter tall Guai. She stood up, suddenly brought into the conversation. She looked more uncomfortable than I did, with good reason too.

“Despite it all, her Attributes are great, she listens well, she is loyal, and works very well in combination with other Guai. She is also capable of tanking and healing a lot of damage, worst case scenario, she’ll be useful both as city transport, and as a meat-shield for some rich newbie. Hey, maybe You’ll buy her?” He turned to me and I felt as if an anvil dropped onto my gut. The whole party of a few dozen stared to me.

I did not know what to say. They way they spoke of her, they way she looked at me, it was the same glare as before, yet it seemed, desperate.
Felric saved me by shaking his big, and officially gorgeous head. “I can’t do that. Even if I wanted to. She was special, both for me, and the Breeder I get my Guai from. I had to succeed, and yet I failed. People are in moments, not in lifetimes. A single moment of failure will scar one’s legend till the end of time.” Gory dropped the subject at a probably familiar conclusion. I watched in sadness as the Guai in question teared up and left the top deck. She clearly understood us, yet they spoke as if she wasn’t there, as if her emotions and thoughts meant nothing. Was this how Guai were treated normally? No one seemed to consider this abusive, as they didn’t speak out. Well, I did as well, but I kept my mouth shut. I had no protection, and until I did, Felric was my God.

The rest of the trip, how many hours it was, flew by me. I took in the scenery, changing at a moments notice. Once a field of jagged ice mountains, the next a plain of red grass and lava rivers, the next a forest of glowing trees, and the very next a plateau of moving rocks.
We spent a night on that Airship yet I did not sleep, Felric had not bought me a bed, and I did not raise a peep. He did what he wanted, and I took the chance to fully experience the scenery. That night. I, the Guai failure, and the one who lost its owner, ate dinner alone on the top deck, in silence.

The next day we crossed above an ocean of strange waters, black and white, and the two did not mix. Ying-Yang Lake, Gory called it. A Place where many great Guai could be found breeding, but also a dangerous place.

Eventually we reached our destination. A Tumultuous gathering of clouds rumbled around it, but at their very center a hole opened up, for the sun to shine upon the marvel of man. The City carved from a mountain of marble, with spires that reach above the height of the gray clouds around them, yet never on them.

We slowly took to the ground, on a spire, a stadium wide and tall unlike any skyscraper back on Earth, there were tens of petals splayed out, each one a pad for a vessel to land on. The intricacies of its marble face, with statues of man and animal alike, spoke to the richness of this city.

We disembarked and I stepped on the blocks of radiant stone. The sun was hot above us, and the wind was cold, we were kilometers from sea level, so we didn’t stay out long. We went into the tower proper. We took the elevator, operated by a group of women with muscles of steel, who pulled and turned, and held onto gears and ropes and levers. My eyes shone with wonder at every intricate detail, every luxurious decoration. Carpets to the walls, tinted glass artwork, paintings, and statues, with people everywhere, shopping, working, rushing.

"Here, you're gonna buy your first Guai. This Tower is owned by FairyCo, constructed by them as well, a hundred years ago. FairyCo are one of the four big Trainer related Companies in Vinish Continent.” We stepped off the elevator and onto the floor, each marble block was pumped with veins of gold, there were chandeliers of crystals which shone in a soft yellow light, and a server brought us crystal glasses of some refreshing beverage, free of charge.

"Thanks for this." I told Felric.

"No worries, You saved me a whole world of pain. Realm relations as broken as that, are not something I want or can deal with. You saved me a whole lot of trouble by asking to come with." Felric laughed it off, as if he had not just confirmed he had planned on dealing with me, in some way or another.

Two maids with skirts as short as the bottom of their booty cheeks, who both stood at four meters tall with legs like mattresses, if mattresses were hot and easily sexualized, opened up the double doors leading to the Guai store, doors with a hue of pink on the marble, and Gold laced into and artwork of a hundred different unique Guai. I looked up at that their panties under the frilled skirts as we walked past, it was glorious. "It is glorious isn't it? I never get bored of it." Felric said with a knowing smile.

"Are they Guai as well?"

"No, they're human, humans come in all shapes and sizes you'll find. Don't they in your world?"

"No, they all look like us five.”

"That's probably because your bloodline is completely human. In this world, thousands of years have passed since a pure blooded human was found.” He shrugged.

“Anyway, we're here, take it all in. You have all the time in the world to choose." He spread his arms and I truly took in the view. The room was tall with many floors, there were hundreds of archways, tens of them on each floor, some larger, yet mostly uniform, each with a glass pane to separate the Guai from the soon to be Trainer, that is how it seemed at least.

I walked up to one, inside was a simple room with a bed, chair, and desk, with a table for that chair. The Guai in there was hairy, and short with her legs doings the splits, she had a long face, and light skin, with hair of deep green curls like seaweed. She looked young, and her hair, wild as it was, brought out a cuteness I did not expect. Her skin tone was cream and the two colors worked well together, she quickly formed a blush on her cheeks as I stared. She had no breasts, but a juicy bottom which my eyes were drawn to. She pushed her head back over the table and placed her hands below it. She picked herself up with her abs alone and flashed me her ass. It was glorious. She stayed in that handstand and begun shaking her ass.

"Hey, do you speak?" She shook her head.

"But you understand me. right?" She nodded her head. That was interesting.

"There are all kinds of Guai.” Felric was left alone with me now, the others, and his Guai, having gone somewhere. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he spoke, a smile on his bearded face. “There are those that do not understand human speech, those that don’t want to speak, and those that just haven’t gotten around to unlocking that capability within them, upon advancing a Tier. Some Trainers like me prefer to have non-speaking Guai, because even a single Tier’s rewards wasted on making them speak is too much of an inefficiency to bear. I like to be efficient, you know.” He rubbed my shoulder as he spoke.

If I had goosebumps before, now I had police sirens firing off in my head. ‘How had I not noticed this before? He even joked about the panties.’

"So there are Guai that can speak. Do they have them here?”

"Of course they do. Though they are harder to deal with, especially for a new trainer, heck even I am not confident. Are you sure you want to see them? Are you so uninterested in Guai that can't speak?”

"If you don't mind the cost, then I'd at least like to check them out."

As we walked around and around each floor to take the next flight of stairs, the shop forcing us to look at everything they had to offer much like a Swedish furniture and home appliances brand back on earth, begun braking out in particularly perverted behavior.

From flashing assets up top, to those down under, to miming every sexual act possible, and even pleasing themselves, shoving things where those things don't belong. Felric put some distance between us now, maybe he’d noticed how uncomfortable I felt. But at that point came the pitch, and I realized I’d misinterpreted this whole charade.

"As you can see, untrained Guai, are difficult to deal with, and very much so sex oriented. They are after all not human, and they don’t have the same control over their needs and wants that we do.” I looked at Felric and I felt him gloating, I had the sense to ignore what he’d just said as false. This was a happy coincidence, and he took his chance.

As we stepped onto the top floor, on which only Speaking Guai were being held, he grabbed my hand. “Listen. It’s about that Guai, Gory and I talked over yesterday.”

‘Here it comes.’