Chapter 78 – Ice Lion Nest
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The team continued to walk for several hours in this unlimited snow plain, being always on their guard. Since their entry into this secret realm, they had been constantly harassed by crystal beasts who attacked them alone or in groups, only to be quickly eliminated by them.

As they continued their travel across the snowy plain, they spotted a structure made of ice plunder like the one they had seen at the entrance of the secret realm.

"We've finally arrived," sighed a member of the team.

Getting closer to the structure, Kieran could see that it was actually the entrance to a cave that descended deep into the ground with scratch marks adorning the walls.

Following the rest of the team, he went inside with them. The temperature, which was already low, dropped several degrees again.

"Is this the Ice Lion nest?" Kieran asked.

"Yes. They are the dominant beasts in this secret realm. The ice structures form a natural nest that attracts the surrounding ice element. There is no better place for them in this plain," replied Alexei.

As they descended, the sound of a beast's roar could be heard as the walls of the cave gave way to an opening, allowing them to see what lay at the bottom of the cave.

Thirty lions and lionesses with white fur and blue streaks measuring a little over two meters occupy the cave, most of them lounging on the ground while others were fighting each other.

In an area at the end of the cave, a lion twice the size of the others walked slowly. Its powerful muscles could be seen moving at each step it took. A golden mane adorned its neck, differentiating it from all the other lions that occupied this cave. A small cloud made of ice mist moved around its legs.

Its whole body emitted an aura of majesty as its gaze rested on the other lions as if it were the king there. Behind it was a wall of transparent ice that protected an immaculate white lotus that expelled an icy aura. The lion stood in front of it like a guardian.

"Is that the Silver rank beast?"

"Yes, this is an Ice Lion of the Silver rank. The Ice Cloud Lion."

"Well, how do we do it?"

"Are we trying to attract the Ice Lions first?"

As the team tried to devise a plan, Kieran extended his crystal sense until he could sense the Ice Cloud Lion's strength.

'I'm having trouble estimating its strength exactly, but the amount of its crystal essence should be close to 2500...'

The Ice Cloud Lion's gaze suddenly turned towards them.


A mighty roar shook the entire cave. Each Ice Lion turned their head in their direction.

"Damn, we're spotted!"

"Go back. They can't all come at once with the cave's width," Alexei said in a calm voice before continuing to back away.

"Position yourself in formation. Gaheris, Vagan, and Caitlyn, you will position yourself in front to intercept the ice lions. Kieran, Anna, Theo, and I will be in the middle, our abilities can be used at a distance, and we can also move between the front and the back of the formation if there is an unexpected event. While Holden, Amber, and Danaë will stay behind to assist us."

Quickly everyone got into position. Three people stood in front of the group, including Caitlyn. The other two were two men who were taller than Kieran by a head.

A mist formed in Caitlyn's hands, forming her ice sword again. The body of the one called Gaheris transformed, taking on the appearance of a white bear with claws made of ice.

The other men, Vagan, circulated his crystal essence through his body, and a layer of ice formed on him, taking the form of a thick armor.

Kieran positioned himself behind them with the other three. Alexei and Anna started creating water daggers and ice spears around them while Theo conjured up a fragment of ice in front of him, which transformed into an ice gun.

Kieran eyes fell on Holden, who was at the back of the formation. Joining his two hands together, an illusory woman appeared floating behind Holden, her body seemed to be sculpted in the purest ice.

"Yukionna's Blessing!"

A blue aura spread from Holden's body, surrounding the entire team.

Kieran didn't seem to have felt any change when that blue aura passed through him, but when his gaze fell on the vanguard again, the bear's size had increased by a third, and his claws had become longer and more protruding. The ice sword in Caitlyn's hands exuded a cold aura, and the armor around Vagan seemed thicker.

Glancing next to him, he saw that the ice spears and the ice gun had also become more powerful than before.

'What is this?! All their abilities were enhanced?' he thought for an instant as a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Impressed? Although he has a bad temper, his ability buffs or reduces any ice abilities within a 40 meters range of him by 20% at his will," said Alexei.

"I understand why Amber said he was recognized by your whole guild."

The ground began to shake violently as the Ice Lions approached.

It only took them a moment to catch up with the group. Three Ice Lions who were leading the pack rushed at them roaring, arm-sized ice crystals formed under their roar, which shot through the air, crashing down on the group but as soon as they reached the blue aura, the ice crystals shrank before being intercepted by the three in the vanguard.

Raising her ice sword in front of her, Caitlyn sent an oblique strike that made contact with the claws of an Ice Lion, which was broken under the power of her attack.

Stepping back to the side, she raised her sword diagonally, inflicting a long wound on the Ice Lion's shoulder, letting its blue blood drip onto the ground.

A bullet made of ice passed by Caitlyn's side, sinking into the head of the Ice Lion she had just injured.

The Ice Lion's lifeless body fell to the ground and Caitlyn stepped back to resume her position, raising her sword, ready to welcome the next Ice Lion.

On the other side, Gaheris and Vagan had quickly put an end to the first Ice Lions, who had charged at them with the assistance of Alexei and Anna.

Kieran watched the whole scene without making a move.

It was the first time he participated in a group fight with so many members, and he didn't know how to adjust with the others to not be a burden or hinder their movement.

"What the hell are you doing?! Stop standing there doing nothing and help them!" Holden shouted at Kieran from the back.

"Okay," replied Kieran.

He took a step before rushing forward, his body quickly transforming into a lycan, and Shard of a Broken World appeared in his hand.
Leaning on the cold ground, he leaped into the air. He created several earthen platforms in front of him, creating a path on which he could move freely.

His body moved quickly, and he arrived in the middle of the pack of Ice Lions, several meters ahead of Caitlyn and the other two in the front line.

"What the hell are you doing? Go back behind. It's dangerous!" Caitlyn shouted.

"You don't know what you want. One told me to stop standing around while the other told me to go back," Kieran replied, scratching the back of his head.

While he was talking, three Ice Lions jumped on him. He only glanced in their direction before waving Shard of a Broken World in his hands.

A neat line was drawn in the air in front of him, and the body of the three Ice Lions was split in two. At the same time, his left hand moved rapidly, leaving only a black blur behind it as three soul crystals silently entered his aurora collar.



"I'm really not made for teamwork..." Kieran whispered.

Behind him, the face of each member except for Alexei and Anna was tinged with shock, but they quickly regained their composure when they saw several Ice Lions circling Kieran in fear, lunging at them.

Tightening his grip on Shard of a Broken World, Kieran rushed forward again.

"Fire blades"

Three blades of fire erupted from behind him, incinerating an Ice Lion that tried to attack him from behind. He quickly picked up the soul crystal while continuing to advance in the pack of Ice Lions.

'I have to move fast to not leave a soul crystal behind. I wish I could stop this weird ability when I'm with other people...'

While this thought crossed his mind, he moved Shard of a Broken World in his hands, sliding his right hand along the hilt connected to the blade. He let go with his left hand before extending his entire right arm forward, making a thrusting motion as if he held a spear.

The skull of an Ice Lion running at him was pierced as if it were nothing.


An astonished look appeared on his face.

"It didn't leave a soul crystal?"

"Earth Pillar"

A pillar of earth came out of the ceiling of the cave, crushing two Ice Lions under its weight. He approached them, inspecting their bodies.

'Still no soul crystal. Is it possible?!'

Kieran's eyes began to sparkle. Accelerating his steps, he advanced into the pack of Ice Lions, continuing his slaughter.


Illustrations :


Holden :

Danaë :

Gaheris :

Theo :

Vagan :

Ice Cloud Lion :

Illustrations for Danaë, Holden, Gaheris, Vagan, Theo and The Ice Cloud Lion have been added to the Illustrations chapter and the discord server.