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Bliss sat down in his little cavern watching the crystal ball smiling. 


Everything was going exactly as he had planned; the group of ten adventures had now been cut down to about three. 


Between the chimps and pitcher plant in the forest Bliss had instilled so much fear into the party that not even him as a therapist would want to see them. 


His goal wasn’t to annihilate the party but just to leave them with enough fear for them to talk about this place without end. 


Afterall he was pretty sure that if his dungeon was deemed too dangerous all the humans would gang up on it. 


He had to find just the right balance of reward and punishment. 


Eventually he figured it out, he literally threw them a bone. 


It was literally the bone of the previous Dungeon Boss Marvel. The only issue, where else would someone find a bone except in the den of dogs?


Bliss laughed at his own cynical way of thinking. 


The look of delight when they saw the pseudo dragon's bone beaming with magic, in the open was wonderful. But it was the realization that they had stumbled into the den of the wolves that made Bliss cackle.


He really shouldn’t be laughing but the way how the party members’ faces grew pale when they saw the wolves was unmatched. 


They tried to run but the wolves were simply too fast. In a short space of time the party of seven was eaten and now down to three. 


The moment the three escaped the dungeon Bliss was hit with another set of notifications. 


[7x humans have been slain + 2000 exp]

[Congratulations the Dungeon has been successfully defended. + 2000 exp]


[Skill - Skill Culprit has been activated +3 skills]


It would seem he still got some experience even if other creatures under him killed some people. 

 Bliss nodded and got back to what he was doing. 


“Oii put it over their”


Bliss pointed at another room next to the cavern and the goblins who were carrying a bed made of leaves and wolf’s fur stumbled together as they carried it in the next room. 


Bliss figured if he was stuck inside the dungeon the least he could do was make it as comfortable as possible. 


Not to mention he now had dominion over the dungeon. All the beasts inside were his to command unless they wanted to challenge him. 


He looked as the goblins fumbled around to put down the bed. Finding goblins who could make a bed wasn’t easy but with enough threats even they were relatively smart. 


The goblins came back kneeling in front of Bliss,


“Not too shabby, next I need you to make some night tables and chairs.”


The goblin looked at Bliss confused and Bliss massaged his temple… 


“I’ll draw you a picture later.”


They were very unintelligent to say the least. 


The goblin nodded and gave a downward expression while rubbing his tummy. 


Bliss clicked his tongue and took out some of the dragon meat from his spacial pocket and threw it at the goblin. 


The goblin’s eyes sparkled and they already started salivating, the rest of the goblin’s behind him jumped over and each took a piece grabbing it and tearing it apart. 


The piece Bliss had given him was pretty large so in the end they all got a good chunk of meat to satisfy themselves. 


“Now, how can I get some running water in this place? A hot bath would do me wonders.”


Bliss contemplated as he watched the goblins leaving. 




Only a day had passed since the guildmaster received the report of the new Dungeon Boss from the adventurer Linda. He had decided to take his decision to the local council first thing in the morning. 


But now that morning had come, things grew grim as another report came from the assistant. 


The guildmaster’s eyes bulged as he heard the report,


“Seven?! Are you sure seven of them died at once?!”


The assistant nodded in confirmation, 


“And you’re sure it wasn’t at the hands of the dungeon boss directly?”


Once again the assistant nodded. 


“And you’re sure they said they saw not one but two dungeon leaders?”


Again the assistant nodded in agreement, getting a little annoyed at the repetition.


“What state are the survivors in? Can you get them so I may speak to them myself?”


“No sir,


They are very shaken up, they can hardly put together two sentences. It took us over two hours just to get this much from them.”


The assistant shook her head and explained. 


The headmaster who had just put on his coat readying to leave slumped back down into his chair feeling the pressure of his position weighing him down. 


It had to be noted that a dungeon with traps and leaders was on a different scale than a dungeon with only a Dungeon Boss. For the past couple decades the Marvel Dungeon only had Marvel.


This was one reason why the dungeon was so easy to farm and made it a hot spot for new adventures. Afterall, all they had to do was avoid Marvel and they were as good as rich.


But now, the dungeon leaders and traps changed everything. The average Dungeon Leader was normally a notch or two up in intelligence which meant that the overall coordination of the lesser creatures would have stark improvements. 


This made it several times harder to farm a dungeon. Adventurers would always have to watch their backs and rookie adventurers weren’t up for the task. 


The guildmaster gulped wondering what the council would do to him for making the situation get this out of hand. 


They may act like they care about the lives of the adventurers being lost but they just wanted someone to blame for the reduction in monies being earned. 


Moreover the more conniving ones probably just wanted him removed so they could instate their own puppet of a guildmaster for their own benefits.