18 – Meeting with Julie Farkass
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[A/N: I am back, don't know if this will be a thing or not]

[Ailwin's POV]

Meditating within my assigned quarters on the floor, I took in deep breaths of the stale air of the vault. Floating around the room were multiple balls of Magelight and sitting on a makeshift armor stand, was a suit of a Nordic Carved Heavy Armor.

I had no reason to use such armor, as the Natural Spirit warned me that this world I found myself in had plenty of weapons that would make the armor essentially useless unless I enchanted it, not that I could even if I wanted to, as I did not have any soul gems or an Enchantment table to work with.

It was merely decoration, a reminder of home...of Nirn.

With a crack, the rusted door of my quarters slid open, revealing one of the many avatars of the Natural Spirit.

"Yes, Spirit?" I asked, curious as to what task my master had for me.

The Avatar waved its clawed hand from its crouched position, beckoning me to follow.

So, I did as it asked.

I got up from the ground and waved my hand, drawing the Magelights to follow us.

Following the Spirit's Avatar out of my Quarters, I followed as it led me to the surface, where it began to communicate with me by writing in the dirt.

"I want you to meet with the Kings, discuss a meet-up with the King, and only the King, convince Julie Farkass to help set the meeting, she will be able to convince him to trust us. Meet at the same meeting spot as last time. Will be waiting, but take as much time as needed, I will be working on the Caverns with the Myconoids. See you soon," With that, the Avatar walked back into the vault, leaving me standing outside, confused.

The question is...who, what, and where are these...Kings?


Passing through West Side, then Freeside, I soon came upon The Old Mormon Fort.

Walking through the courtyard, I soon saw a familiar face, "Arcade!" I shouted.

"Ah, Mr. Ailwin, what are you doing here? Is there something you need?" Arcade asked, looking up from some boxes he was checking with a clipboard in hand.

"Yes, actually, I need to speak with Miss Farkass, is she here today?" I asked, respectfully.

"Yes, she's just over in the lab, working on synthesizing the fungi you gave us into medicine."

"Wonderful. Thank you," I thanked him, walking to one of the corner towers of the fort the Followers turned into a lab.

Stepping inside, revealed Miss Julie Farkass and multiple 'Scientists' working on some form of this world's alchemy to turn the ingredients the Myconoids grew into some form of potions...or food in the shape of small white disks and long vials filled with some liquid.

I silently watched as they worked.

I was never much for Alchemy, and I only ever dabbled a little bit in Enchantment.

Though some of my colleagues became experts in the craft, Alchemy, I mean while I am but a mere Journeyman of Enchantment.

I silently observed the woman, who worked her alchemy and colleges, a smile adorning her face as she clearly felt joy in her work.

When she did notice me, her smile became even more dazzling.

She whispered something into her colleague's ear, and stepped away from her station, walking towards me.

"Greetings, Ailwin, we were not expecting to see you so early, what can I do for you?" Miss Farkass asked with an exhausted smile.

"Busy week?" I asked, curious.

"Of course, we've been nonstop synthesizing the fungi your...boss gave us to create medicine," She explained.

"Is medicine hard to come by here?" I asked, ignoring the look of confusion she sent my way.

"Of course, medicine is always in short supply yet high demand, for every pill we make, and every serum we synthesize, a life is saved."

"I see...well, I am glad that we will be ramping up production and supply soon," I informed her, watching the smile on her face become brighter.

"You are?! That's wonderful!"

"Yes, but, that's not why I am here," I told her, before asking, "Do you have somewhere we can speak in private?"

Beckoning me towards some stairs, she led me to what seemed to be a rather large bedroom.

"Alright, is it good news or bad?" She instantly asked once we stood in the room.

"Good, I think. My master wants to set up a meeting with a group of people called the...Kings?" I told her, not bothering to lie, as the Spirit was clear that she would be the best help I get in helping set up the meeting.

"The Kings? Why does he want to meet with them?" Miss Farkass asked.

"I don't know, to be honest, probably to bring them into the fold, who are the Kings?" I asked, curious.

"The Kings are a...tribe of sorts that protect Freesside and its people. They all respect some Pre-War figure called 'The King' and strive to be like him, from their voice, and clothes, to his actions and beliefs. They act as the sort of Order that Freeside desperately needs."

"I see, they sound like good yet strange people, I cannot wait to meet them," At my statement, Miss Farkass laughed.

"Sure, I can help you meet them, I assume that your  master wants to meet them in the same place as last time?" She asked, curious.

"Yes, will that be a problem?" I wondered.

"Somewhat, the King hardly ever leaves Freeside, and even then, he'd likely send Pacer to meet with your master instead as a precaution," She explained.

"Hmmm, that will not work, my Master specified that he wanted to meet with 'The King,'" I explained with a frown.

"Hmm...are you sure your master cannot come to meet the King himself? Or use you as his proxy?" Miss Farkass asked.

"He will not, it's too dangerous. He's weak, and he has no doubt that if he were to reveal himself too soon, he would be doomed. Doomed to be experimented on or destroyed, he will not risk it, not until he feels he will be able to defend himself from the dangers," I explained my Master's reasoning.

"I see, well, I'll see if I can convince him, if not, I am afraid you are out of luck, The King is quite an intelligent and cautious man, and he's not going to risk his life going to a meeting with an unknown party, not unless you plan on offering him something that will draw him in," She told me.

"Sigh...that will have to do, if you don't mind, can I get some directions to these...Kings?" I asked, as politely as I  could with a sigh.

"Let me get dressed and grab my gun, wait for me downstairs," She stated, pushing me out of the room.

While waiting outside, I was surprised to see her come out with one of the outfits that were common with the people in this world.

Wearing blue pants called 'Jeans,' a black T-shirt, and a leather jacket.

Holstered to her side, was one of the 'Guns' the Spirit warned me about and a knife.

"Quit your staring, the King's home is not far from here, just outside the strip," Julie told me, her hands in her pockets as she led me out of the fort.

Although I noticed some less-than-savory types eyeing us as we walked down the trash-covered road, I could tell that they did not seem to want to approach us when they focused on Miss Farkas.

When we reached the home of the Kings, I was baffled. I certainly wasn't expecting the...Kings to be what I thought to be some strangely dressed thugs that were everywhere in Freeside.

Not only that, but they all had these strange accents, clothes, and hair.

Now that I see them, I realize I should have recognized they were part of some group before.

I just thought they were a part of some criminal organization, like the Thieves Guild.

These...Kings warily watched us enter their base of operations, some rather large building with a colorful sign that read 'The Kings' with some instrument like a lute under the sign.

Walking into the building, we were met with a reception area, with a man leaning up against a nearby wall blocking a door.

"Let me talk from here," Miss Farkas warned me.