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The army was still on the first few floors of the dungeon. Floor 1-10 were mostly trees and dense forests.

Bliss had rearranged the dungeon purposely in this manner to tire out any intruder before they made it to his favorite creatures and more importantly himself.

But now seeing an entire army taking on the challenge really made him second guess the effectiveness.

Bliss watched as the army packed up their tents and got into formation.

They all marched forward into the next patch of trees without fear.

Bliss wanted to stay and watch but he had other matters to attend to.

The army stepped into the next patch of treats at a steady pace. After yesterday's battle with the traps they encountered, they didn't have much faith in this patch of trees either.

The first thing they noticed was that the floor of the patch of trees looked like a giant leaf.

The leaf seemed to try and stick the soldier's feet to itself.

But the majority of the soldiers were strong enough to force their steps regardless of the adhesive nature of the leaf.

Commander Donald at the center of the army was intrigued by the leaf below their feet but he made the men march forward nonetheless.

The only issue was that the adhesive nature of the floor slowed down their march considerably.

After a half an hour of slowly trekking through the forest he could see that quite a few of the men were getting tired.

Commander Donald turned around and raised his sword to command them to rest but realized something was off.

"... Three… Six… nine.."

His entire back rank was missing.

"CASSANDRA! Cut down all of the trees behind us now!"

Immediately after he shouted Commander Donald jumped forward and glowed in a white hue.

He swung his sword and a burst of white light gushed forward in a crescent shape and as it traveled it cleaved down all the trees ahead in two.

"Desolate Slash!"

Meanwhile Cassandra in the back swung her sword and a burst of dark mana erupted and sliced all the trees in the rear down.


When the trees fell the horrifying screams and wriggling of pitcher plant monsters could be heard and seen all around.

The soldiers were now on guard but when they saw a few of the pitcher plants fall and spill out acid then the skeleton of soldiers they almost vomited in disgust.

"Kill them ALLL!"

Commander Donald was furious. How could he not realize that his men were being picked off one by one? It was like they had purposely only taken the soldiers from behind him. He felt like a father who had fathered a criminal right under his roof, utterly disappointed in himself.

The plant's wriggled and screamed, some even shot acid but the army was simply too big for the twenty or so giant pitcher plants.

One by one the soldiers sliced and sliced the pitcher plants into nothing. 

Hours had passed and the soldiers were on the verge of exhaustion by the time the soldiers made it to the end of the second forest.

But then they saw the doorway leading to the lower floors.

The problem was that around the doorway was a giant orange fungus with finger-like fimbriae membranes.

The commander took a closer look only to see the fungus constantly letting out tiny particles in the air.

"Cover your-"

Before the commander could finish his command three soldiers had already drawn their swords and ran it through the men next to them.

The three soldiers went on a mad rampage and at first the rest of the soldiers didn't understand, until they saw the same finger like membrane start to grown from off the mad soldier's body.

Without a choice the soldiers turned on their own and killed the mad soldiers. They tried to capture at least one of them to understand what was going on but then something even more terrifying happened.

The captures soldier exploded.

From his body blood and guts erupted everywhere but the same tiny particles also flew out from his body.

The particles clung to the closest soldiers and shortly after they went on a massacre as well.

Seeing what was happening before his eyes the commander was in total disbelief.

A plant that could control the body of men? This was unheard of in all of the kingdom. The concept of having your own troops turned into an army for the enemy was heaven shaking.

The commander even in all his experience was mortified at the sight of his own troops killing each other.

"Something like this should not exist in this world.."

Cassandra who was beside her commander covered her mouth in shock.

That was until the other bodies started to explode one after the other. Her expression changed from shock to disgust.

She tried her best but when she saw the guts and blood raining everywhere her breakfast quickly found itself on the dungeon's floor.

It took Commander Donald a while to understand but now he saw it clearly.

This thing at the door of the dungeon was a new dungeon leader. It might not be able to fight but it gave men a faith far worse than death.

Commander Donald realized why this dungeon floor was so hard to trod through. The Dungeon Boss was buying time for the poison of this plant to take effect.

"It killed them without them knowing and turned them into egg sacks for it's own reproduction!

Was this not just using my men's body for reproduction?

Wasn't this no lower than rape?"

The very thought and sight of what was taking place brought a rage from Donald's heart that he had never felt in over a decade.


Donald let out a scream that reverberated through the dungeon as his body glowed in a bright white light.

Even Bliss who was watching through the crystal felt chills running through his spine.

Bliss jumped back in fright when he saw a crack appear in his crystal ball.

Cold sweat over took him as he looked at the commander's cross expression.